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[elpa] externals/phps-mode 79040dc 005/405: Some cleaning up

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode 79040dc 005/405: Some cleaning up
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 09:59:28 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit 79040dcdb9427d618a215e0a1610647fc624183d
Author: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>
Commit: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>

    Some cleaning up
 phps-semantic.el                               | 481 +------------------------
 phps-tags.el                                   |  66 ----
 {tests/php => sample-php-files}/class.php      |   0
 {tests/php => sample-php-files}/functions.php  |   4 +
 {tests/php => sample-php-files}/interfaces.php |   0
 {tests/php => sample-php-files}/namespace.php  |   0
 sample-php-files/namespaces.php                |  21 ++
 tests/php/namespaces.php                       |  19 -
 8 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 551 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phps-semantic.el b/phps-semantic.el
index 0f6d4ac..0840283 100644
--- a/phps-semantic.el
+++ b/phps-semantic.el
@@ -1,488 +1,37 @@
 ;;; phps-mode/phps-semantic.el --- Semantic functions for PHP
-;;; Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: David Ponce <address@hidden>
+;; Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Johansson
 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Spathoftware Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; Make similar to 
-;; Common function for PHP parsers.
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'semantic)
 (require 'semantic/ctxt)
 (require 'semantic/doc)
 (require 'semantic/format)
-  (require 'semantic/find)
-  (require 'semantic/dep))
-;;; Lexical analysis
-;; TODO Verify this syntax
-(defconst semantic-php-number-regexp
-  (eval-when-compile
-    (concat "\\("
-            "\\<[0-9]+[.][0-9]+\\([eE][-+]?[0-9]+\\)?[fFdD]?\\>"
-            "\\|"
-            "\\<[0-9]+[.][eE][-+]?[0-9]+[fFdD]?\\>"
-            "\\|"
-            "\\<[0-9]+[.][fFdD]\\>"
-            "\\|"
-            "\\<[0-9]+[.]"
-            "\\|"
-            "[.][0-9]+\\([eE][-+]?[0-9]+\\)?[fFdD]?\\>"
-            "\\|"
-            "\\<[0-9]+[eE][-+]?[0-9]+[fFdD]?\\>"
-            "\\|"
-            "\\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?\\>"
-            "\\|"
-            "\\<[0-9]+[lLfFdD]?\\>"
-            "\\)"
-            ))
-  "Lexer regexp to match PHP number terminals.
-Following is the specification of PHP number literals.
-    [1-9][0-9]*
-  ;
-    0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+
-  ;
-    0[0-7]*
-  ;
-  | <HEX_LITERAL>[lL]?
-  ;
-    [eE][+-]?[09]+
-  ;
-    [0-9]+[.][0-9]*<EXPONENT>?[fFdD]?
-  | [.][0-9]+<EXPONENT>?[fFdD]?
-  | [0-9]+<EXPONENT>[fFdD]?
-  | [0-9]+<EXPONENT>?[fFdD]
-  ;")
-;;; Parsing
-;; TODO Verify this
-(defsubst semantic-php-dim (id)
-  "Split ID string into a pair (NAME . DIM).
-NAME is ID without trailing brackets: \"[]\".
-DIM is the dimension of NAME deduced from the number of trailing
-brackets, or 0 if there is no trailing brackets."
-  (let ((dim (string-match "\\(\\[]\\)+\\'" id)))
-    (if dim
-        (cons (substring id 0 dim)
-              (/ (length (match-string 0 id)) 2))
-      (cons id 0))))
-;; TODO Verify this
-(defsubst semantic-php-type (tag)
-  "Return the type of TAG, taking care of array notation."
-  (let ((type (semantic-tag-type tag))
-        (dim  (semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :dereference)))
-    (when dim
-      (while (> dim 0)
-        (setq type (concat type "[]")
-              dim (1- dim))))
-    type))
-;; TODO Verify this, how about ::?
-(defun semantic-php-expand-tag (tag)
-  "Expand compound declarations found in TAG into separate tags.
-TAG contains compound declarations when its class is `variable', and
-its name is a list of elements (NAME START . END), where NAME is a
-compound variable name, and START/END are the bounds of the
-corresponding compound declaration."
