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[elpa] javaimp_devel 327e1ba: in progress

From: Filipp Gunbin
Subject: [elpa] javaimp_devel 327e1ba: in progress
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2016 00:10:48 +0000

branch: javaimp_devel
commit 327e1bacb65b9fc9029022454f733f27a25cde4c
Author: Filipp Gunbin <address@hidden>
Commit: Filipp Gunbin <address@hidden>

    in progress
 packages/javaimp/javaimp.el |  240 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/javaimp/javaimp.el b/packages/javaimp/javaimp.el
index a2ab7c4..6a50e76 100644
--- a/packages/javaimp/javaimp.el
+++ b/packages/javaimp/javaimp.el
@@ -208,13 +208,21 @@ Only top-level classes are included.")
   (car (cddr el)))
+;; Cygwin
+(defun javaimp-cygpath-convert-maybe (path)
+  (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 
+      (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program "-u" path))
+    path))
 ;; Structs
 (cl-defstruct javaimp-node
   parent children contents)
 (cl-defstruct javaimp-module
-  id file file-ts final-name
+  id parent-id file file-ts final-name packaging
   source-dir test-source-dir build-dir
@@ -232,9 +240,9 @@ Only top-level classes are included.")
   file file-ts classes)
-;;; Loading Maven projects
+;;; Maven
-;; TODO if it's already there?
+;; TODO what if it's already there?
 (defun javaimp-maven-visit-project (path)
@@ -245,28 +253,42 @@ directory containing pom.xml."
               (concat (file-name-as-directory path) "pom.xml"))))
     (unless (file-readable-p file)
       (error "Cannot read file: %s" file))
-    (push (javaimp-maven-load-tree file) javaimp-project-forest)
+    (let ((tree (javaimp--maven-load-tree file)))
+      (if tree
+         (push tree javaimp-project-forest)))
     (message "Loaded tree for %s" file)))
-(defun javaimp-maven-load-tree (file)
-  ;; TODO 
-  "Creates a tree of Maven projects starting from FILE"
-  (let* ((effective-pom (javaimp-parse-effective-pom pom))
-        (project-elts
-         (cond ((assq 'projects effective-pom) ;project contains <module> 
-                (javaimp-xml-child-list (assq 'projects effective-pom) 
-               ((assq 'project effective-pom) ;single-module project
-                (list (assq 'project effective-pom)))
-               (t
-                (error "Cannot find projects in XML tree"))))
-        (modules-alist (javaimp-maven-process-projects project-elts)))
-    (javaimp-fill-pom-file-paths modules-alist pom)
-    modules-alist))
-(defun javaimp-parse-effective-pom (pom)
+(defun javaimp--maven-load-tree (file)
+  "Invokes `mvn help:effective-pom' on FILE and using its output
+creates a tree of Maven projects starting from FILE.  Children
+which link to the parent via the <parent> element are inheriting
+children and are also included.  Subordinate modules with no
+inheritance are not included."
+  (let ((xml-tree (javaimp--maven-read-effective-pom file)))
+    (cond ((assq 'project xml-tree)
+          ;; no real children
+          (let ((project-elt (assq 'project xml-tree)))
+            (message "Independent submodules: %s"
+                     (mapconcat #'javaimp-xml-first-child
+                                (javaimp--maven-get-module-elts project-elt)
+                                ", "))
+            (let ((module (javaimp--maven-parse-module project-elt)))
+              (javaimp--build-tree (javaimp-module-id module) nil (list 
+         ((assq 'projects xml-tree)
+          ;; we have are inheriting children - they and their children, if
+          ;; any, are listed in a linear list
+          (let* ((project-elts (javaimp-xml-child-list
+                                (assq 'projects xml-tree) 'project))
+                 (all-modules (mapcar #'javaimp--maven-parse-module 
+            (javaimp--build-tree (javaimp-module-id (car all-modules)) nil 
+         (t
+          ;; neither <project> nor <projects> - error
+          (error "Invalid `help:effective-pom' output")))))
+(defun javaimp--maven-read-effective-pom (pom)
   "Calls `mvn help:effective:pom and returns XML parse tree"
   (message "Loading root pom %s..." pom)
-  (javaimp-call-mvn
+  (javaimp--maven-call
    pom "help:effective-pom"
    (lambda ()
      (let ((xml-start-pos
@@ -285,44 +307,45 @@ directory containing pom.xml."
