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[elpa] master a13e681: new package el-search for searching elisp

From: Michael Heerdegen
Subject: [elpa] master a13e681: new package el-search for searching elisp
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 00:38:17 +0000

branch: master
commit a13e68149e32840b7b1392ea8407d950f7673ec3
Author: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>
Commit: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>

    new package el-search for searching elisp
 packages/el-search/el-search.el |  527 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 527 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/el-search/el-search.el b/packages/el-search/el-search.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8086f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/el-search/el-search.el
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+;; el-search.el --- Expression based incremental search for emacs-lisp-mode 
-*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+;; Author: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>
+;; Created: 29 Jul 2015
+;; Keywords: lisp
+;; Compatibility: Gnu Emacs 25
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25") (cl-lib "0"))
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The first version for trying!  Feedback and improvement suggestions
+;; welcome.
+;; Introduction
+;; ============
+;; The main user entry point is the command `el-search-pattern'.  It
+;; prompts for a `pcase' pattern and searches the current buffer for
+;; expressions that are matched by it when read.  Point is put at the
+;; beginning of the expression found (unlike isearch).
+;; It doesn't matter how the code is actually formatted.  Comments are
+;; ignored by the search, and strings are treated as objects, their
+;; contents are not being searched.
+;; Example 1: if you enter
+;;    97
+;; at the prompt, this will find any occurrence of the number 97 in
+;; the code, but not 977 or (+ 90 7) or "My string containing 97".
+;; But it will find anything `eq' to 97 after reading, e.g. #x61 or
+;; ?a.
+;; Example 2: If you enter the pattern
+;;   `(defvar ,_)
+;; you search for all defvar forms that don't specify an init value.
+;; The following will search for defvar forms with a docstring whose
+;; first line is longer than 70 characters:
+;;   `(defvar ,_ ,_
+;;      ,(and s (guard (< 70 (length (car (split-string s "\n")))))))
+;; Convenience
+;; ===========
+;; For expression input, the minibuffer prompts here uses
+;; `emacs-lisp-mode'.
+;; When reading a search pattern in the minibuffer, the input is
+;; automatically wrapped into `(and expr ,(read input)).  So, if you
+;; want to search a buffer for symbols that are defined in "cl-lib",
+;; you can use this pattern
+;;   (guard (and (symbolp expr)
+;;               (when-let ((file (symbol-file expr)))
+;;                 (string-match-p "cl-lib\\.elc?$" file))))
+;; without binding the variable `expr'.
+;; Replacing
+;; =========
+;; You can replace expressions with command `el-search-query-replace'.
+;; You are queried for a (pcase) pattern and a replacement expression.
+;; For each match of the pattern, the replacement expression is
+;; evaluated with the bindings created by the pcase matching in
+;; effect, and printed to produce the replacement string.
+;; Example: In some buffer you want to swap the two expressions at the
+;; places of the first two arguments in all calls of function `foo',
+;; so that e.g.
+;;   (foo 'a (* 2 (+ 3 4)) t)
+;; becomes
+;;   (foo (* 2 (+ 3 4)) 'a t).
+;; This will do it:
+;;    M-x el-search-query-replace RET
+;;    `(foo ,a ,b . ,rest) RET
+;;    `(foo ,b ,a . ,rest) RET
+;; Type y to replace a match and go to the next one, r to replace
+;; without moving, SPC to go to the next match and ! to replace all
+;; remaining matches automatically.  q quits.  n is like SPC, so that
+;; y and n work like in isearch (meaning "yes" and "no") if you are
+;; used to that.
+;; Suggested key bindings
+;; ======================
+;;    (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map [(control ?S)] #'el-search-pattern)
+;;    (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map [(control ?%)] #'el-search-query-replace)
+;;    (define-key isearch-mode-map [(control ?S)] 
+;;    (define-key isearch-mode-map [(control ?%)] 
+;; The bindings in `isearch-mode-map' let you conveniently switch to
+;; elisp searching from isearch.
+;; Bugs, Known Limitations
+;; - Replacing: in some cases the reader syntax of forms
+;; is changing due to reading+printing.  "Some" because we can treat
+;; that problem in most cases.
+;; - Similarly: Comments are normally preserved (where it makes
+;; sense).  But when replacing like `(foo ,a ,b) -> `(foo ,b ,a)
+;; in a content like
+;;   (foo
+;;     a
+;;     ;;a comment
+;;     b)
+;; the comment will be lost.