-  (let* ((class (semantic-tag-class tag))
-         (elts (semantic-tag-name tag))
-         dim type dim0 elt clone start end xpand)
-    (cond
-     ((and (eq class 'function)
-           (> (cdr (setq dim (semantic-php-dim elts))) 0))
-      (setq clone (semantic-tag-clone tag (car dim))
-            xpand (cons clone xpand))
-      (semantic-tag-put-attribute clone :dereference (cdr dim)))
-     ((eq class 'variable)
-      (or (consp elts) (setq elts (list (list elts))))
-      (setq dim  (semantic-php-dim (semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :type))
-            type (car dim)
-            dim0 (cdr dim))
-      (while elts
-        ;; For each compound element, clone the initial tag with the
-        ;; name and bounds of the compound variable declaration.
-        (setq elt   (car elts)
-              elts  (cdr elts)
-              start (if elts  (cadr elt) (semantic-tag-start tag))
-              end   (if xpand (cddr elt) (semantic-tag-end   tag))
-              dim   (semantic-php-dim (car elt))
-              clone (semantic-tag-clone tag (car dim))
-              xpand (cons clone xpand))
-        (semantic-tag-put-attribute clone :type type)
-        (semantic-tag-put-attribute clone :dereference (+ dim0 (cdr dim)))
-        (semantic-tag-set-bounds clone start end)))
-     ((and (eq class 'type) (string-match "\\->" (semantic-tag-name tag)))
-      ;; phpp outputs files where the package name is stuck onto the class or 
-      ;; name.  To make this more regular, we extract the package name into a 
package statement,
-      ;; then make the class name regular.
-      (let* ((name (semantic-tag-name tag))
-             (rsplit (nreverse (split-string name "\\->" t)))
-             (newclassname (car rsplit))
-             (newpkg (mapconcat 'identity (reverse (cdr rsplit)) "->")))
-        (semantic-tag-set-name tag newclassname)
-        (setq xpand
-              (list tag
-                    (semantic-tag-new-package newpkg nil))))
-      ))
-    xpand))
-;;; Environment
-;; TODO Verify this
-  phps-mode semantic-php-dependency-system-include-path
-  ;; @todo - Use JDEE to get at the include path, or something else?
-  nil
-  "The system include path used by PHP language.")
-;; Local context
-;; TODO Verify this
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-ctxt-scoped-types
-  phps-mode (&optional point)
-  "Return a list of type names currently in scope at POINT."
-  (mapcar 'semantic-tag-name
-          (semantic-find-tags-by-class
-           'type (semantic-find-tag-by-overlay point))))
-;; Tag Protection
-;; TODO Verify this
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-tag-protection
-  phps-mode (tag &optional parent)
-  "Return the protection of TAG in PARENT.
-Override function for `semantic-tag-protection'."
-  (let ((prot (semantic-tag-protection-default tag parent)))
-    (or prot 'package)))
-;; Prototype handler
-(defun semantic-php-prototype-function (tag &optional parent color)
-  "Return a function (method) prototype for TAG.
-Optional argument PARENT is a parent (containing) item.
-Optional argument COLOR indicates that color should be mixed in.
-See also `semantic-format-tag-prototype'."
-  (let ((name (semantic-tag-name tag))
-        (type (semantic-php-type tag))
-        (tmpl (semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :template-specifier))
-        (args (semantic-tag-function-arguments tag))
-        (argp "")
-        arg argt)
-    (while args
-      (setq arg  (car args)
-            args (cdr args))
-      (if (semantic-tag-p arg)
-          (setq argt (if color
-                         (semantic--format-colorize-text
-                          (semantic-php-type arg) 'type)
-                       (semantic-php-type arg))
-                argp (concat argp argt (if args "," "")))))
-    (when color
-      (when type
-        (setq type (semantic--format-colorize-text type 'type)))
-      (setq name (semantic--format-colorize-text name 'function)))
-    (concat (or tmpl "") (if tmpl " " "")
-            (or type "") (if type " " "")
-            name "(" argp ")")))
-(defun semantic-php-prototype-variable (tag &optional parent color)
-  "Return a variable (field) prototype for TAG.
-Optional argument PARENT is a parent (containing) item.
-Optional argument COLOR indicates that color should be mixed in.
-See also `semantic-format-tag-prototype'."
-  (let ((name (semantic-tag-name tag))
-        (type (semantic-php-type tag)))
-    (concat (if color
-                (semantic--format-colorize-text type 'type)
-              type)
-            " "
-            (if color
-                (semantic--format-colorize-text name 'variable)
-              name))))
-(defun semantic-php-prototype-type (tag &optional parent color)
-  "Return a type (class/interface) prototype for TAG.
