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Re: Keep global-mode-string on its own "modeline"?

From: Akib Azmain Turja
Subject: Re: Keep global-mode-string on its own "modeline"?
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 11:47:29 +0600

Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

>> There is no good reason for `global-mode-string' to be displayed in
>> every single window's modeline separately, it takes a lot of space, and
>> it usually ends up not completely showing when the window is split more
>> than once.
> Indeed, we moved it to the end of the mode-line because it ended up
> hiding more important info :-)
> As to where to put it, it's kind of tricky since Emacs doesn't have much
> single place where to put such a thing.
> https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/minibuffer-line.html is an attempt to use
> the echo area for that.
> It has many shortcomings, IIRC, and would probably benefit from some
> love, but you might want to try it out, both to discover its limits and
> to see whether it hypothetically could be a good approach if we could
> fix some of its shortcomings.
>         Stefan

Yeah, minibuffer-line has indeed many shortcomings, so I ended up
writing up my own echo area status line package, Minibar[1], (I need a
status bar because I use EXWM and the external status bar don't suit for
me) and I moved many things from my mode line to that status bar, and
I'm pretty happy last six month with it.

[1]  https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-minibar (not in any archive)

Akib Azmain Turja

Find me on Mastodon at @akib@hostux.social, and on Codeberg (user

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