Hi John, all!
You can Bcc or Cc me and I can look up the web link for the message/thread so that I can include it in Emacs News. Bonus if you can include a one-line summary if it's not obvious from the subject line or the body. :) For example, Corwin recently Bcced me on the clang off tip, so I was able to include that.
Andrés Ramírez has been sending me links to emacs-devel threads of interest, which is much appreciated as y'all talk about so many interesting things that I can't keep up on my phone given my limited computer time (hence the top-posting on this email, sorry sorry sorry). I usually jump around in the threads to see what's up or which message is good to link to. Sometimes it's a little hard for me to summarize things in a line or two.
For emacs-devel, we've mostly been keeping an eye out for:
- help wanted
- braindumps on how parts of Emacs work or weird things people might need to know about different platforms
- progress on various parts (tree-sitter modes, etc.)
- proposals that could use a variety of perspectives, etc.
- the occasional glimpse of the vast breadth and depth in Emacs (supporting obsolete systems, odd edge cases, etc.)
- very busy or long threads
I tend to skip threads that are very specific or are quickly resolved, and I try to not embarrass people when they're having a hard time getting along in public.
Emacs News takes me about an hour to do all in all, which is mostly grouping/deduplicating and categorizing links, and skimming videos or captions when available. (I try to not link to lots of those lower-effort StackOverflow readalouds...) Could be something worth replicating on a weekly or monthly scale for someone more immersed in emacs-devel.
Writing new content (à la Linux Weekly News) is a massive effort. I would expect any attempt at such a product to peter out in short order.
A big, big +1 for Sacha's weekly Emacs News. I find it just the right level of detail. It directs one to Emacs mail threads, upcoming events and get togethers, blogs and Reddit posts, Youtube videos, etc. And, IIRC, she is even set up to accept contributions from others. Let's support her.