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[nongnu] elpa/htmlize 9349d4b 014/134: Version 1.4.

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/htmlize 9349d4b 014/134: Version 1.4.
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2021 09:16:57 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/htmlize
commit 9349d4b0a214e429c2aeb4d932fa259b1240850a
Author: Hrvoje Niksic <hniksic@gmail.com>
Commit: Hrvoje Niksic <hniksic@gmail.com>

    Version 1.4.
 htmlize.el | 885 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 499 insertions(+), 386 deletions(-)

diff --git a/htmlize.el b/htmlize.el
index e0f0c70..bbaa337 100644
--- a/htmlize.el
+++ b/htmlize.el
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
 ;; <hniksic@xemacs.org> to discuss features and additions.  All
 ;; suggestions are more than welcome.
-;; To use this just switch to the buffer you want HTML-ized and type
-;; `M-x htmlize-buffer'.  You will be switched into a new buffer with
-;; the resulting HTML code.  You can edit and inspect this buffer, or
-;; you can just save it with C-x C-w.  `M-x htmlize-file' will find a
-;; file, font-lock it, and save the HTML version in FILE.html, without
-;; any additional intervention.  `M-x htmlize-many-files' allows you
-;; to htmlize any number of files in the same manner.  `M-x
-;; htmlize-many-files-dired' does the same for files marked in a dired
-;; buffer.
+;; To use this, just switch to the buffer you want HTML-ized and type
+;; `M-x htmlize-buffer'.  You will be switched to a new buffer that
+;; contains the resulting HTML code.  You can edit and inspect this
+;; buffer, or you can just save it with C-x C-w.  `M-x htmlize-file'
+;; will find a file, fontify it, and save the HTML version in
+;; FILE.html, without any additional intervention.  `M-x
+;; htmlize-many-files' allows you to htmlize any number of files in
+;; the same manner.  `M-x htmlize-many-files-dired' does the same for
+;; files marked in a dired buffer.
 ;; htmlize supports two types of HTML output, selected by setting
 ;; `htmlize-output-type': `css' and `font'.  In `css' mode, htmlize
@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@
 ;; HTML, which is not standard-compliant, but works better in older
 ;; browsers.  `css' mode is the default.
+;; You can also use htmlize from your Emacs Lisp code.  When called
+;; non-interactively, `htmlize-buffer' and `htmlize-region' will
+;; return the resulting HTML buffer, but will not switch current
+;; buffer or move the point.
 ;; I tried to make the package elisp-compatible with multiple Emacsen,
 ;; specifically aiming for XEmacs 19.14+ and GNU Emacs 19.34+.  Please
 ;; let me know if it doesn't work on some of those, and I'll try to
@@ -55,9 +60,6 @@
 ;; remove that particular dependency.  When byte-compiling under GNU
 ;; Emacs, you're likely to get lots of warnings; just ignore them.
-;; For htmlize to work, you need to run Emacs under a window-system --
-;; anything else is very likely to fail.
 ;; The latest version should be available at:
 ;;        <http://fly.srk.fer.hr/~hniksic/emacs/htmlize.el>
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@
   (defvar font-lock-auto-fontify)
   (defvar global-font-lock-mode))
-(defconst htmlize-version "1.0")
+(defconst htmlize-version "1.4")
 ;; Incantations to make custom stuff work without customize, e.g. on
 ;; XEmacs 19.14 or GNU Emacs 19.34.
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ in a number of ways, the META tag being the only one 
available to
 htmlize.  Therefore, when this variable is non-nil, htmlize inserts
 the following in the <head> section of the HTML:
-  <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"CHARSET\">
+  <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=CHARSET\">
 where CHARSET is the value you've set for htmlize-html-charset.  Valid
 charsets are defined by MIME and include strings like \"iso-8859-1\",
@@ -199,23 +201,22 @@ The string \"htmlize-\" is an example of a reasonable 
   :type 'string
   :group 'htmlize)
-(defcustom htmlize-use-rgb-map t
-  "*Controls when `rgb.txt' should be looked up for color values.
+(defcustom htmlize-use-rgb-txt t
+  "*Whether `rgb.txt' should be used to convert color names to RGB.
-When set to t (the default), htmlize will, when running under an X
-display, look for the `rgb.txt' file and use it to obtain the RGB
-values for named colors.  This is useful when the values reported by
-`color-instance-rgb-components'/`x-color-values' are incorrect because
-of color approximation.
+This conversion means determining, for instance, that the color
+\"IndianRed\" corresponds to the (205, 92, 92) RGB triple.  `rgb.txt'
+is the X color database that maps hundreds of color names to such RGB
+triples.  When this variable is non-nil, `htmlize' uses `rgb.txt' to
+look up color names.
-When set to nil, htmlize will never look for `rgb.txt' and will always
-use the values Emacs returns.
+If this variable is nil, htmlize queries Emacs for RGB components of
+colors using `color-instance-rgb-components' and `x-color-values'.
+This can yield incorrect results on non-true-color displays.
-When set to `force', htmlize will try to look for `rgb.txt' even on
-non-X devices."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "When Appropriate" t)
-                (const :tag "Never"          nil)
-                (const :tag "Always"       force))
+If the `rgb.txt' file is not found (which will be the case if you're
+running Emacs on non-X11 systems), this option is ignored."
+  :type 'boolean
   :group 'htmlize)
 (defcustom htmlize-html-major-mode nil
@@ -246,34 +247,145 @@ This is run by the `htmlize-file'.")
 (defconst htmlize-running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version))
-;;; Transformation of buffer text: untabification, HTML escapes, etc.
+;;; Transformation of buffer text: HTML escapes, untabification, etc.
+(if (fboundp 'char-int)
+    (defalias 'htmlize-char-int 'char-int)
+  (defalias 'htmlize-char-int 'identity))
+(defvar htmlize-character-table
+  ;; Map characters in the 0-255 range to strings.
