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[nongnu] elpa/lua-mode af274e4 455/468: Merge pull request #184 from imm

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/lua-mode af274e4 455/468: Merge pull request #184 from immerrr/fix-and-optimize-finding-matching-blocks
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2021 04:59:28 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/lua-mode
commit af274e419dde381d00f18f8c22e455f6e18e54fa
Merge: 08d83fc 3e89784
Author: immerrr again <immerrr@gmail.com>
Commit: GitHub <noreply@github.com>

    Merge pull request #184 from 
    Fix and optimize finding matching blocks
 lua-mode.el                                        | 155 +++++++++++++++------
 test/indentation-tests/assignment-indentation.lua  |   8 +-
 test/indentation-tests/function-call-arguments.lua | 109 +++++++++++++++
 test/test-generic.el                               |  59 ++++++++
 test/test-indentation.el                           | 148 ++++++++++----------
 test/test-strings-and-comments.el                  |  59 ++++++--
 test/utils.el                                      |   7 +
 7 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lua-mode.el b/lua-mode.el
index ccdb1be..63223d2 100644
--- a/lua-mode.el
+++ b/lua-mode.el
@@ -957,23 +957,65 @@ Return the amount the indentation changed by."
-(defun lua-find-regexp (direction regexp &optional limit ignore-p)
+(defun lua--ensure-point-within-limit (limit backward)
+  "Return non-nil if point is within LIMIT going forward.
+With BACKWARD non-nil, return non-nil if point is within LIMIT
+going backward.
+If point is beyond limit, move it onto limit."
+  (if (= (cl-signum (- (point) limit))
+         (if backward 1 -1))
+      t
+    (goto-char limit)
+    nil))
+(defun lua--escape-from-string (&optional backward)
+  "Move point outside of string if it is inside one.
+By default, point is placed after the string, with BACKWARD it is
+placed before the string."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((parse-state (syntax-ppss)))
+    (when (nth 3 parse-state)
+      (if backward
+          (goto-char (nth 8 parse-state))
+        (parse-partial-sexp (point) (line-end-position) nil nil (syntax-ppss) 
+      t)))
+(defun lua-find-regexp (direction regexp &optional limit)
   "Searches for a regular expression in the direction specified.
 Direction is one of 'forward and 'backward.
-By default, matches in comments and strings are ignored, but what to ignore is
-configurable by specifying ignore-p. If the regexp is found, returns point
-position, nil otherwise.
-ignore-p returns true if the match at the current point position should be
-ignored, nil otherwise."
-  (let ((ignore-func (or ignore-p 'lua-comment-or-string-p))
-        (search-func (if (eq direction 'forward)
+Matches in comments and strings are ignored. If the regexp is
+found, returns point position, nil otherwise."
+  (let ((search-func (if (eq direction 'forward)
                          're-search-forward 're-search-backward))
         (case-fold-search nil))
-    (catch 'found
-      (while (funcall search-func regexp limit t)
-        (if (and (not (funcall ignore-func (match-beginning 0)))
-                 (not (funcall ignore-func (match-end 0))))
-            (throw 'found (point)))))))
+    (cl-loop
+     always (or (null limit)
+                (lua--ensure-point-within-limit limit (not (eq direction 
+     always (funcall search-func regexp limit 'noerror)
+     for match-beg = (match-beginning 0)
+     for match-end = (match-end 0)
+     while (or (lua-comment-or-string-p match-beg)
+               (lua-comment-or-string-p match-end))
+     do (let ((parse-state (syntax-ppss)))
+          (cond
+           ;; Inside a string
+           ((nth 3 parse-state)
+            (lua--escape-from-string (not (eq direction 'forward))))
+           ;; Inside a comment
+           ((nth 4 parse-state)
+            (goto-char (nth 8 parse-state))
+            (when (eq direction 'forward)
+              (forward-comment 1)))))
+     finally return (point))))
 (defconst lua-block-regexp
@@ -1148,8 +1190,9 @@ If optional NOREPORT is non-nil, it won't flag an error 
if there
 is no block open/close open."
