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[elpa] externals/emms 8b32529: * emms-player-mpd.el: fix cache issues wi

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/emms 8b32529: * emms-player-mpd.el: fix cache issues with MPD
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 11:57:12 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/emms
commit 8b32529950e5a2e1dd7afed8757ff6bc923c95e2
Author: Yoni Rabkin <yoni@rabkins.net>
Commit: Yoni Rabkin <yoni@rabkins.net>

    * emms-player-mpd.el: fix cache issues with MPD
    Patch by Pavel Korytov. Too short to require copyright assignment.
 AUTHORS            |   7 +-
 emms-player-mpd.el | 842 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 424 deletions(-)

diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 71e540c..3066a76 100644
@@ -42,14 +42,15 @@ Fran Burstall            <fran.burstall@gmail.com>
 The following is a list of people who contributed trivial patches,
-which is to say very simple patches and those with total of 12 lines
-or fewer. We started recording trivial patches this way in June of
-2017, so trivial patches before that date would not appear below.
+which is to say, simple patches and those with total of 12 lines or
+fewer. We started recording trivial patches this way in June of 2017,
+so trivial patches before that date would not appear below.
 David Michael
 Maxim Cournoyer
 Ian Dunn
+Pavel Korytov
 ;; Local variables:
diff --git a/emms-player-mpd.el b/emms-player-mpd.el
index e7a61a0..5ac48fa 100644
--- a/emms-player-mpd.el
+++ b/emms-player-mpd.el
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
   (condition-case nil
-        (require 'url)           ; load if available
-        (require 'emms-url))
+       (require 'url)           ; load if available
+       (require 'emms-url))
     (error nil)))
 (defgroup emms-player-mpd nil
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
   :prefix "emms-player-mpd-")
 (defcustom emms-player-mpd (emms-player #'emms-player-mpd-start
-                                        #'emms-player-mpd-stop
-                                        #'emms-player-mpd-playable-p)
+                                       #'emms-player-mpd-stop
+                                       #'emms-player-mpd-playable-p)
   "Parameters for the MusicPD player."
   :type '(cons symbol alist))
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ config."
   ;; The :format part ensures that entering directories happens on the
   ;; next line, where there is more space to work with
   :type '(choice :format "%{%t%}:\n   %[Value Menu%] %v"
-                 (const nil)
-                 directory))
+                (const nil)
+                directory))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-supported-regexp ()
   "Returns a regexp of file extensions that MusicPD supports,
@@ -146,55 +146,55 @@ or nil if we cannot figure it out."
   (let ((out (shell-command-to-string "mpd --version")))
     ;; 0.17.x
     (if (string-match "Decoders plugins:$" out)
-        (let* ((b (match-end 0))
-               (e (string-match "Output plugins:$" out))
-               (plugs (split-string (substring out b e) "\n" t))
-               (plugs (cl-mapcan (lambda (x)
-                                   (and (string-match " +\\[.*\\] +\\(.+\\)$" 
-                                        (split-string (match-string 1 x) nil 
-                                 plugs))
-               (b (and (string-match "Protocols:$" out) (match-end 0)))
-               (prots (and b (substring out (+ 2 b) -1)))
-               (prots (split-string (or prots "") nil t)))
-          (concat "\\(\\.\\(m3u\\|pls\\|"
-                  (regexp-opt (delq nil plugs))
-                  "\\)\\'\\)\\|\\(\\`"
-                  (regexp-opt (delete "file://" prots)) "\\)"))
+       (let* ((b (match-end 0))
+              (e (string-match "Output plugins:$" out))
+              (plugs (split-string (substring out b e) "\n" t))
+              (plugs (cl-mapcan (lambda (x)
+                                  (and (string-match " +\\[.*\\] +\\(.+\\)$" x)
+                                       (split-string (match-string 1 x) nil 
+                                plugs))
+              (b (and (string-match "Protocols:$" out) (match-end 0)))
+              (prots (and b (substring out (+ 2 b) -1)))
+              (prots (split-string (or prots "") nil t)))
+         (concat "\\(\\.\\(m3u\\|pls\\|"
+                 (regexp-opt (delq nil plugs))
+                 "\\)\\'\\)\\|\\(\\`"
+                 (regexp-opt (delete "file://" prots)) "\\)"))
       (let ((found-start nil)
-            (supported nil))
-        (if (string-match "Supported decoders:\\([^0]+?\\)Supported outputs:" 
-            ;; 0.15.x
-            (setq supported (replace-regexp-in-string "\\[.+?\\]" ""
-                                                      (match-string 1 out)))
-          ;; < 0.15
-          (setq out (split-string out "\n"))
-          (while (car out)
-            (cond ((string= (car out) "Supported formats:")
-                   (setq found-start t))
-                  ((string= (car out) "")
-                   (setq found-start nil))
-                  (found-start
-                   (setq supported (concat supported (car out)))))
-            (setq out (cdr out))))
-        ;; Create regexp
-        (when (and (stringp supported)
-                   (not (string= supported "")))
-          (concat "\\`http://\\|\\.\\(m3u\\|pls\\|"
-                  (regexp-opt (delq nil (split-string supported)))
-                  "\\)\\'"))))))
+           (supported nil))
+       (if (string-match "Supported decoders:\\([^0]+?\\)Supported outputs:" 
+           ;; 0.15.x
+           (setq supported (replace-regexp-in-string "\\[.+?\\]" ""
+                                                     (match-string 1 out)))
+         ;; < 0.15
+         (setq out (split-string out "\n"))
+         (while (car out)
+           (cond ((string= (car out) "Supported formats:")
+                  (setq found-start t))
+                 ((string= (car out) "")
+                  (setq found-start nil))
+                 (found-start
+                  (setq supported (concat supported (car out)))))
+           (setq out (cdr out))))
+       ;; Create regexp
+       (when (and (stringp supported)
+                  (not (string= supported "")))
+         (concat "\\`http://\\|\\.\\(m3u\\|pls\\|"
+                 (regexp-opt (delq nil (split-string supported)))
+                 "\\)\\'"))))))
 (defcustom emms-player-mpd-supported-regexp
   ;; Use a sane default, just in case
   (or (emms-player-mpd-get-supported-regexp)
       (concat "\\`http://\\|"
-              (emms-player-simple-regexp
-               "m3u" "ogg" "flac" "mp3" "wav" "mod" "au" "aiff")))
+             (emms-player-simple-regexp
+              "m3u" "ogg" "flac" "mp3" "wav" "mod" "au" "aiff")))
   "Formats supported by MusicPD."
