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[elpa] externals/phps-mode bfa60ea 2/3: Passed tests for bookkeeping of

From: Christian Johansson
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode bfa60ea 2/3: Passed tests for bookkeeping of static variables
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2021 17:45:13 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit bfa60ea807d4743d7d2c84ce4c822ea808e16a12
Author: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>
Commit: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>

    Passed tests for bookkeeping of static variables
 phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el           | 23 ++++++++++-------------
 test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el |  7 +++----
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
index 3e4384c..490afc5 100644
--- a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
               (in-anonymous-function-number 0)
               (in-global-declaration nil)
-              (in-static-declaration nil)
               (in-arrow-fn nil)
               (in-arrow-fn-declaration nil)
               (in-arrow-fn-number 0)
@@ -1358,10 +1357,14 @@ SQUARE-BRACKET-LEVEL and ROUND-BRACKET-LEVEL."
                         (when (and
                                (equal previous-token 'T_STATIC)
-                               (not imenu-in-function-declaration))
-                          (setq bookkeeping-namespace (concat 
bookkeeping-namespace " static"))
+                               (not imenu-in-function-declaration)
+                               (not imenu-in-function-name))
+                          (setq
+                           bookkeeping-namespace
+                           (concat bookkeeping-namespace " static"))
                           (when bookkeeping-alternative-namespace
-                            (setq bookkeeping-alternative-namespace (concat 
bookkeeping-alternative-namespace " static"))))
+                            (setq bookkeeping-alternative-namespace
+                                  (concat bookkeeping-alternative-namespace " 
                         (setq bookkeeping-namespace (concat 
bookkeeping-namespace " id " bookkeeping-variable-name))
                         (when bookkeeping-alternative-namespace
                         (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
                       ;; In static variable declaration
-                      (when (and in-static-declaration
-                                 (equal token 'T_VARIABLE)
-                                 imenu-in-function-name)
+                      (when (and (equal previous-token 'T_STATIC)
+                                 (equal token 'T_VARIABLE))
                         (setq bookkeeping-in-assignment t))
                       ;; In [$abc, $def] = .. or array($abc, $def) = ...
                   ;; Keep track of global declaration for bookkeeping
                   (if (equal token 'T_GLOBAL)
                       (setq in-global-declaration t)
-                    (setq in-global-declaration nil))
-                  ;; Keep track of static declaration for bookkeeping
-                  (if (equal token 'T_STATIC)
-                      (setq in-static-declaration t)
-                    (setq in-static-declaration nil)))
+                    (setq in-global-declaration nil)))
                 ;; Keep track of open catch blocks for bookkeeping
                 (when (equal token 'T_CATCH)
diff --git a/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el 
index 2236e4a..370dc08 100644
--- a/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/test/phps-mode-test-lex-analyzer.el
@@ -1469,8 +1469,7 @@
    "<?php\nclass myClass {\n    function random() {}\n    function 
__construct()\n    {\n        $this->random();\n        $this->random['abc'] = 
123;\n    }\n}"
-   "Method calls should be avoied in bookkeeping"
-   ;; (message "Bookkeeping: %s" (phps-mode-test--hash-to-list 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t))
+   "Method calls should be avoided in bookkeeping"
    (should (equal
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
             (list (list " class myClass function __construct id $this" 1) 
(list (list 89 94) 1) (list (list 114 119) 1)))))
@@ -1585,14 +1584,14 @@
    "Bookkeeping of static variables in different scopes without namespaces"
    (should (equal
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
-            '((" $id $a" 1) ((15 17) 1) ((24 26) 1) (" function test id $a" 1) 
((61 63) 1) ((73 75) 1) (" class There function here id $this" 1) (" class 
There function here static id $a" 1) ((138 140) 1) ((154 156) 1)))))
+            '((" id $a" 1) ((15 17) 1) ((24 26) 1) (" function test id $a" 1) 
((61 63) 1) ((73 75) 1) (" class There function here id $this" 1) (" class 
There function here id $a" 1) ((138 140) 1) ((154 156) 1)))))
    "<?php\n\nnamespace Here\n{\n    function here()\n    {\n        static 
$a;\n        if ($a) {}\n    }\n    class There\n    {\n        public function 
Near()\n        {\n            static $a;\n            if ($a) {}\n        }\n  
  }\n}\nnamespace\n{\n    static $a;\n    if ($a) {}\n}\n"
    "Bookkeeping of static variables in different scopes with namespaces"
    (should (equal
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-bookkeeping) t)
-            '((" namespace Here function here id $a" 1) ((66 68) 1) ((82 84) 
1) (" namespace Here class There function Near id $this" 1) (" namespace Here 
class There function Near id $a" 1)  ((177 179) 1) ((197 199) 1) ("id $a" 1) 
((245 247) 1) ((257 259) 1)))))
+            '((" namespace Here function here id $a" 1) ((66 68) 1) ((82 84) 
1) (" namespace Here class There function Near id $this" 1) (" namespace Here 
class There function Near id $a" 1)  ((177 179) 1) ((197 199) 1) (" id $a" 1) 
((245 247) 1) ((257 259) 1)))))

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