-Optional argument PARENT is a parent (containing) item.
-Optional argument COLOR indicates that color should be mixed in.
-See also `semantic-format-tag-prototype'."
-  (let ((name (semantic-tag-name tag))
-        (type (semantic-tag-type tag))
-        (tmpl (semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :template-specifier)))
-    (concat type " "
-            (if color
-                (semantic--format-colorize-text name 'type)
-              name)
-            (or tmpl ""))))
-;; TODO Verify this
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-format-tag-prototype
-  phps-mode (tag &optional parent color)
-  "Return a prototype for TOKEN.
-Optional argument PARENT is a parent (containing) item.
-Optional argument COLOR indicates that color should be mixed in."
-  (let ((f (intern-soft (format "semantic-php-prototype-%s"
-                                (semantic-tag-class tag)))))
-    (funcall (if (fboundp f)
-                 f
-               'semantic-format-tag-prototype-default)
-             tag parent color)))
-(semantic-alias-obsolete 'semantic-php-prototype-nonterminal
-                         'semantic-format-tag-prototype-phps-mode "23.2")
-;; Include Tag Name
-;; Thanks Bruce Stephens
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-tag-include-filename phps-mode (tag)
-  "Return a suitable path for (some) PHP imports."
-  (let ((name (semantic-tag-name tag)))
-    (concat (mapconcat 'identity (split-string name "\\.") "/") ".php")))
-;; Documentation handler
-;; TODO Verify this
-(defsubst semantic-php-skip-spaces-backward ()
-  "Move point backward, skipping PHP whitespaces."
-  (skip-chars-backward " \n\r\t"))
-;; TODO Verify this
-(defsubst semantic-php-skip-spaces-forward ()
-  "Move point forward, skipping PHP whitespaces."
-  (skip-chars-forward " \n\r\t"))
-;; TODO Verify this
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-documentation-for-tag
-  phps-mode (&optional tag nosnarf)
-  "Find documentation from TAG and return it as a clean string.
-Php have documentation set in a comment preceding TAG's definition.
-Attempt to strip out comment syntactic sugar, unless optional argument
-NOSNARF is non-nil.
-If NOSNARF is 'lex, then return the semantic lex token."
-  (when (or tag (setq tag (semantic-current-tag)))
-    (with-current-buffer (semantic-tag-buffer tag)
-      (save-excursion
-        ;; Move the point at token start
-        (goto-char (semantic-tag-start tag))
-        (semantic-php-skip-spaces-forward)
-        ;; If the point already at "/**" (this occurs after a doc fix)
-        (if (looking-at "/\\*\\*")
-            nil
-          ;; Skip previous spaces
-          (semantic-php-skip-spaces-backward)
-          ;; Ensure point is after "*/" (phpdoc block comment end)
-          (condition-case nil
-              (backward-char 2)
-            (error nil))
-          (when (looking-at "\\*/")
-            ;; Move the point backward across the comment
-            (forward-char 2)              ; return just after "*/"
-            (forward-comment -1)          ; to skip the entire block
-            ))
-        ;; Verify the point is at "/**" (phpdoc block comment start)
-        (if (looking-at "/\\*\\*")
-            (let ((p (point))
-                  (c (semantic-doc-snarf-comment-for-tag 'lex)))
-              (when c
-                ;; Verify that the token just following the doc
-                ;; comment is the current one!
-                (goto-char (semantic-lex-token-end c))
-                (semantic-php-skip-spaces-forward)
-                (when (eq tag (semantic-current-tag))
-                  (goto-char p)
-                  (semantic-doc-snarf-comment-for-tag nosnarf)))))
-        ))))
-;;; Phpdoc facilities
-;; Phpdoc elements
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-line-tags nil
-  "Valid phpdoc line tags.
-Ordered following Sun's Tag Convention at
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-with-name-tags nil
-  "Phpdoc tags which have a name.")
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-with-ref-tags nil
-  "Phpdoc tags which have a reference.")
-;; Optional phpdoc tags by classes of semantic tag
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-extra-type-tags nil
-  "Optional tags used in class/interface documentation.
-Ordered following Sun's Tag Convention.")
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-extra-function-tags nil
-  "Optional tags used in method/constructor documentation.
-Ordered following Sun's Tag Convention.")
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-extra-variable-tags nil
-  "Optional tags used in field documentation.
-Ordered following Sun's Tag Convention.")
