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[elpa] externals/phps-mode be810f9: Improved token-blind indentation aro

From: Christian Johansson
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode be810f9: Improved token-blind indentation around multi-line assignments
Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 07:37:03 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit be810f9922edb1b6d33073de40f137b674a32717
Author: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>
Commit: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>

    Improved token-blind indentation around multi-line assignments
 phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el           | 173 ++++++++++++++-------------
 phps-mode.el                        |   4 +-
 test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el | 228 +++++++-----------------------------
 3 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
index add8cf0..6248b4a 100644
--- a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
@@ -2000,88 +2000,97 @@ SQUARE-BRACKET-LEVEL and ROUND-BRACKET-LEVEL."
-        (when (> line-number 1)
-          (while (and
-                  (> line-number 0)
-                  line-is-empty)
-            (forward-line -1)
-            (setq line-number (1- line-number))
-            (beginning-of-line)
-            (setq line-beginning-position (line-beginning-position))
-            (setq line-end-position (line-end-position))
-            (setq
-             line-string
-             (buffer-substring-no-properties line-beginning-position 
-            (setq line-is-empty (string-match-p "^[ \t\f\r\n]*$" line-string))
-            (setq move-length (1+ move-length)))
-          (unless line-is-empty
-            (let* ((old-indentation (current-indentation))
-                   (current-line-starts-with-closing-bracket 
-                   (line-starts-with-closing-bracket 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-starts-with-closing-bracket-p line-string))
-                   (line-starts-with-opening-doc-comment 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-starts-with-opening-doc-comment-p line-string))
-                   (line-ends-with-assignment 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-ends-with-assignment-p line-string))
-                   (line-ends-with-opening-bracket 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-ends-with-opening-bracket-p line-string))
-                   (line-ends-with-terminus 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-ends-with-terminus-p line-string))
-                   (bracket-level 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-string-brackets-count line-string)))
-              (setq new-indentation old-indentation)
-              (goto-char point)
-              (when (> bracket-level 0)
-                (if (< bracket-level tab-width)
-                    (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation 1))
-                  (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width))))
-              (when (= bracket-level -1)
-                (setq new-indentation (1- new-indentation)))
-              (when (and (= bracket-level 0)
-                         line-starts-with-closing-bracket)
-                (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width)))
-              (when current-line-starts-with-closing-bracket
-                (setq new-indentation (- new-indentation tab-width)))
-              (when line-starts-with-opening-doc-comment
-                (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation 1)))
-              (when line-ends-with-assignment
-                (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width)))
-              (when (and line-ends-with-opening-bracket
-                         (< bracket-level 0))
-                (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width)))
-              (when line-ends-with-terminus
-                ;; Back-trace buffer from previous line
-                ;; Determine if semi-colon ended an assignment or not
-                (forward-line (* -1 move-length))
-                (end-of-line)
-                (forward-char -1)
-                (let ((not-found t)
-                      (is-assignment nil))
-                  (while (and
-                          not-found
-                          (search-backward-regexp "\\(;\\|,\\|:\\|)\\|=\\)" 
nil t))
-                    (let ((match (buffer-substring-no-properties 
(match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
-                      (setq is-assignment (string= match "="))
-                      (setq not-found nil)))
-                  ;; If it ended an assignment on a previous line, decrease 
-                  (when (and is-assignment
-                             (> bracket-level -1)
-                             (not
-                              (= line-number (line-number-at-pos))))
-                    ;; NOTE stuff like $var = array(\n    4\n);\n
-                    ;; will end assignment but also decrease bracket-level
-                    (setq new-indentation (- new-indentation tab-width))))
-                (goto-char point))
-              ;; Decrease indentation if current line decreases in bracket 
-              (when (< new-indentation 0)
-                (setq new-indentation 0))
-              (indent-line-to new-indentation))))))
+        (if (> line-number 1)
+            (progn
+              (while (and
+                      (> line-number 0)
+                      line-is-empty)
+                (forward-line -1)
+                (setq line-number (1- line-number))
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (setq line-beginning-position (line-beginning-position))
+                (setq line-end-position (line-end-position))
+                (setq
+                 line-string