   ;; search backward to the beginning of the keyword if necessary
-  (if (eq (char-syntax (following-char)) ?w)
-      (re-search-backward "\\_<" nil t))
+  (when (and (eq (char-syntax (following-char)) ?w)
+            (not (looking-at "\\_<")))
+    (re-search-backward "\\_<" nil t))
   (let ((position (lua-goto-matching-block-token)))
     (if (and (not position)
              (not noreport))
@@ -1246,7 +1289,7 @@ an optional whitespace till the end of the line.")
      "\\=\\s *"
-     (regexp-opt '("and" "or" "not") t)
+     (regexp-opt '("and" "or" "not" "in") t)
      (regexp-opt '("," "+" "-" "*" "/" "%" "^" ".." "=="
                    "=" "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "~=" "." ":"
@@ -1264,16 +1307,10 @@ previous one even though it looked like an 
 (defun lua-last-token-continues-p ()
   "Return non-nil if the last token on this line is a continuation token."
   (let ((line-begin (line-beginning-position))
-        (line-end (line-end-position))
-      ;; we need to check whether the line ends in a comment and
-      ;; skip that one.
-      (while (lua-find-regexp 'backward "-" line-begin 'lua-string-p)
-        (if (looking-at "--")
-            (setq line-end (point))))
-      (goto-char line-end)
+      (lua-skip-ws-and-comments-backward line-begin)
       (setq return-value (and (re-search-backward lua-cont-eol-regexp 
line-begin t)
                               (or (match-beginning 1)
                                   (match-beginning 2))))
@@ -1304,6 +1341,7 @@ previous one even though it looked like an 
   (let ((line-end (line-end-position)))
+      (lua-skip-ws-and-comments-forward line-end)
       ;; if first character of the line is inside string, it's a continuation
       ;; if strings aren't supposed to be indented, 
`lua-calculate-indentation' won't even let
       ;; the control inside this function
@@ -1352,6 +1390,16 @@ previous one even though it looked like an 
                      (if (eql start-pos end-pos) start-pos (match-beginning 0))
                      (if (eql start-pos end-pos) start-pos (match-end 0))))))))
+(defun lua--continuation-breaking-line-p ()
+  "Return non-nil if looking at token(-s) that forbid continued line."
+  (save-excursion
+    (lua-skip-ws-and-comments-forward (line-end-position))
+    (looking-at (lua-rx (or (symbol "do" "while" "repeat" "until"
+                                 "if" "then" "elseif" "else"
+                                 "for" "local")
+                         lua-funcheader)))))
 (defun lua-is-continuing-statement-p-1 ()
   "Return non-nil if current lined continues a statement.
@@ -1365,9 +1413,10 @@ The criteria for a continuing statement are:
   (let (prev-line continuation-pos parent-block-opener)
     (save-excursion (setq prev-line (lua-forward-line-skip-blanks 'back)))
     (and prev-line
-         (or
-          ;; Binary operator or keyword that implies continuation.
-          (save-excursion
+         (not (lua--continuation-breaking-line-p))
+         (save-excursion
+           (or
+            ;; Binary operator or keyword that implies continuation.
             (and (setq continuation-pos
                        (or (lua-first-token-continues-p)
                            (save-excursion (and (goto-char prev-line)
@@ -1383,11 +1432,7 @@ The criteria for a continuing statement are:
                     ;; - inside braces if it is a comma
                     (and (eq (char-after continuation-pos) ?,)
                          (equal parent-block-opener "{")))))
-                 continuation-pos))
-          ;; "for" expressions (until the next do) imply continuation.
-          (when (string-equal (car-safe (lua--backward-up-list-noerror)) "for")
-            (point))))))
+                 continuation-pos))))))
 (defun lua-is-continuing-statement-p (&optional parse-start)
@@ -1420,11 +1465,15 @@ This true is when the line :
     ;; opener line, ") + long_function_name2({", which in its turn is decided
     ;; by the "long_function_name(" line, which is a continuation line
     ;; because the line before it ends with a binary operator.
