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Re: Fixing post-self-insert-hook.

From: João Távora
Subject: Re: Fixing post-self-insert-hook.
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2021 22:45:19 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Alan Mackenzie <acm@muc.de> writes:

> Actually, it was just 111, not 293.  Sorry.

Are you familiar with the GitHub platform? It's averse to the FSF and
software freedom in some ways, but it also hosts much source code and
has a moderately useful search tool for code "in the wild".

Here's a pertinent search "self-insert-command":


It lists almost 83 thousand hits in emacs lisp, many in forks of Emacs,
and many more in user configurations or packages we don't know about.  I
found it curious that it doesn't take much page turning to find users
undoing problematic bindings in c-mode-base-map back to
self-insert-command.  I do this myself but seem to be joined by others.

I find also interesting how, given such pervasive usage of
self-insert-command and reasonable popularity of electric-pair-mode (8k
hits in the same search), the on-default of electric-indent-mode, etc,
our bug tracker isn't overflowing with bug reports about electric modes,
post-self-insert-hook or their "undefined behaviour" or "race condition"
(as you describe them).  The only ones I know about are about cc-mode.el

Best regards,

PS: If people know of electric-pair-mode related bugs for other major
modes (_not cc-mode_), please forward them to me for analysis.  Thanks
in advance.

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