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[elpa] externals/csharp-mode 2a28871 026/459: clean out unused files

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/csharp-mode 2a28871 026/459: clean out unused files
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2021 13:58:48 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/csharp-mode
commit 2a2887135ea3cacc2afe8969019a3adacf0b7512
Author: Jesse Black <jesse.w.black@gmail.com>
Commit: Jesse Black <jesse.w.black@gmail.com>

    clean out unused files
 CscompUtilities.cs         | 2639 ----------------------------------------
 CscompUtilities.dll        |  Bin 57344 -> 0 bytes
 ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll |  Bin 606208 -> 0 bytes
 aspx-mode.el               |  496 --------
 cscomp-base.el             |   35 -
 csharp-analysis.el         | 1533 -----------------------
 csharp-completion.el       | 2902 --------------------------------------------
 csharp-shell.el            |  417 -------
 tfs.el                     |  554 ---------
 9 files changed, 8576 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CscompUtilities.cs b/CscompUtilities.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b24005e..0000000
--- a/CscompUtilities.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2639 +0,0 @@
-// CscompUtilities.cs
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Author: Dinoch
-// built on host: DINOCH-2
-// Created Mon Apr 21 08:40:47 2008
-// Last Saved: <2011-May-12 15:19:19>
-// This file defines code for an assembly containing one main class, a
-// static class that exposes only static methods.  The assembly is
-// intended to run within Powershell, in an emacs inferior shell.
-// Using csharp-complete.el, when the user asks for code-completion on a
-// segment of code, csharp-complete will send a command in the
-// powershell - which just invokes a method on this static
-// class.
-// The logic in this assembly will then perform whatever is necessary:
-// reflect on the specified type, or qualify a name, and so on, and then
-// return the result information to the Csharp Completion elisp logic.
-// In broad strokes, you can think of this assembly as the thing that
-// performs .NET reflection, and sends the list of potential completions
-// to elisp, which presents a pop-up menu. There are a bunch of
-// supplementary tasks required, in order to make the "return the list
-// of potential completions" possible: for example, is the completion
-// being requested on a type?  A namespace?  is it a static method?  A
-// property? and so on.  All of these extra supporting functions are also
-// implemented as static methods on the main Utilities class.
-// =======================================================
-// compile with:
-//   csc.exe  /target:library  /debug /out:CscompUtilities.dll  
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Dino Chiesa
-// All rights reserved!
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using System.Reflection;
-using ICSharpCode.NRefactory;
-using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast;
-// to allow fast ngen
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CscompUtilities.cs")]
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("an assembly to be loaded into powershell, 
allows integration with emacs, code completion, etc.")]
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Dino Chiesa")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Tools")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright � Dino Chiesa 2010, 2011")]
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-namespace Ionic.Cscomp
-    public static class Utilities
-    {
-        private static List<string> StarterAssemblies = new List<string>()
-        {
-            "System, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
-            "mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
-            // {"System.Xml","Version=, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" },
-            // {"System.Xml.Linq", "Version=, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" },
-            // {"System.Data", "Version=, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" },
-        };
-        //             "Microsoft.JScript",
-        //             "Microsoft.VisualBasic",
-        //             "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa",
-        //             "Microsoft.VisualC",
-        //             "Microsoft.Vsa",
-        //             "Microsoft.Vsa.Vb.CodeDOMPRocessor",
-        //             "System.Configuration.Install",
-        //             "System.Data",
-        //             "System.Design",
-        //             "System.DirectoryServices",
-        //             "System.Drawing",
-        //             "System.Drawing.Design",
-        //             "System.EnterpriseServices",
-        //             "System.Management",
-        //             "System.Messaging",
-        //             "System.Runtime.Remoting",
-        //             "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap",
-        //             "System.Security",
-        //             "System.ServiceProcess",
-        //             "System.Web",
-        //             "System.Web.RegularExpressions",
-        //             "System.Web.Services",
-        //             "System.Windows.Forms",
-        private static List<String>       _GacAssemblies;
-        private static Dictionary<String,Object>       _assembliesNotLoaded;
-        private static Dictionary<String,Assembly>     _assembliesLoaded;
-        private static Dictionary<String,String>       _assemblyForType;
-        private static Dictionary<String,List<String>> _typesForNamespace;
-        private static Dictionary<String,String>       _fullNamesForShortNames;
-        private static List<String>                    _SearchPaths;
-        static Utilities()
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                SetBasicSearchPaths();
-                ReadGac(false);
-                LoadAssembliesAndPopulateHashes();
-            }
-            catch (System.Exception exc1)
-            {
-                System.Console.WriteLine("uncaught exception {0}", exc1);
-            }
-        }
-        public static string ReadGac(bool wantList)
-        {
-            if (_GacAssemblies == null)
-            {
-                var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process
-                    {
-                        StartInfo =
-                        {
-                            FileName = "gacutil.exe",
-                            CreateNoWindow = true,
-                            Arguments = "-l",
-                            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
-                            //RedirectStandardError = true,
-                            WindowStyle = 