-;; All phpdoc tags by classes of semantic tag
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-type-tags nil
-  "Tags allowed in class/interface documentation.
-Ordered following Sun's Tag Convention.")
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-function-tags nil
-  "Tags allowed in method/constructor documentation.
-Ordered following Sun's Tag Convention.")
-(defvar semantic-php-doc-variable-tags nil
-  "Tags allowed in field documentation.
-Ordered following Sun's Tag Convention.")
-;; Access to Phpdoc elements
-(defmacro semantic-php-doc-tag (name)
-  "Return doc tag from NAME.
-That is @NAME."
-  `(concat "@" ,name))
-(defsubst semantic-php-doc-tag-name (tag)
-  "Return name of the doc TAG symbol.
-That is TAG `symbol-name' without the leading `@'."
-  (substring (symbol-name tag) 1))
-(defun semantic-php-doc-keyword-before-p (k1 k2)
-  "Return non-nil if phpdoc keyword K1 is before K2."
-  (let* ((t1   (semantic-php-doc-tag k1))
-         (t2   (semantic-php-doc-tag k2))
-         (seq1 (and (semantic-lex-keyword-p t1)
-                    (plist-get (semantic-lex-keyword-get t1 'phpdoc)
-                               'seq)))
-         (seq2 (and (semantic-lex-keyword-p t2)
-                    (plist-get (semantic-lex-keyword-get t2 'phpdoc)
-                               'seq))))
-    (if (and (numberp seq1) (numberp seq2))
-        (<= seq1 seq2)
-      ;; Unknown tags (probably custom ones) are always after official
-      ;; ones and are not themselves ordered.
-      (or (numberp seq1)
-          (and (not seq1) (not seq2))))))
-(defun semantic-php-doc-keywords-map (fun &optional property)
-  "Run function FUN for each phpdoc keyword.
-Return the list of FUN results.  If optional PROPERTY is non nil only
-call FUN for phpdoc keywords which have a value for PROPERTY.  FUN
-receives two arguments: the phpdoc keyword and its associated
-'phpdoc property list.  It can return any value.  All nil values are
-removed from the result list."
-  (delq nil
-        (mapcar
-         #'(lambda (k)
-             (let* ((tag   (semantic-php-doc-tag k))
-                    (plist (semantic-lex-keyword-get tag 'phpdoc)))
-               (if (or (not property) (plist-get plist property))
-                   (funcall fun k plist))))
-         semantic-php-doc-line-tags)))
-;;; Mode setup
-(defun semantic-php-doc-setup ()
-  "Lazy initialization of phpdoc elements."
-  (or semantic-php-doc-line-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-line-tags
-            (sort (mapcar #'semantic-php-doc-tag-name
-                          (semantic-lex-keywords 'phpdoc))
-                  #'semantic-php-doc-keyword-before-p)))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-with-name-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-with-name-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 k)
-             'with-name)))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-with-ref-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-with-ref-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 k)
-             'with-ref)))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-extra-type-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-extra-type-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 (if (memq 'type (plist-get p 'usage))
-                     k))
-             'opt)))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-extra-function-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-extra-function-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 (if (memq 'function (plist-get p 'usage))
-                     k))
-             'opt)))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-extra-variable-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-extra-variable-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 (if (memq 'variable (plist-get p 'usage))
-                     k))
-             'opt)))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-type-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-type-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 (if (memq 'type (plist-get p 'usage))
-                     k)))))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-function-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-function-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 (if (memq 'function (plist-get p 'usage))
-                     k)))))
-  (or semantic-php-doc-variable-tags
-      (setq semantic-php-doc-variable-tags
-            (semantic-php-doc-keywords-map
-             #'(lambda (k p)
-                 (if (memq 'variable (plist-get p 'usage))
-                     k)))))
-  )
 (provide 'phps-mode/semantic)
diff --git a/phps-tags.el b/phps-tags.el
index 73eee69..892d76d 100644
--- a/phps-tags.el
+++ b/phps-tags.el
@@ -29,69 +29,6 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'semantic/wisent)
-(require 'phps-mode/tags-wy "tags-wy")
-(require 'phps-mode/phps-semantic "phps-semantic")
-;;;; Simple parser error reporting function
-(defun wisent-php-parse-error (msg)
-  "Error reporting function called when a parse error occurs.
-MSG is the message string to report."