-    (while (and (lua--goto-line-beginning-rightmost-closer)
-                (lua--backward-up-list-noerror)
-                (lua-is-continuing-statement-p-1)))
-    (lua-is-continuing-statement-p-1)))
+    (cl-loop
+     ;; Go to opener line
+     while (and (lua--goto-line-beginning-rightmost-closer)
+               (lua--backward-up-list-noerror))
+     ;; If opener line is continuing, repeat. If opener line is not
+     ;; continuing, return nil.
+     always (lua-is-continuing-statement-p-1)
+     ;; We get here if there was no opener to go to: check current line.
+     finally return (lua-is-continuing-statement-p-1))))
 (defun lua-make-indentation-info-pair (found-token found-pos)
   "Create a pair from FOUND-TOKEN and FOUND-POS for indentation calculation.
@@ -1492,10 +1541,23 @@ Don't use standalone."
       (let* ((line-beginning (line-beginning-position))
              (same-line (and (lua-goto-matching-block-token found-pos 
-                             (<= line-beginning (point)))))
-        (if (not same-line)
-            (lua-calculate-indentation-info (point))
-          (cons 'remove-matching 0)))))
+                             (<= line-beginning (point))))
+             (opener-pos (point))
+             opener-continuation-offset)
+        (if same-line
+            (cons 'remove-matching 0)
+          (back-to-indentation)
+          (setq opener-continuation-offset
+                (if (lua-is-continuing-statement-p-1) lua-indent-level 0))
+          ;; Accumulate indentation up to opener, including indentation. If
+          ;; there were no other indentation modifiers until said opener,
+          ;; ensure there is no continuation after the closer.
+          `(multiple . ((absolute . ,(- (current-indentation) 
+                        ,@(when (/= opener-continuation-offset 0)
+                            (list (cons 'continued-line 
+                        ,@(delete nil (list (lua-calculate-indentation-info-1 
nil opener-pos)))
+                        (cancel-continued-line . nil)))))))
    ((member found-token '("do" "then"))
     `(multiple . ((cancel-continued-line . nil) (relative . 
@@ -1769,12 +1831,13 @@ If not, return nil."
         ;;    hello_world()
         ;; end
         (setq opener-pos (point))
-        (unless (or
-                 (and (string-equal (car opener-info) "do")
-                      (member (car (lua--backward-up-list-noerror)) '("while" 
-                 (and (string-equal (car opener-info) "then")
-                      (member (car (lua--backward-up-list-noerror)) '("if" 
-          (goto-char opener-pos))
+        (when (/= (- opener-pos (line-beginning-position)) 
+          (unless (or
+                   (and (string-equal (car opener-info) "do")
+                        (member (car (lua--backward-up-list-noerror)) 
'("while" "for")))
+                   (and (string-equal (car opener-info) "then")
+                        (member (car (lua--backward-up-list-noerror)) '("if" 
+            (goto-char opener-pos)))
         ;; (let (cont-stmt-pos)
         ;;   (while (setq cont-stmt-pos (lua-is-continuing-statement-p))
diff --git a/test/indentation-tests/assignment-indentation.lua 
index 10adb60..4d0f7ee 100644
--- a/test/indentation-tests/assignment-indentation.lua
+++ b/test/indentation-tests/assignment-indentation.lua
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ x = t[very_very_very_long_name()
 -- does not indent binary operators inside brackets: indentation 1
-x = [
+x = foo[
    very_very_very_long_name() +
-    ]
+       ]
 -- does not indent binary operators inside brackets: indentation 2
-x = [
+x = foo[
    + another_very_very_very_long_name()
-    ]
+       ]
diff --git a/test/indentation-tests/function-call-arguments.lua 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a520a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/indentation-tests/function-call-arguments.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+-- parentheses vs braces (table ctor)
+-- close paren/brace: attached/detached
+-- alignment/indentation
+-- args in horizontal line vs args in column vs mixed
+-- one of params is a table/function literal/function call/single-line 
table/single-line function
+-- it works for single line case
+foobar(a, b, c)
+a = 0
