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Re: Changes to make in elpa-packages file for nongnu elpa

From: No Wayman
Subject: Re: Changes to make in elpa-packages file for nongnu elpa
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2023 17:55:09 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.11.12; emacs 30.0.50

Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net> writes:

It is used specially for reproducing bugs in a clean environment, see it

(It might be interesting to provide something like this for
package.el, to test packages in a generic way.)

Yes, this would be interesting, it would be something like this:

Emacs -Q
M-x <A command that run a package alone, isolated from other
packages nuisances>

I've written various macros that do as much.

- straight.el's straight-bug-report macro

- Elpaca's elpaca-test macro


- yodel


All three are variations on the idea that it's useful to have a declarative form that can be shared to install packages in a clean environment, perform some testing, and report the results. Test environments can be run interactively or in batch mode.

 (elpaca helm
   (require 'helm)

Yodel was my attempt at providing something that could be package-manager agnostic and can be made to easily reformat the output of the report. Evaluating the following test:

(yodel :packages* helm
      :formatter yodel-format-as-mailing-list-message
      (require 'helm)
      (message "good bye"))

Produces the following report:

Yodel[1] Report 2023-08-09 20:25:25

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
 :formatter yodel-format-as-mailing-list-message
 (require 'helm) (message "good bye"))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


INFO Scraping files for loaddefs... INFO Scraping files for loaddefs...done
  GEN      ../elpaca-autoloads.el
Cloning into '/tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca'...
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Checking /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-info.el...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-log.el...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-manager.el... Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-menu-elpa.el... Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-menu-melpa.el... Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-menu-org.el... Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-process.el... Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-test.el...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca-ui.el...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/elpaca.el...
Checking /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/doc...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/doc/early-init.el...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/doc/init.el...
Checking /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/extensions...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/extensions/elpaca-use-package.el...
Checking /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/images...
Checking /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/test...
Compiling /tmp/yodel-KSS7te/elpaca/repos/elpaca/test/elpaca-test.el...
Done (Total of 11 files compiled, 3 skipped in 4 directories)

Downloading MELPA recipes...
Downloading MELPA recipes...100%
Downloading NonGNU-devel ELPA...
Downloading GNU-devel ELPA...
Downloading NonGNU ELPA...
Downloading GNU ELPA...
good bye


- emacs version: GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.38, cairo version 1.17.8)
of 2023-08-09
- system type: gnu/linux


- async https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-async/commit/bb0509060ddc9c94bc7db7bddb12995acb3b53e4 - elpaca https://github.com/progfolio/elpaca/commit/48da538b084870ef2126ca607af521eeee890fa7 - helm https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/commit/a968b9bdd243f9d8d9d572656268421cb1ea8b39 - helm-core https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/commit/a968b9bdd243f9d8d9d572656268421cb1ea8b39 - popup https://github.com/auto-complete/popup-el/commit/707bb336c6eb25743f1516b6a2165b40659a9d02 - wfnames https://github.com/thierryvolpiatto/wfnames/commit/e4d60978921b8a52693aebae988717261c89ed38

[1] https://www.github.com/progfolio/yodel

I pitched the idea a couple years ago on a bug report. The following message gives more of the rationale for the package:


Eli and Lars didn't seem too impressed at the time, but it clearly inspired "erts-mode", which Lars implemented shortly after. That's a step in the right direction, but not enough. Having a declarative testing macro has saved me many hours in debugging and confirming elisp bugs across packages I maintain.

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