-                            UseShellExecute = false,
-                        }
-                    };
-                p.Start();
-                _GacAssemblies = new List<String>();
-                string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
-                string[] lines = output.Split("\n".ToCharArray());
-                foreach (var line in lines)
-                {
-                    var mcol= Regex.Matches(line,"^([^,]+), *(.+)");
-                    foreach (Match match in mcol)
-                    {
-                        // var p1 = match.Groups[1].Value;
-                        // var p2 = match.Groups[2].Value;
-                        // System.Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", p1, p2);
-                        _GacAssemblies.Add(line.Trim());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (!wantList) return "t";
-            string atoms = String.Join("\" \"", _GacAssemblies.ToArray());
-            return "(list \"" + atoms + "\")";
-        }
-        // private static string ExpandEnvVarsInPath(string path)
-        // {
-        //     bool done;
-        //     do
-        //     {
-        //         done= true;
-        //         Match match = Regex.Match(path,"%([^%]+)%");
-        //         if (match.Success)
-        //         {
-        //             done= false;
-        //             var envvar = match.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
-        //             var value = 
-        //             path = path.Replace("%"+envvar+"%", value);
-        //         }
-        //     } while (!done);
-        //     return path;
-        // }
-        private static void SetBasicSearchPaths()
-        {
-            _SearchPaths= new List<String>();
-            Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rkey=
-                Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey
-                ("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework", false);
-            String DotNetDir= (string) rkey.GetValue("InstallRoot");
-            string programFiles = 
-            foreach (var path in new String[] {
-                    Path.Combine(DotNetDir,"v2.0.50727"),
-                    Path.Combine(programFiles,"Reference 
-                    Path.Combine(programFiles,"Reference 
Assemblies\\Microsoft\\Framework\\v3.0") } )
-            {
-                if (Directory.Exists(path))
-                {
-                    Tracing.Trace("SetBasicSearchPaths: {0}", path);
-                    _SearchPaths.Add(path);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // private static Assembly LoadRefAssembly(string fileName)
-        // {
-        //     var fullPath = FindAssemblyInSearchPaths(fileName);
-        //     if (fullPath != null)
-        //         return Assembly.LoadFrom(fullPath) ;
-        // }
-        private static Assembly AssemblyIsLoaded(string assemblyName)
-        {
-            // exact match
-            if (_assembliesLoaded.Keys.Contains(assemblyName))
-                return _assembliesLoaded[assemblyName];
-            // check for short name
-            if (!assemblyName.Contains(","))
-            {
-                foreach (var key in _assembliesLoaded.Keys)
-                {
-                    int ix = key.LastIndexOf(',');
-                    if (ix > 0)
-                    {
-                        var stub = key.Substring(0, ix);
-                        if (assemblyName == stub)
-                            return _assembliesLoaded[key];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return null;
-        }
-        private static String InternalLoadOneAssembly(string assemblyName)
-        {
-            // assemblyName can be a path, or a fully-qualified name, or
-            // a partially qualified name.  We need to map all those to
-            // the FQ name.
-            Tracing.Trace("InternalLoadOneAssembly '{0}'", assemblyName);
-            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName))
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("InternalLoadOneAssembly: arg is null, returning 
-                return null;
-            }
-            // check if already loaeded
-            if (AssemblyIsLoaded(assemblyName)!=null)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("InternalLoadOneAssembly: already loaded");
-                return "t";
-            }
-            // maybe not already loaded. Try to load it.
-            Assembly thisAssembly = null;
-            try
-            {
-                thisAssembly = TryLoadAssembly(assemblyName);
-            }
-            catch(Exception exc1)
-            {
-                _assembliesNotLoaded[assemblyName] = exc1;
-                Tracing.Trace("InternalLoadOneAssembly: exception: {0}", exc1);
-                return null;
-            }
-            if (thisAssembly == null)
-            {
-                _assembliesNotLoaded[assemblyName] = "Assembly was null.";
-                Tracing.Trace("InternalLoadOneAssembly: loaded assembly was 
-                return null;
-            }
-            // ok, we now have an assembly loaded
-            string shortName = thisAssembly.FullName.Split(',')[0];
-            // check if already loaeded
-            if (AssemblyIsLoaded(shortName)!=null)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("InternalLoadOneAssembly: assembly '{0}' already 
-                              shortName);
-                return "t";
-            }
-            Tracing.Trace("InternalLoadOneAssembly: loading assembly '{0}'...",
-                          thisAssembly.FullName);
-            _assembliesLoaded.Add(shortName, thisAssembly);
-            Module[] ma = thisAssembly.GetModules();
-            if (ma != null)
-            {
-                List<String> list;
-                for (int k = 0; k < ma.Length; k++)
-                {
-                    try
-                    {
-                        if (ma[k] == null)  continue;
-                        Type[] types = ma[k].GetTypes();
-                        if (types == null) continue;
-                        foreach (Type t in types)
-                        {
-                            try
-                            {
-                                if (t == null) continue;
-                                String ns = t.Namespace;
-                                if (ns == null) ns = String.Empty;
-                                if (_typesForNamespace.ContainsKey(ns))
-                                    list= (List<String>) 
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    list= new List<String>();
-                                    _typesForNamespace[ns]= list;
-                                }
-                                // sometimes we get duplicate types
-                                if (!list.Contains(t.FullName))
-                                {