+-- it works for indenting all args on one line: close paren on separate line
+   a, b, c
+a = 0
+-- it works for indenting all args in a column: close paren on separate line
+   a,
+   b,
+   c
+a = 0
+-- it works for mixed arg indentation: close paren on separate line
+   a, b,
+   c, d
+a = 0
+-- it works with table ctorfor single line case
+foobar{a, b, c}
+a = 0
+-- it works with table ctor for indenting all args on one line: close paren on 
separate line
+   a, b, c
+a = 0
+-- it works with table ctor for indenting all args in a column: close paren on 
separate line
+   a,
+   b,
+   c
+a = 0
+-- it works with table ctor for mixed arg indentation: close paren on separate 
+   a, b,
+   c, d
+a = 0
+-- it works for mixed arg indentation with table in the middle: close paren on 
separate line
+   a, b,
+   {
+      foo = bar,
+      qux = quux
+   }, d
+a = 0
+-- it works for mixed arg indentation with table first: close paren on 
separate line
+   {
+      foo = bar,
+      qux = quux
+   }, b,
+   c, d
+a = 0
+-- it works for mixed arg indentation with table last: close paren on separate 
+   a, b,
+   c, {
+      foo = bar,
+      qux = quux
+      }
+a = 0
diff --git a/test/test-generic.el b/test/test-generic.el
index 1afcadc..796db3b 100644
--- a/test/test-generic.el
+++ b/test/test-generic.el
@@ -195,3 +195,62 @@ local foo = <2>{
             :with-point-at "<1>"
             :after-executing (lua-backward-up-list)
             :to-end-up-at "<2>")))
+(describe "lua-goto-matching-block"
+  (it "works for do...end block"
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>do if true then print(123) end <1>end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>do if true then print(123) end e<1>nd")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>do if true then print(123) end en<1>d")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<1>do if true then print(123) end <2>end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "d<1>o if true then print(123) end <2>end"))
+  (it "works for repeat...until block"
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<1>repeat if true then print(123) end <2>until true")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>repeat if true then print(123) end <1>until true"))
+  (it "works for while...do...end block"
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<1>while foo() do if true then print(123) end <2>end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>while foo() do if true then print(123) end <1>end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "while foo() <1>do if true then print(123) end <2>end")
+    ;; The next line is a valid statement that ensures
+    ;; "lua-goto-matching-block" can distinguish between "while..do" and
+    ;; "do..end"
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<1>while false do print(123) <2>end do print(123) end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "while false do print(123) end <1>do print(123) <2>end"))
+  (it "works for if..elseif..else..end block"
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<1>if true then foo() elseif false then bar() else baz() <2>end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>if true then foo() elseif false then bar() else baz() <1>end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>if true then foo() elseif false then bar() <1>else baz() end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>if true then foo() elseif false <1>then bar() else baz() end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>if true then foo() <1>elseif false then bar() else baz() end")
+    (expect (lua-goto-matching-block) :to-move-point-from-1-to-2
+            "<2>if true <1>then foo() elseif false then bar() else baz() 
diff --git a/test/test-indentation.el b/test/test-indentation.el
index 7cc6d12..d581504 100644
--- a/test/test-indentation.el
+++ b/test/test-indentation.el
@@ -59,163 +59,167 @@
 (describe "Continuation lines"
-  (it "are indented before/after binary operators"
-    (let ((binops '("+"  "-"  "*"  "/"  "^"  "%"  ".."
-                    "<"  "<="  ">"  ">="  "=="  "~="
-                    "and"  "or")))
-      (cl-dolist (binop binops)
-        (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "BINOP" binop "\
+  (lua--parametrize-tests
+   (binop)
+   (("+") ("-") ("*") ("/") ("^") ("%") ("..")