+  (let ((table (make-vector 256 ?\0)))
+    ;; Map characters in the 32-126 range to themselves, others to
+    ;; &#CODE entities;
+    (dotimes (i 256)
+      (setf (aref table i) (if (and (>= i 32) (<= i 126))
+                              (char-to-string i)
+                            (format "&#%d;" i))))
+    ;; Set exceptions manually.
+    (setf
+     ;; Don't quote newline, carriage return, and TAB.
+     (aref table ?\n) "\n"
+     (aref table ?\r) "\r"
+     (aref table ?\t) "\t"
+     ;; Encode &, <, and > as symbolic entities, as is customary.
+     (aref table ?&) "&amp;"
+     (aref table ?<) "&lt;"
+     (aref table ?>) "&gt;"
+     ;; Not quoting '"' buys us a measurable speed increase.  It's
+     ;; only necessary to quote it for strings used in attribute
+     ;; values, which htmlize doesn't do.
+     ;(aref table ?\") "&quot;"
+     )
+    table))
+;; Table that maps extended characters to their numeric Unicode
+;; entities.  This is used by htmlize-protect-string to avoid consing
+;; "&CHAR-CODE;" strings for the characters that repeat over and over.
+(defvar htmlize-extended-character-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+(defun htmlize-protect-string (string)
+  "HTML-protect string, escaping HTML metacharacters and I18N chars."
+  ;; Only protecting strings that actually contain unsafe chars
+  ;; removes a lot of unnecessary consing.
+  (if (not (string-match "[^\r\n\t -%'-;=?-~]" string))
+      string
+    (mapconcat (lambda (char)
+                (cond
+                 ((> (htmlize-char-int char) 255)
+                  (if (and (fboundp 'encode-char)
+                           ;; Emacs's unicode tables are incomplete;
+                           ;; encode-char returns nil for Arabic.
+                           (encode-char char 'ucs))
+                      ;; encode-char is available: convert CHAR to
+                      ;; "&#UCS-CODE;".  Cache the resulting string
+                      ;; in htmlize-extended-character-table, so we
+                      ;; don't have to cons new strings for chars
+                      ;; we've already seen.
+                      (or (gethash char htmlize-extended-character-table)
+                          (setf (gethash char
+                                         htmlize-extended-character-table)
+                                (format "&#%d;" (encode-char char 'ucs))))
+                    ;; Conversion to Unicode not available --
+                    ;; simply copy the char unchanged.
+                    (char-to-string char)))
+                 (t
+                  ;; Use htmlize-character-table to convert CHAR to
+                  ;; string without consing a new string each time.
+                  (aref htmlize-character-table char))))
+              string "")))
+;; We need a function that efficiently finds the next change of a
+;; property (usually `face'), preferably regardless of whether the
+;; change occurred because of a text property or an extent/overlay.
+;; As it turns out, it is not easy to do that compatibly.
+;; Under XEmacs, `next-single-property-change' does that.  Under GNU
+;; Emacs beginning with version 21, `next-single-char-property-change'
+;; is available and works.  GNU Emacs 20 had
+;; `next-char-property-change', which we can use.  GNU Emacs 19 didn't
+;; provide any means for simultaneously examining overlays and text
+;; properties, so when using Emacs 19.34, we punt and fall back to
+;; `next-single-property-change', thus ignoring overlays altogether.
+ (htmlize-running-xemacs
+  ;; XEmacs: good.
+  (defun htmlize-next-change (pos prop &optional limit)
+    (next-single-property-change pos prop nil (or limit (point-max)))))
+ ((fboundp 'next-single-char-property-change)
+  ;; GNU Emacs 21: good.
+  (defun htmlize-next-change (pos prop &optional limit)
+    (next-single-char-property-change pos prop nil limit)))
+ ((fboundp 'next-char-property-change)
+  ;; GNU Emacs 20: bad, but fixable.
+  (defun htmlize-next-change (pos prop &optional limit)
+    (let ((done nil)
+         (current-value (get-char-property pos prop))
+         newpos next-value)
+      ;; Loop over positions returned by next-char-property-change
+      ;; until the value of PROP changes or we've hit EOB.
+      (while (not done)
+       (setq newpos (next-char-property-change pos limit)
+             next-value (get-char-property newpos prop))
+       (cond ((eq newpos pos)
+              ;; Possibly at EOB?  Whatever, just don't infloop.
+              (setq done t))
+             ((eq next-value current-value)
+              ;; PROP hasn't changed -- keep looping.
+              )
+             (t
+              (setq done t)))
+       (setq pos newpos))
+      pos)))
+ (t
+  ;; GNU Emacs 19.34: hopeless, cannot properly support overlays.
+  (defun htmlize-next-change (pos prop &optional limit)
+    (unless limit
+      (setq limit (point-max)))
+    (let ((res (next-single-property-change pos prop)))
+      (if (or (null res)
+             (> res limit))
+         limit
+       res)))))
 (defun htmlize-buffer-substring (beg end)
   ;; Like buffer-substring-no-properties, but also ignores invisible
   ;; text.
-  (if (not (text-property-not-all beg end 'invisible nil))
-      ;; Make the simple case fast: if the region contains no
-      ;; invisible text, use the buffer-substring-no-properties
-      ;; builtin.
-      (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)
-    ;; Iterate over the changes in the `invisible' property and filter
-    ;; out the portions where it's non-nil, i.e. where the text is
-    ;; invisible.
-    (let ((visible-text ())
-         invisible next-change)
-      (save-excursion
-       (save-restriction
-         (narrow-to-region beg end)
-         (goto-char (point-min))
-         (while (not (eobp))
-           (setq invisible (get-char-property (point) 'invisible)
-                 next-change (or (htmlize-next-change (point) 'invisible)
-                                 (point-max)))
-           (unless invisible
-             (push (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) next-change)
-                   visible-text))
-           (goto-char next-change))))
-      (apply #'concat (nreverse visible-text)))))
+  ;; Iterate over the changes in the `invisible' property and filter
+  ;; out the portions where it's non-nil, i.e. where the text is
+  ;; invisible.