-                                    list.Add(t.FullName);
-                                    //_assemblyForType[t.FullName]= 
-                                    _assemblyForType[t.FullName]= shortName;
-                                    var fixedName = 
-                                    if 
-                                    {
-                                        var x = 
-                                        _fullNamesForShortNames[fixedName] =
-                                            String.Format("{0}, {1}", 
t.FullName, x);
-                                    }
-                                    else
-                                        _fullNamesForShortNames[fixedName] = 
-                                }
-                            }
-                            catch(ReflectionTypeLoadException)
-                            {
-                                //Response.Write("Problem with : " + 
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    catch(Exception)
-                    {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return shortName; // assemblyName
-        }
-        private static void LoadAssembliesAndPopulateHashes()
-        {
-            _assembliesNotLoaded    = new Dictionary<String,Object>();
-            _assemblyForType        = new Dictionary<String,String>();
-            _typesForNamespace      = new Dictionary<String,List<String>>();
-            _fullNamesForShortNames = new Dictionary<String,String>();
-            _assembliesLoaded       = new Dictionary<String,Assembly>();
-            foreach (var aname in StarterAssemblies)
-            {
-                InternalLoadOneAssembly(aname);
-            }
-            Alphabetize();
-        }
-        private static void Alphabetize()
-        {
-            foreach (string key in _typesForNamespace.Keys)
-            {
-                _typesForNamespace[key].Sort();
-            }
-        }
-        public static String GetTypeInfo(String typeName)
-        {
-            string q= null;
-            String[] s =  null;
-            try
-            {
-                q= QualifyType(typeName);
-                s = q.Replace(")","").Replace("(","").Split(" ".ToCharArray(), 
-                return GetTypeInfo(s[1].Replace("\"",""), 
-            }
-            catch (System.Exception exc1)
-            {
-                System.Console.WriteLine("uncaught exception {0}", 
-                System.Console.WriteLine("q= {0}", q);
-                System.Console.WriteLine("s.Length= {0}", s.Length);
-                throw ;
-            }
-        }
-        public static String GetTypeInfo(String typeName, String assemblyName)
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                if (_assemblyForType.Keys.Contains(typeName) &&
-                    _assemblyForType[typeName] == assemblyName &&
-                    _assembliesLoaded.Keys.Contains(assemblyName))
-                {
-                    Assembly a2 = _assembliesLoaded[assemblyName];
-                    Ionic.Cscomp.TypeInfo ti2= new Ionic.Cscomp.TypeInfo(a2, 
-                    return ti2.AsSexp();
-                }
-                // Load from a strongname, eg
-                // "System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
-                Assembly a= Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
-                if ((a == null) && (System.IO.File.Exists(assemblyName)))
-                    a= Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
-                if (a == null)
-                {
-                    System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot load that 
-                    return null;
-                }
-                Ionic.Cscomp.TypeInfo ti= new Ionic.Cscomp.TypeInfo(a, 
-                return ti.AsSexp();
-            }
-            catch(TypeLoadException e2)
-            {
-                Console.Error.WriteLine("TypeLoadException: Could not load 
type: \"{0}\"\n{1}", typeName, e2);
-                return null;
-            }
-            catch (Exception e1)
-            {
-                Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception: type '{0}'\n{1}", 
typeName, e1);
-                return null;
-            }
-        }
-        private static Assembly TryLoadAssembly(String assemblyName)
-        {
-            Assembly a= null;
-            if (assemblyName.Contains(','))
-            {
-                // smells like a fully-qualified name
-                Tracing.Trace("TryLoadAssembly: loading as strong name");
-                a= Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
-            }
-            else if (assemblyName.EndsWith(".dll") || 
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("TryLoadAssembly: looks like a filename");
-                if (System.IO.File.Exists(assemblyName))
-                {
-                    Tracing.Trace("TryLoadAssembly: file exists");
-                    a= Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName) ;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // look in search paths
-                    var fullname = FindAssemblyInSearchPaths(assemblyName);
-                    if (fullname != null && fullname != "nil")
-                    {
-                        a= Assembly.LoadFrom(fullname.Replace("\"", ""));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                var dll = GetShortDllName(assemblyName);
-                var fullname = FindAssemblyInSearchPaths(dll);
-                if (fullname != null && fullname != "nil")
-                {
-                    fullname = fullname.Replace("\"", "");
-                    Tracing.Trace("TryLoadAssembly: LoadFrom({0})", fullname);
-                    a= Assembly.LoadFrom(fullname);
-                }
-            }
-            return a; // maybe null
-        }
-        private static System.Type TryLoadType(String theTypeName, String 
-        {
-            System.Type t= null;
-            Assembly a= TryLoadAssembly(assemblyName);
-            if (a != null)
-                t = a.GetType(theTypeName, false, true);
-            return t;  // maybe null
-        }
-        public static String LoadOneAssembly (string name)
-        {
-            Tracing.Trace("LoadOneAssembly: {0}", name);
-            try
-            {
-                string r = InternalLoadOneAssembly(name);
-                if (r == null)
-                {
-                    Tracing.Trace("LoadOneAssembly: null");
-                    return "nil";
-                }
-                Alphabetize();
-                if (r == "t") {
-                    Tracing.Trace("LoadOneAssembly: already loaded.");
-                    return r;
-                }
-                var retval =  "\"" + r + "\"";
-                // need this?  Don't think so.
-                // Only if the return value is a path.