+;; TODO:
+;; - improve docstrings
+;; - Implement sessions; add multi-file support based on iterators.  A
+;; file list is read in (or the user can specify an iterator as a
+;; variable).  The state in the current buffer is just (buffer
+;; . marker).  Or should this be abstracted into an own lib?  Could be
+;; named "files-session" or so.
+;;; Code:
+;;; Requirements 
+  (require 'subr-x))
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'elisp-mode)
+(require 'thingatpt)
+;;; Configuration stuff
+(defgroup el-search nil
+  "Expression based search and replace for `emacs-lisp-mode'."
+  :group 'lisp)
+(defcustom el-search-this-expression-identifier 'expr
+  "Name of the identifier referring to the whole expression.
+The default value is `expr'.  You can use this variable in the
+search prompt to refer to value of the currently searched
+  :group 'el-search :type 'symbol)
+(defface el-search-match '((((background dark)) (:background "#0000A0"))
+                          (t                   (:background "DarkSlateGray1")))
+  "Face for highlighting the current match."
+  :group 'el-search)
+;;; Helpers
+(defun el-search--print (expr)
+  (let ((print-quoted t)
+        (print-length nil)
+        (print-level nil))
+    (prin1-to-string expr)))
+(defvar el-search-read-expression-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (set-keymap-parent map read-expression-map)
+    (define-key map [(control ?g)] #'abort-recursive-edit)
+    (define-key map [up]   nil)
+    (define-key map [down] nil)
+    (define-key map [(control meta backspace)] #'backward-kill-sexp)
+    map)
+  "Map for reading input with `el-search-read-expression'.")
+;; $$$$$FIXME: this should be in Emacs!  There is only a helper 
+(defun el-search-read-expression (prompt &optional initial-contents hist 
default read)
+  "Read expression for `my-eval-expression'."
+  (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
+      (lambda ()
+        (emacs-lisp-mode)
+        (use-local-map el-search-read-expression-map)
+        (setq font-lock-mode t)
+        (funcall font-lock-function 1)
+        (backward-sexp)
+        (indent-sexp)
+        (goto-char (point-max)))
+    (read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-contents 
el-search-read-expression-map read
+                          (or hist 'read-expression-history) default)))
+(defun el-search--read-pattern (prompt &optional default initial-contents read)
+  (el-search-read-expression
+   prompt initial-contents 'el-search-history
+   (or default (when-let ((this-sexp (sexp-at-point)))
+                 (concat "'" (el-search--print this-sexp))))
+   read))
+(defun el-search--goto-next-sexp ()
+  "Move point to the beginning of the next sexp.
+Don't move if already at beginning of a sexp."
+  (let ((not-done t) res)
+    (while not-done
+      (let ((stop-here nil) syntax-here)
+        (while (not stop-here)
+          (cond
+           ((eobp) (signal 'end-of-buffer nil))
+           ((looking-at (rx (and (* space) ";"))) (forward-line))
+           ((looking-at (rx (+ (or space "\n")))) (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+           ((progn (setq syntax-here (syntax-ppss))
+                   (or (nth 4 syntax-here) (nth 8 syntax-here)))
+            (if (nth 4 syntax-here) (forward-line) (search-forward "\"")))
+           ;; FIXME: can the rest be done more generically?
+           ((and (looking-at (rx (or (syntax symbol) (syntax word))))
+                 (not (looking-at "\\_<"))
+                 (not (looking-back ",@" 2)))
+            (forward-symbol 1))
+           ((or (and (looking-at "'") (looking-back "#" 1))
+                (and (looking-at "@") (looking-back "," 1)))
+            (forward-char))
+           (t (setq stop-here t)))))
+      (condition-case nil
+          (progn
+            (setq res (save-excursion (read (current-buffer))))
+            (setq not-done nil))
+        (error (forward-char))))
+    res))
+(defun el-search--match-p (pattern expression)
+  (funcall
+   `(lambda ()
+      (pcase ',expression
+        (,pattern t)
+        (_        nil)))))
+(defun el-search-expression-contains-match-p (pattern expression)
+  "Whether some subexp of EXPRESSION is matched by PATTERN."
+  (or (el-search--match-p pattern expression)
+      (and (consp expression)
+           (if (cdr (last expression))
+               ;; a dotted list
+               (or (el-search-expression-contains-match-p pattern (car 
+                   (el-search-expression-contains-match-p pattern (cdr 
+             (cl-some (lambda (subexpr) (el-search-expression-contains-match-p 
pattern subexpr))
+                      expression)))))
+(defun el-search--maybe-wrap-pattern (pattern)
+  (if (el-search-expression-contains-match-p 
`',el-search-this-expression-identifier pattern)
+      `(and ,el-search-this-expression-identifier ,pattern)
+    pattern))
+(defun el-search--search-pattern (pattern &optional noerror)
+  "Search elisp buffer with `pcase' PATTERN.
