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[elpa] master b19288e 9/9: Merge commit 'f2458211bc25749f07e0d70addde7c7

From: ken manheimer
Subject: [elpa] master b19288e 9/9: Merge commit 'f2458211bc25749f07e0d70addde7c7745dcc79d'
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 09:24:36 +0000

branch: master
commit b19288e6ef625e22bf4dda36578eebe157662ad5
Merge: 1abce8e f245821
Author: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>
Commit: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>

    Merge commit 'f2458211bc25749f07e0d70addde7c7745dcc79d'
 packages/multishell/multishell-list.el |   97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 packages/multishell/multishell.el      |   57 ++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/multishell/multishell-list.el 
index 69299f2..f3895e2 100644
--- a/packages/multishell/multishell-list.el
+++ b/packages/multishell/multishell-list.el
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. and Ken Manheimer
 ;; Author: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>
-;; Version: 1.1.3
+;; Version: 1.1.4
 ;; Created: 2016 -- first public availability
 ;; Keywords: processes
 ;; URL: https://github.com/kenmanheimer/EmacsMultishell
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pop to the buffer but don't change its run state."
     (if arg
          (multishell-bracket (multishell-name-from-entry entry)))
-      (multishell-pop-to-shell nil entry))
+      (multishell-list-dispatch-selected entry t))
     (with-current-buffer list-buffer
       (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry entry))))
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pop to the buffer but don't change its run state."
   (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer))
         (entry (tabulated-list-get-id)))
     (message "%s <==" (multishell-name-from-entry entry))
-    (multishell-pop-to-shell '(16) entry)
+    (multishell-list-dispatch-selected entry t t)
     (with-current-buffer list-buffer
       (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry entry))))
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ switch to the buffer but don't activate (or deactivate) it 
     (if arg
          (multishell-bracket (multishell-name-from-entry entry)))
-      (multishell-pop-to-shell nil entry 'here))
+      (multishell-list-dispatch-selected entry nil))
     (with-current-buffer list-buffer
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ starting it if it's not already going."
         (with-current-buffer buffer
           (rename-buffer (multishell-bracket revised-name)))))
     (when arg
-      (multishell-pop-to-shell nil revised-name))
+      (multishell-list-dispatch-selected revised-name t))
     (with-current-buffer list-buffer
       (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry revised))))
@@ -131,7 +131,26 @@ The already existing original entry is left untouched."
       (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry new)
       (when arg
-        (multishell-pop-to-shell nil new-name)))))
+        (multishell-list-dispatch-selected new-name t)))))
+(defun multishell-list-mouse-select (event)
+  "Select the shell whose line is clicked."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (select-window (posn-window (event-end event)))
+  (let ((entry (tabulated-list-get-id (posn-point (event-end event)))))
+    (multishell-list-dispatch-selected entry nil)))
+(defun multishell-list-dispatch-selected (entry pop &optional set-primary)
+  "Go to multishell ENTRY, popping to window if POP is non-nil.
+Optional arg SET-PRIMARY non-nil sets `multishell-primary-name' to entry.
+Provide for concluding minibuffer interaction if we're in completing mode."
+  (let ((set-primary-as-arg (and set-primary '(16))))
+    (if multishell-completing-read
+        ;; In multishell completing-read, arrange to conclude minibuffer input:
+        (throw 'multishell-minibuffer-exit (list entry pop set-primary-as-arg))
+      (multishell-pop-to-shell set-primary-as-arg entry (not pop)))))
 (defun multishell-list-placeholder (value default)
   "Return VALUE if non-empty string, else DEFAULT."
@@ -158,9 +177,10 @@ The already existing original entry is left untouched."
                                      (t multishell-list-inactive-flag)))
                        (rest (cadr splat))
-                       (dir (or (file-remote-p rest 'localname)
-                                rest))
-                       (hops (and (file-remote-p rest 'localname)
+                       (dir (and rest (or (file-remote-p rest 'localname)
+                                          rest)))
+                       (hops (and dir
+                                  (file-remote-p rest 'localname)
                                    rest 0 (- (length rest) (length dir))))))
                   (when (not name)
@@ -190,13 +210,6 @@ The already existing original entry is left untouched."