                (match-end 0)))))
        (xml-parse-region xml-start-pos xml-end-pos)))))
+(defun javaimp--maven-call (pom-file target handler)
+  "Runs Maven target TARGET on POM-FILE, then calls HANDLER in
+the temporary buffer and returns its result"
+  (message "Calling \"mvn %s\" on pom: %s" target pom-file)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let* ((pom-file (javaimp-cygpath-convert-maybe pom-file))
+          (status
+           ;; FIXME check Maven output on Gnu/Linux
+           (let ((coding-system-for-read
+                  (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 'utf-8-dos)))
+             (process-file javaimp-mvn-program nil t nil "-f" pom-file 
+          (b (current-buffer)))
+      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create javaimp-debug-buf-name)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (insert-buffer-substring b))
+      (or (and (numberp status) (= status 0))
+         (error "Maven target \"%s\" failed with status \"%s\"" target status))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (funcall handler))))
+(defun javaimp--maven-get-module-elts (project-elt)
+  (javaimp-xml-child-list
+   (javaimp-xml-child 'modules project-elt) 'module))
-(defun javaimp-fill-pom-file-paths (modules pom)
-  "Subroutine of `javaimp-maven-load-module-tree'"
-  (let ((artifact-alist (javaimp-traverse-pom-tree (list pom))))
-    (dolist (module modules)
-      (let* ((artifact (javaimp-mod-artifact module))
-            (path
-             (cdr (or (seq-find (lambda (el)
-                                  (equal artifact (car el)))
-                                artifact-alist)
-                      ;; Compare just id if comparison by all fields failed
-                      (seq-find (lambda (el)
-                                  (equal (javaimp-artifact-artifact-id 
-                                         (javaimp-artifact-artifact-id (car 
-                                artifact-alist)
-                      (error "Cannot find path for artifact: %s" artifact)))))
-       (javaimp-set-mod-pom-file module path)))))
-(defun javaimp-extract-artifact-info (elt)
-  (javaimp-make-artifact
-   (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'groupId elt))
-   (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'artifactId elt))
-   (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'version elt))))
-(defun javaimp-cygpath-convert-maybe (path)
-  (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 
-      (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program "-u" path))
-    path))
+(defun javaimp--maven-parse-module (elt)
+  ;; TODO file - instead of javaimp-fill-pom-file-paths
+  ;; 
+  ;; TODO javaimp-maven-process-projects
+  ;; 
+  ;; TODO set everything immediately
-;; todo set everything immediately
+  )
 (defun javaimp-maven-process-projects (projects-elts)
    (lambda (project-elt)
      (let ((build-elt (javaimp-xml-child 'build project-elt)))
-       (javaimp-extract-artifact-info project-elt)
+       (javaimp--maven-extract-id project-elt)
        nil                             ;pom-file will be set later
@@ -335,17 +358,68 @@ directory containing pom.xml."
          (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'directory build-elt))))
        nil                             ;pom-file-mod-ts will be set later
        nil                             ;jar-list will be set later
-       (javaimp-extract-artifact-info
+       (javaimp--maven-extract-id
         (javaimp-xml-child 'parent project-elt))
        nil                             ;parent-ts will be set later
        (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'finalName build-elt))
-(defun javaimp-extract-submodules-paths (project-elt)
-  (let* ((modules-elt (javaimp-xml-child 'modules project-elt))
-        (module-elts (javaimp-xml-child-list modules-elt 'module)))
-    (mapcar #'javaimp-xml-first-child module-elts)))
+(defun javaimp--maven-extract-id (elt)
+  (javaimp-make-artifact
+   (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'groupId elt))
+   (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'artifactId elt))
+   (javaimp-xml-first-child (javaimp-xml-child 'version elt))))
+;; Module tree
+(defun javaimp--build-tree (id parent-node all-modules)
+  (let ((this (or (javaimp--find-by-id id all-modules)
+                 (error "Cannot find module %s!" id)))
+       ;; although each real parent has <modules> section, better way to
+       ;; build hirarchy is to analyze <parent> node in each child
+       (children (javaimp--find-by-parent-id id all-modules)))
+    (if (and (null children)
+            (string= (javaimp-module-packaging module) "pom")) ;TODO remove 
mvn specifics
+       ;; this module is a pure aggregate module - it has neither real
+       ;; children nor source files, so skip it
+       nil
+      ;; otherwise, make node
+      (let ((this-node (make-javaimp-node parent-node nil this)))
+       (setf (javaimp-node-children this-node)
+             (mapcar (lambda (child)
+                       (javaimp--build-tree (javaimp-module-id child) 
this-node all-modules))
+                     children))
+       this-node))))
+(defun javaimp--find-by-id (id modules)
+  ;; TODO seq-find
+  )
+(defun javaimp--find-by-parent-id (parent-id modules)
+  ;; TODO seq-find
+  )
+;; pom file parsing - this will not be needed?
