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Re: Average-user-facing interface for tree-sitter

From: Yuan Fu
Subject: Re: Average-user-facing interface for tree-sitter
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 17:28:47 -0700

> On Oct 18, 2022, at 10:35 PM, Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no> wrote:
> Hi Yuan!
> Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> And remove treesit-remapped-major-mode-alist?
>>> That's I'd do, yes.
>>> It's much easier to add features later (if they prove to satisfy
>>> a common need) than to remove unused features.
>>> BTW, I see that `global-treesit-mode--turn-on` is currently a (non
>>> official) alias of `treesit-mode`, but I think it should only call
>>> `treesit-mode` in those buffers where there is some indication that the
>>> major mode provides some treesit-mode support (e.g., currently that
>>> could be if `major-mode-backend-function` is set).
>> I’m changing it to what you described in another email. (So 
>> major-mode-backend-function is goner). I can use treesit-font-lock-settings 
>> as the minimum criterion.
> It seems we've had some regressions _after_
> 851a8f65e9a6b00b51f6a41f4c8f2ec2a797862b, I presume with the major mode
> toggles, so font-locking has ceased to work properly.  One thing I see
> is that the "warn" isn't a symbol in the new toggle mechanism, so it
> errors out.  But even after that has been fixed it still doesn't work.
> Why would we want to init the whole js-mode if we already know that we
> don't want to use it?

Yes, sorry, I made some further changes to js-mode. Could you have a look and 
see if it makes sense?


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