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[nongnu] elpa/geiser-chibi 9f33e8d 26/38: Fix indentation

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/geiser-chibi 9f33e8d 26/38: Fix indentation
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2021 18:26:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/geiser-chibi
commit 9f33e8d1a17503235b27a5b60d14358b02964ed5
Author: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
Commit: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>

    Fix indentation
 elisp/geiser-chibi.el          |   2 +-
 scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.scm | 266 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.sld |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)

diff --git a/elisp/geiser-chibi.el b/elisp/geiser-chibi.el
index 190f0f9..e09079f 100644
--- a/elisp/geiser-chibi.el
+++ b/elisp/geiser-chibi.el
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ This function uses `geiser-chibi-init-file' if it exists."
            (module (cond ((string-equal "'()" (car args))
                          ((and (car args))
-                             (concat "'" (car args)))
+                          (concat "'" (car args)))
        (format "(geiser:eval %s '%s)" module form)))
diff --git a/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.scm b/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.scm
index 571f125..dc7954a 100644
--- a/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.scm
+++ b/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.scm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation:chibi; -*-
+;;; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation:chibi; -*-
 (define (all-environment-exports environment prefix)
   (if environment
       (append (filter (lambda (identifier)
@@ -43,36 +43,36 @@
 (define (geiser:eval module form . rest)
   (guard (err
-         (else
-          (show #t ; to standard output (to comint)
-           "Geiser-chibi falure in scheme code\n")
-          (show #t "Error: \n" err "\n")
-          (print-stack-trace)))
+          (else
+           (show #t ; to standard output (to comint)
+                 "Geiser-chibi falure in scheme code\n")
+           (show #t "Error: \n" err "\n")
+           (print-stack-trace)))
     (let* ((output (open-output-string))
-          (form-analyzed (analyze form))
-          (result (parameterize ((current-output-port output))
-                    (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
-                               (with-exception-handler
-                                   (lambda (err)
-                                     (let ((stack-trace (get-stack-trace)))
-                                       (show #t
-                                             "Output (exception): "
-                                             err
-                                             " \nStack trace:\n"
-                                             stack-trace)
-                                       (continuation (write-to-string
-                                                      (show #f
-                                                            "Result 
(exception): "
-                                                            err
-                                                            "\nStack trace:\n"
-                                                            stack-trace)))))
-                                 (lambda () (if module
-                                     (let ((mod (module-env (find-module 
-                                       (eval form-analyzed mod))
-                                     (eval form-analyzed)))))))))
+           (form-analyzed (analyze form))
+           (result (parameterize ((current-output-port output))
+                     (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
+                                (with-exception-handler
+                                    (lambda (err)
+                                      (let ((stack-trace (get-stack-trace)))
+                                        (show #t
+                                              "Output (exception): "
+                                              err
+                                              " \nStack trace:\n"
+                                              stack-trace)
+                                        (continuation (write-to-string
+                                                       (show #f
+                                                             "Result 
(exception): "
+                                                             err
+                                                             "\nStack trace:\n"
+                                                             stack-trace)))))
+                                  (lambda () (if module
+                                           (let ((mod (module-env (find-module 
+                                              (eval form-analyzed mod))
+                                           (eval form-analyzed)))))))))
       (write ; to standard output (to comint)
        `((result ,(write-to-string result))
-        (output . ,(get-output-string output))))))
+         (output . ,(get-output-string output))))))
@@ -123,16 +123,16 @@
 (define (geiser:autodoc ids . rest)
   (and #f ( ;; disabled temporarily, because it didn't really work
-  rest
-  (cond ((null? ids) '())
-        ((not (list? ids))
-         (geiser:autodoc (list ids)))
-        ((not (symbol? (car ids)))
-         (geiser:autodoc (cdr ids)))
-        (else