-                retval = retval.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
-                Tracing.Trace("returning: [{0}]", retval);
-                return retval;
-            }
-            catch (System.Exception exc1)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("uncaught exception: {0} {1}", exc1, 
-                throw;
-            }
-        }
-        public static String ListLoadedAssemblies ()
-        {
-            string atoms = String.Join("\" \"", 
-            return "(list \"" + atoms + "\")";
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Gets the version of the assembly, in a string form.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///   <para>
-        ///     Returns a quoted string, suitable for use as a lisp
-        ///     s-expression.  Example: ""
-        ///   </para>
-        /// </remarks>
-        /// <returns>
-        ///   The quoted version string
-        /// </returns>
-        public static String Version ()
-        {
-            return "\"" +
+ "\"";
-        }
-        public static String ListKnownTypes()
-        {
-            string atoms = String.Join("\" \"", 
-            return "(list \"" + atoms + "\")" ;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Gets all the known completions in the given namespace.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///   <para>
-        ///     The completions include all the types, and all the child 
-        ///     So, for ns "System", the completion list will include 
-        ///     as well as System.Diagnostics
-        ///   </para>
-        /// </remarks>
-        /// <returns>
-        /// </returns>
-        public static String GetCompletionsForNamespace(string ns)
-        {
-            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("GetCompletionsForNamespace: null input");
-                return null;
-            }
-            if (!_typesForNamespace.ContainsKey(ns))
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("GetCompletionsForNamespace: unknown ns '{0}'", 
-                return null;
-            }
-            var result= new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-            int len = ns.Length+1;
-            result.Append("(list \"").Append(ns).Append("\" (list 'types (list 
-            foreach (var t in _typesForNamespace[ns])
-            {
-                var s = t.Substring(len);
-                //System.Console.WriteLine("  " + t.Substring(len));
-                //Tracing.Trace("    {0}", s);
-                result.Append("\"").Append(s).Append("\" ");
-            }
-            result.Append("))");
-            var childlist = new List<String>();
-            foreach (var key in _typesForNamespace.Keys)
-            {
-                if (key.StartsWith(ns) && !key.Equals(ns))
-                {
-                    var child = key.Substring(len);
-                    var p = child.IndexOf('.');
-                    if (p > 0)
-                        child = child.Substring(0,p);
-                    if (!childlist.Contains(child))
-                        childlist.Add(child);
-                }
-            }
-            if (childlist.Count() > 0)
-            {
-                result.Append(" (list 'namespaces (list ");
-                foreach (var c in childlist)
-                    result.Append("\"").Append(c).Append("\" ");
-                result.Append("))");
-            }
-            result.Append(")");
-            return result.ToString();
-        }
-        private static string Escape(string s)
-        {
-            return s.Replace("\"", "\\\"");
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Qualify a name
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <returns>
-        ///   ("type"       fulltypename)    if the name is a type
-        ///   ("namespace"  parentNamespace) if the name is a namespace
-        ///   ("unknown"    name)            if the name is a namespace
-        /// </returns>
-        public static String QualifyName(String name)
-        {
-            Tracing.Trace("QualifyName ({0})", name);
-            var suffix = "." + name;
-            IEnumerable<String> collection;
-            //             if (!name.Contains("."))
-            //             {
-            //                 // no dot in the name = assume short name
-            //                 collection = _fullNamesForShortNames.Keys;
-            //
-            //                 // check for exact match in the keys
-            //                 foreach (var key in collection)
-            //                 {
-            //                     if (key.Equals(name))
-            //                         return String.Format("(list \"type\" 
-            //                                              
-            //                 }
-            //
-            //                 return String.Format("(list \"unknown\" 
-            //             }
-            if (Verbose)
-                System.Console.WriteLine("checking name: {0}", name);
-            // look for exact match on a fully-qualified typename
-            collection = _fullNamesForShortNames.Values;
-            foreach (var value in collection)
-            {
-                foreach (var v2 in value.Split(", ".ToCharArray()))
-                {
-                    if (v2.Equals(name))
-                        return String.Format("(list \"type\" \"{0}\")", v2);
-                }
-            }
-            // look for ends-with match on a fully-qualified typename
-            foreach (var value in collection)
-            {
-                foreach (var v2 in value.Split(", ".ToCharArray()))
-                {
-                    if (v2.EndsWith(suffix))
-                        return String.Format("(list \"type\" \"{0}\")", v2);
-                }
-            }
-            // now check for exact match on known namespaces...
-            collection = _typesForNamespace.Keys;
-            foreach (var key in collection)
-            {
-                if (key.Equals(name))
-                    return String.Format("(list \"namespace\" \"{0}\")", name);
-            }
-            // Match on the last segment of the namespace.  Eg, if name is 
-            // should match on "System.Diagnostics".
-            foreach (var key in collection)
-            {
-                if (key.EndsWith(suffix))
-                    return String.Format("(list \"namespace\" \"{0}\")", key);
-            }
-            Tracing.Trace("checking GAC...");
-            // Finally, check the names of assemblies in the gac.
-            // If found, load the assembly.
-            collection = _GacAssemblies;
-            foreach (var strongname in collection)
-            {
-                var parts = strongname.Split(", ".ToCharArray());
-                if (parts!= null && parts[0].Equals(name))
-                {
-                    var r = LoadOneAssembly(strongname);
-                    if (r!=null && r != "nil")
-                        return String.Format("(list \"namespace\" \"{0}\")", 
-                }
-            }
-            return String.Format("(list \"unknown\" \"{0}\")", Escape(name));
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Return all possible matches on a given symbol fragment.
-        /// </summary>
-        ///
-        /// <param name='fragment'>
-        ///   the fragment of the name to match on.
-        /// </param>
-        ///
-        /// <param name='namespaces'>
-        ///   a comma-separated list of namespaces
-        /// </param>
-        ///
-        /// <returns>
-        ///   a list containing pairs of all possible completions.