+Set point to the beginning of the occurrence found and return
+point.  Optional second argument, if non-nil, means if fail just
+return nil (no error)."
+  ;; For better performance we read complete top-level sexps and test
+  ;; for matches.  We enter top-level expressions in the buffer text
+  ;; only when the test was successful.
+  (let ((match-beg nil) (opoint (point)) current-expr)
+    (if (catch 'no-match
+          (while (not match-beg)
+            (condition-case nil
+                (setq current-expr (el-search--goto-next-sexp))
+              (end-of-buffer
+               (goto-char opoint)
+               (throw 'no-match t)))
+            (if (and (zerop (car (syntax-ppss)))
+                     (not (el-search-expression-contains-match-p pattern 
+                ;; nothing here; skip to next top level form
+                (let ((end-of-next-sexp (scan-sexps (point) 2)))
+                  (if (not end-of-next-sexp)
+                      (throw 'no-match t)
+                    (goto-char end-of-next-sexp)
+                    (backward-sexp)))
+              (if (el-search--match-p pattern current-expr)
+                (setq match-beg (point)
+                      opoint (point))
+                (forward-char)))))
+        (if noerror nil (signal 'end-of-buffer nil)))
+    match-beg))
+(defun el-search--do-subsexps (pos do-fun &optional ret-fun bound)
+  ;; bound -> nil means till end of buffer
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char pos)
+    (condition-case nil
+        (while (or (not bound) (< (point) bound))
+          (let* ((this-sexp-end (save-excursion (thing-at-point--end-of-sexp) 
+                 (this-sexp (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) 
+            (funcall do-fun this-sexp this-sexp-end))
+          (forward-char)
+          (el-search--goto-next-sexp))
+      (end-of-buffer))
+    (when ret-fun (funcall ret-fun))))
+(defun el-search--create-read-map (&optional pos)
+  (let ((mapping '()))
+    (el-search--do-subsexps
+     (or pos (point))
+     (lambda (sexp _) (push (cons (read sexp) sexp) mapping))
+     (lambda () (nreverse mapping))
+     (save-excursion (thing-at-point--end-of-sexp) (point)))))
+(defun el-search--repair-replacement-layout (printed mapping)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert printed)
+    (el-search--do-subsexps
+     (point-min)
+     (lambda (sexp sexp-end)
+       (when-let ((old (cdr (assoc (read sexp) mapping))))
+         (delete-region (point) sexp-end)
+         (when (string-match-p "\n" old)
+           (unless (looking-back "^[[:space:]]*" (line-beginning-position))
+             (insert "\n"))
+           (unless (looking-at "[[:space:]\)]*$")
+             (insert "\n")
+             (backward-char)))
+         (insert old)))
+     (lambda () (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))))
+;;; Highlighting
+(defvar-local el-search-hl-overlay nil)
+(defvar el-search-keep-hl nil)
+(defun el-search-hl-sexp ()
+  (let ((bounds (list (point) (scan-sexps (point) 1))))
+    (if (overlayp el-search-hl-overlay)
+        (apply #'move-overlay el-search-hl-overlay bounds)
+      (overlay-put (setq el-search-hl-overlay (apply #'make-overlay bounds))
+                   'face 'el-search-match)))
+  (add-hook 'post-command-hook (el-search-hl-post-command-fun 
(current-buffer)) t))
+(defun el-search-hl-remove ()
+  (when (overlayp el-search-hl-overlay)
+    (delete-overlay el-search-hl-overlay)))
+(defun el-search-hl-post-command-fun (buf)
+  (lambda ()
+    (when (buffer-live-p buf)
+      (unless (or el-search-keep-hl
+                  (eq this-command 'el-search-query-replace)
+                  (eq this-command 'el-search-pattern))
+        (with-current-buffer buf
+          (el-search-hl-remove)
+          (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'el-search-hl-post-command-fun 
+;;; Core functions
+(defvar el-search-history '()
+  "List of input strings.")
+(defvar el-search-success nil)
+(defvar el-search-current-pattern nil)
+(defun el-search-pattern (pattern)
+  "Do incremental elisp search forward."
