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[elpa] master 6bc7135 4/4: Merge multishell 1.1.3

From: ken manheimer
Subject: [elpa] master 6bc7135 4/4: Merge multishell 1.1.3
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 2016 09:33:07 +0000

branch: master
commit 6bc713541191d94282cd418f196cfe6d38473f0e
Merge: 6298b25 6cbf082
Author: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>
Commit: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>

    Merge multishell 1.1.3
 packages/multishell/multishell-list.el |  165 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 packages/multishell/multishell.el      |   14 ++-
 2 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/multishell/multishell-list.el 
index b4ebe47..69299f2 100644
--- a/packages/multishell/multishell-list.el
+++ b/packages/multishell/multishell-list.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. and Ken Manheimer
 ;; Author: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>
-;; Version: 1.1.2
+;; Version: 1.1.3
 ;; Created: 2016 -- first public availability
 ;; Keywords: processes
 ;; URL: https://github.com/kenmanheimer/EmacsMultishell
@@ -12,36 +12,62 @@
 (require 'tabulated-list)
-(defun multishell-list-open-pop ()
-  "Pop to current entry's shell, and refresh the listing buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer)))
-    (multishell-pop-to-shell nil (tabulated-list-get-id))
+(defgroup multishell-list nil
+  "Show a menu of all shell buffers in a buffer."
+  :group 'multishell)
+(defface multishell-list-name
+  '((t (:weight bold)))
+  "Face for shell names in the Multishell List."
+  :group 'multishell-list)
+(defun multishell-list-open-pop (&optional arg)
+  "Pop to current entry's shell in separate window.
+The shell is started if it's not already going, unless this is
+invoked with optional `universal-argument'. In that case we
+pop to the buffer but don't change its run state."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer))
+        (entry (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+    (if arg
+        (pop-to-buffer
+         (multishell-bracket (multishell-name-from-entry entry)))
+      (multishell-pop-to-shell nil entry))
     (with-current-buffer list-buffer
-      (revert-buffer))))
+      (revert-buffer)
+      (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry entry))))
 (defun multishell-list-open-as-default ()
   "Pop to current entry's shell, and set as the default shell."
-  (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer)))
-    (message "%s <==" (multishell-name-from-entry (tabulated-list-get-id)))
-    (multishell-pop-to-shell '(16) (tabulated-list-get-id))
+  (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer))
+        (entry (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+    (message "%s <==" (multishell-name-from-entry entry))
+    (multishell-pop-to-shell '(16) entry)
     (with-current-buffer list-buffer
-      (revert-buffer))))
-(defun multishell-list-open-here ()
-  "Switch to current entry's shell buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer)))
-    (multishell-pop-to-shell nil (tabulated-list-get-id) 'here)
+      (revert-buffer)
+      (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry entry))))
+(defun multishell-list-open-here (&optional arg)
+  "Switch to current entry's shell buffer.
+The shell is started if it's not already going, unless this is
+invoked with optional `universal-argument'. In that case we
+switch to the buffer but don't activate (or deactivate) it it."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let* ((list-buffer (current-buffer))
+         (entry  (tabulated-list-get-id)))
+    (if arg
+        (switch-to-buffer
+         (multishell-bracket (multishell-name-from-entry entry)))
+      (multishell-pop-to-shell nil entry 'here))
     (with-current-buffer list-buffer
-      ;; In case they use switch-to-buffer or whatever to return.
-(defun multishell-list-delete ()
-  "Remove current shell entry, and prompt for buffer-removal if present.
-\(We depend on intrinsic confirmation prompts for active buffers,
-supplemented by our own when buffer is inactive.)"
-  (interactive)
+(defun multishell-list-delete (&optional arg)
+  "Remove current shell entry, and prompt for buffer-removal if present."
+  (interactive "P")
   (let* ((entry (tabulated-list-get-id))
          (name (multishell-name-from-entry entry))
          (name-bracketed (multishell-bracket name))
@@ -54,10 +80,16 @@ supplemented by our own when buffer is inactive.)"