   :type 'regexp
   :set (function
-        (lambda (sym value)
-          (set sym value)
-          (emms-player-set emms-player-mpd 'regex value))))
+       (lambda (sym value)
+         (set sym value)
+         (emms-player-set emms-player-mpd 'regex value))))
 (defcustom emms-player-mpd-connect-function 'open-network-stream
   "Function used to initiate the connection to MusicPD.
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ It should take same arguments as `open-network-stream' 
 (defcustom emms-player-mpd-server-password nil
   "The password for the MusicPD server that we should connect to."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
-                 string))
+                string))
 (defcustom emms-player-mpd-check-interval 1
   "How often to check to see whether MusicPD has advanced to the
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ performed.
 This variable is used only if `emms-player-mpd-sync-playlist' is
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Disable check" nil)
-                 number))
+                number))
 (defcustom emms-player-mpd-verbose nil
   "Whether to provide notifications for server connection events
@@ -240,24 +240,24 @@ If your EMMS playlist contains stored playlists, set this 
to nil."
   :type 'boolean)
 (emms-player-set emms-player-mpd
-                 'regex
-                 emms-player-mpd-supported-regexp)
+                'regex
+                emms-player-mpd-supported-regexp)
 (emms-player-set emms-player-mpd
-                 'pause
-                 'emms-player-mpd-pause)
+                'pause
+                'emms-player-mpd-pause)
 (emms-player-set emms-player-mpd
-                 'resume
-                 'emms-player-mpd-pause)
+                'resume
+                'emms-player-mpd-pause)
 (emms-player-set emms-player-mpd
-                 'seek
-                 'emms-player-mpd-seek)
+                'seek
+                'emms-player-mpd-seek)
 (emms-player-set emms-player-mpd
-                 'seek-to
-                 'emms-player-mpd-seek-to)
+                'seek-to
+                'emms-player-mpd-seek-to)
 ;;; Dealing with the MusicPD network process
@@ -280,51 +280,51 @@ return at the end of a request.")
   "The process sentinel for MusicPD."
   (let ((status (process-status proc)))
     (cond ((string-match "^deleted" event)
-           (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
-             (message "MusicPD process was deleted")))
-          ((memq status '(exit signal closed))
-           (emms-player-mpd-close-process t)
-           (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
-             (message "Closed MusicPD process")))
-          ((memq status '(run open))
-           (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
-             (message "MusicPD process started successfully")))
-          (t
-           (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
-             (message "Other MusicPD status change: %s, %s" status event))))))
+          (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
+            (message "MusicPD process was deleted")))
+         ((memq status '(exit signal closed))
+          (emms-player-mpd-close-process t)
+          (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
+            (message "Closed MusicPD process")))
+         ((memq status '(run open))
+          (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
+            (message "MusicPD process started successfully")))
+         (t
+          (when emms-player-mpd-verbose
+            (message "Other MusicPD status change: %s, %s" status event))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-ensure-process ()
   "Make sure that a MusicPD process is currently active."
   (unless (and emms-player-mpd-process
-               (processp emms-player-mpd-process)
-               (memq (process-status emms-player-mpd-process) '(run open)))
+              (processp emms-player-mpd-process)
+              (memq (process-status emms-player-mpd-process) '(run open)))
     (setq emms-player-mpd-process
          (if emms-player-mpd-server-port
              (funcall emms-player-mpd-connect-function "mpd"
-                    nil
-                    emms-player-mpd-server-name
-                    emms-player-mpd-server-port)
+                      nil
+                      emms-player-mpd-server-name
+                      emms-player-mpd-server-port)
            (make-network-process :name "emms-mpd"
-                               :service emms-player-mpd-server-name
-                               :family 'local)))
+                                 :service emms-player-mpd-server-name
+                                 :family 'local)))
     (set-process-sentinel emms-player-mpd-process
-                          #'emms-player-mpd-sentinel)
+                         #'emms-player-mpd-sentinel)
     (setq emms-player-mpd-queue
-          (tq-create emms-player-mpd-process))
+         (tq-create emms-player-mpd-process))
     (set-process-query-on-exit-flag emms-player-mpd-process nil)
     ;; send password
     (when (stringp emms-player-mpd-server-password)
       (tq-enqueue emms-player-mpd-queue
-                  (concat "password " emms-player-mpd-server-password "\n")
-                  emms-player-mpd-status-regexp nil #'ignore t))))
+                 (concat "password " emms-player-mpd-server-password "\n")
+                 emms-player-mpd-status-regexp nil #'ignore t))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-close-process (&optional from-sentinel)
   "Terminate the current MusicPD client process.
 FROM-SENTINEL indicates whether this was called by the process sentinel,
 in which case certain checks should not be made."
   (when (or from-sentinel
-            (and (processp emms-player-mpd-process)
-                 (memq (process-status emms-player-mpd-process) '(run open))))
+           (and (processp emms-player-mpd-process)
+                (memq (process-status emms-player-mpd-process) '(run open))))
     (tq-close emms-player-mpd-queue)
     (setq emms-player-mpd-queue nil)
     (setq emms-player-mpd-process nil)))
@@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ When a reply comes, call FN with CLOSURE and the result."
   (unless (string= (substring question -1) "\n")
     (setq question (concat question "\n")))
   (tq-enqueue emms-player-mpd-queue question
-              emms-player-mpd-status-regexp
-              closure fn t))
+             emms-player-mpd-status-regexp
+             closure fn t))
 ;;; Helper functions
@@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ When a reply comes, call FN with CLOSURE and the result."
 This usually means removing a prefix."
   (if (or (not emms-player-mpd-music-directory)
-          (not (eq (aref file 0) ?/))
-          (string-match "\\`http://"; file))
+         (not (eq (aref file 0) ?/))
+         (string-match "\\`http://"; file))
     (file-relative-name file emms-player-mpd-music-directory)))
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ This usually means removing a prefix."