+  (interactive (list (if (and (eq this-command last-command)
+                              el-search-success)
+                         el-search-current-pattern
+                       (let ((pattern (el-search--read-pattern "Find pcase 
pattern: " nil nil t)))
+                         ;; A very common mistake: input "foo" instead of 
+                         (when (and (symbolp pattern)
+                                    (not (eq pattern '_))
+                                    (or (not (boundp pattern))
+                                        (not (eq (symbol-value pattern) 
+                           (error "Please don't forget the quote when 
searching for a symbol"))
+                         (setq el-search-current-pattern 
(el-search--maybe-wrap-pattern pattern))))))
+  (setq el-search-success nil)
+  (let ((opoint (point)))
+    (when (eq this-command last-command)
+      (forward-char))
+    (when (condition-case nil
+              (el-search--search-pattern pattern)
+            (end-of-buffer (message "No match")
+                           (goto-char opoint)
+                           (el-search-hl-remove)
+                           (ding)
+                           nil))
+      (setq el-search-success t)
+      (el-search-hl-sexp)
+      (message "%s" (substitute-command-keys "Type \\[el-search-pattern] to 
+(defun el-search-search-and-replace-pattern (pattern replacement &optional 
+  (let ((replace-all nil) (nbr-replaced 0) (nbr-skipped 0) (done nil)
+        (el-search-keep-hl t) (opoint (point)))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (while (and (not done) (el-search--search-pattern pattern t))
+          (setq opoint (point))
+          (unless replace-all (el-search-hl-sexp))
+          (let* ((read-mapping (el-search--create-read-map))
+                 (region (list (point)  (scan-sexps (point) 1)))
+                 (substring (apply #'buffer-substring-no-properties region))
+                 (expr      (read substring))
+                 (replaced-this nil)
+                 (new-expr  (funcall `(lambda () (pcase ',expr (,pattern 
+                 (to-insert (el-search--repair-replacement-layout
+                             (el-search--print new-expr) (append mapping 
+                 (do-replace (lambda ()
+                               (atomic-change-group
+                                 (apply #'delete-region region)
+                                 (let ((inhibit-message t)
+                                       (opoint (point)))
+                                   (insert to-insert)
+                                   (indent-region opoint (point))
+                                   (goto-char opoint)
+                                   (el-search-hl-sexp)))
+                               (cl-incf nbr-replaced)
+                               (setq replaced-this t))))
+            (if replace-all
+                (funcall do-replace)
+              (while (not (pcase (if replaced-this
+                                     (read-char-choice "[SPC ! q]" '(?\ ?! ?q 
+                                   (read-char-choice
+                                    (concat "Replace this occurence"
+                                            (if (or (string-match-p "\n" 
+                                                    (< 40 (length to-insert)))
+                                                "" (format " with `%s'" 
+                                            "? [y SPC r ! q]" )
+                                    '(?y ?n ?r ?\ ?! ?q)))
+                            (?r (funcall do-replace)
+                                nil)
+                            (?y (funcall do-replace)
+                                t)
+                            ((or ?\ ?n)
+                             (unless replaced-this (cl-incf nbr-skipped))
+                             t)
+                            (?! (unless replaced-this
+                                  (funcall do-replace))
+                                (setq replace-all t)
+                                t)
+                            (?q (setq done t)
+                                t)))))
+            (unless (or done (eobp)) (forward-char 1)))))
+    (el-search-hl-remove)
+    (goto-char opoint)
+    (message "Replaced %d matches%s"
+             nbr-replaced
+             (if (zerop nbr-skipped)  ""
+               (format "   (%d skipped)" nbr-skipped)))))
+(defun el-search-query-replace-read-args (&optional initial-contents)
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (let* ((from (el-search--read-pattern "Replace from: " nil initial-contents))
+         (to   (el-search--read-pattern "Replace with result of evaluation of: 
" from)))
+    (list (el-search--maybe-wrap-pattern (read from)) (read to)
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (insert to)
+            (el-search--create-read-map 1)))))
+(defun el-search-query-replace (from to &optional mapping)
+  "Replace some occurrences of FROM pattern with evaluated TO."
+  (interactive (el-search-query-replace-read-args))
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (el-search-search-and-replace-pattern from to mapping))
+(defun el-search--take-over-from-dired ()
+  (let ((other-end isearch-other-end)
+        (input isearch-string))
+    (isearch-exit)
+    (when (and other-end (< other-end (point)))
+      (goto-char other-end))
+    input))
+(defun el-search-search-from-isearch ()
+  (interactive)
+  (el-search-pattern
+   (el-search--read-pattern
+    "Find pcase pattern: " nil (concat "'" (el-search--take-over-from-dired)) 
+  (setq this-command 'el-search-pattern))
+(defun el-search-replace-from-isearch ()
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((this-command 'el-search-query-replace))
+    (apply #'el-search-query-replace
+           (el-search-query-replace-read-args (concat "'" 
+(provide 'el-search)

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