+(defun javaimp-fill-pom-file-paths (modules pom)
+  "Subroutine of `javaimp-maven-load-module-tree'"
+  (let ((artifact-alist (javaimp-traverse-pom-tree (list pom))))
+    (dolist (module modules)
+      (let* ((artifact (javaimp-mod-artifact module))
+            (path
+             (cdr (or (seq-find (lambda (el)
+                                  (equal artifact (car el)))
+                                artifact-alist)
+                      ;; Compare just id if comparison by all fields failed
+                      (seq-find (lambda (el)
+                                  (equal (javaimp-artifact-artifact-id 
+                                         (javaimp-artifact-artifact-id (car 
+                                artifact-alist)
+                      (error "Cannot find path for artifact: %s" artifact)))))
+       (javaimp-set-mod-pom-file module path)))))
 (defun javaimp-parse-pom-file (pom-file)
   "Subroutine of `javaimp-traverse-pom-tree'.  Parses POM-FILE.
@@ -361,24 +435,10 @@ relative path list."
                             (assq 'project xml-tree))
                             (error "Cannot find <project> element in pom %s!" 
-    (cons (javaimp-extract-artifact-info project-elt)
-         (javaimp-extract-submodules-paths project-elt))))
+    (cons (javaimp--maven-extract-id project-elt)
+         (mapcar #'javaimp-xml-first-child
+                 (javaimp--maven-get-module-elts project-elt)))))
-(defun javaimp-create-absolute-submodules-paths (base-pom paths)
-  "Subroutine of `javaimp-traverse-pom-tree'"
-  (mapcar
-   (lambda (rel-path)
-     (expand-file-name
-      (concat
-       ;; base path
-       (file-name-directory base-pom)
-       ;; submodule relative path
-       (file-name-as-directory
-       (javaimp-cygpath-convert-maybe rel-path))
-       ;; well-known pom name
-       "pom.xml")))
-   paths))
 (defun javaimp-traverse-pom-tree (pom-file-list)
   "Traverses pom tree and returns alist where each element is of
 the form (\"ARTIFACT\" . \"POM-FILE-PATH\").  Result paths are in
@@ -398,32 +458,28 @@ platform default format."
        ;; rest items
        (javaimp-traverse-pom-tree (cdr pom-file-list)))))
-(defun javaimp-call-mvn (pom-file target handler)
-  "Runs Maven target TARGET on POM-FILE, then calls HANDLER in
-the temporary buffer and returns its result"
-  (message "Calling \"mvn %s\" on pom: %s" target pom-file)
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (let* ((pom-file (javaimp-cygpath-convert-maybe pom-file))
-          (status
-           ;; FIXME check Maven output on Gnu/Linux
-           (let ((coding-system-for-read
-                  (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 'utf-8-dos)))
-             (process-file javaimp-mvn-program nil t nil "-f" pom-file 
-          (b (current-buffer)))
-      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create javaimp-debug-buf-name)
-       (erase-buffer)
-       (insert-buffer-substring b))
-      (or (and (numberp status) (= status 0))
-         (error "Maven target \"%s\" failed with status \"%s\"" target status))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (funcall handler))))
+(defun javaimp-create-absolute-submodules-paths (base-pom paths)
+  "Subroutine of `javaimp-traverse-pom-tree'"
+  (mapcar
+   (lambda (rel-path)
+     (expand-file-name
+      (concat
+       ;; base path
+       (file-name-directory base-pom)
+       ;; submodule relative path
+       (file-name-as-directory
+       (javaimp-cygpath-convert-maybe rel-path))
+       ;; well-known pom name
+       "pom.xml")))
+   paths))
 ;;; Working with module dependency JARs
 (defun javaimp-maven-fetch-module-deps (module)
   "Returns list of dependency jars for MODULE"
-  (javaimp-call-mvn
+  (javaimp--maven-call
    (javaimp-mod-pom-file module) "dependency:build-classpath"
    (lambda ()
      (let (deps-line)

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