+    ("<") ("<=") (">") (">=") ("==") ("~=") ("and") ("or"))
+   :it (format "are indented before/after binary operators: %s" binop)
+   (expect (replace-regexp-in-string "BINOP" binop "\
 a = foo BINOP
-   bar" 'fixedcase))
-        (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "BINOP" binop "\
+   bar" 'fixedcase)
+           :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
+   (expect (replace-regexp-in-string "BINOP" binop "\
 a = foo
-   BINOP bar" 'fixedcase)))))
-  (xit "are indented before/after unary operators"
-    (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
-foo = bar
-   -#some_str"))
-    (cl-dolist (unop '("-" "#" "not "))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop  "\
-       <>quux)")))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
-foobar(qux, xyzzy
-          <>quux)")))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
-   <>quux)")))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
-x = {qux,
-     <>quux}")))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
-x = {qux;
-     <>quux}")))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
-x = {qux, xyzzy
-        <>quux}")))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
-x = {
-   <>quux
+   BINOP bar" 'fixedcase)
+           :to-be-reindented-the-same-way))
+) ;; (
+;;    (xit "are indented before/after unary operators"
+;;      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+;; foo = bar
+;;    -#some_str"))
+;;      (cl-dolist (unop '("-" "#" "not "))
+;;        (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop  "\
+;; foobar(qux,
+;;        <>quux)")))
+;;        (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
+;; foobar(qux, xyzzy
+;;           <>quux)")))
+;;        (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
+;; foobar(
+;;    <>quux)")))
+;;        (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
+;; x = {qux,
+;;      <>quux}")))
+;;        (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
+;; x = {qux;
+;;      <>quux}")))
+;;        (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
+;; x = {qux, xyzzy
+;;         <>quux}")))
+;;        (expect (lua--reindent-like (replace-regexp-in-string "<>" unop "\
+;; x = {
+;;    <>quux
+;; }"))))))
 (describe "Function indentation"
   (it "indents function call arguments"
-    (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+    (expect "\
-   a, b, c)"))
-    (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+   a, b, c)" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
+    (expect "\
-   b, c)"))
+   b, c)" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-    (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+    (expect "\
    a, b, c
+)" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-    (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+    (expect "\
-       c)"))
+       c)" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-    (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+    (expect "\
    a, b, c
+}" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way))
   (it "indent blocks with lua-indent-nested-block-content-align"
     (let ((lua-indent-nested-block-content-align nil))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
 call_some_fn( something, {
       val = 5,
       another = 6,
-} )"))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+} )" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
+      (expect "\
 local def = {
    some_very_long_name = { fn =
             return true
+}" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
   (it "indent blocks with lua-indent-close-paren-align"
     (let ((lua-indent-close-paren-align nil))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
 local foo = setmetatable( {
       a = 4,
       b = 5,
 }, {
       __index = some_func,
-} )"))
+} )" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
   (it "indents nested tables with alternative block indenting"
     (let ((lua-indent-nested-block-content-align nil)
          (lua-indent-close-paren-align nil))
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
       a, b, c
+})" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
 foobar(a, {
+})" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
+})" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
+)" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
+})" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
+)" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
-      (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+      (expect "\
    c, d
+)" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way)
 (ert-deftest lua-indentation-keywords-with-special-characters ()
-  (expect (lua--reindent-like "\
+  (expect "\