               'font-lock-face 'multishell-list-name
               'mouse-face 'highlight))
-(defun multishell-list-mouse-select (event)
-  "Select the shell whose line is clicked."
-  (interactive "e")
-  (select-window (posn-window (event-end event)))
-  (let ((entry (tabulated-list-get-id (posn-point (event-end event)))))
-    (multishell-pop-to-shell nil entry 'here)))
 (defvar multishell-list-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (set-keymap-parent map tabulated-list-mode-map)
@@ -234,23 +247,59 @@ Initial sort is from most to least recently used:
         tabulated-list-entries #'multishell-list-entries)
+(defun multishell-list-cull-dups (entries)
+  "Return list of multishell ENTRIES sans ones with duplicate names.
+For duplicates, we prefer the ones that have paths."
+  (let ((tally (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+        got name already)
+    (mapcar #'(lambda (entry)
+                (setq name (multishell-name-from-entry entry)
+                      already (gethash name tally nil))
+                (when (or (not already) (< (length already) (length entry)))
+                  ;; Add new or replace shorter prior entry for name:
+                  (puthash name entry tally)))
+            entries)
+    (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (push value got)) tally)
+    got))
-(defun multishell-list ()
+(defun multishell-list (&optional completing)
   "Edit your current and historic list of shell buffers.
-Hit ? for a list of commands.
+If optional COMPLETING is nil, we present the full
+`multishell-history' list in a popped buffer named '*Shells*'.
+In the buffer, hit ? or h for a list of commands.
+When optional COMPLETING is non-nil, it must be a list of
+multishell-history completion candidate entries, as provided by
+`completing-read'. Then we present the list as a part of
+minibuffer completion.
-You can get to this shell listing manager by
-recursively invoking \\[multishell-pop-to-shell] at either of the
-`multishell-pop-to-shell' universal argument prompts."
+You can get to the shells listing by recursively invoking
+\\[multishell-pop-to-shell] at the `multishell-pop-to-shell'
+`universal-argument' prompts."
   (let ((from-entry (car (multishell-history-entries
                           (multishell-unbracket (buffer-name
-        (buffer (get-buffer-create "*Shells*")))
-    (pop-to-buffer buffer)
+        (buffer (get-buffer-create (if completing
+                                       "*Completions*"
+                                     "*Shells*"))))
+    (if completing
+        (set-buffer buffer)
+      (pop-to-buffer buffer))
-    (tabulated-list-print)
+    (progv
+        ;; Temporarily assign multishell-history only when completing:
+        (when completing '(multishell-history))
+        (when completing
+          (list (multishell-list-cull-dups (mapcar 'substring-no-properties
+                                                   completing))))
+      (tabulated-list-print))
+    (when completing
+      )
     (when from-entry
       (multishell-list-goto-item-by-entry from-entry))))
diff --git a/packages/multishell/multishell.el 
index 8d19a05..8056669 100644
--- a/packages/multishell/multishell.el
+++ b/packages/multishell/multishell.el
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-;;; multishell.el --- facilitate multiple local and remote shell buffers
+;;; multishell.el --- Easily use multiple shell buffers, local and remote.
 ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>
-;; Version: 1.1.3
+;; Version: 1.1.4
 ;; Created: 1999 -- first public availability
 ;; Keywords: processes
 ;; URL: https://github.com/kenmanheimer/EmacsMultishell
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@
 ;; Change Log:
+;; * 2016-02-11 1.1.4 Ken Manheimer:
+;;   - hookup multishell-list as completion help buffer.
+;;     Mouse and keyboard selections from help listing properly exits
+;;     minibuffer.
 ;; * 2016-02-09 1.1.3 Ken Manheimer:
 ;;   multishell-list:
 ;;   - add some handy operations, like cloning new entry from existing
@@ -134,20 +138,10 @@
 ;; TODO and Known Issues:
-;; * Add mouse actions - buttons - to multishell-list entries
-;;   - see buf-menu.el, eg Buffer-menu-mouse-select
-;; * Resolve multishell-list sort glitches:
-;;   - Fix config so multishell-list-revert-buffer-kludge is not needed
-;;   - Make multishell-list-edit-entry in-place, so changed entries recency
-;;     doesn't change.