-         (map (lambda (id)
-                (geiser:operator-arglist id))
-              ids))))))
+          rest
+          (cond ((null? ids) '())
+                ((not (list? ids))
+                 (geiser:autodoc (list ids)))
+                ((not (symbol? (car ids)))
+                 (geiser:autodoc (cdr ids)))
+                (else
+                 (map (lambda (id)
+                        (geiser:operator-arglist id))
+                      ids))))))
 (define (geiser:no-values)
@@ -148,13 +148,13 @@
 (define (make-location file line)
   (list (cons "file"
-             (if (string? file)
-                 (path-resolve
-                  file
-                  (current-directory))
-                 '()))
+              (if (string? file)
+                  (path-resolve
+                   file
+                   (current-directory))
+                  '()))
         (cons "line" (if (number? line) (+ 1 line) '())))
+  )
@@ -171,72 +171,72 @@
   (display "found:")
   (guard (err
-         ((error-object? err)
-          (display "Error in geiser:symbol-location:")
-          (display (error-object-message err))
-          (make-location '() '()))
-         (else
-          (display "Peculiar error in geiser:symbol-location:")
-          (display err)
-          (make-location '() '())))
+          ((error-object? err)
+           (display "Error in geiser:symbol-location:")
+           (display (error-object-message err))
+           (make-location '() '()))
+          (else
+           (display "Peculiar error in geiser:symbol-location:")
+           (display err)
+           (make-location '() '())))
     (let* ((l-modules-found (modules-exporting-identifier symbol-in-question))
-          (result (if (not (equal? l-modules-found '()))
-                      (let* ((l-selected-module (caar l-modules-found))
-                             (result (tree-walker
-                                      (module-ast
-                                       (analyze-module
-                                        l-selected-module))
-                            symbol-in-question)))
-                        (display (map car l-modules-found))
-                        (newline)
-                        result)
-                      (let ((result (cons '() '())))
-                        (display "Not found.\n")
-               result))))
+           (result (if (not (equal? l-modules-found '()))
+                       (let* ((l-selected-module (caar l-modules-found))
+                              (result (tree-walker
+                                       (module-ast
+                                        (analyze-module
+                                         l-selected-module))
+                                      symbol-in-question)))
+                         (display (map car l-modules-found))
+                         (newline)
+                         result)
+                       (let ((result (cons '() '())))
+                         (display "Not found.\n")
+                        result))))
        (car result)
        (- (cdr result) 1) ; Ehh... line numbering in 'make-location starts 
from 0
 (define (tree-walker node . symbol-in-question)
-; The reason this function used  a (let), not a (begin) is that (begin)
-; for some reason does not allow (display)s inside. It 
-; works in xfce4-terminal, but not here. I decided not to
-; debug it, since (let () ) "just worked". TODO.
+                                       ; The reason this function used  a 
(let), not a (begin) is that (begin)
+                                       ; for some reason does not allow 
(display)s inside. It 
+                                       ; works in xfce4-terminal, but not 
here. I decided not to
+                                       ; debug it, since (let () ) "just 
worked". TODO.
   (if (pair? node)
-       (let ((result
-              (tree-walker
-               (car node)
-               (car symbol-in-question)))
-             )
-         (if result
-               result
-               (tree-walker (cdr node) (car symbol-in-question))
-             )
-         )
+      (let ((result
+             (tree-walker
+              (car node)
+              (car symbol-in-question)))
+            )
+        (if result
+            result
+            (tree-walker (cdr node) (car symbol-in-question))
+            )
+        )
       (let () ; we have leaf
-       (if (set? node)
-           (if (equal? (ref-name (set-var node)) (car symbol-in-question))
-               (let
-                   ((thingy (set-value node)))
-                 (cond ((lambda? thingy) (lambda->lcons thingy))
-                       ;((macro?  thingy) (error "Macros not supported"))
-                       (else (set-node->lcons/dirty-trick node))))
-               #f)
-           #f
-           ))))
+        (if (set? node)
+            (if (equal? (ref-name (set-var node)) (car symbol-in-question))
+                (let
+                    ((thingy (set-value node)))
+                  (cond ((lambda? thingy) (lambda->lcons thingy))
+                                       ;((macro?  thingy) (error "Macros not 
+                        (else (set-node->lcons/dirty-trick node))))
+                #f)
+            #f
+            ))))
 (define (lambda->lcons thingy)
   (let* ((l-source (lambda-source thingy))
-        (l-location
-         (if (pair? l-source)
-             (cons
-              (car l-source)
-              (cdr l-source))
-             (let ()
-               (display "Lambda with no source information.")