    foobar = _do
+end" :to-be-reindented-the-same-way))
diff --git a/test/test-strings-and-comments.el 
index da20308..cf928eb 100644
--- a/test/test-strings-and-comments.el
+++ b/test/test-strings-and-comments.el
@@ -450,24 +450,55 @@
   (describe "respects limit"
      (limit navigation-spec test-name)
-     ((6 "  <1>   <2>   " "respect limit in whitespace")
+     ((6 "  <1>   <2>   " "in whitespace")
       (1 "     <2><1>   " "don't move if limit is before point")
-      (8 "--  <1>   <2>  \n" "respect limit when escaping single-line comment 
-      (8 "--  <1>  \n<2>  " "respect limit when escaping single-line comment 
-      (8 "--  <1>   <2>\n  " "respect limit when escaping single-line comment 
-      (8 "--[[<1>   <2> ]] \n" "respect limit when escaping multi-line comment 
-      (8 "--[[<1>  ]<2>] \n" "respect limit when escaping multi-line comment 
-      (8 "--[[<1>   <2> ]] \n" "respect limit when escaping multi-line comment 
-      (7 "--  <1>@s<2>ee x   " "respect limit when escaping single-line luadoc 
-      (8 "--  <1>@se<2>e x   " "respect limit when escaping single-line luadoc 
-      (9 "--  <1>@see<2> x   " "respect limit when escaping single-line luadoc 
-      (7 "--[[<1>@s<2>ee x]] " "respect limit when escaping single-line luadoc 
-      (8 "--[[<1>@se<2>e x]] " "respect limit when escaping single-line luadoc 
-      (9 "--[[<1>@see<2> x]] " "respect limit when escaping single-line luadoc 
+      (8 "--  <1>   <2>  \n" "when escaping single-line comment 1")
+      (8 "--  <1>  \n<2>  " "when escaping single-line comment 2")
+      (8 "--  <1>   <2>\n  " "when escaping single-line comment 3")
+      (8 "--[[<1>   <2> ]] \n" "when escaping multi-line comment 1")
+      (8 "--[[<1>  ]<2>] \n" "when escaping multi-line comment 1")
+      (8 "--[[<1>   <2> ]] \n" "when escaping multi-line comment 1")
+      (7 "--  <1>@s<2>ee x   " "when escaping single-line luadoc comment")
+      (8 "--  <1>@se<2>e x   " "when escaping single-line luadoc comment")
+      (9 "--  <1>@see<2> x   " "when escaping single-line luadoc comment")
+      (7 "--[[<1>@s<2>ee x]] " "when escaping multi-line luadoc comment")
+      (8 "--[[<1>@se<2>e x]] " "when escaping multi-line luadoc comment")
+      (9 "--[[<1>@see<2> x]] " "when escaping multi-line luadoc comment")
      :it (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\\\\n" (format "%s: limit=%S %S" 
test-name limit navigation-spec))
      (expect navigation-spec
              :with-point-at "<1>"
              :after-executing (lua-skip-ws-and-comments-forward limit)
              :to-end-up-at "<2>"))))
+(describe "lua-find-regexp"
+  (it "does not match open-bracket that is part of multiline string opener: 
+    (with-lua-buffer
+     (lua-insert-goto-<> '("<>foo = [[ bar ]]"))
+     (expect (lua-find-regexp 'forward "\\[") :not :to-be-truthy)))
+  (it "does not match open-bracket that is part of multiline string opener: 
+    (with-lua-buffer
+     (lua-insert-goto-<> '("foo = [[ bar ]]<>"))
+     (expect (lua-find-regexp 'backward "\\[") :not :to-be-truthy)))
+  (it "does not match close-bracket that is part of multiline string closer: 
+    (with-lua-buffer
+     (lua-insert-goto-<> '("<>foo = [[ bar ]]"))
+     (expect (lua-find-regexp 'forward "]") :not :to-be-truthy)))
+  (it "does not match close-bracket that is part of multiline string closer: 
+    (with-lua-buffer
+     (lua-insert-goto-<> '("<>foo = [[ bar ]]"))
+     (expect (lua-find-regexp 'backward "]") :not :to-be-truthy)))
+  (it "does not match minus that is part of comment starter: forward"
+    (with-lua-buffer
+     (lua-insert-goto-<> '("<>foo = [[ bar ]] -- baz"))
+     (expect (lua-find-regexp 'forward "-") :not :to-be-truthy)))
+  (it "does not match minus that is part of comment starter: backward"
+    (with-lua-buffer
+     (lua-insert-goto-<> '("<>foo = [[ bar ]] -- baz"))
+     (expect (lua-find-regexp 'backward "-") :not :to-be-truthy))))
diff --git a/test/utils.el b/test/utils.el
index fb588ad..6fc7912 100644
--- a/test/utils.el
+++ b/test/utils.el
@@ -231,6 +231,13 @@ This is a mere typing/reading aid for lua-mode's font-lock 
 (buttercup-define-matcher :with-point-at (&rest args)
   (apply #'with-point-at-matcher `(:lua-code ,(car args) :with-point-at ,@(cdr 
+;;; Shortcut for with-point-at with <1> and <2> placeholders
+(buttercup-define-matcher :to-move-point-from-1-to-2 (code-block lua-code)
+  (with-point-at-matcher
+   :lua-code lua-code
+   :with-point-at (lambda () "<1>")
+   :after-executing code-block
+   :to-end-up-at (lambda () "<2>")))
 (defun lua--string-trim (string &optional trim-left trim-right)
   ;; Backport of string-trim for Emacs 24 that doesn't have subr-x lib.

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