+  (let ((pos beg)
+       visible-list invisible next-change)
+    (while (< pos end)
+      (setq invisible (get-char-property pos 'invisible)
+           next-change (htmlize-next-change pos 'invisible end))
+      (unless invisible
+       (push (buffer-substring-no-properties pos next-change)
+             visible-list))
+      (setq pos next-change))
+    (apply #'concat (nreverse visible-list))))
 (defun htmlize-untabify-1 (line start-column)
   ;; Replaces tabs in LINE with the number of spaces sufficient to
@@ -314,58 +426,6 @@ This is run by the `htmlize-file'.")
        ;; Advance to the next position in TEXT.
        (setq line-beg line-end)))
     (apply #'concat (nreverse output))))
-;; Currently we don't handle non-ASCII characters specially: they are
-;; copied to the output buffer as-is.  The user is expected to make
-;; them work, e.g. by filling in a META tag in htmlize-head-tags.
-;; This is because IMHO doing nothing is (in this case) better than
-;; doing the wrong thing and corrupting data.  Doing the right thing
-;; is *hard* because it would require converting Emacs characters to
-;; Unicode code points.  Making this work under different versions of
-;; Mule is tricky and would require large conversion tables.  What's
-;; worse, making it work under non-Mule Emacsen is next to impossible
-;; because the meaning of 8-bit characters depends on the locale and
-;; font in use.  (Contrary to popular belief, you cannot assume that
-;; characters in the 160-255 range are Latin 1.)
-(if (fboundp 'char-int)
-    (defalias 'htmlize-char-int 'char-int)
-  (defalias 'htmlize-char-int 'identity))
-(defvar htmlize-character-table
-  (let ((table (make-vector 256 ?\0)))
-    (dotimes (i 256)
-      (setf (aref table i) (char-to-string i)))
-    (setf (aref table ?&) "&amp;"
-         (aref table ?<) "&lt;"
-         (aref table ?>) "&gt;"
-         ;; Not quoting '"' buys us a measurable speed increase.
-         ;; It's only necessary to quote it for strings used in
-         ;; attribute values, which htmlize doesn't do.
-         ;(aref table ?\") "&quot;"
-         ;; This character often shows in GNU sources, and the W3
-         ;; validator complains of "invalid SGML character".  So we
-         ;; convert it to an entity, which only elicits a warning.
-         ;; We could do the same for other non-ASCII characters, but
-         ;; we don't because it would slow us down.
-         (aref table ?\C-l) "&#12;"
-         )
-    table))
-(defun htmlize-protect-string (string)
-  ;; Checking whether STRING contains dangerous stuff removes a lot of
-  ;; unnecessary consing.
-  (if (not (string-match "[&<>\C-l]" string))
-      string
-    (mapconcat (lambda (char)
-                (if (> (htmlize-char-int char) 255)
-                    ;; Leave multibyte characters as they are, see
-                    ;; above for explanation.
-                    (char-to-string char)
-                  (aref htmlize-character-table char)))
-              string "")))
 ;;; Color handling.
@@ -408,51 +468,6 @@ This is run by the `htmlize-file'.")
             (and (buffer-live-p ,temp-buffer)
                  (kill-buffer ,temp-buffer))))))))
-;; We need a function that efficiently finds the next change of a
-;; property (usually `face'), preferably regardless of whether the
-;; change occurred because of a text property or an extent/overlay.
-;; As it turns out, it is not easy to do that compatibly.
-;; Under XEmacs, `next-single-property-change' does that.  Under GNU
-;; Emacs beginning with version 21, `next-single-char-property-change'
-;; is available and works.  GNU Emacs 20 had
-;; `next-char-property-change', which we can use.  GNU Emacs 19 didn't
-;; provide any means for simultaneously examining overlays and text
-;; properties, so when using Emacs 19.34, we punt and fall back to
-;; `next-single-property-change', thus ignoring overlays altogether.
- (htmlize-running-xemacs
-  ;; XEmacs: good.
-  (defalias 'htmlize-next-change 'next-single-property-change))
- ((fboundp 'next-single-char-property-change)
-  ;; GNU Emacs 21: good.
-  (defalias 'htmlize-next-change 'next-single-char-property-change))
- ((fboundp 'next-char-property-change)
-  ;; GNU Emacs 20: bad, but fixable.
-  (defun htmlize-next-change (pos prop)
-    (let ((done nil)
-         (current-value (get-char-property pos prop))
-         newpos next-value)
-      ;; Loop over positions returned by next-char-property-change
-      ;; until the value of PROP changes or we've hit EOB.
-      (while (not done)
-       (setq newpos (next-char-property-change pos)
-             next-value (get-char-property newpos prop))
-       (cond ((eq newpos pos)
-              ;; Possibly at EOB?  Whatever, just don't infloop.
-              (setq done t))
-             ((eq next-value current-value)
-              ;; PROP hasn't changed -- keep looping.
-              )
-             (t
-              (setq done t)))
-       (setq pos newpos))
-      pos)))
- (t
-  ;; GNU Emacs 19.34: hopeless.
-  (defalias 'htmlize-next-change 'next-single-property-change)))
 (defvar htmlize-x-library-search-path
@@ -481,71 +496,85 @@ The keys to the hash table are X color names as strings, 
and the
 values are the #rrggbb RGB specifications, extracted from `rgb.txt'.
 If RGB-FILE is nil, the function will try hard to find a suitable file
-in the system directories."
+in the system directories.
+If no rgb.txt file is found, return nil."
   (let ((rgb-file (or rgb-file (htmlize-locate-file
-       (hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (insert-file-contents rgb-file)
-      (while (not (eobp))
-       (cond ((looking-at "^\\s-*\\([!#]\\|$\\)")
-              ;; Skip comments and empty lines.
