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Re: On the adoption of transient.el

From: Gabriel
Subject: Re: On the adoption of transient.el
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2021 13:09:22 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
> Do you have any concrete examples where it could be used?

Well, there are many examples, the possibilities are endless, although I
don't think it's a silver bullet that should be used everywhere.

A concrete example is isearch, where a transient menu could be used to
toggle case fold, toggle regexp, toggle lax whitespace, run
query-replace etc.

Emacs has the wonderful vc.el that could leverage transient.el too.

A transient menu could be also used as an alternative to list the
bindings of a keymap, similar to the package 'which-key'. So instead of
typing '<prefix> C-h' when the user don't know a specific binding in
some keymap, a transient menu could present the bindings and dispatch
the request command.

If 'help-for-help' was not too large, perhaps it could also use a
transient menu. Or could split each section using transient prefixes.

In project.el, 'project-switch-project' could also use a transient menu
for its options rather than the current implementation with
'project-switch-commands'. When using 'C-u C-x p g', the user is asked
three questions, which could be replaced with a nice transient menu.

This is definitely not an exhaustive list. Some other area of Emacs that
may leverage transient.el are: Gnus, Dired, Ispell, GDB, Registers, Tab
Bar, Ediff.


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