-        ///   eg, if completing on Ba?, maybe return:
-        ///   (list
-        ///      ("type"      "Foo.Bar")
-        ///      ("type"      "Utils.Bands")
-        ///      ("namespace"  "Barrels")
-        ///   )
-        /// </returns>
-        public static String GetMatches(String fragment, String namespaces)
-        {
-            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fragment))
-                return "nil";
-            List<String> responseSet = new List<String>();
-            var reTypeStub = "\\." + fragment + ".*$";
-            var reNamespace = "^" + fragment + ".*$";
-            IEnumerable<String> collection;
-            Tracing.Trace("checking fragment: {0}", fragment);
-            // look for types with short names that begin with the fragment
-            collection = _fullNamesForShortNames.Values;
-            foreach (string ns in namespaces.Split(','))
-            {
-                foreach (var value in collection)
-                {
-                    foreach (var v2 in value.Split(", ".ToCharArray()))
-                    {
-                        Match match = Regex.Match(v2,"^"+ns+reTypeStub);
-                        if (match.Success)
-                            responseSet.Add(String.Format("(list \"type\" 
\"{0}\")", v2));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // look for namespaces that begin with the fragment
-            collection = _typesForNamespace.Keys;
-            foreach (var key in collection)
-            {
-                Match match = Regex.Match(key,reNamespace);
-                if (match.Success)
-                    responseSet.Add(String.Format("(list \"namespace\" 
\"{0}\")", key));
-                // I think maybe we want to exclude child namespaces. . .
-                // maybe later.
-            }
-            if (responseSet.Count == 0)
-                return "nil";
-            string items = String.Join(" ", responseSet.ToArray());
-            return "(list " + items + ")";
-        }
-        public static string FixupGenericTypeName(string typeName)
-        {
-            var name = typeName;
-            Match match = Regex.Match(name,"(.+)`([1-9])$");
-            if (match.Success)
-                name = match.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
-            return name;
-        }
-        public static String QualifyType(String typeName)
-        {
-            return QualifyType(typeName, null);
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Qualifies the type name.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name='typeName'>
-        ///   the name of the type, possibly a short name, like "Console" or 
-        ///   and possibly a long name like System.IO.Stream
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='usinglist'>
-        ///   a list of namespaces referenced at the top of the module in using
-        ///   statements. Favor these namespaces when doing type qualification.
-        /// </param>
-        /// <returns>
-        ///   sexp:  (list "fulltypename" "assemblyname") or nil if the type 
is not known
-        ///   The assembly name
-        /// </returns>
-        public static String QualifyType(String typeName, String usinglist)
-        {
-            string stub = null;
-            System.Text.StringBuilder residual = null;
-            int repeats = 0;
-            Tracing.Trace("QualifyType: {0}", typeName);
-            // fixup generic type
-            var name = typeName;
-            Match match = Regex.Match(name,"(.+`[1-9])\\[.+\\]$");
-            if (match.Success)
-                name = match.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
-            name = name.Trim();
-            Tracing.Trace("QualifyType: name '{0}'", name);
-            if (!name.Contains("."))
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("QualifyType: name contains no dot");
-                Tracing.Trace("QualifyType: examining {0} short names",
-                              _fullNamesForShortNames.Keys.Count);
-                foreach (var key in _fullNamesForShortNames.Keys)
-                {
-                    var value = _fullNamesForShortNames[key];
-                    if (key.Equals(name))
-                    {
-                        string tname = null;
-                        if (_fullNamesForShortNames[key].Contains(','))
-                        {
-                            var nlist = _fullNamesForShortNames[key].Split(", 
-                            if (usinglist != null)
-                            {
-                                var ulist = usinglist.Split(", 
-                                var GetNamespace = new Func<string,string>((s) 
-                                    {
-                                        int ix = s.LastIndexOf('.') ;
-                                        if (ix <= 0)
-                                            return null;
-                                        return s.Substring(0,ix);
-                                    });
-                                var selection = from fn in nlist
-                                    join u in ulist on GetNamespace(fn) equals 
-                                    select fn;
-                                int c = selection.Count();
-                                tname = (c>=1)
-                                    ? selection.First()
-                                    : nlist[0];
-                            }
-                            else
-                                tname = nlist[0];
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            tname = _fullNamesForShortNames[key];
-                        }
-                        return
-                            String.Format("(list \"{0}\" \"{1}\")",
-                                          tname,
-                                          _assemblyForType[tname]);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // it may be a fully- or partially qualified type name
-            Tracing.Trace("QualifyType: examining {0} full names",
-                          _fullNamesForShortNames.Values.Count);
-            foreach (var v1 in _fullNamesForShortNames.Values)
-            {
-                foreach (var value in v1.Split(", ".ToCharArray()))
-                {
-                    if (stub == null || !value.StartsWith(stub))
-                    {
-                        int ix = value.LastIndexOf('.');
-                        stub= (ix > 0)
-                            ? value.Substring(0, ix)
-                            : value ;
-                        repeats = 0;
-                        if (residual!=null)
-                        {
-                            var r = residual.ToString();
-                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(r))
-                                Tracing.Trace("  {0}", r);
-                        }
-                        residual = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        residual.Append(".");
-                        repeats++;
-                    }
-                    // if (repeats == 0)
-                    //     Tracing.Trace("  check: {0}.*", stub);
-                    // check for exact match
-                    if (value.Equals(name))
-                    {
-                        return
-                            String.Format("(list \"{0}\" \"{1}\")",
-                                          value,
-                                          _assemblyForType[value]);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return "nil";
-        }
-        public static string GetConstructors (string typeName)
-        {
-            Tracing.Trace("GetConstructors: {0}", typeName);
-            if (!_assemblyForType.Keys.Contains(typeName))
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("GetConstructors: unknown assembly, found 0 
-                return "nil";
-            }
-            Assembly a = AssemblyIsLoaded(_assemblyForType[typeName]);
-            if (a==null)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("GetConstructors: could not load assembly, found 
0 constructors");
-                return "nil";
-            }
-            var tinfo= new Ionic.Cscomp.TypeInfo(a, typeName);
-            return tinfo.GetConstructorsSexp();
-        }
-        public static string GetTypeGivenVarDecl (string csharpVarDeclaration)
-        {
-            return GetTypeGivenVarDecl(csharpVarDeclaration,
-                                       null,
-                                       null,
-                                       -1,
-                                       "Foo1", // classname
-                                       "", "");
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Get the type of the Nth variable in the declaration list.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///   <para>
-        ///     This method compiles the provided variable declaration list
-        ///     into an assembly, and then performs reflection on the result.