 This usually means adding a prefix."
   (if (or (not emms-player-mpd-music-directory)
-          (eq (aref file 0) ?/)
-          (string-match "\\`http://"; file))
+         (eq (aref file 0) ?/)
+         (string-match "\\`http://"; file))
     (expand-file-name file emms-player-mpd-music-directory)))
@@ -371,21 +371,21 @@ Otherwise, it will be nil."
   (when (stringp response)
       (let* ((data (split-string response "\n"))
-             (cruft (last data 3))
-             (status (if (string= (cadr cruft) "")
-                         (car cruft)
-                       (cadr cruft))))
-        (setcdr cruft nil)
-        (when (and (stringp (car data))
-                   (string-match "^OK\\( MPD \\)?" (car data)))
-          (setq data (cdr data)))
-        (if (and (stringp status)
-                 (string-match "^ACK \\[\\([0-9]+\\)@[0-9]+\\] \\(.+\\)"
-                               status))
-            (cons (cons (match-string 1 status)
-                        (match-string 2 status))
-                  data)
-          (cons nil data))))))
+            (cruft (last data 3))
+            (status (if (string= (cadr cruft) "")
+                        (car cruft)
+                      (cadr cruft))))
+       (setcdr cruft nil)
+       (when (and (stringp (car data))
+                  (string-match "^OK\\( MPD \\)?" (car data)))
+         (setq data (cdr data)))
+       (if (and (stringp status)
+                (string-match "^ACK \\[\\([0-9]+\\)@[0-9]+\\] \\(.+\\)"
+                              status))
+           (cons (cons (match-string 1 status)
+                       (match-string 2 status))
+                 data)
+         (cons nil data))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-parse-line (line)
   "Turn the given LINE from MusicPD into a cons cell.
@@ -393,25 +393,25 @@ Otherwise, it will be nil."
 The format of the cell is (name . value)."
   (when (string-match "\\`\\([^:\n]+\\):\\s-*\\(.+\\)" line)
     (let ((name (match-string 1 line))
-          (value (match-string 2 line)))
+         (value (match-string 2 line)))
       (if (and name value)
-          (progn
-            (setq name (downcase name))
-            (cons name value))
-        nil))))
+         (progn
+           (setq name (downcase name))
+           (cons name value))
+       nil))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-alist (info)
   "Turn the given parsed INFO from MusicPD into an alist."
   (when (and info
-             (null (car info))          ; no error has occurred
-             (cdr info))                ; data exists
+            (null (car info))          ; no error has occurred
+            (cdr info))                ; data exists
     (let ((alist nil)
-          cell old-cell)
+         cell old-cell)
       (dolist (line (cdr info))
-        (when (setq cell (emms-player-mpd-parse-line line))
-          (if (setq old-cell (assoc (car cell) alist))
-              (setcdr old-cell (cdr cell))
-            (setq alist (cons cell alist)))))
+       (when (setq cell (emms-player-mpd-parse-line line))
+         (if (setq old-cell (assoc (car cell) alist))
+             (setcdr old-cell (cdr cell))
+           (setq alist (cons cell alist)))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-alists (info)
@@ -419,37 +419,37 @@ The format of the cell is (name . value)."
 The list will be in reverse order."
   (when (and info
-             (null (car info))          ; no error has occurred
-             (cdr info))                ; data exists
+            (null (car info))          ; no error has occurred
+            (cdr info))                ; data exists
     (let ((alists nil)
-          (alist nil)
-          cell)
+         (alist nil)
+         cell)
       (dolist (line (cdr info))
-        (when (setq cell (emms-player-mpd-parse-line line))
-          (if (assoc (car cell) alist)
-              (setq alists (cons alist alists)
-                    alist (list cell))
-            (setq alist (cons cell alist)))))
+       (when (setq cell (emms-player-mpd-parse-line line))
+         (if (member (car cell) '("file" "directory" "playlist"))
+             (setq alists (cons alist alists)
+                   alist (list cell))
+           (setq alist (cons cell alist)))))
       (when alist
-        (setq alists (cons alist alists)))
+       (setq alists (cons alist alists)))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-tracks-1 (closure response)
   (let ((songs (emms-player-mpd-get-alists
-                (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response)))
-        (tracks nil))
+               (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response)))
+       (tracks nil))
     (when songs
       (dolist (song-info songs)
-        (let ((file (cdr (assoc "file" song-info))))
-          (when file
-            (setq file (emms-player-mpd-get-emms-filename file))
-            (let* ((type (if (string-match "\\`http://"; file)
-                            'url
-                           'file))
-                   (track (emms-track type file)))
-              (emms-info-mpd track song-info)
-              (run-hook-with-args 'emms-track-info-filters track)
-              (setq tracks (cons track tracks)))))))
+       (let ((file (cdr (assoc "file" song-info))))
+         (when file
+           (setq file (emms-player-mpd-get-emms-filename file))
+           (let* ((type (if (string-match "\\`http://"; file)
+                            'url
+                          'file))
+                  (track (emms-track type file)))
+             (emms-info-mpd track song-info)
+             (run-hook-with-args 'emms-track-info-filters track)
+             (setq tracks (cons track tracks)))))))
     (funcall (car closure) (cdr closure) tracks)))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-tracks (closure callback)
@@ -457,13 +457,13 @@ The list will be in reverse order."
 EMMS tracks.
 Call CALLBACK with CLOSURE and result when the request is complete."
   (emms-player-mpd-send "playlistinfo" (cons callback closure)
-                        #'emms-player-mpd-get-tracks-1))
+                       #'emms-player-mpd-get-tracks-1))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-status-1 (closure response)
   (funcall (car closure)
-           (cdr closure)
-           (emms-player-mpd-get-alist
-            (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response))))
+          (cdr closure)
+          (emms-player-mpd-get-alist
+           (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-status (closure callback)
   "Get status information from MusicPD.