-              )
-             ((looking-at "[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ 
\t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\(.*\\)")
-              (setf (gethash (downcase (match-string 4)) hash)
-                    (format "#%02x%02x%02x"
-                            (string-to-number (match-string 1))
-                            (string-to-number (match-string 2))
-                            (string-to-number (match-string 3)))))
-             (t
-              (error "Unrecognized line in rgb.txt: %s"
-                     (buffer-substring (point) (progn (end-of-line) 
-       (forward-line 1)))
+       (hash nil))
+    (when rgb-file
+      (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert-file-contents rgb-file)
+       (setq hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (cond ((looking-at "^\\s-*\\([!#]\\|$\\)")
+                ;; Skip comments and empty lines.
+                )
+               ((looking-at
+                 "[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ 
+                (setf (gethash (downcase (match-string 4)) hash)
+                      (format "#%02x%02x%02x"
+                              (string-to-number (match-string 1))
+                              (string-to-number (match-string 2))
+                              (string-to-number (match-string 3)))))
+               (t
+                (error
+                 "Unrecognized line in rgb.txt: %s"
+                 (buffer-substring (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
+         (forward-line 1))))
-(defvar htmlize-color-rgb-hash nil)
-(and (or (eq htmlize-use-rgb-map 'force)
-        (and (eq htmlize-use-rgb-map t)
-             (eq window-system 'x)))
-     (null htmlize-color-rgb-hash)
-     (setq htmlize-color-rgb-hash (htmlize-get-color-rgb-hash)))
+;; Compile the RGB map when loaded.  On systems where rgb.txt is
+;; missing, the value of the variable will be nil, and rgb.txt will
+;; not be used.
+(defvar htmlize-color-rgb-hash (htmlize-get-color-rgb-hash))
 ;;; Face handling
-(defun htmlize-face-has-property (face prop)
-  ;; Return t if face has PROP set rather than inherited.  The problem
-  ;; with say, `face-foreground-instance', is that it returns an
-  ;; instance for EVERY face because every face inherits from the
-  ;; default face.  However, we'd like htmlize-face-{fore,back}ground
-  ;; to return nil when called with a face that doesn't specify its
-  ;; own foreground or background.
+(defun htmlize-face-specifies-property (face prop)
+  ;; Return t if face specifies PROP, as opposed to it being inherited
+  ;; from the default face.  The problem with e.g.
+  ;; `face-foreground-instance' is that it returns an instance for
+  ;; EVERY face because every face inherits from the default face.
+  ;; However, we'd like htmlize-face-{fore,back}ground to return nil
+  ;; when called with a face that doesn't specify its own foreground
+  ;; or background.
   (if (eq face 'default)
     (let ((spec-list (specifier-spec-list (face-property face prop))))
       (not (null (assq 'global spec-list))))))
+(defun htmlize-face-color-internal (face fg)
+  ;; Used only under GNU Emacs.  Return the color of FACE, but don't
+  ;; return "unspecified-fg" or "unspecified-bg".  If the face is
+  ;; `default' and the color is unspecified, look up the color in
+  ;; frame parameters.
+  (let ((color (if fg (face-foreground face) (face-background face))))
+    (when (and (eq face 'default) (null color))
+      (setq color (cdr (assq (if fg 'foreground-color 'background-color)
+                            (frame-parameters)))))
+    (when (or (equal color "unspecified-fg")
+             (equal color "unspecified-bg"))
+      (setq color nil))
+    (when (and (eq face 'default)
+              (null color))
+      ;; Assuming black on white doesn't seem right, but I can't think
+      ;; of anything better to do.
+      (setq color (if fg "black" "white")))
+    color))
 (defun htmlize-face-foreground (face)
   ;; Return the foreground color of the face as a string, either a
   ;; color name or #rrggbb.  If FACE does not specify a foreground
   ;; color, return nil.
   (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs
         ;; XEmacs.
-        (and (htmlize-face-has-property face 'foreground)
+        (and (htmlize-face-specifies-property face 'foreground)
              (color-instance-name (face-foreground-instance face))))
-        ;; FSF Emacs.
-        (let ((color (face-foreground face)))
-          (when (or (equal color "unspecified-fg")
-                    (equal color "unspecified-bg"))
-            (setq color nil))
-          (when (and (eq face 'default) (null color))
-            (setq color (or (cdr (assq 'foreground-color (frame-parameters)))
-                            ;; Assuming black foreground doesn't seem
-                            ;; right, but I can't think of anything
-                            ;; better to do.
-                            "black")))
-          color))))
+        ;; GNU Emacs.
+        (htmlize-face-color-internal face t))))
 (defun htmlize-face-background (face)
   ;; Return the background color of the face as a string, either a
@@ -553,53 +582,63 @@ in the system directories."
   ;; color, return nil.
   (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs
         ;; XEmacs.
-        (and (htmlize-face-has-property face 'background)
+        (and (htmlize-face-specifies-property face 'background)
              (color-instance-name (face-background-instance face))))
-        (let ((color (face-background face)))
-          (when (or (equal color "unspecified-fg")
-                    (equal color "unspecified-bg"))
-            (setq color nil))
-          (when (and (eq face 'default) (null color))
-            (setq color (or (cdr (assq 'background-color (frame-parameters)))
-                            ;; Assuming white background doesn't seem
-                            ;; right, but I can't think of anything
-                            ;; better to do.
-                            "white")))
-          color))))
-;; Return the #rrggbb string for foreground color of FACE.  If BG-P is
-;; non-nil, background color is used.
+        ;; GNU Emacs.
+        (htmlize-face-color-internal face nil))))
+;; Convert COLOR to the #RRGGBB string.  If COLOR is already in that
+;; format, it's left unchanged.