-        ///   </para>
-        /// </remarks>
-        ///
-        /// <param name='csharpVarDeclaration'>
-        ///   a fragment of csharp code to compile.  It should contain one or
-        ///   more variable declarations.
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='varIndex'>
-        ///   the number of the variable to determine the type of.
-        ///   There's no way to interrogate the type of a local var by
-        ///   name. That information is not in the assembly metadata -
-        ///   it's in the PDB, and it's not easily accessible.  But, the
-        ///   MSIL apparently lists the local variables in the order in
-        ///   which they were declared. So we can use the index to find
-        ///   the desired local var.
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='namespaces'>
-        ///   a comma-separated list of namespaces
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='references'>
-        ///   a comma-separated list of assembly references
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='classname'>
-        ///   name of the class to use. Helpful in satisfying static 
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='arglist'>
-        ///   a comma-separated list of method types and arguments. This is
-        ///   a legal fragment of C# code, suitable to put right into the 
-        ///  signature.
-        /// </param>
-        public static string GetTypeGivenVarDecl (string csharpVarDeclaration,
-                                                  String namespaces,
-                                                  String assemblyReferences,
-                                                  int varIndex,
-                                                  String classname,
-                                                  String arglist,
-                                                  String instanceMembers)
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("GetTypeGivenVarDecl {0}", csharpVarDeclaration);
-                foreach (string aName in namespaces.Split(','))
-                {
-                    Tracing.Trace("Autoload assy {0}", aName);
-                    InternalLoadOneAssembly(aName);
-                }
-                Object compileResult = CompileFragment(csharpVarDeclaration,
-                                                       namespaces,
-                                                       assemblyReferences,
-                                                       classname,
-                                                       arglist,
-                                                       instanceMembers);
-                MethodInfo methodInfo = compileResult as MethodInfo;
-                if (methodInfo == null)
-                {
-                    String[] emsgs = (String[]) compileResult;
-                    var estring = (emsgs!=null)
-                        ? String.Join("\" \"", emsgs)
-                        : String.Format("unknown error (cr = {0})",
-                    return String.Format("(list \"error\" \"{0}\")", 
estring.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));
-                }
-                var res = GetTypeOfNthLocalVar(methodInfo, 
-                res = String.Format("(list \"type\" \"{0}\")", res);
-                Tracing.Trace("GetTypeGivenVarDecl: result {0}", res);
-                return res;
-            }
-            catch (System.Exception exc1)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("GetTypeGivenVarDecl Exception: {0}", 
-                return String.Format ("(list \"exception\" \"{0}\")", 
-            }
-        }
-        public static String SetAssemblySearchPaths(String 
-        {
-            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commaDelimitedListOfPaths))
-            {
-                SetBasicSearchPaths();
-                _SearchPaths.AddRange(commaDelimitedListOfPaths
-                                      .Split(",".ToCharArray(),
-            }
-            string atoms = String.Join("\" \"", _SearchPaths.ToArray());
-            return "(list \"" + atoms.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\")";
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Add one path to the list of assembly search paths
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///   <para>
-        ///     If path is an empty string, no change will happen, but
-        ///     the caller will get the list of search paths in return.
-        ///   </para>
-        /// </remarks>
-        /// <returns>
-        ///   A lisp s-expression containing the list of search paths.
-        /// </returns>
-        public static String AddAssemblySearchPath(String path)
-        {
-            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
-                _SearchPaths.Add(path);
-            string atoms = String.Join("\" \"", _SearchPaths.ToArray());
-            return "(list \"" + atoms + "\")";
-        }
-        public static String GetAstForSourceFile(String filename)
-        {
-            Tracing.Trace("GetAstForSourceFile: {0}", filename);
-            try
-            {
-                return AstUtils.CreateAstSexpression(filename);
-            }
-            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
-            {
-                return "(list 'error 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException)";
-            }
-            catch (System.Exception exc1)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("uncaught exception: {0}", exc1);
-                System.Console.WriteLine("uncaught exception: {0}", exc1);
-            }
-            return "nil";
-        }
-        public static string FindAssemblyInSearchPaths(string filename)
-        {
-            if (File.Exists(filename)) return filename;
-            var selection = from p in _SearchPaths
-                where File.Exists(Path.Combine(p,filename))
-                select Path.Combine(p,filename);
-            if (selection.Count() >= 1)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("found assembly:{0}=>{1}", filename,
-                              selection.First());
-                return "\"" + selection.First() + "\"";
-            }
-            Tracing.Trace("could not find assembly:{0}", filename);
-            return "nil"; // cannot find
-        }
-        private static string GetShortAssemblyName(string ns)
-        {
-            switch (ns)
-            {
-                case "System.Text":
-                    return "System";
-                case "System.Linq":
-                    return "System.Core";
-                case "System.Web.Mvc.Ajax":
-                    return "System.Web.Mvc";
-                case "System.Xml.Serialization":
-                    return "System.Xml";
-                case "ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast":
-                    return "ICSharpCode.NRefactory";
-                default:
-                    return ns;
-            }
-        }
-        private static string GetShortDllName(string ns)
-        {
-            return GetShortAssemblyName(ns) + ".dll";
-        }
-        public static string GetAssemblyPathForNamespace(String ns)
-        {
-            Tracing.Trace("GetAssemblyPathForNamespace {0}", ns);
-            var aname = GetShortAssemblyName(ns);
-            Assembly a = AssemblyIsLoaded(aname);
-            if (a!=null)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("  isloaded, location '{0}'", a.Location);
-                return "\"" + a.Location.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"";
-            }
-            Tracing.Trace("  looking in search paths");
-            var result = FindAssemblyInSearchPaths(GetShortDllName(aname));
-            if (result != null && result != "nil")
-                return "\"" + result.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"";
-            return result;
-        }
-        private static string GetUsingClauses(IEnumerable<String> namespaces)
-        {
-            string s = "";
-            foreach (var ns in namespaces)
-            {
-                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns))
-                    s += "using " + ns + ";\n";
-            }
-            return s;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Compile a C# var declaration fragment.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///   <para>
-        ///     The goal is to determine the types of the local variables,
-        ///     so that we can do completion on them.