            (kill-buffer name-bracketed)))
-(defun multishell-list-edit-entry ()
-  "Edit the value of current shell entry."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((where (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)))
+(defun multishell-list-edit-entry (&optional arg)
+  "Edit the value of current shell entry.
+Submitting the change will not launch the entry, unless this is
+invoked with optional `universal-argument'. In the latter case,
+submitting the entry will pop to the shell in a new window,
+starting it if it's not already going."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let* ((list-buffer (current-buffer))
          (entry (tabulated-list-get-id))
          (name (multishell-name-from-entry entry))
          (revised (multishell-read-unbracketed-entry
@@ -71,18 +103,20 @@ supplemented by our own when buffer is inactive.)"
       (when (and (not (string= name revised-name))
                  (setq buffer (get-buffer (multishell-bracket name))))
         (with-current-buffer buffer
-          (rename-buffer (multishell-bracket revised-name))))
+          (rename-buffer (multishell-bracket revised-name)))))
+    (when arg
+      (multishell-pop-to-shell nil revised-name))
+    (with-current-buffer list-buffer
-      (goto-char where))))
+      (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry revised))))
 (defun multishell-list-clone-entry (&optional arg)
-  "Create a new list entry based on editing the current one.
+  "Create a new list entry, edited from the current one, ready to launch.
-You will be left in the list at the entry, not yet launched.
+If you provide an optional `universal-argument', the new entry
+will be launched when it's created.
-Providing a universal argument will also open the new shell.
-The already existing current entry is left untouched."
+The already existing original entry is left untouched."
   (interactive "P")
   (let* ((prototype (tabulated-list-get-id))
          (name (multishell-name-from-entry prototype))
@@ -95,19 +129,18 @@ The already existing current entry is left untouched."
     (when (not (string= new prototype))
       (multishell-register-name-to-path new-name new-path)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (re-search-forward (format "^ . \\b%s\\b"
-                                 (regexp-quote new-name)))
-      (beginning-of-line))))
+      (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry new)
+      (when arg
+        (multishell-pop-to-shell nil new-name)))))
 (defun multishell-list-placeholder (value default)
   "Return VALUE if non-empty string, else DEFAULT."
   (if (or (not value) (string= value ""))
-(defconst multishell-list-active-buffer-flag "+")
-(defconst multishell-list-inactive-buffer-flag ".")
-(defconst multishell-list-absent-buffer-flag "x")
+(defconst multishell-list-active-flag "+")
+(defconst multishell-list-inactive-flag ".")
+(defconst multishell-list-absent-flag "x")
 (defun multishell-list-entries ()
   "Generate multishell name/path-spec entries list for tabulated-list."
@@ -120,10 +153,10 @@ The already existing current entry is left untouched."
                                      (multishell-bracket name))))
                        (status (cond ((not buffer)
-                                      multishell-list-absent-buffer-flag)
+                                      multishell-list-absent-flag)
                                      ((comint-check-proc buffer)
-                                      multishell-list-active-buffer-flag)
-                                     (t multishell-list-inactive-buffer-flag)))
+                                      multishell-list-active-flag)
+                                     (t multishell-list-inactive-flag)))
                        (rest (cadr splat))
                        (dir (or (file-remote-p rest 'localname)
@@ -135,18 +168,38 @@ The already existing current entry is left untouched."
                   (list entry
                         (vector (format "%d" recency)
-                                name
+                                (multishell-list--decorate-name name)
                                 (multishell-list-placeholder hops "-")
                                 (multishell-list-placeholder dir "~")))))
-(defun compare-strings-as-numbers (a b)
+(defun multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry (entry)
+  "Position at beginning of line of tabulated list item for ENTRY."