+                 (buffer-substring-no-properties line-beginning-position 
+                (setq line-is-empty (string-match-p "^[ \t\f\r\n]*$" 
+                (setq move-length (1+ move-length)))
+              (unless line-is-empty
+                (let* ((old-indentation (current-indentation))
+                       (current-line-starts-with-closing-bracket 
+                       (line-starts-with-closing-bracket 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-starts-with-closing-bracket-p line-string))
+                       (line-starts-with-opening-doc-comment 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-starts-with-opening-doc-comment-p line-string))
+                       (line-ends-with-assignment 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-ends-with-assignment-p line-string))
+                       (line-ends-with-opening-bracket 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-ends-with-opening-bracket-p line-string))
+                       (line-ends-with-terminus 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--string-ends-with-terminus-p line-string))
+                       (bracket-level 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-string-brackets-count line-string)))
+                  (setq new-indentation old-indentation)
+                  (goto-char point)
+                  (when (> bracket-level 0)
+                    (if (< bracket-level tab-width)
+                        (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation 1))
+                      (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width))))
+                  (when (= bracket-level -1)
+                    (setq new-indentation (1- new-indentation)))
+                  (when (and (= bracket-level 0)
+                             line-starts-with-closing-bracket)
+                    (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width)))
+                  (when current-line-starts-with-closing-bracket
+                    (setq new-indentation (- new-indentation tab-width)))
+                  (when line-starts-with-opening-doc-comment
+                    (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation 1)))
+                  (when line-ends-with-assignment
+                    (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width)))
+                  (when (and line-ends-with-opening-bracket
+                             (< bracket-level 0))
+                    (setq new-indentation (+ new-indentation tab-width)))
+                  (when line-ends-with-terminus
+                    ;; Back-trace buffer from previous line
+                    ;; Determine if semi-colon ended an assignment or not
+                    (forward-line (* -1 move-length))
+                    (end-of-line)
+                    (forward-char -1)
+                    (let ((not-found t)
+                          (is-assignment nil)
+                          (parenthesis-level 0))
+                      (while (and
+                              not-found
+                              (search-backward-regexp 
"\\(;\\|{\\|(\\|)\\|=\\)" nil t))
+                        (let ((match (buffer-substring-no-properties 
(match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
+                          (when (string= match ")")
+                            (setq parenthesis-level (1- parenthesis-level)))
+                          (when (= parenthesis-level 0)
+                            (setq is-assignment (string= match "="))
+                            (setq not-found nil))
+                          (when (string= match "(")
+                            (setq parenthesis-level (1+ parenthesis-level)))))
+                      ;; If it ended an assignment on a previous line, 
decrease indentation
+                      (when (and is-assignment
+                                 (> bracket-level -1)
+                                 (not
+                                  (= line-number (line-number-at-pos))))
+                        ;; NOTE stuff like $var = array(\n    4\n);\n
+                        ;; will end assignment but also decrease bracket-level
+                        (setq new-indentation (- new-indentation tab-width))))
+                    (goto-char point))
+                  ;; Decrease indentation if current line decreases in bracket 
+                  (when (< new-indentation 0)
+                    (setq new-indentation 0))
+                  (indent-line-to new-indentation))))
+          (indent-line-to 0))))
     ;; Only move to end of line if point is the current point and is at end of 
     (when (equal point (point))
       (if point-at-end-of-line
diff --git a/phps-mode.el b/phps-mode.el
index 736ee8b..6350c69 100644
--- a/phps-mode.el
+++ b/phps-mode.el
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 ;; Author: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>
 ;; Maintainer: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>
 ;; Created: 3 Mar 2018
-;; Modified: 4 May 2020
-;; Version: 0.3.45
+;; Modified: 8 May 2020
+;; Version: 0.3.46
 ;; Keywords: tools, convenience
 ;; URL: https://github.com/cjohansson/emacs-phps-mode
diff --git a/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el 
index 7c9539f..f466219 100644
--- a/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el
@@ -72,18 +72,6 @@
    "<?php\nif ($myCondition) {\necho 'I was here';\n}"
    "Alternative indentation inside if block"
-   (goto-char 32)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
-   (goto-char 15)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
-   (goto-char (point-max))
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -93,18 +81,6 @@
    "<?php\nif ($myCondition) {\necho 'I was here';\necho 'I was here 
    "Alternative indentation on closing if block"
-   (goto-char 30)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