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ It will be returned in the form of an alist by calling 
 with CLOSURE as its first argument, and the status as the
   (emms-player-mpd-send "status" (cons callback closure)
-                        #'emms-player-mpd-get-status-1))
+                       #'emms-player-mpd-get-status-1))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-status-part (closure callback item &optional info)
   "Get ITEM from the current MusicPD status.
@@ -484,9 +484,9 @@ info from MusicPD."
      (cons callback (cons closure item))
      (lambda (closure info)
        (let ((fn (car closure))
-             (close (cadr closure))
-             (item (cddr closure)))
-         (funcall fn close (cdr (assoc item info))))))))
+            (close (cadr closure))
+            (item (cddr closure)))
+        (funcall fn close (cdr (assoc item info))))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-get-playlist-id (closure callback &optional info)
   "Get the current playlist ID from MusicPD.
@@ -541,18 +541,18 @@ info from MusicPD."
        (lambda (closure time)
         (ignore closure)
-         (and time
-              (string-match "\\`\\([0-9]+\\):" time)
-              (string-to-number (match-string 1 time))))
+        (and time
+             (string-match "\\`\\([0-9]+\\):" time)
+             (string-to-number (match-string 1 time))))
        "time" info)
      (cons callback closure)
      (lambda (closure time)
        (funcall (car closure)
-                (cdr closure)
-                (and time
-                     (string-match "\\`\\([0-9]+\\):" time)
-                     (string-to-number (match-string 1 time)))))
+               (cdr closure)
+               (and time
+                    (string-match "\\`\\([0-9]+\\):" time)
+                    (string-to-number (match-string 1 time)))))
      "time" info)))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-select-song (prev-song new-song)
@@ -566,41 +566,41 @@ buffer and move to NEW-SONG."
     ;; move to current track
     (goto-char (if (and (stringp prev-song)
-                        emms-playlist-selected-marker
-                        (marker-position emms-playlist-selected-marker))
-                   emms-playlist-selected-marker
-                 (point-min)))
+                       emms-playlist-selected-marker
+                       (marker-position emms-playlist-selected-marker))
+                  emms-playlist-selected-marker
+                (point-min)))
     ;; seek forward or backward
     (let ((diff (if (stringp prev-song)
-                    (- (string-to-number new-song)
-                       (string-to-number prev-song))
-                  (string-to-number new-song))))
+                   (- (string-to-number new-song)
+                      (string-to-number prev-song))
+                 (string-to-number new-song))))
       (condition-case nil
-          (progn
-            ;; skip to first track if not on one
-            (when (and (> diff 0)
-                       (not (emms-playlist-track-at (point))))
-              (emms-playlist-next))
-            ;; move to new track
-            (while (> diff 0)
-              (emms-playlist-next)
-              (setq diff (- diff 1)))
-            (while (< diff 0)
-              (emms-playlist-previous)
-              (setq diff (+ diff 1)))
-            ;; select track at point
-            (unless (emms-playlist-selected-track-at-p)
-              (emms-playlist-select (point))))
-        (error (concat "Could not move to position " new-song))))))
+         (progn
+           ;; skip to first track if not on one
+           (when (and (> diff 0)
+                      (not (emms-playlist-track-at (point))))
+             (emms-playlist-next))
+           ;; move to new track
+           (while (> diff 0)
+             (emms-playlist-next)
+             (setq diff (- diff 1)))
+           (while (< diff 0)
+             (emms-playlist-previous)
+             (setq diff (+ diff 1)))
+           ;; select track at point
+           (unless (emms-playlist-selected-track-at-p)
+             (emms-playlist-select (point))))
+       (error (concat "Could not move to position " new-song))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-sync-from-emms-1 (closure)
    (lambda (closure id)
      (let ((buffer (car closure))
-           (fn (cdr closure)))
+          (fn (cdr closure)))
        (when (functionp fn)
-         (funcall fn buffer id))))))
+        (funcall fn buffer id))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-sync-from-emms (&optional callback)
   "Synchronize the MusicPD playlist with the contents of the
@@ -613,9 +613,9 @@ errors."
     (let (tracks)
-        (setq tracks (nreverse
-                      (emms-playlist-tracks-in-region
-                       (point-min) (point-max)))))
+       (setq tracks (nreverse
+                     (emms-playlist-tracks-in-region
+                      (point-min) (point-max)))))
        (cons (current-buffer) callback)
@@ -623,31 +623,31 @@ errors."
 (defun emms-player-mpd-sync-from-mpd-2 (closure info)
   (let ((buffer (car closure))
-        (fn (cadr closure))
-        (close (cddr closure))
-        (id (emms-player-mpd-get-playlist-id nil #'ignore info))
-        (song (emms-player-mpd-get-current-song nil #'ignore info)))
+       (fn (cadr closure))
+       (close (cddr closure))
+       (id (emms-player-mpd-get-playlist-id nil #'ignore info))
+       (song (emms-player-mpd-get-current-song nil #'ignore info)))
     (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
       (let ((emms-playlist-buffer buffer))
-        (with-current-emms-playlist
-          (setq emms-player-mpd-playlist-id id)
-          (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
-          (if song
-              (emms-player-mpd-select-song nil song)
-            (goto-char (point-min)))))
+       (with-current-emms-playlist
+         (setq emms-player-mpd-playlist-id id)
+         (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+         (if song
+             (emms-player-mpd-select-song nil song)
+           (goto-char (point-min)))))
       (when (functionp fn)
-        (funcall fn close info)))))
+       (funcall fn close info)))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-sync-from-mpd-1 (closure tracks)
   (let ((buffer (car closure)))
     (when (and tracks
-               (buffer-live-p buffer))
+              (buffer-live-p buffer))
       (let ((emms-playlist-buffer buffer))
-        (with-current-emms-playlist
-          (emms-playlist-clear)
-          (mapc #'emms-playlist-insert-track tracks)))
+       (with-current-emms-playlist
+         (emms-playlist-clear)
+         (mapc #'emms-playlist-insert-track tracks)))
       (emms-player-mpd-get-status closure
-                                  #'emms-player-mpd-sync-from-mpd-2))))
+                                 #'emms-player-mpd-sync-from-mpd-2))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-sync-from-mpd (&optional closure callback)
   "Synchronize the EMMS playlist with the contents of the current
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ tracks to it that are present in the MusicPD playlist.
