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[elpa] master cb7f8ac 17/40: Merge pull request #1 from picarresursix/ma

From: Alexey Veretennikov
Subject: [elpa] master cb7f8ac 17/40: Merge pull request #1 from picarresursix/master
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 23:29:37 +0000

branch: master
commit cb7f8ac75f8895eb13563ef95564927955498b23
Merge: 5859be9 d279b6a
Author: Alexey Veretennikov <address@hidden>
Commit: Alexey Veretennikov <address@hidden>

    Merge pull request #1 from picarresursix/master
    Support for RET in loccur-mode
 README.md |  125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 loccur.el |  214 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 249 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3636994..a047bc1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,60 @@
-There is a minor mode for Emacs acting like occur but w/o creating a new 
window. It just hides all the text excepting lines containing matches. To use 
it, add the following to your .emacs file:
+Provides is a minor mode for Emacs acting like occur but without
+creating a new window. It just hides all the text except lines
+containing matches for a given regexp. The following functions are
+ + `loccur` Prompts for a regexp and hides all the lines not containing
+ matches. If the given regexp is empty, defaults to the current
+ selection and, if the selection is also empty, defaults to the word
+ at point.
+ + `loccur-previous-match` Repeats the last `loccur` search.
+ + `loccur-toggle-highlight` Disables or enables highlighting of the
+ matches.
+After `loccur` is ran, hit `RET` to move to the line where the cursor
+is and display everything again.
+The good thing about this mode is that you can navigate through the
+buffer easily. In particular, hopefully useful functions using
+`loccur` are suggested in Section
+[Quick Navigation](#quick-navigation).
+If you run `loccur` on regexp `[0-9]+` (finding any decimal number) on
+the following buffer,
+    Lorem ipsum dolor 100 sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
+    do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
+    enim ad minim veniam, quis 20090 nostrud exercitation ullamco
+    laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure
+    dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
+    fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat 3 cupidatat non
+    proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
+    laborum.
+we obtain
+    Lorem ipsum dolor 100 sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
+    enim ad minim veniam, quis 20090 nostrud exercitation ullamco
+    fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat 3 cupidatat non
+and, if we hit `RET` on the third line of this display, the first
+content is displayed again and the cursor is placed on the 6th line.
+Suggested settings
+You can add the following to your .emacs file:
 (require 'loccur)
@@ -10,4 +66,69 @@ There is a minor mode for Emacs acting like occur but w/o 
creating a new window.
 (define-key global-map [(control shift o)] 'loccur-previous-match)
-Now you can point the cursor to the word and press "Ctrl+o" to hide all lines 
except those containing this word. Moving cursor to the required line and 
pressing "Ctrl+o" again will shows all the text. The good thing about this mode 
is what you can navigate through the buffer easily. "Ctrl+Shift+o" will repeat 
last search. 
+Now you can point the cursor to the word and press `C-o` to hide all
+lines except those containing this word. Moving cursor to the required
+line and pressing `C-o` again or `RET` will shows all the text.
+`C-S-o` will repeat the last search.
+Quick navigation
+You can also use `loccur` to efficiently navigate in a buffer. For
+instance, the following function displays only the declaration of all
+the *Python* functions in the current file; making it very easy to
+jump to a particular function.
+(defun loccur/list-Python-functions()
+  "Displays only the lines corresponding to a function
+declaration in a Python file."
+  (loccur-no-highlight "^ *def "))
+In the same way, the following snippet provides a very useful function
+for whoever uses
+[beamer](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beamer_%28LaTeX%29): it lists
+all the frame titles to easily jump to a particular one.
+(defun loccur/list-beamer-frames()
+  "Displays only the lines corresponding to a frame title
+declaration in a beamer LaTeX file."
+  (loccur-no-highlight "\\frametitle"))
+When running this command, this buffer
+ \frametitle{First frame}
+ <insert fascinating content here>
+  \frametitle{Then let's talk about this}
+  <insert some stunning figure here>
+  \frametitle{Wrapping up}
+  <insert witty and challenging conclusion here>
+  \frametitle{First frame}
+  \frametitle{Then let's talk about this}
+  \frametitle{Wrapping up}
+and hitting `RET` will bring back the first buffer and place the
+cursor on the line wanted.
diff --git a/loccur.el b/loccur.el
index a9aec5a..ae3919f 100644
--- a/loccur.el
+++ b/loccur.el
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-;;; loccur.el --- Perform an occur-like folding in current buffer
+;;; loccur.el --- Performs an occur-like folding in current buffer.
