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Re: Clojure mode

From: Ryan Tate
Subject: Re: Clojure mode
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2023 02:07:13 -0400

> On Sep 10, 2023, at 1:14 AM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
>  Moreover, you revive this
> old thread with harsh and unkind words, reprimanding us for bringing
> up ideas(!) whose only intent is to make Emacs better.

It was an idea to steal the name of a project, explicitly and in the words of 
the creator of emacs expressway for the purpose of gaining popularity for your 
own version. You can’t bring up an idea — an idea to steal and trick — in 
public and then get mad when someone criticizes the idea. Well, I suppose you 
can actually, but I find it baffling to do so and then say people are mean for 
criticizing it. 

> Please in the future use kinder, more polite words when expressing
> opinions here, TIA.

Did anyone here consider the feelings of bbatsov or Clojure users when 
proposing to trick us into installing a gnu package instead of the original? 
Given the appalling orbat least _aggressive_ nature of what was proposed, 
you’re being a bit thin skinned. 

All that said, I am very grateful for emacs, and among the ways I have tried to 
show this is by contributing patches (well, one) and money to fsf. 🙏 thank you 
all for actions other than ones I wrote about 

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