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Re: build failures in mingw64

From: Angelo Graziosi
Subject: Re: build failures in mingw64
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 00:48:03 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Paul,

> Il 09/07/2023 22:57 CEST Paul Eggert  ha scritto:
> On 2023-07-09 04:19, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> > This is a Gnulib bug, we've "inherited" it 2 months ago.
> Odd, that could happen if one ran 'configure' with an unusual argument, 
> e.g., './configure gt_cv_locale_fr=', but I don't see how it could 
> happen otherwise.
> The configure-time test for French locales is present only to work 
> around a Solaris 10 bug, and looking into that bug I don't see how it 
> could affect Emacs. So I installed the attached patches to bring Emacs 
> up to speed on recent Gnulib (I fixed Gnulib to handle the "unusual 
> argument" issue), and to remove the unnecessary-for-Emacs French locale 
> testing so this should work around whatever obscure issue Angelo ran 
> into. Please give it a try.

I do not use French, LANG is it_IT.UTF-8 and usually I configure with:

   ./configure --prefix="/${PREFIXNAME}" \
                --build=x86_64-w64-mingw32 \
                --without-native-compilation \
                --without-dbus \
                --without-pop \
                --with-modules \
                --enable-checking=no \
                CFLAGS=-O2 -static 

It seems that Emacs is building without that message..


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