-;; Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Alexey Veretennikov
+;; Copyright (C) 2009 Alexey Veretennikov
 ;; Author: Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>
 ;; Created: 2009-09-08
-;; Version: 1.1.3
+;; Version: 1.1.1
 ;; Keywords: matching
 ;; URL: https://github.com/fourier/loccur
-;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 23.x, GNU Emacs 24.x
+;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 22.x, GNU Emacs 23.x, GNU Emacs 24.x
 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -44,14 +44,11 @@
 ;;; Change Log:
-;; 2012-09-27 (1.1.3)
-;;    + Recenter on exit from loccur-mode
+;; 2013-03-31 (1.2)
+;;    + Added possibility to desactivate regex highlight, moved
+;;    function in different sections and added the RET keyboard
+;;    shortcut in loccur-mode (Leo Perrin).
-;; 2012-09-25 (1.1.2)
-;;    + Removed cl dependency
 ;; 2010-03-07 (1.1.1)
 ;;    + Default value is taken from prompt instead of an edit area
 ;;    (thanks to Nathaniel Flath)
@@ -68,17 +65,56 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
 (defconst loccur-overlay-property-name 'loccur-custom-buffer-grep)
-(or (assq 'loccur-mode minor-mode-alist)
-    (nconc minor-mode-alist
-           (list '(loccur-mode loccur-mode))))
+; !SECTION! Possible highlighting of the matching regex
+(defvar loccur-highlight-matching-regexp t
+  "If set to a non-nil value, the part of the line matching the
+regex is highlighted. Use loccur-toggle-highlight to modify its
+value interactively.")
-(defvar loccur-mode nil) ;; name of the minor mode
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'loccur-mode)
+(defun loccur-toggle-highlight()
+  "Toggles the highlighting of the part of the line matching the
+regex given in the loccur buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (if loccur-highlight-matching-regexp
+      (setq loccur-highlight-matching-regexp nil)
+    (setq loccur-highlight-matching-regexp t)))
+; !SECTION! Defining the minor-mode
+;; Custom Minor Mode
+(define-minor-mode loccur-mode
+  "Performs an occur-like folding in current buffer."
+  ;; The initial value - Set to 1 to enable by default
+  nil
+  ;; The indicator for the mode line.
+  " Loccur"
+  ;; The minor mode keymap
+  `(
+    (,(kbd "RET") . loccur-current)))
+(defun loccur-toggle-mode (regex)
+  (if (or loccur-mode
+          (null regex)
+          (zerop (length regex)))
+      (loccur-mode -1)
+    (loccur-mode 1))
+  (force-mode-line-update)
+  (loccur-remove-overlays)
+  (if loccur-mode
+      (loccur-1 regex)
+    (recenter)))
+; !SECTION! Utils
+; !SUBSECTION! History
 (defvar loccur-history nil
   "History of previously searched expressions for the prompt")
@@ -89,38 +125,75 @@
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'loccur-last-match)
+(defun loccur-previous-match ()
+  "Call `loccur' for the previously found word."
+  (interactive)
+  (loccur loccur-last-match))
+; !SUBSECTION! Functions dealing with overlays
 (defvar loccur-overlay-list nil
   "A list of currently active overlays.")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'loccur-overlay-list)
+(defun loccur-create-highlighted-overlays(buffer-matches)
+  (let ((overlays 
+         (map 'list #'(lambda (match)
+                        (make-overlay
+                         (nth 1 match)
+                         (nth 2 match)
+                         (current-buffer) t nil))
+              buffer-matches)))
+    ;; To possibly remove highlighting of the matching regexp
+    (if loccur-highlight-matching-regexp
+        (mapcar (lambda (ovl) 
+                  (overlay-put ovl loccur-overlay-property-name t)
+                  (overlay-put ovl 'face 'isearch))
+                overlays))))
-(defun loccur-mode (regex)
-  (setq        loccur-mode 
-        (if (or loccur-mode
-                (null regex)
-                (zerop (length regex)))
-            nil
-          " Loccur"))
-  (force-mode-line-update)
-  (loccur-remove-overlays)
-  (if loccur-mode
-      (loccur-1 regex)
-    (recenter)))
+(defun loccur-create-invisible-overlays (ovl-bounds)
+  (let ((overlays 
+         (map 'list #'(lambda (bnd)
+                        (make-overlay
+                         (car bnd)
+                         (cadr bnd)
+                         (current-buffer) t nil))
+              ovl-bounds)))
+    (mapcar (lambda (ovl) 
+              (overlay-put ovl loccur-overlay-property-name t)
+              (overlay-put ovl 'invisible t)
+              ;; force intangible property if invisible property
+              ;; does not automatically set it
+              (overlay-put ovl 'intangible t))
+            overlays)))
-(defun loccur-current ()
-  "Call `loccur' for the current word."