 (defun htmlize-color-to-rgb-string (color)
-  (apply #'format "#%02x%02x%02x"
-        ;; Here I cannot conditionalize on (fboundp ...) because
-        ;; ps-print under some versions of GNU Emacs defines its own
-        ;; dummy version of color-instance-rgb-components.
-        (if htmlize-running-xemacs
-            (mapcar (lambda (arg)
-                      (/ arg 256))
-                    (color-instance-rgb-components
-                     (make-color-instance color)))
-          (mapcar (lambda (arg)
-                    (/ arg 256))
-                  (x-color-values color)))))
+  (let (rgb-string)
+    (cond ((string-match "^#" color)
+          ;; The color is alredy in #rrggbb format.
+          (setq rgb-string color))
+         ((and htmlize-use-rgb-txt
+               htmlize-color-rgb-hash)
+          ;; Use of rgb.txt is requested, and it's available on the
+          ;; system.  Use it.
+          (setq rgb-string (gethash (downcase color) htmlize-color-rgb-hash)))
+         (t
+          ;; We're getting the RGB components from Emacs.
+          (let ((rgb
+                 ;; Here I cannot conditionalize on (fboundp ...) 
+                 ;; because ps-print under some versions of GNU Emacs
+                 ;; defines its own dummy version of
+                 ;; color-instance-rgb-components.
+                 (if htmlize-running-xemacs
+                     (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+                               (/ arg 256))
+                             (color-instance-rgb-components
+                              (make-color-instance color)))
+                   (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+                             (/ arg 256))
+                           (x-color-values color)))))
+            (when rgb
+              (setq rgb-string (apply #'format "#%02x%02x%02x" rgb))))))
+    ;; If RGB-STRING is still null, it means the color cannot be
+    ;; found, for whatever reason.  In that case just punt and return
+    ;; COLOR.  Most browsers support a decent set of color names
+    ;; anyway.
+    (or rgb-string color)))
+;; Return FACE's foreground or background as an RGB string.  If the
+;; face doesn't specify color, return nil.
 (defun htmlize-face-rgb-string (face &optional bg-p)
   (let ((color-name (if bg-p
                        (htmlize-face-background face)
                      (htmlize-face-foreground face))))
-    (when color-name
-      (cond ((and htmlize-use-rgb-map
-                 htmlize-color-rgb-hash)
-            (setq color-name (downcase color-name))
-            (let ((rgb (if (string-match "^#" color-name)
-                           color-name
-                         (gethash color-name htmlize-color-rgb-hash))))
-              (unless rgb
-                (error "Color %s (face %s) not found" color-name face))
-              rgb))
-           (t
-            (htmlize-color-to-rgb-string color-name))))))
+    (and color-name
+        (htmlize-color-to-rgb-string color-name))))
+;; We abstract the face properties we care about into an
+;; `htmlize-face' structure.  That way we only have to analyze face
+;; properties, which can be time consuming, once per each face.  The
+;; mapping between Emacs faces and htmlize-faces is established by
+;; htmlize-make-face-hash.
 (defstruct htmlize-face
   rgb-foreground                       ; foreground color, #rrggbb
@@ -607,89 +646,121 @@ in the system directories."
   boldp                                        ; whether face is bold
   italicp                              ; whether face is italic
   underlinep                           ; whether face is underlined
-  strikep                              ; whether face is strikethrough
+  overlinep                            ; whether face is overlined
+  strikep                              ; whether face is striked through
   css-name                             ; CSS name of face
+(defun htmlize-emacs-face-to-htmlize-face (face)
+  "Convert Emacs face FACE to htmlize-face."
+  (let ((object (make-htmlize-face
+                :rgb-foreground (htmlize-face-rgb-string face)
+                :rgb-background (htmlize-face-rgb-string face t))))
+    (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs
+          ;; XEmacs doesn't provide a way to detect whether a face is
+          ;; bold or italic, so we need to examine the font instance.
+          ;; #### This probably doesn't work under MS Windows and/or
+          ;; GTK devices.  I'll need help with those.
+          (let* ((font-instance (face-font-instance face))
+                 (props (font-instance-properties font-instance)))
+            (when (equalp (cdr (assq 'WEIGHT_NAME props)) "bold")
+              (setf (htmlize-face-boldp object) t))
+            (when (or (equalp (cdr (assq 'SLANT props)) "i")
+                      (equalp (cdr (assq 'SLANT props)) "o"))
+              (setf (htmlize-face-italicp object) t))
+            (setf (htmlize-face-strikep object)
+                  (face-strikethru-p face))
+            (setf (htmlize-face-underlinep object)
+                  (face-underline-p face))))
+         ((fboundp 'face-attribute)
+          ;; GNU Emacs 21.
+          (dolist (attr '(:weight :slant :underline :overline :strike-through))
+            (let ((value (face-attribute face attr)))
+              (when (and value (not (eq value 'unspecified)))
+                (htmlize-face-emacs21-attr object attr value)))))
+         (t
+          ;; Older GNU Emacs.  Some of these functions are only
+          ;; available under Emacs 20+, hence the guards.
+          (when (fboundp 'face-bold-p)
+            (setf (htmlize-face-boldp object) (face-bold-p face)))
+          (when (fboundp 'face-italic-p)
+            (setf (htmlize-face-italicp object) (face-italic-p face)))
+          (setf (htmlize-face-underlinep object)
+                (face-underline-p object))))
+    ;; Generate the css-name property.  Emacs places no restrictions
+    ;; on the names of symbols that represent faces -- any characters
+    ;; may be in the name, even ^@.  We try hard to beat the face name
+    ;; into shape, both esthetically and according to CSS1 specs.
+    (setf (htmlize-face-css-name object)
+         (let ((name (downcase (symbol-name face))))
+           (when (string-match "\\`font-lock-" name)
+             ;; Change font-lock-FOO-face to FOO.
+             (setq name (replace-match "" t t name)))
+           (when (string-match "-face\\'" name)
+             ;; Drop the redundant "-face" suffix.
