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Re: Optionally use copy-tree for cl struct copier

From: Joseph Turner
Subject: Re: Optionally use copy-tree for cl struct copier
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2023 11:51:06 -0700

Joseph Turner <joseph@breatheoutbreathe.in> writes:

> Would you be open to adding an option to cl-defstruct that would alias
> the copier function to (lambda (obj) (copy-tree obj t)) instead of
> copy-sequence?
> If so, what kind of syntax would you want? Maybe something like
> (cl-defstruct (foo (:copier nil :recursive t)) a b c)

Perhaps instead making copier always recursive, we could instead set the
copier to a separate function which optionally recurses:

(cl-defun copy-foo (obj &key recursive)
  "Copy OBJ with `copy-sequence'. If RECURSIVE, use `copy-tree'."
  (if recursive
      (copy-tree obj t)
    (copy-sequence obj)))

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