-        ///   </para>
-        /// </remarks>
-        /// <param name='fragment'>
-        ///   a comma-separated list of namespaces
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='namespaces'>
-        ///   a comma-separated list of namespaces
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='references'>
-        ///   a comma-separated list of assembly references
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='classname'>
-        ///   name of the class to use. Helpful in satisfying static 
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name='arglist'>
-        ///   a C# fragment, representing an arglist, suitable for
-        ///   framing within parens for the method declaration.
-        /// </param>
-        /// <returns>
-        ///   a MethodInfo, if success.  Otherwise, an array of Strings 
-        ///   error messages.
-        /// </returns>
-        private static Object CompileFragment(string fragment,
-                                              String namespaces,
-                                              String references,
-                                              string classname,
-                                              String arglist,
-                                              String instanceMembers)
-        {
-            string nsname = "N"+Path.GetRandomFileName().Replace(".","");
-            string methodname = "M"+Path.GetRandomFileName().Replace(".","");
-            //string classname = Path.GetRandomFileName().Replace(".","");
-            string usingBlock = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaces))
-                ? "using System;\n"
-                : GetUsingClauses(namespaces.Split(','));
-            string literalSource =
-                usingBlock +
-                "\nnamespace " + nsname + " {" +
-                "\n  class " + classname + " {" +
-                "\n    " + instanceMembers.Replace("; ",";\n    ")
-                .Replace("} ","}\n    ")
-                .Replace(";}","; }") +
-                "\n    void "+ methodname + " (" + arglist + ") {"+
-                "\n       " + fragment.Replace(";",";\n      ") +
-                "\n    " +
-                "}\n  }\n}\n";
-            if (Verbose)
-                System.Console.WriteLine("code to compile:\n{0}", 
-            Tracing.Trace("code to compile:\n{0}", literalSource);
-            try
-            {
-                var csharp = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider(new 
Dictionary<String, String> { { "CompilerVersion", "v3.5" } });
-                var cp = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
-                cp.GenerateInMemory = true;
-                cp.GenerateExecutable = false;
-                cp.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
-                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(references))
-                    foreach (string ra in references.Split(','))
-                        cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(ra);
-                // do I need to worry about duplicates?
-                foreach (string aName in namespaces.Split(','))
-                {
-                    Tracing.Trace("maybe add Ref: {0}", aName);
-                    var path = GetAssemblyPathForNamespace(aName);
-                    if (path!=null && path != "nil")
-                        cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(path);
-                }
-                System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults cr =
-                    csharp.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp,literalSource);
-                if (cr == null)
-                {
-                    var e = new List<String>();
-                    Tracing.Trace("CompilerResults == null");
-                    e.Add("CompilerResults == null");
-                    return e.ToArray();
-                }
-                foreach (string s in cr.Output)
-                {
-                    if (Verbose)
-                        System.Console.WriteLine(s);
-                    Tracing.Trace(s);
-                }
-                if (cr.Errors.Count != 0)
-                {
-                    var e = new List<String>();
-                    e.Add(String.Format("Errors.Count = {0}", 
-                    e.Add(cr.Errors[0].ToString());
-                    foreach(var error in cr.Errors)
-                        Tracing.Trace(error.ToString());
-                    return e.ToArray();
-                }
-                var a = cr.CompiledAssembly;
-                MethodInfo mi = a.GetType(nsname + "." + classname)
-                    .GetMethod(methodname, BindingFlags.Instance | 
-                return mi;
-            }
-            catch (System.Exception e1)
-            {
-                var e = new List<String>();
-                e.Add("Exception during compile: " + e1.ToString() );
-                Tracing.Trace("{0}", e1.ToString());
-                return e.ToArray();
-            }
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Get the type of the Nth local variable in the given method.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///   <para>
-        ///     Reflection doesn't provide access to var names.  And,
-        ///     some variables listed in LocalVariables are synthetic -
-        ///     generated by the compiler.  But apparently the IL does
-        ///     list the format local vars first, and in the order in
-        ///     which they are declared.  So, to retrieve a local var,
-        ///     rely on the count.