+             (setq name (replace-match "" t t name)))
+           (while (string-match "[^-a-zA-Z0-9]" name)
+             ;; Drop the non-alphanumerics.
+             (setq name (replace-match "X" t t name)))
+           (when (string-match "^[-0-9]" name)
+             ;; CSS identifiers may not start with a digit.
+             (setq name (concat "X" name)))
+           ;; After these transformations, the face could come
+           ;; out empty.
+           (when (equal name "")
+             (setq name "face"))
+           ;; Apply the prefix.
+           (setq name (concat htmlize-css-name-prefix name))
+           name))
+    object))
+(defun htmlize-face-emacs21-attr (hface attr value)
+  (case attr
+    (:foreground
+     (setf (htmlize-face-rgb-foreground hface)
+          (htmlize-color-to-rgb-string value)))
+    (:background
+     (setf (htmlize-face-rgb-background hface)
+          (htmlize-color-to-rgb-string value)))
+    (:weight
+     (when (string-match (symbol-name value) "bold")
+       (setf (htmlize-face-boldp hface) t)))
+    (:slant
+     (setf (htmlize-face-italicp hface)
+          (or (eq value 'italic) (eq value 'oblique))))
+    (:bold
+     (setf (htmlize-face-boldp hface) value))
+    (:italic
+     (setf (htmlize-face-italicp hface) value))
+    (:underline
+     (setf (htmlize-face-underlinep hface) value))
+    (:overline
+     (setf (htmlize-face-overlinep hface) value))
+    (:strike-through
+     (setf (htmlize-face-strikep hface) value))))
 (defun htmlize-make-face-hash (faces)
   ;; Return a hash table mapping faces (typically face symbols, but
   ;; under XEmacs possibly also objects returned by find-face) to the
-  ;; associated `htmlize-face' objects.
-  ;; Keys are faces, not strings, so `eq' suffices as test condition.
+  ;; associated `htmlize-face' objects.  Keys are faces, not strings,
+  ;; so `eq' suffices as test condition.
   (let ((face-hash (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
-       face-fancy-names b-font i-font bi-font use-bi use-i)
-    (when htmlize-running-xemacs
-      (setq b-font (face-font-name 'bold)
-           i-font (face-font-name 'italic)
-           bi-font (face-font-name 'bold-italic)
-           use-bi (not (or (equal b-font bi-font) (equal i-font bi-font)))
-           use-i (not (equal b-font i-font))))
+       face-css-names)
     (dolist (face faces)
       (unless (gethash face face-hash)
-       (let ((object (make-htmlize-face
-                      :rgb-foreground (htmlize-face-rgb-string face)
-                      :rgb-background (htmlize-face-rgb-string face t)
-                      :underlinep (face-underline-p face))))
-         ;; Portability junk -- there is no good way of detecting
-         ;; whether a face is bold or italic under XEmacs, so I need
-         ;; to resort to disgusting hacks.  Please close your eyes
-         ;; lest you vomit or spontaneously combust.
-         (if htmlize-running-xemacs
-             (let* ((font (face-font-name face)))
-               ;; Boldness, XEmacs
-               (setf (htmlize-face-boldp object)
-                     (or (equal font (face-font-name 'bold))
-                         (and use-bi
-                              (equal font (face-font-name 'bold-italic)))))
-               ;; Italic-ness, XEmacs
-               (setf (htmlize-face-italicp object)
-                     (and use-i
-                          (or (equal font (face-font-name 'italic))
-                              (and use-bi
-                                   (equal font
-                                          (face-font-name 'bold-italic))))))
-               ;; OK, you may open them again.
-               ;; Strikethrough, XEmacs
-               (setf (htmlize-face-strikep object) (face-strikethru-p face)))
-           (when (fboundp 'face-bold-p)
-             ;; Boldness, GNU Emacs 20
-             (setf (htmlize-face-boldp object) (face-bold-p face)))
-           (when (fboundp 'face-italic-p)
-             ;; Italic-ness, GNU Emacs 19
-             (setf (htmlize-face-italicp object) (face-italic-p face)))
-           ;; Strikethrough is not supported by GNU Emacs.
-           (setf (htmlize-face-strikep object) nil))
-         ;; css-name.  Emacs is lenient about face names -- virtually
-         ;; any string may name a face, even those consisting of
-         ;; characters such as ^@.  We try hard to beat the face name
-         ;; into shape, both esthetically and according to CSS1
-         ;; specs.
-         (setf (htmlize-face-css-name object)
-               (let ((name (downcase (symbol-name face))))
-                 (when (string-match "\\`font-lock-" name)
-                   (setq name (replace-match "" t t name)))
-                 (when (string-match "-face\\'" name)
-                   (setq name (replace-match "" t t name)))
-                 (while (string-match "[^-a-zA-Z0-9]" name)
-                   (setq name (replace-match "X" t t name)))
-                 (when (string-match "^[-0-9]" name)
-                   (setq name (concat "X" name)))
-                 ;; After these transformations, the face could come
-                 ;; out empty.
-                 (when (equal name "")
-                   (setq name "face"))
-                 ;; Apply the prefix.
-                 (setq name (concat htmlize-css-name-prefix name))
-                 (let ((i 1))
-                   (while (member name face-fancy-names)
-                     (setq name (format "%s-%d" name i))
-                     (incf i)))
-                 (push name face-fancy-names)
-                 name))
-         ;; Store it in the hash table.
-         (setf (gethash face face-hash) object))))
+       ;; Convert FACE to our format.
+       (let ((face-obj (htmlize-emacs-face-to-htmlize-face face)))
+         (setf (gethash face face-hash) face-obj)
+         (let* ((css-name (htmlize-face-css-name face-obj))
+                (new-name css-name)
+                (i 0))
+           ;; Uniquify the face's css-name by using FACE-1, FACE-2,
+           ;; etc.