-   (goto-char 57)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
-   (goto-char (point-max))
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -112,16 +88,8 @@
               "<?php\nif ($myCondition) {\n    echo 'I was here';\n    echo 'I 
was here again';\n}"))))
-   "<?php\nif ($test) {\n    if ($test2) {\n\n}\n}"
+   "<?php\nif ($test) {\nif ($test2) {\n\n}\n}"
    "Alternative indentation on nested if block with empty contents"
-   (goto-char 40)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
-   (goto-char (point-max))
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -129,12 +97,8 @@
               "<?php\nif ($test) {\n    if ($test2) {\n        \n    }\n}"))))
-   "<?php\nif ($test) {\n    if ($test2) {\n        \n    }\n\n}"
+   "<?php\nif ($test) {\nif ($test2) {\n\n}\n\n}"
    "Alternative indentation on multiple closing brackets"
-   (goto-char 53)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -142,12 +106,8 @@
               "<?php\nif ($test) {\n    if ($test2) {\n        \n    }\n    
-   "<?php\nif ($test) {\n    \n} else if ($test) {\n    \n}\n"
+   "<?php\nif ($test) {\n\n} else if ($test) {\n\n}\n"
    "Alternative indentation on elseif block"
-   (goto-char 25)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -155,12 +115,8 @@
               "<?php\nif ($test) {\n    \n} else if ($test) {\n    \n}\n"))))
-   "if ($true) {\n    if ($true) {\n    }\n}"
+   "if ($true) {\nif ($true) {\n}\n}"
    "Alternative indentation on closing bracket inside parent bracket"
-   (goto-char 36)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -168,12 +124,8 @@
               "if ($true) {\n    if ($true) {\n    }\n}"))))
-   "/**\n *\n */"
+   "/**\n*\n*/"
    "Alternative indentation on last line of doc comment block"
-   (goto-char 11)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            1))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -181,38 +133,8 @@
               "/**\n *\n */"))))
-   "/**\n *\n */\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on line after closing of doc comment block"
-   (goto-char 12)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
-   (phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation-whole-buffer)
-   (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
-     (should (equal
-              buffer-contents
-              "/**\n *\n */\n"))))
-  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
-   "/**\n *\n **/\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on line after closing of doc comment block variant 
-   (goto-char 13)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
-   (phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation-whole-buffer)
-   (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
-     (should (equal
-              buffer-contents
-              "/**\n *\n **/\n"))))
-  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
-   "$var = 'abc';\n// Comment"
+   "    $var = 'abc';\n        // Comment"
    "Alternative indentation on single-line assignment"
-   (goto-char 1)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -220,25 +142,8 @@
               "$var = 'abc';\n// Comment"))))
-   "$var = 'abc';\n// Comment"
-   "Alternative indentation on line after single-line assignment"
-   (goto-char 15)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
-   (phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation-whole-buffer)
-   (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
-     (should (equal
-              buffer-contents
-              "$var = 'abc';\n// Comment"))))
-  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
-   "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// Comment\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on first line of multi-line assignment"
-   (goto-char 1)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
+   "$var =\n'abc';\n$var =\n'abc'\n. 'def';\n// Comment\n"
+   "Alternative indentation on multi-line assignment"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
@@ -246,151 +151,102 @@
               "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// 
-   "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// Comment\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on second line of multi-line assignment"
-   (goto-char 30)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "<?php\nif ($here) {\nif ($wasHere)\n{\n\n}\n}\n\n"
+   "Alternative indentation on line after condition"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// 
+              "<?php\nif ($here) {\n    if ($wasHere)\n    {\n        \n    
-   "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// Comment\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on last line of multi-line assignment"
-   (goto-char 12)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
-   (goto-char 40)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "<?php\nif ($myCondition)\n{\n$var = array(\n'was here'\n);\n// Was 
+   "Alternative indentation on line after array declaration"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// 
+              "<?php\nif ($myCondition)\n{\n    $var = array(\n        'was 
here'\n    );\n    // Was here\n}\n"
+              ))))
-   "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// Comment\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on line after multi-line assignment"
-   (goto-char 53)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
+   "<?php\nif ($myCondition == 2) {\necho 'store_vars: <pre>' . 
print_r($store_vars, true) . '</pre>';\necho 'search_ids: <pre>' . 
print_r($search_ids, true) . '</pre>';\n}"
+   "Alternative indentation on line echo"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "$var =\n    'abc';\n$var =\n    'abc'\n    . 'def';\n// 
+              "<?php\nif ($myCondition == 2) {\n    echo 'store_vars: <pre>' . 