 If the current buffer is an EMMS playlist buffer, make it the
 main EMMS playlist buffer."
   (when (and emms-playlist-buffer-p
-             (not (eq (current-buffer) emms-playlist-buffer)))
+            (not (eq (current-buffer) emms-playlist-buffer)))
     (emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer (current-buffer)))
@@ -675,49 +675,49 @@ main EMMS playlist buffer."
 (defun emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change-1 (closure info)
   (ignore closure)
   (let ((song (emms-player-mpd-get-current-song nil #'ignore info))
-        (state (emms-player-mpd-get-mpd-state nil #'ignore info))
-        (time (emms-player-mpd-get-playing-time nil #'ignore info))
-        (err-msg (cdr (assoc "error" info))))
+       (state (emms-player-mpd-get-mpd-state nil #'ignore info))
+       (time (emms-player-mpd-get-playing-time nil #'ignore info))
+       (err-msg (cdr (assoc "error" info))))
     (if (stringp err-msg)
-        (progn
-          (message "MusicPD error: %s" err-msg)
-          (emms-player-mpd-send
-           "clearerror"
-           nil #'ignore))
+       (progn
+         (message "MusicPD error: %s" err-msg)
+         (emms-player-mpd-send
+          "clearerror"
+          nil #'ignore))
       (cond ((string= state "stop")
-             (if song
-                 ;; a track remains: the user probably stopped MusicPD
-                 ;; manually, so we'll stop EMMS completely
-                 (let ((emms-player-stopped-p t))
-                   (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop")
-                   (emms-player-stopped))
-               ;; no more tracks are left: we probably ran out of things
-               ;; to play, so let EMMS do something further if it wants
-               (unless (string= emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop")
-                 (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop")
-                 (emms-player-stopped))))
-            ((and emms-player-mpd-last-state
-                  (string= emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop"))
-             ;; resume from a stop that occurred outside of EMMS
-             (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state nil)
-             (emms-player-mpd-sync-from-mpd
-              state
-              #'emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change-2))
-            ((string= state "pause")
-             nil)
-            ((string= state "play")
-             (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state "play")
-             (unless (or (null song)
-                         (and (stringp emms-player-mpd-current-song)
-                              (string= song emms-player-mpd-current-song)))
-               (let ((emms-player-stopped-p t))
-                 (emms-player-stopped))
-               (emms-player-mpd-select-song emms-player-mpd-current-song song)
-               (setq emms-player-mpd-current-song song)
-               (emms-player-started 'emms-player-mpd)
-               (when time
-                 (run-hook-with-args 'emms-player-time-set-functions
-                                     time))))))))
+            (if song
+                ;; a track remains: the user probably stopped MusicPD
+                ;; manually, so we'll stop EMMS completely
+                (let ((emms-player-stopped-p t))
+                  (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop")
+                  (emms-player-stopped))
+              ;; no more tracks are left: we probably ran out of things
+              ;; to play, so let EMMS do something further if it wants
+              (unless (string= emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop")
+                (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop")
+                (emms-player-stopped))))
+           ((and emms-player-mpd-last-state
+                 (string= emms-player-mpd-last-state "stop"))
+            ;; resume from a stop that occurred outside of EMMS
+            (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state nil)
+            (emms-player-mpd-sync-from-mpd
+             state
+             #'emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change-2))
+           ((string= state "pause")
+            nil)
+           ((string= state "play")
+            (setq emms-player-mpd-last-state "play")
+            (unless (or (null song)
+                        (and (stringp emms-player-mpd-current-song)
+                             (string= song emms-player-mpd-current-song)))
+              (let ((emms-player-stopped-p t))
+                (emms-player-stopped))
+              (emms-player-mpd-select-song emms-player-mpd-current-song song)
+              (setq emms-player-mpd-current-song song)
+              (emms-player-started 'emms-player-mpd)
+              (when time
+                (run-hook-with-args 'emms-player-time-set-functions
+                                    time))))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change (&optional info)
   "Detect whether a song change has occurred.
@@ -732,10 +732,10 @@ info from MusicPD."
 (defun emms-player-mpd-quote-file (file)
   "Escape special characters in FILE and surround in double-quotes."
   (concat "\""
-          (emms-replace-regexp-in-string
-           "\"" "\\\\\""
-           (emms-replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\" file))
-          "\""))
+         (emms-replace-regexp-in-string
+          "\"" "\\\\\""
+          (emms-replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\" file))
+         "\""))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-clear ()
@@ -762,13 +762,13 @@ If an error occurs, display a relevant message."
    (cons file (cons callback closure))
    (lambda (closure response)
      (let ((output (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response))
-           (file (car closure))
-           (callback (cadr closure))
-           (close (cddr closure)))
+          (file (car closure))
+          (callback (cadr closure))
+          (close (cddr closure)))
        (if (car output)
-           (message "MusicPD error: %s: %s" file (cdar output))
-         (when (functionp callback)
-           (funcall callback close)))))))
+          (message "MusicPD error: %s: %s" file (cdar output))
+        (when (functionp callback)
+          (funcall callback close)))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-add-buffer-contents (buffer closure callback)
   "Load contents of BUFFER into MusicPD by adding each line.
@@ -779,9 +779,9 @@ This handles both m3u and pls type playlists."
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (let ((format (emms-source-playlist-determine-format)))
       (when format
-        (emms-player-mpd-add-several-files
-         (emms-source-playlist-files format)
-         closure callback)))))
+       (emms-player-mpd-add-several-files
+        (emms-source-playlist-files format)
+        closure callback)))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-add-playlist (playlist closure callback)
   "Load contents of PLAYLIST into MusicPD by adding each line.