-;;   - Fill in kill-buffer prompting gaps, eg if default live-process
-;;     prompts are inhibited.
 ;; * Add custom shell launch prep actions
 ;;   - for, eg, port knocking, interface activations
 ;;   - shell commands to execute when shell name or path matches a regexp
 ;;   - list of (regexp, which - name, path, or both, command)
-;; * Adapt multishell-list facilities for all-completions
-;;   - See info on minibuffer-completion-help, display-completion-list
 ;; * Investigate whether we can recognize and provide for failed hops.
 ;;   - Tramp doesn't provide useful reactions for any hop but the first
 ;;   - Might be stuff we can do to detect and convey failures?
@@ -267,6 +261,10 @@ one emacs session to be resumed at the next, customize
 `savehist-additional-variables' to include the
+(defvar multishell-completing-read nil
+  "Internal use, conveying whether or not we're in the midst of a multishell
 ;; Multiple entries happen because completion also adds name to history.
 (defun multishell-register-name-to-path (name path)
   "Add or replace entry associating NAME with PATH in `multishell-history'.
@@ -428,11 +426,19 @@ customize the savehist group to activate savehist."
   (let ((token '(token)))
     (if (window-minibuffer-p)
-        (throw 'multishell-do-list token)
-      (if (equal token
-                 (catch 'multishell-do-list
-                   (multishell-pop-to-shell-worker arg name here)))
-          (multishell-list)))))
+        (throw 'multishell-minibuffer-exit token)
+      (let ((got (catch 'multishell-minibuffer-exit
+                   (multishell-pop-to-shell-worker arg name here))))
+        ;; Handle catch or plain fall-through - see cond comments for protocol.
+        (cond
+         ;; Caught token from recursive invocation in minibuffer:
+         ((equal token got) (multishell-list))
+         ;; Caught specifaction of multishell args, eg from multishell-list:
+         ((listp got) (multishell-pop-to-shell-worker (nth 2 got)
+                                                      (nth 0 got)
+                                                      (nth 1 got)))
+         ;; Regular fallthrough - just relay the result:
+         (t got))))))
 (defun multishell-pop-to-shell-worker (&optional arg name here)
   "Do real work of `multishell-pop-to-shell', which see."
@@ -616,7 +622,14 @@ Input and completion can include associated path, if any.
 Return what's provided, if anything, else nil."
   (let* ((was-multishell-history multishell-history)
          (candidates (multishell-all-entries 'active-duplicated))
-         (got (completing-read prompt
+         (multishell-completing-read t)
+         (got
+          ;; Use `cl-letf' to dynamically bind multishell-list to
+          ;; display-completion-list, so multishell-list is used when doing
+          ;; minibuffer-completion-help.
+          (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'display-completion-list)
+                     #'multishell-list))
+              (completing-read prompt
                                ;; COLLECTION:
                                (reverse candidates)
                                ;; PREDICATE:
@@ -626,7 +639,7 @@ Return what's provided, if anything, else nil."
                                ;; INITIAL-INPUT
                                ;; HIST:
-                               'multishell-history)))
+                               'multishell-history))))
     (when no-record
       (setq multishell-history was-multishell-history))
     (if (not (string= got ""))
@@ -685,7 +698,11 @@ and path nil if none is resolved."
       (when (and (derived-mode-p 'shell-mode) (file-remote-p path))
         ;; Returning to disconnected remote shell - do some tidying.
-        ;; (Prevents the "Args out of range" failure when reconnecting.)
+        ;; Without this cleanup, occasionally restarting a disconnected
+        ;; remote session, particularly one that includes sudo, results in
+        ;; an untraceable "Args out of range" error. That never happens if
+        ;; we precedeed connection attempts with this cleanup -
+        ;; prophylactic.
          (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory 'noexpand)
          'keep-debug 'keep-password))

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