print_r($store_vars, true) . '</pre>';\n    echo 'search_ids: <pre>' . 
print_r($search_ids, true) . '</pre>';\n}"
+              ))))
-   "<?php\nif ($here) {\n    if ($wasHere)\n{\n    \n    }\n}\n\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on line after condition"
-   (goto-char 38)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "<?php\nif (is_array(\n$array\n)) {\necho 'was here';\n}"
+   "Alternative indentation after trailing opening bracket while closing two 
earlier on line"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "<?php\nif ($here) {\n    if ($wasHere)\n    {\n        \n    
+              "<?php\nif (is_array(\n    $array\n)) {\n    echo 'was here';\n}"
+              ))))
-   "<?php\nif ($myCondition)\n{\n    $var = array(\n        'was here'\n    
);\n// Was here\n}\n"
-   "Alternative indentation on line after array declaration"
-   (goto-char 71)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "<?php\n\n$var = array(\n'123' =>\n'def',\n);"
+   "Alternative indentation on lines after lines ending with T_DOUBLE_ARROW"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "<?php\nif ($myCondition)\n{\n    $var = array(\n        'was 
here'\n    );\n    // Was here\n}\n"
+              "<?php\n\n$var = array(\n    '123' =>\n        'def',\n);"
-   "<?php\nif ($myCondition == 2) {\n    echo 'store_vars: <pre>' . 
print_r($store_vars, true) . '</pre>';\n    echo 'search_ids: <pre>' . 
print_r($search_ids, true) . '</pre>';\n}"
-   "Alternative indentation on line echo"
-   (goto-char 36)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
-   (goto-char 106)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "<?php\n$var = array(\n'123' => true,\n\n);"
+   "Alternative indentation after comma ended double arrow assignment"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "<?php\nif ($myCondition == 2) {\n    echo 'store_vars: <pre>' . 
print_r($store_vars, true) . '</pre>';\n    echo 'search_ids: <pre>' . 
print_r($search_ids, true) . '</pre>';\n}"
+              "<?php\n$var = array(\n    '123' => true,\n    \n);"
-   "<?php\nif (is_array(\n    $array\n)) {\n    echo 'was here';\n}"
-   "Alternative indentation after trailing opening bracket while closing two 
earlier on line"
-   (goto-char 41)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "<?php\nfunction myFunction(\n$arg = true,\n$arg2 = false\n) {\n\n}"
+   "Line after function argument with default value"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "<?php\nif (is_array(\n    $array\n)) {\n    echo 'was here';\n}"
+              "<?php\nfunction myFunction(\n    $arg = true,\n    $arg2 = 
false\n) {\n    \n}"
-  (phps-mode-test--with-buffer
-   "<?php\n\n$var = array(\n    '123' =>\n        'def',\n);"
-   "Token-blind indentation on lines after lines ending with T_DOUBLE_ARROW"
-   (goto-char 43)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            8))
-   (goto-char 50)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            0))
+   "$random = get_post_meta(\n                $postId,\n            '_random', 
// TODO Here\n            true // TODO Here\n        );"
+   "Line in multi-line function call"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "<?php\n\n$var = array(\n    '123' =>\n        'def',\n);"
+              "$random = get_post_meta(\n    $postId,\n    '_random', // TODO 
Here\n    true // TODO Here\n);"
-   "<?php\n$var = array(\n    '123' => true,\n    \n);"
-   "Line after comma ended double arrow assignment"
-   (goto-char 44)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "$cartPrice = round(\n    $cartPrice,\n2 // TODO Here\n);"
+   "Assignment with multi-line function call"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "<?php\n$var = array(\n    '123' => true,\n    \n);"
+              "$cartPrice = round(\n    $cartPrice,\n    2 // TODO Here\n);"
-   "<?php\nfunction myFunction(\n    $arg = true,\n    $arg2 = false\n) {\n    
-   "Line after function argument with default value"
-   (goto-char 49)
-   (should (equal
-            (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--alternative-indentation)
-            4))
+   "$applications =\n    $transaction->getResponseBodyDecoded();\n    // TODO 
+   "Line after multi-line assignment with object-operator"
    (let ((buffer-contents (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) 
      (should (equal
-              "<?php\nfunction myFunction(\n    $arg = true,\n    $arg2 = 
false\n) {\n    \n}"
+              "$applications =\n    
$transaction->getResponseBodyDecoded();\n// TODO Here\n"

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