@@ -799,30 +799,30 @@ Execute CALLBACK with CLOSURE as its first argument when 
   ;; This is useful with emms-streams.el
   (if (fboundp 'url-insert-file-contents)
-        (require 'emms-url)
-        (with-temp-buffer
-          (url-insert-file-contents (emms-url-quote-entire url))
-          (emms-http-decode-buffer (current-buffer))
-          (emms-player-mpd-add-buffer-contents (current-buffer)
-                                               closure callback)))
+       (require 'emms-url)
+       (with-temp-buffer
+         (url-insert-file-contents (emms-url-quote-entire url))
+         (emms-http-decode-buffer (current-buffer))
+         (emms-player-mpd-add-buffer-contents (current-buffer)
+                                              closure callback)))
     (error (message (concat "You need to install url.el so that"
-                            " Emms can retrieve this stream")))))
+                           " Emms can retrieve this stream")))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-add (track closure callback)
   "Add TRACK to the MusicPD playlist.
 Execute CALLBACK with CLOSURE as its first argument when done."
   (let ((name (emms-track-get track 'name))
-        (type (emms-track-get track 'type)))
+       (type (emms-track-get track 'type)))
     (cond ((eq type 'url)
-           (emms-player-mpd-add-file name closure callback))
-          ((eq type 'streamlist)
-           (emms-player-mpd-add-streamlist name closure callback))
-          ((or (eq type 'playlist)
-               (string-match "\\.\\(m3u\\|pls\\)\\'" name))
-           (emms-player-mpd-add-playlist name closure callback))
-          ((and (eq type 'file)
-                (string-match emms-player-mpd-supported-regexp name))
-           (emms-player-mpd-add-file name closure callback)))))
+          (emms-player-mpd-add-file name closure callback))
+         ((eq type 'streamlist)
+          (emms-player-mpd-add-streamlist name closure callback))
+         ((or (eq type 'playlist)
+              (string-match "\\.\\(m3u\\|pls\\)\\'" name))
+          (emms-player-mpd-add-playlist name closure callback))
+         ((and (eq type 'file)
+               (string-match emms-player-mpd-supported-regexp name))
+          (emms-player-mpd-add-file name closure callback)))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-add-several-tracks (tracks closure callback)
   "Add TRACKS to the MusicPD playlist.
@@ -850,11 +850,11 @@ Execute CALLBACK with CLOSURE as its first argument when 
   "Return non-nil when we can play this track."
   (and (memq (emms-track-type track) '(file url playlist streamlist))
        (string-match (emms-player-get emms-player-mpd 'regex)
-                     (emms-track-name track))
+                    (emms-track-name track))
        (condition-case nil
-           (progn (emms-player-mpd-ensure-process)
-                  t)
-         (error nil))))
+          (progn (emms-player-mpd-ensure-process)
+                 t)
+        (error nil))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-play (&optional id)
   "Play whatever is in the current MusicPD playlist.
@@ -863,19 +863,19 @@ playlist."
   (if id
-        (unless (stringp id)
-          (setq id (number-to-string id)))
-        (emms-player-mpd-send
-         (concat "play " id)
-         nil
-         (lambda (closure response)
+       (unless (stringp id)
+         (setq id (number-to-string id)))
+       (emms-player-mpd-send
+        (concat "play " id)
+        nil
+        (lambda (closure response)
           (ignore closure response)
-           (setq emms-player-mpd-current-song nil)
-           (if emms-player-mpd-check-interval
-               (setq emms-player-mpd-status-timer
-                     (run-at-time t emms-player-mpd-check-interval
-                                  #'emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change))
-             (emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change)))))
+          (setq emms-player-mpd-current-song nil)
+          (if emms-player-mpd-check-interval
+              (setq emms-player-mpd-status-timer
+                    (run-at-time t emms-player-mpd-check-interval
+                                 #'emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change))
+            (emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change)))))
     ;; we only want to play one track, so don't start the timer
@@ -888,30 +888,30 @@ playlist."
   (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
     (let ((emms-playlist-buffer buffer))
-        (setq emms-player-mpd-playlist-id id)
-        (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
-        (let ((track-cnt 0))
-          (save-excursion
-            (goto-char
-             (if (and emms-playlist-selected-marker
-                      (marker-position emms-playlist-selected-marker))
-                 emms-playlist-selected-marker
-               (point-min)))
-            (condition-case nil
-                (while t
-                  (emms-playlist-previous)
-                  (setq track-cnt (1+ track-cnt)))
-              (error nil)))
-          (emms-player-mpd-play track-cnt))))))
+       (setq emms-player-mpd-playlist-id id)
+       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+       (let ((track-cnt 0))
+         (save-excursion
+           (goto-char
+            (if (and emms-playlist-selected-marker
+                     (marker-position emms-playlist-selected-marker))
+                emms-playlist-selected-marker
+              (point-min)))
+           (condition-case nil
+               (while t
+                 (emms-playlist-previous)
+                 (setq track-cnt (1+ track-cnt)))
+             (error nil)))
+         (emms-player-mpd-play track-cnt))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-start-and-sync-1 (closure id)
   (ignore closure)
   (let ((buf-id (with-current-emms-playlist
-                  emms-player-mpd-playlist-id)))
+                 emms-player-mpd-playlist-id)))
     (if (and (not (buffer-modified-p emms-playlist-buffer))
-             (stringp buf-id)
-             (string= buf-id id))
-        (emms-player-mpd-start-and-sync-2 emms-playlist-buffer id)
+            (stringp buf-id)
+            (string= buf-id id))
+       (emms-player-mpd-start-and-sync-2 emms-playlist-buffer id)
@@ -943,9 +943,9 @@ This is called if `emms-player-mpd-sync-playlist' is 
     (unless (string= state "stop")
       (emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change info)
       (when emms-player-mpd-check-interval
-        (setq emms-player-mpd-status-timer
-              (run-at-time t emms-player-mpd-check-interval
-                           #'emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change))))))
+       (setq emms-player-mpd-status-timer
+             (run-at-time t emms-player-mpd-check-interval
+                          #'emms-player-mpd-detect-song-change))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-connect ()
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ buffer get out-of-sync for some reason."
   "Starts a process playing TRACK."
   (if (and emms-player-mpd-sync-playlist
-           (not (memq (emms-track-get track 'type) '(streamlist playlist))))
+          (not (memq (emms-track-get track 'type) '(streamlist playlist))))
     ;; if we have loaded the item successfully, play it
@@ -1012,11 +1012,11 @@ from other functions."