-;;   (let ((error-start (nth 2 wisent-input)))
-;;     (if (number-or-marker-p error-start)
-;;         (goto-char error-start)))
-  (message msg)
-  ;;(debug)
-  )
-;;;; Local context
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-get-local-variables
-  phps-mode ()
-  "Get local values from a specific context.
-Parse the current context for `field_declaration' nonterminals to
-collect tags, such as local variables or prototypes.
-This function override `get-local-variables'."
-  (let ((vars nil)
-        (ct (semantic-current-tag))
-        ;; We want nothing to do with funny syntaxing while doing this.
-        (semantic-unmatched-syntax-hook nil))
-    (while (not (semantic-up-context (point) 'function))
-      (save-excursion
-        (forward-char 1)
-        (setq vars
-              (append (semantic-parse-region
-                       (point)
-                       (save-excursion (semantic-end-of-context) (point))
-                       'field_declaration
-                       0 t)
-                      vars))))
-    ;; Add 'this' if in a fcn
-    (when (semantic-tag-of-class-p ct 'function)
-      ;; Append a new tag THIS into our space.
-      (setq vars (cons (semantic-tag-new-variable
-                        "this" (semantic-tag-name 
-                        nil)
-                       vars)))
-    vars))
-;;; Analyzer and type cache support
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-analyze-split-name phps-mode (name)
-  "Split up tag names on colon . boundaries."
-  (let ((ans (split-string name "\\->")))
-    (if (= (length ans) 1)
-        name
-      (delete "" ans))))
-(define-mode-local-override semantic-analyze-unsplit-name phps-mode (namelist)
-  "Assemble the list of names NAMELIST into a namespace name."
-  (mapconcat 'identity namelist "->"))
 ;;;; Semantic integration of the PHP LALR parser
@@ -114,7 +51,6 @@ Use the alternate LALR(1) parser."
    semantic-lex-comment-regex "\\s<\\|\\(/\\*\\|//\\)"
    ;; Lexical analysis
-   semantic-lex-number-expression semantic-php-number-regexp
    semantic-lex-analyzer 'phps-mode-tags-lexer
    ;; Parsing
@@ -124,14 +60,12 @@ Use the alternate LALR(1) parser."
    semantic-imenu-summary-function 'semantic-format-tag-prototype
    imenu-create-index-function 'semantic-create-imenu-index
    semantic-type-relation-separator-character '("::" "->")
-   semantic-command-separation-character ";"
    semantic-debug-parser-class 'semantic-bovine-debug-parser
    ;; speedbar and imenu buckets name
    ;; in type parts
-   ;; TODO Add constants to this?
    '((package . "Namespaces")
      (type     . "Classes")
      (variable . "Variables")
diff --git a/tests/php/class.php b/sample-php-files/class.php
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/php/class.php
rename to sample-php-files/class.php
diff --git a/tests/php/functions.php b/sample-php-files/functions.php
similarity index 55%
rename from tests/php/functions.php
rename to sample-php-files/functions.php
index 139ca4d..1b64482 100644
--- a/tests/php/functions.php
+++ b/sample-php-files/functions.php
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+ * @param string $myArg1
+ * @param string $myArg2
+ */
 function myFunctionA($myArg1, $myArg2)
     echo "some stuff";
diff --git a/tests/php/interfaces.php b/sample-php-files/interfaces.php
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/php/interfaces.php
rename to sample-php-files/interfaces.php
diff --git a/tests/php/namespace.php b/sample-php-files/namespace.php
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/php/namespace.php
rename to sample-php-files/namespace.php
diff --git a/sample-php-files/namespaces.php b/sample-php-files/namespaces.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23891e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample-php-files/namespaces.php
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+namespace MyNameSpaceA {
+    class MyClassA {
+        public function myMethodA()
+        {
+            echo "Do something A here";
+        }
+    }
+namespace MyNameSpaceB {
+    class MyClassB {
+        public function myMethodB($arg1)
+        {
+            $class = \MyNameSpaceA\MyClassA();
+            $class->myMethodA();
+            echo "Do something B here";
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tests/php/namespaces.php b/tests/php/namespaces.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b03f82..0000000
--- a/tests/php/namespaces.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-namespace MyNameSpaceA {
-    class MyClassA {
-        public function myMethodA()
-        {
-                echo "Do something here";
-        }
-    }
-namespace MyNameSpaceB {
-    class MyClassB {
-        public function myMethodB()
-        {
-            echo "Do something here";
-        }
-    }

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