-               (cons '() '())))))
+         (l-location
+          (if (pair? l-source)
+              (cons
+               (car l-source)
+               (cdr l-source))
+              (let ()
+                (display "Lambda with no source information.")
+                (cons '() '())))))
@@ -248,26 +248,26 @@
 (define (set-node->lcons/dirty-trick node)
   (guard (err
-         (else
-          (error "set-source dirty trick failed!" )))
-  (let* ((l-str-to-check (geiser:write/ss-to-string node))
-        (strl (string-length l-str-to-check))
-        (l-matches
-         (regexp-search
-          '(: "(\""
-              (-> filename (*? graphic) )
-              "\" . "
-              (-> lineno (+ num) )
-              ")}")
-          l-str-to-check ))
-        (l-filename
-         (regexp-match-submatch l-matches 'filename))
-        (l-lineno
-         (string->number
-          (regexp-match-submatch l-matches 'lineno)))
-        (l-location
-         (cons l-filename l-lineno)))
-    l-location)))
+          (else
+           (error "set-source dirty trick failed!" )))
+    (let* ((l-str-to-check (geiser:write/ss-to-string node))
+           (strl (string-length l-str-to-check))
+           (l-matches
+            (regexp-search
+             '(: "(\""
+                (-> filename (*? graphic) )
+                "\" . "
+                (-> lineno (+ num) )
+                ")}")
+             l-str-to-check ))
+           (l-filename
+            (regexp-match-submatch l-matches 'filename))
+           (l-lineno
+            (string->number
+             (regexp-match-submatch l-matches 'lineno)))
+           (l-location
+            (cons l-filename l-lineno)))
+      l-location)))
@@ -276,21 +276,21 @@
 (define (geiser:module-location symbol-representing-module)
   (guard ( err
-          ((error-object? err)
-           (display "Error in module-location:\n")
-           (display err)
-           (newline)
-           (display (error-object-message err))
-           (make-location '() '()))
-          (else
-           (display "Peculiar error!\n")
-           (display err)
-           (newline)
-           (make-location '() '())))
+           ((error-object? err)
+            (display "Error in module-location:\n")
+            (display err)
+            (newline)
+            (display (error-object-message err))
+            (make-location '() '()))
+           (else
+            (display "Peculiar error!\n")
+            (display err)
+            (newline)
+            (make-location '() '())))
     (let ((l-module (find-module symbol-representing-module)))
       (if (not (equal? l-module '()) )
-         (make-location
-          (find-module-file
-           (module-name->file
-            (module-name l-module))) 0 )
-         (make-location '() '())))))
+          (make-location
+           (find-module-file
+            (module-name->file
+             (module-name l-module))) 0 )
+          (make-location '() '())))))
diff --git a/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.sld b/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.sld
index 86f871a..d99e1c1 100644
--- a/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.sld
+++ b/scheme/chibi/geiser/geiser.sld
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
-         geiser:symbol-location ; implement this interface in 
[[file://./geiser.scm#geiser:symbol-location]] in order to make proper 
cross-referencing working.
-         geiser:module-location
+          geiser:symbol-location ; implement this interface in 
[[file://./geiser.scm#geiser:symbol-location]] in order to make proper 
cross-referencing working.
+          geiser:module-location
     (scheme small)

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