    (lambda (amount info)
      (let ((song (emms-player-mpd-get-current-song nil #'ignore info))
-           (secs (emms-player-mpd-get-playing-time nil #'ignore info)))
+          (secs (emms-player-mpd-get-playing-time nil #'ignore info)))
        (when (and song secs)
-         (emms-player-mpd-send
-          (concat "seek " song " " (number-to-string (round (+ secs amount))))
-          nil #'ignore))))))
+        (emms-player-mpd-send
+         (concat "seek " song " " (number-to-string (round (+ secs amount))))
+         nil #'ignore))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-seek-to (pos)
   "Seek to POS seconds from the start of the current track."
@@ -1026,8 +1026,8 @@ from other functions."
    (lambda (pos song)
      (when (and song pos)
-        (concat "seek " song " " (number-to-string (round pos)))
-        nil #'ignore)))))
+       (concat "seek " song " " (number-to-string (round pos)))
+       nil #'ignore)))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-next ()
   "Move forward by one track in MusicPD's internal playlist."
@@ -1050,57 +1050,57 @@ positive or negative."
    (lambda (change volume)
      (let ((new-volume (+ (string-to-number volume) change)))
-        (concat "setvol \"" (number-to-string new-volume) "\"")
-        nil #'ignore)))))
+       (concat "setvol \"" (number-to-string new-volume) "\"")
+       nil #'ignore)))))
 ;;; Now playing
 (defun emms-player-mpd-show-1 (closure response)
   (let* ((info (emms-player-mpd-get-alist
-                (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response)))
-         (insertp (car closure))
-         (callback (cadr closure))
-         (buffer (cddr closure))
-         (name (cdr (assoc "name" info))) ; radio feeds sometimes set this
-         (file (cdr (assoc "file" info)))
-         (desc nil))
+               (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response)))
+        (insertp (car closure))
+        (callback (cadr closure))
+        (buffer (cddr closure))
+        (name (cdr (assoc "name" info))) ; radio feeds sometimes set this
+        (file (cdr (assoc "file" info)))
+        (desc nil))
     ;; if we are playing lastfm radio, use its show function instead
     (if (and (boundp 'emms-lastfm-radio-stream-url)
-             (stringp emms-lastfm-radio-stream-url)
-             (string= emms-lastfm-radio-stream-url file))
-        (with-current-buffer buffer
-          (and (fboundp 'emms-lastfm-np)
-               (emms-lastfm-np insertp callback)))
+            (stringp emms-lastfm-radio-stream-url)
+            (string= emms-lastfm-radio-stream-url file))
+       (with-current-buffer buffer
+         (and (fboundp 'emms-lastfm-np)
+              (emms-lastfm-np insertp callback)))
       ;; otherwise build and show the description
       (when info
-        (when name
-          (setq desc name))
-        (when file
-          (let ((track (emms-dictionary '*track*))
-                track-desc)
-            (if (string-match "\\`http://"; file)
-                (emms-track-set track 'type 'url)
-              (emms-track-set track 'type 'file))
-            (emms-track-set track 'name file)
-            (emms-info-mpd track info)
-            (run-hook-with-args 'emms-track-info-filters track)
-            (setq track-desc (emms-track-description track))
-            (when (and (stringp track-desc) (not (string= track-desc "")))
-              (setq desc (if desc
-                             (concat desc ": " track-desc)
-                           track-desc))))))
+       (when name
+         (setq desc name))
+       (when file
+         (let ((track (emms-dictionary '*track*))
+               track-desc)
+           (if (string-match "\\`http://"; file)
+               (emms-track-set track 'type 'url)
+             (emms-track-set track 'type 'file))
+           (emms-track-set track 'name file)
+           (emms-info-mpd track info)
+           (run-hook-with-args 'emms-track-info-filters track)
+           (setq track-desc (emms-track-description track))
+           (when (and (stringp track-desc) (not (string= track-desc "")))
+             (setq desc (if desc
+                            (concat desc ": " track-desc)
+                          track-desc))))))
       (if (not desc)
-          (unless (functionp callback)
-            (message "Nothing playing right now"))
-        (setq desc (format emms-show-format desc))
-        (cond ((functionp callback)
-               (funcall callback buffer desc))
-              (insertp
-               (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
-                 (with-current-buffer buffer
-                   (insert desc))))
-              (t
-               (message "%s" desc)))))))
+         (unless (functionp callback)
+           (message "Nothing playing right now"))
+       (setq desc (format emms-show-format desc))
+       (cond ((functionp callback)
+              (funcall callback buffer desc))
+             (insertp
+              (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
+                (with-current-buffer buffer
+                  (insert desc))))
+             (t
+              (message "%s" desc)))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-show (&optional insertp callback)
@@ -1118,34 +1118,34 @@ It differs from `emms-show' in that it asks MusicPD for 
the current track,
 rather than EMMS."
   (interactive "P")
   (emms-player-mpd-send "currentsong"
-                        (cons insertp (cons callback (current-buffer)))
-                        #'emms-player-mpd-show-1))
+                       (cons insertp (cons callback (current-buffer)))
+                       #'emms-player-mpd-show-1))
 ;;; Track info
 (defun emms-info-mpd-process (track info)
   (dolist (data info)
     (let ((name (car data))
-          (value (cdr data)))
+         (value (cdr data)))
       (setq name (cond ((string= name "artist") 'info-artist)
-                       ((string= name "composer") 'info-composer)
-                       ((string= name "performer") 'info-performer)
-                       ((string= name "title") 'info-title)
-                       ((string= name "album") 'info-album)
-                       ((string= name "track") 'info-tracknumber)
-                       ((string= name "disc") 'info-discnumber)
-                       ((string= name "date") 'info-year)
-                       ((string= name "genre") 'info-genre)
-                       ((string= name "time")
-                        (setq value (string-to-number value))
-                        'info-playing-time)
-                       (t nil)))
+                      ((string= name "composer") 'info-composer)
+                      ((string= name "performer") 'info-performer)
+                      ((string= name "title") 'info-title)
+                      ((string= name "album") 'info-album)
+                      ((string= name "track") 'info-tracknumber)
+                      ((string= name "disc") 'info-discnumber)
+                      ((string= name "date") 'info-year)
+                      ((string= name "genre") 'info-genre)
+                      ((string= name "time")
+                       (setq value (string-to-number value))
+                       'info-playing-time)
+                      (t nil)))
       (when name
-        (emms-track-set track name value)))))
+       (emms-track-set track name value)))))
 (defun emms-info-mpd-1 (track response)
   (let ((info (emms-player-mpd-get-alist
-               (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response))))
+              (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response))))
     (when info
       (emms-info-mpd-process track info)
       (emms-track-updated track))))
@@ -1159,18 +1159,18 @@ This is a useful addition to `emms-info-functions'."
