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[nongnu] elpa/geiser-guile cb05947 078/284: Guile: rewriting stack trace

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/geiser-guile cb05947 078/284: Guile: rewriting stack trace captures - not yet complete.
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2021 18:29:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/geiser-guile
commit cb059476cefd67d1f541c9d9d8f6463d229e1c7e
Author: Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org>
Commit: Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org>

    Guile: rewriting stack trace captures - not yet complete.
 geiser/evaluation.scm | 84 +++++++++++++--------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/geiser/evaluation.scm b/geiser/evaluation.scm
index 37f4171..537e145 100644
--- a/geiser/evaluation.scm
+++ b/geiser/evaluation.scm
@@ -32,64 +32,20 @@
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (system base compile)
+  #:use-module (system base pmatch)
   #:use-module (system vm program)
-  #:use-module (ice-9 debugger utils)
   #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print))
-(define (make-result result output)
-  (list (cons 'result result) (cons 'output output)))
-(define (make-error key args stack)
-  (list (cons 'error (apply parse-error (cons key args)))
-        (cons 'stack (parse-stack stack))))
-(define (parse-stack stack)
-  (if stack
-      (map (lambda (n) (parse-frame (stack-ref stack n)))
-           (iota (stack-length stack)))
-      '()))
-(define (parse-frame frame)
-  (list (cons 'frame (frame-number frame))
-        (cons 'procedure (or (and (frame-procedure? frame)
-                                  (procedure-name (frame-procedure frame)))
-                             '()))
-        (cons 'source (or (frame->source-position frame) '()))
-        (cons 'description (with-output-to-string
-                             (lambda ()
-                               (if (frame-procedure? frame)
-                                   (write-frame-short/application frame)
-                                   (write-frame-short/expression frame)))))))
-(define (frame->source-position frame)
-  (let ((source (if (frame-procedure? frame)
-                    (or (frame-source frame)
-                        (let ((proc (frame-procedure frame)))
-                          (and proc
-                               (procedure? proc)
-                               (procedure-source proc))))
-                    (frame-source frame))))
-    (and source
-         (cond ((string? (source-property source 'filename))
-                (list (source-property source 'filename)
-                      (+ 1 (source-property source 'line))
-                      (source-property source 'column)))
-               ((and (pair? source) (list? (cadr source)))
-                (list (caadr source)
-                      (+ 1 (caddr source))
-                      (cdddr source)))
-               (else #f)))))
-(define (parse-error key . args)
-  (let* ((len (length args))
-         (subr (and (> len 0) (first args)))
-         (msg (and (> len 1) (second args)))
-         (margs (and (> len 2) (third args)))
-         (rest (and (> len 3) (fourth args))))
-    (list (cons 'key key)
-          (cons 'subr (or subr '()))
-          (cons 'msg (if msg (apply format (cons #f (cons msg margs))) '()))
-          (cons 'rest (or rest '())))))
+(define (handle-error stack . args)
+  (pmatch args
+    ((,key ,subr ,msg ,args . ,rest)
+     (display "Backtrace:\n")
+     (if (stack? stack)
+         (display-backtrace stack (current-output-port)))
+     (newline)
+     (display-error stack (current-output-port) subr msg args rest))
+    (else (display (format "ERROR: ~a, args: ~a" (car args) (cdr args)))))
+  `(error (key . ,(car args))))
 (define (evaluate form module-name evaluator)
   (let ((module (or (and (list? module-name)
@@ -106,12 +62,14 @@
                (set! result
                      (catch #t
                        (lambda ()
-                         (start-stack 'id (evaluator form module)))
-                       (lambda (key . args)
-                         (set! error (make-error key args captured-stack)))
-                       (lambda (key . args)
-                         (set! captured-stack (make-stack #t 2 2)))))))))
-      (write (or error (make-result result output)))
+                         (start-stack 'geiser-eval (evaluator form module)))
+                       (lambda args
+                         (set! error #t)
+                         (apply handle-error captured-stack args))
+                       (lambda args
+                         (set! captured-stack (make-stack #t 1 13)))))))))
+      (write `(,(if error result (cons 'result result))
+               (output . ,output)))
 (define (eval-compile form module)
@@ -130,8 +88,8 @@
   "Compile and load file, given its full @var{path}."
   (evaluate `(and (compile-file ,path)
                   (load-compiled ,(compiled-file-name path)))
-            #f
-            eval))
+            '(system base compile)
+            eval-compile))
 (define (ge:load-file path)
   "Load file, given its full @var{path}."

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