-  (interactive)
-  (loccur (current-word)))
+(defun loccur-remove-overlays ()
+  (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) loccur-overlay-property-name t)
+  (setq loccur-overlay-list nil))
-(defun loccur-previous-match ()
-  "Call `loccur' for the previously found word."
-  (interactive)
-  (loccur loccur-last-match))
+(defun loccur-create-overlay-bounds-btw-lines (buffer-matches)
+  (let ((prev-end (point-min))
+        (overlays (list)))
+    (when buffer-matches
+      (mapcar (lambda (line)
+                (let ((beginning (car line)))
+                  (unless ( = (- beginning prev-end) 1)
+                    (let ((ovl-start (if (= prev-end 1) 1 prev-end))
+                          (ovl-end  (1- beginning)))
+                      (push (list ovl-start ovl-end) overlays)))
+                  (setq prev-end (nth 3 line))))
+              buffer-matches)
+      (push (list (1+ prev-end) (point-max)) overlays)
+      (setq overlays (nreverse overlays)))))
+; !SECTION! Main functions, those actually performing the loccur
 (defun loccur (regex)
   "Perform a simple grep in current buffer for the regular
 expression REGEX
@@ -134,9 +207,16 @@ unhides lines again"
      (list (read-string (concat "Regexp<" (loccur-prompt)
                                 ">: ") "" 'loccur-history ))))
   (if (string-equal "" regex) (setq regex (loccur-prompt)))
-  (loccur-mode regex))
+  (loccur-toggle-mode regex)
+  (beginning-of-line)) ; Handier to be at the beginning of line
+(defun loccur-current ()
+  "Call `loccur' for the current word."
+  (interactive)
+  (loccur (current-word)))
 (defun loccur-prompt ()
   "Returns the default value of the prompt.
@@ -167,57 +247,6 @@ if its size is 1 line"
     (setq loccur-last-match regex)
-(defun loccur-create-highlighted-overlays(buffer-matches)
-  (let ((overlays 
-         (mapcar (lambda (match)
-                   (make-overlay
-                    (nth 1 match)
-                    (nth 2 match)
-                    (current-buffer) t nil))
-                 buffer-matches)))
-    (mapcar (lambda (ovl) 
-              (overlay-put ovl loccur-overlay-property-name t)
-              (overlay-put ovl 'face 'isearch))
-            overlays)))
-(defun loccur-create-invisible-overlays (ovl-bounds)
-  (let ((overlays 
-         (mapcar (lambda (bnd)
-                   (make-overlay
-                    (car bnd)
-                    (cadr bnd)
-                    (current-buffer) t nil))
-                 ovl-bounds)))
-    (mapcar (lambda (ovl) 
-              (overlay-put ovl loccur-overlay-property-name t)
-              (overlay-put ovl 'invisible t)
-              ;; force intangible property if invisible property
-              ;; does not automatically set it
-              (overlay-put ovl 'intangible t))
-            overlays)))
-(defun loccur-remove-overlays ()
-  (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) loccur-overlay-property-name t)
-  (setq loccur-overlay-list nil))
-(defun loccur-create-overlay-bounds-btw-lines (buffer-matches)
-  (let ((prev-end (point-min))
-        (overlays (list)))
-    (when buffer-matches
-      (mapcar (lambda (line)
-                (let ((beginning (car line)))
-                  (unless ( = (- beginning prev-end) 1)
-                    (let ((ovl-start (if (= prev-end 1) 1 prev-end))
-                          (ovl-end  (1- beginning)))
-                      (push (list ovl-start ovl-end) overlays)))
-                  (setq prev-end (nth 3 line))))
-              buffer-matches)
-      (push (list (1+ prev-end) (point-max)) overlays)
-      (setq overlays (nreverse overlays)))))
 (defun loccur-find-matches (regex)
   "Returns a list of 4-number tuples, specifying begnning of the line,
@@ -250,6 +279,15 @@ containing match"
         (forward-line 1))
       (setq lines (nreverse lines)))))
+(defun loccur-no-highlight(regex)
+  "Displays only the lines matching a given regex with no
+highlithing of any part of the lines."
+  (let (old-highlighting)
+    (setq old-highlighting loccur-highlight-matching-regexp)
+    (setq loccur-highlight-matching-regexp nil)
+    (loccur regex)
+    (setq loccur-highlight-matching-regexp old-highlighting)))
 (provide 'loccur)
 ;;; loccur.el ends here

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