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Re: ELPA: New package: nano-theme

From: Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)
Subject: Re: ELPA: New package: nano-theme
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:57:16 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.6; emacs 27.2

Many thanks for the review and the feedback.

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

"Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)" <nicolas.rougier@inria.fr> writes:

I see that a lot of faces inherit from nano-default, nano-strong, nano-faded, etc. Wouldn't it make more sense to inherit from built-in faces and then let default, bold, shadow, etc. inherit from these faces.

Having such names helps a lot when you assign faces. For example, when I define font-lock-comment-face, I want to make it faded and it feels more natural and explicit to inherit from nano-faded. Also, is there an associated computational cost when defining a new face?

Furthermore, I wonder why you define the commands nano-light and
nano-dark, instead of two themes, nano-light and nano-dark (along the same lines of what modus-themes currently does). You could also turn nano-setup into a custom theme, so that the user can easily enable and
disable it.

Maybe I need to read the documentation on what a theme can set. For example, I set the face for the minibuffer (0 & 1) and echo area (0 & 1) and I wasn't sure how to specify this in a theme. Same for underline to be set at descent line, etc.

A few more points:

- Should the font really be part of the face? I think it makes sense to recommend a few fonts, but it is unconventional to add it as part of a

I agree this might be unconventional but since you can specify a font family for each face, why not use it? And user can still choose its own font stack.

- When you are only using one branch of a if expression, prefer
  when. Instead of (if (not ...) ...), prefer unless.

Thanks, I'll do that.

- Lines 363ff. seem to be indented unconventionally. Maybe add a
.dir-locals.el to make sure everyone is using the same whitespace

Not sure what you mean by add a .dir-locals.el.
Can you give me a pointer to the documentation?

Also, as you depend on at least 27.1, you probably don't have to check if custom-theme-load-path is defined. The same applies to tooltip-mode, scroll-bar-mode and tool-bar-mode. What you are doing looks more like configuration code, where you want to make sure that a .emacs works on
older versions of Emacs.

Thansk, didn't know, I'll correct it.


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