+           (while (member new-name face-css-names)
+             (setq new-name (format "%s-%s" css-name (incf i))))
+           (unless (equal new-name css-name)
+             (setf (htmlize-face-css-name face-obj) new-name))
+           (push new-name face-css-names)))))
 (defun htmlize-faces-in-buffer ()
@@ -698,62 +769,86 @@ in the system directories."
     ;; Testing for (fboundp 'map-extents) doesn't work because W3
     ;; defines `map-extents' under FSF.
     (if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
-       (map-extents (lambda (extent ignored)
-                      (let ((face (extent-face extent)))
-                        ;; FACE can be a face or a list of faces.
-                        ;; Handle both cases.
-                        (if (listp face)
-                            (dolist (face face)
-                              (when face
-                                (pushnew face faces)))
-                          (pushnew face faces)))
-                      nil)
-                    nil nil nil nil nil 'face)
+       (let (face)
+         (map-extents (lambda (extent ignored)
+                        (setq face (extent-face extent)
+                              ;; Note: FACE can be a face or a list of faces.
+                              faces (if (listp face)
+                                        (union face faces)
+                                      (adjoin face faces)))
+                        nil)
+                      nil nil nil nil nil 'face))
       ;; FSF Emacs code.
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (let (face next)
          (while (not (eobp))
-           (setq face (get-char-property (point) 'face)
-                 next (or (htmlize-next-change (point) 'face)
+           (setq face (get-text-property (point) 'face)
+                 next (or (next-single-property-change (point) 'face)
-           ;; FACE can be a face or a list of faces.  Handle both
-           ;; cases.
-           (if (listp face)
-               (dolist (face face)
-                 (and face
-                      (facep face)
-                      (pushnew face faces)))
-             (pushnew face faces))
-           (goto-char next)))
-       (setq faces (delq nil faces))))
+           ;; FACE can be a face or a list of faces.
+           (setq faces (if (listp face)
+                           (union face faces)
+                         (adjoin face faces)))
+           (goto-char next))
+         ;; Add faces used by buffer overlays.
+         (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+           (setq face (overlay-get overlay 'face))
+           ;; FACE can be a face or a list of faces.
+           (setq faces (if (listp face)
+                           (union face faces)
+                         (adjoin face faces)))))
+       (setq faces (delete-if-not #'facep faces))))
-;; htmlize-faces-at-point returns the faces that are in effect at
-;; point, with the exception of `default'.  The faces are sorted by
-;; increasing priority, i.e. the last face takes precedence.
+;; htmlize-faces-at-point returns the faces in use at point.  The
+;; faces are sorted by increasing priority, i.e. the last face takes
+;; precedence.
 ;; Under XEmacs, this returns all the faces in all the extents at
-;; point.
+;; point.  Under GNU Emacs, this returns all the faces in the `face'
+;; property and all the faces in the overlays at point.
 (cond (htmlize-running-xemacs
        (defun htmlize-faces-at-point ()
         (let (extent list face)
           (while (setq extent (extent-at (point) nil 'face extent))
             (setq face (extent-face extent))
-            (push (if (listp face) (reverse face) (list face)) list))
-          (delq 'default (apply #'nconc list)))))
+            (setq list (if (listp face)
+                           (nconc (reverse face) list)
+                         (cons face list))))
+          ;; No need to reverse the list: PUSH has already
+          ;; constructed it in the reverse display order.
+          list)))
        (defun htmlize-faces-at-point ()
-        (let ((face-list (get-char-property (point) 'face)))
-          (setq face-list (if (listp face-list)
-                              (copy-list face-list)
-                            (list face-list)))
-          ;; We don't support the non-face properties, such as
-          ;; (foreground-color . FOO), yet.  Only leave faces in for
-          ;; now.
-          (setq face-list (delete-if-not 'facep face-list))
-          (nreverse (delq 'default face-list))))))
+        (let (all-faces)
+          ;; Faces from text properties.
+          (let* ((face (get-text-property (point) 'face))
+                 (list (if (listp face) (copy-list face) (list face))))
+            (setq all-faces (nconc all-faces (nreverse list))))
+          ;; Faces from overlays.
+          (let ((overlays
+                 ;; Sort overlays by size, so that more specific
+                 ;; overlays set precedence.  The number of overlays
+                 ;; at each one position should be very small, so
+                 ;; this sort shouldn't slow things down.
+                 (sort (overlays-at (point))
+                       (lambda (o1 o2)
+                         (< (- (overlay-end o1) (overlay-start o1))
+                            (- (overlay-end o2) (overlay-start o2))))))
+                list face)
+            (dolist (overlay overlays)
+              (setq face (overlay-get overlay 'face))
+              (setq list (if (listp face)
+                             (nconc (reverse face) list)
+                           (cons face list))))
+            (setq all-faces (nconc all-faces list)))
+          ;; We don't support property lists, such as (:foreground
+          ;; ...).  (Supporting them is hard because they need to be
+          ;; mapped to face-less classes, and those classes must be
+          ;; known in advance.)  For now, only leave faces.
+          (delete-if-not 'facep all-faces)))))
 ;;; CSS1 support
@@ -776,6 +871,8 @@ in the system directories."
       (push "font-style: italic;" result))
     (when (htmlize-face-underlinep face)
       (push "text-decoration: underline;" result))
+    (when (htmlize-face-overlinep face)
+      (push "text-decoration: overline;" result))
     (when (htmlize-face-strikep face)
       (push "text-decoration: line-through;" result))
     (nreverse result)))
@@ -797,14 +894,13 @@ in the system directories."