   (if info
       (emms-info-mpd-process track info)
     (when (and (emms-track-file-p track)
-               (not (string-match "\\`http://"; (emms-track-name track))))
+              (not (string-match "\\`http://"; (emms-track-name track))))
       (let ((file (emms-player-mpd-get-mpd-filename (emms-track-name track))))
-        (when (or emms-player-mpd-music-directory
-                  (and file
-                       (string-match emms-player-mpd-supported-regexp file)))
-          (condition-case nil
-              (emms-player-mpd-send
-               (concat "find filename "
-                       (emms-player-mpd-quote-file file))
-               track
-               #'emms-info-mpd-1)
-            (error nil)))))))
+       (when (or emms-player-mpd-music-directory
+                 (and file
+                      (string-match emms-player-mpd-supported-regexp file)))
+         (condition-case nil
+             (emms-player-mpd-send
+              (concat "find filename "
+                      (emms-player-mpd-quote-file file))
+              track
+              #'emms-info-mpd-1)
+           (error nil)))))))
 ;;; Caching
@@ -1180,20 +1180,20 @@ This is a useful addition to `emms-info-functions'."
 The track should be an alist as per `emms-player-mpd-get-alist'."
   (when emms-cache-set-function
     (let ((track (emms-dictionary '*track*))
-          (name (cdr (assoc "file" track-info))))
+         (name (cdr (assoc "file" track-info))))
       (when name
-        (setq name (emms-player-mpd-get-emms-filename name))
-        (emms-track-set track 'type 'file)
-        (emms-track-set track 'name name)
-        (emms-info-mpd-process track track-info)
-        (funcall emms-cache-set-function 'file name track)))))
+       (setq name (emms-player-mpd-get-emms-filename name))
+       (emms-track-set track 'type 'file)
+       (emms-track-set track 'name name)
+       (emms-info-mpd-process track track-info)
+       (funcall emms-cache-set-function 'file name track)))))
 (defun emms-cache--info-cleanup (info)
   (let ((xs (mapcar (lambda (x)
-                      (and (stringp x)
-                           (not (string-match-p "\\`\\(Last-\\|direct\\)" x))
-                           x))
-                    info)))
+                     (and (stringp x)
+                          (not (string-match-p "\\`\\(Last-\\|direct\\)" x))
+                          x))
+                   info)))
     (cons nil (delq nil xs))))
 (defun emms-cache-set-from-mpd-directory (dir)
@@ -1202,32 +1202,32 @@ The track should be an alist as per 
 This is useful to do when you have recently acquired new music."
    (list (if emms-player-mpd-music-directory
-             (emms-read-directory-name "Directory: "
-                                       emms-player-mpd-music-directory)
-           (read-string "Directory: "))))
+            (emms-read-directory-name "Directory: "
+                                      emms-player-mpd-music-directory)
+          (read-string "Directory: "))))
   (unless (string= dir "")
     (setq dir (emms-player-mpd-get-mpd-filename dir)))
   (if emms-cache-set-function
-        (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache...")
-        (emms-player-mpd-send
-         (concat "listallinfo " dir)
-         nil
-         (lambda (closure response)
+       (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache...")
+       (emms-player-mpd-send
+        (concat "listallinfo " dir)
+        nil
+        (lambda (closure response)
           (ignore closure response)
-           (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache...processing")
-           (let ((info (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response)))
-             (when (null (car info))
-               (let* ((info (emms-cache--info-cleanup info))
-                      (info (emms-player-mpd-get-alists info))
-                      (track 1)
-                      (total (length info)))
-                 (dolist (track-info info)
-                   (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache...%d/%d" track 
-                   (emms-cache-set-from-mpd-track track-info)
-                   (setq track (+ 1 track)))
-                 (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache... %d tracks 
-                          total)))))))
+          (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache...processing")
+          (let ((info (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response)))
+            (when (null (car info))
+              (let* ((info (emms-cache--info-cleanup info))
+                     (info (emms-player-mpd-get-alists info))
+                     (track 1)
+                     (total (length info)))
+                (dolist (track-info info)
+                  (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache...%d/%d" track total)
+                  (emms-cache-set-from-mpd-track track-info)
+                  (setq track (+ 1 track)))
+                (message "Dumping MusicPD data to cache... %d tracks processed"
+                         total)))))))
     (error "Caching is not enabled")))
 (defun emms-cache-set-from-mpd-all ()
@@ -1244,9 +1244,9 @@ order to prime the cache."
   "Cause the tracks in DIR to be updated in the MusicPD database."
    (list (if emms-player-mpd-music-directory
-             (emms-read-directory-name "Directory: "
-                                       emms-player-mpd-music-directory)
-           (read-string "Directory: "))))
+            (emms-read-directory-name "Directory: "
+                                      emms-player-mpd-music-directory)
+          (read-string "Directory: "))))
   (unless (string= dir "")
     (setq dir (emms-player-mpd-get-mpd-filename dir)))
@@ -1254,11 +1254,11 @@ order to prime the cache."
    (lambda (closure response)
      (ignore closure)
      (let ((id (cdr (assoc "updating_db"
-                           (emms-player-mpd-get-alist
-                            (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response))))))
+                          (emms-player-mpd-get-alist
+                           (emms-player-mpd-parse-response response))))))
        (if id
-           (message "Updating DB with ID %s" id)
-         (message "Could not update the DB"))))))
+          (message "Updating DB with ID %s" id)
+        (message "Could not update the DB"))))))
 (defun emms-player-mpd-update-all ()
   "Cause all tracks in the MusicPD music directory to be updated in

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