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (while (and (not (eobp))
+              (not (string= (tabulated-list-get-id) entry)))
+    (forward-line 1)))
+(defun multishell-collate-row-strings-as-numbers (a b)
   (let ((a (aref (cadr a) 0))
         (b (aref (cadr b) 0)))
     (> (string-to-number a) (string-to-number b))))
+(defun multishell-list--decorate-name (name)
+  (propertize name
+              'font-lock-face 'multishell-list-name
+              'mouse-face 'highlight))
+(defun multishell-list-mouse-select (event)
+  "Select the shell whose line is clicked."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (select-window (posn-window (event-end event)))
+  (let ((entry (tabulated-list-get-id (posn-point (event-end event)))))
+    (multishell-pop-to-shell nil entry 'here)))
 (defvar multishell-list-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (set-keymap-parent map tabulated-list-mode-map)
     (define-key map (kbd "c") 'multishell-list-clone-entry)
     (define-key map (kbd "d") 'multishell-list-delete)
     (define-key map (kbd "\C-k") 'multishell-list-delete)
@@ -156,14 +209,23 @@ The already existing current entry is left untouched."
     (define-key map (kbd " ") 'multishell-list-open-pop)
     (define-key map (kbd "O") 'multishell-list-open-as-default)
     (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'multishell-list-open-here)
+    (define-key map [mouse-2] 'multishell-list-mouse-select)
+    (define-key map [follow-link] 'mouse-face)
 (define-derived-mode multishell-list-mode
     tabulated-list-mode "Shells"
   "Major mode for listing current and historically registered shells.
+Initial sort is from most to least recently used:
+- First active shells, flagged with '+' a plus sign
+- Then, inactive shells, flagged with '.' a period
+- Then historical shells that currently have no buffer, flagged with 'x' an ex
   (setq tabulated-list-format
         [;; (name width sort '(:right-align nil :pad-right nil))
-         ("#" 0 compare-strings-as-numbers :pad-right 1)
+         ("#" 0 multishell-collate-row-strings-as-numbers :pad-right 1)
          ("! " 1 t :pad-right 1)
          ("Name" 15 t)
          ("Hops" 30 t)
@@ -182,10 +244,15 @@ You can get to this shell listing manager by
 recursively invoking \\[multishell-pop-to-shell] at either of the
 `multishell-pop-to-shell' universal argument prompts."
-  (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*Shells*")))
+  (let ((from-entry (car (multishell-history-entries
+                          (multishell-unbracket (buffer-name
+                                                 (current-buffer))))))
+        (buffer (get-buffer-create "*Shells*")))
     (pop-to-buffer buffer)
-    (tabulated-list-print)))
+    (tabulated-list-print)
+    (when from-entry
+      (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry from-entry))))
 (provide 'multishell-list)
 (require 'multishell)
diff --git a/packages/multishell/multishell.el 
index f746c57..8d19a05 100644
--- a/packages/multishell/multishell.el
+++ b/packages/multishell/multishell.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>
-;; Version: 1.1.2
+;; Version: 1.1.3
 ;; Created: 1999 -- first public availability
 ;; Keywords: processes
 ;; URL: https://github.com/kenmanheimer/EmacsMultishell
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@
 ;; Change Log:
+;; * 2016-02-09 1.1.3 Ken Manheimer:
+;;   multishell-list:
+;;   - add some handy operations, like cloning new entry from existing
+;;   - add optional behaviors to existing operations for returning to
+;;     stopped shells without restarting them.
+;;   - solidify maintaining focus on current entry
+;;   - fix miscellaneous.
 ;; * 2016-01-31 1.1.2 Ken Manheimer:
 ;;   - Settle puzzling instability of multishell-all-entries
 ;;     - The accumulations was putting items going from more to less active
@@ -155,7 +162,7 @@
 (require 'savehist)
 (require 'multishell-list)
-(defvar multishell-version "1.1.2")
+(defvar multishell-version "1.1.3")
 (defun multishell-version (&optional here)
   "Return string describing the loaded multishell version."
   (interactive "P")
@@ -677,7 +684,8 @@ and path nil if none is resolved."
     (when (and path (not is-active))
       (when (and (derived-mode-p 'shell-mode) (file-remote-p path))
-        ;; Returning to disconnected remote shell - tidy up:
+        ;; Returning to disconnected remote shell - do some tidying.
+        ;; (Prevents the "Args out of range" failure when reconnecting.)
          (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory 'noexpand)
          'keep-debug 'keep-password))

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