        (while (string-match "\\*/" cleaned-up-face-name)
         (setq cleaned-up-face-name (replace-match "XX" t t
-       (unless (eq face 'default)
-        (let ((specs (htmlize-css-specs face-object)))
-          (insert "      ." (htmlize-face-css-name face-object))
-          (if (null specs)
-              (insert " {")
-            (insert " {\n        /* " cleaned-up-face-name " */\n        "
-                    (mapconcat #'identity specs "\n        ")))
-          (insert "\n      }\n")))))
+       (let ((specs (htmlize-css-specs face-object)))
+        (insert "      ." (htmlize-face-css-name face-object))
+        (if (null specs)
+            (insert " {")
+          (insert " {\n        /* " cleaned-up-face-name " */\n        "
+                  (mapconcat #'identity specs "\n        ")))
+        (insert "\n      }\n"))))
   (insert htmlize-hyperlink-style
          "    -->\n    </style>\n"))
@@ -858,10 +954,10 @@ in the system directories."
            (htmlize-face-rgb-background face-object))))
 (defun htmlize-font-insert-text (text faces buffer)
-  ;; Merge the faces.
   (let (bold italic underline strike fg)
+    ;; Merge the faces.
     (dolist (face faces)
-      ;; Any face with a boolean attribute sets the attribute.
+      ;; A non-null boolean attribute in any face sets the attribute.
       (and (htmlize-face-boldp face)      (setq bold t))
       (and (htmlize-face-italicp face)    (setq italic t))
       (and (htmlize-face-underlinep face) (setq underline t))
@@ -990,8 +1086,7 @@ without modifying their meaning."
        ;; ones that belong to text properties.  Likewise for
        ;; `htmlize-next-change'.
        (setq faces (htmlize-faces-at-point)
-             next-change (or (htmlize-next-change (point) 'face)
-                             (point-max)))
+             next-change (htmlize-next-change (point) 'face))
        ;; Convert faces to face objects.
        (setq face-objects (mapcar (lambda (f) (gethash f face-hash)) faces))
        ;; Extract buffer text, sans the invisible parts.  Then
@@ -1073,42 +1168,59 @@ Some examples:
        (concat file ".html")
       (concat sans-extension ".html"))))
-(defun htmlize-make-absolute-file-name (file dir)
-  "Create an absolute HTML file name with the desired directory.
-That means, run FILE through `htmlize-make-file-name', and
-expand it to either DIR or, if DIR is nil, to its own
-directory name."
-  (expand-file-name (htmlize-make-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file))
-                   (or dir (file-name-directory file))))
-(defun htmlize-file (file &optional target-directory)
-  "HTML-ize FILE, and save the result to an `.html' file.
-The file name of the HTML file is determined with `html-make-file-name'.
-If TARGET-DIRECTORY is non-nil, the resulting HTML file will be saved
-to that directory, instead of to FILE's directory."
+(defun htmlize-file (file &optional target)
+  "Find FILE, fontify it convert it to HTML, and save the result.
+This function does not modify current buffer or point.  If FILE is
+already being visited in a buffer, the contents of that buffer are
+used for HTML-ization.  Otherwise, FILE is read into a temporary
+buffer, which is disposed of after use.  FILE's buffer is explicitly
+fontified before HTML-ization.  If a form of highlighting other than
+font-lock is desired, please use `htmlize-buffer' directly.
+The function `htmlize-make-file-name', is used to determine the name
+of the resulting HTML file.  In normal cases, the FILE's extension is
+replaced with `html', e.g. \"foo.c\" becomes \"foo.html\".  See the
+documentation of `htmlize-make-file-name' for more details.
+If TARGET is specified and names a directory, the resulting file will
+be saved there instead of to FILE's directory.  If TARGET is specified
+and does not name a directory, it will be used as output file name."
   (interactive (list (read-file-name
                      "HTML-ize file: "
                      nil nil nil (and (buffer-file-name)
   (let* ((was-visited (get-file-buffer file))
-        ;; Set these to nil to prevent double fontification; we'll
-        ;; fontify manually below.
+        ;; Prevent `find-file-noselect' from triggering font-lock.
+        ;; We'll fontify manually below.  Set these to nil to prevent
+        ;; double fontification; we'll fontify manually below.
         (font-lock-auto-fontify nil)
-        (global-font-lock-mode nil))
+        (global-font-lock-mode nil)
+        ;; Determine the output file name.
+        (output-file (if (and target (not (file-directory-p target)))
+                         target
+                       (expand-file-name
+                        (htmlize-make-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file))
+                        (or target (file-name-directory file))))))
     ;; Find FILE, fontify it, HTML-ize it, and write it to FILE.html.
+    ;; The `unwind-protect' forms are used to make certain the
+    ;; temporary buffers go away in case of unexpected errors or C-g.
     (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file t)
-      (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
-      (with-current-buffer (htmlize-buffer-1)
-       (run-hooks 'htmlize-file-hook)
-       (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
-                     (htmlize-make-absolute-file-name file target-directory))
-       (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
-      ;; If FILE was not previously visited, its buffer is temporary
-      ;; and can be killed.
-      (unless was-visited
-       (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+      (unwind-protect
+         (progn
+           (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
+           (with-current-buffer (htmlize-buffer-1)
+             (unwind-protect
+                 (progn
+                   (run-hooks 'htmlize-file-hook)
+                   (write-region (point-min) (point-max) output-file))
+               (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+       ;; If FILE was not previously visited, its buffer is temporary
+       ;; and must be killed.
+       (unless was-visited
+         (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
 (defun htmlize-many-files (files &optional target-directory)
@@ -1121,10 +1233,11 @@ corresponding source file."
     (let (list file)
       ;; Use empty string as DEFAULT because setting DEFAULT to nil
       ;; defaults to the directory name, which is not what we want.
-      (while (not (equal (setq file (read-file-name "HTML-ize file (RET to 
finish): "
-                                                   (and list 
-                                                              (car list)))
-                                                   "" t))
+      (while (not (equal (setq file (read-file-name
+                                    "HTML-ize file (RET to finish): "
+                                    (and list (file-name-directory
+                                               (car list)))
+                                    "" t))
        (push file list))
       (nreverse list))))

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