-        ///   </para>
-        /// </remarks>
-        private static Type GetTypeOfNthLocalVar(MethodInfo methodInfo, int ix)
-        {
-            MethodBody body = methodInfo.GetMethodBody();
-            var localVars = body.LocalVariables;
-            Type ft = null;
-            int c = 0;
-            foreach (LocalVariableInfo lvi in localVars)
-            {
-                if (Verbose)
-                    System.Console.WriteLine("Local var [{0}] {1}",
-                                             c, lvi.LocalType.ToString());
-                if (c==ix || ix < 0)
-                    ft = lvi.LocalType;
-                c++;
-            }
-            return ft;
-        }
-        private static bool _Verbose;
-        public static bool Verbose
-        {
-            get
-            {
-                return _Verbose;
-            }
-            set
-            {
-                if (value)
-                {
-                    // turn on
-                    Tracing.Trace("Verbose = true");
-                }
-                _Verbose = value;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public class TypeInfo
-    {
-        internal TypeInfo(Assembly a, string typeName)
-        {
-            mt = a.GetType(typeName, false, true);
-            if ( mt == null )
-                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot get that type 
({0})", typeName));
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        ///   Returns the TypeInfo as a lisp S-expression.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <remarks>
-        ///   <para>
-        ///     It looks like this:
-        ///
-        ///   </para>
-        /// </remarks>
-        internal String AsSexp()
-        {
-            var result= new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-            result.Append("(list \"").Append(mt.FullName).Append("\" 'type 
(list ");
-            // properties
-            var props = GetPropertiesInfo();
-            if (props != null)
-            {
-                foreach (string s in props)
-                    result.Append(s);
-            }
-            result.Append(") (list ");
-            // methods
-            var meth = GetMethodsInfo();
-            if (meth != null)
-            {
-                foreach (string s in meth)
-                    result.Append(s);
-            }
-            result.Append(") (list ");
-            // fields
-            var fields = GetFieldsInfo();
-            if (fields != null)
-            {
-                foreach (string s in fields)
-                    result.Append(s);
-            }
-            result.Append(")");
-            // events?  constructors?
-            result.Append(")");
-            return result.ToString();
-        }
-        //     public String LastError { get { return lastError;}  }
-        //     public Type   TheType   { get { return mt;      }  }
-        //     public String FQN       { get { return (mt!=null) ? 
mt.AssemblyQualifiedName: null; }  }
-        //     public String Name      { get { return (mt!=null) ? mt.Name: 
null;}  }
-        //     public String FullName  { get { return (mt != null) ? 
mt.FullName : null;}  }
-        //     public String Status    { get { return status;}  }
-        //     public String Href
-        //     {
-        //       set { theHref= value; }
-        //       get { return theHref; }
-        //     }
-        private static Type ReferencedType(Type t)
-        {
-            return (t.HasElementType) ? ReferencedType(t.GetElementType()) : t 
-        }
-        private static String EmitOneType(Type t1)
-        {
-            return t1.ToString();
-        }
-        private static String EmitOneTypeWithInterfaces(Type t1)
-        {
-            Type t= ReferencedType(t1);
-            var result= new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-            result.Append(t1.ToString());
-            Type[] it=  t.GetInterfaces();
-            if (it.Length > 0 )
-            {
-                int j=0;
-                for (int i=0; i < it.Length; i++)
-                {
-                    if ((t.BaseType!=null) && 
-                    {
-                        if (j==0) result.Append(" : ");
-                        else result.Append(", ");
-                        result.Append(EmitOneType(it[i]));
-                        j++;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return result.ToString();
-        }
-        private string ParamString(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] pi, bool 
-        {
-            if (pi.Length==0) return "nil";
-            var sb=  new System.Text.StringBuilder("(list ");
-            int j;
-            String openBracket= "(";
-            String closeBracket= ")";
-            if (isProperty)
-            {
-                openBracket= "[";
-                closeBracket= "]";
-            }
-            for (j=0; j < pi.Length; j++)
-            {
-                // ParameterAttributes Attributes =  pi[j].Attributes;
-                // if (Attributes != ParameterAttributes.None)
-                //     sb.Append("[").Append(Attributes.ToString()).Append("] 
"); // eg, In,Out,Optional
-                sb.Append("\"").Append(pi[j].ParameterType.ToString())
-                    .Append(" ")
-                    .Append(pi[j].Name)
-                    .Append("\" ");
-            }
-            if (isProperty)
-            {
-                if (j!=0) sb.Append(closeBracket);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if (j==0) sb.Append(openBracket);
-                sb.Append(closeBracket);
-            }
-            return sb.ToString();
-        }
-        private string NewParamString(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] pi)
-        {
-            if (pi.Length==0) return "nil";
-            var sb=  new System.Text.StringBuilder("(list ");
-            for (int j=0; j < pi.Length; j++)
-            {
-                sb.Append("(list \"")
-                    .Append(pi[j].Name)
-                    .Append("\" 'variable (list :type \"")
-                    .Append(pi[j].ParameterType.ToString())
-                    .Append("\")) ");
-            }
-            sb.Append(")");
-            return sb.ToString();
-        }
-        private static String EmitAttributes(Type t) {
-            System.Text.StringBuilder result= new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-            if (t.IsSerializable)   result.Append("[serializable]<br>\n ");
-            if (t.IsPublic)         result.Append("public ");
-            if (t.IsAbstract)       result.Append("abstract ");
-            if (t.IsSealed)         result.Append("sealed ");
-            if (t.IsClass)          result.Append("class ");
-            if (t.IsEnum)           result.Append("enum ");
-            if (t.IsInterface)      result.Append("interface ");
-            return result.ToString();
-        }
-        internal String GetConstructorsSexp()
-        {
-            if (mt==null)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("{0}: no type?", mt.FullName);
-                return "nil";
-            }
-            System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo[] cia= mt.GetConstructors();
-            if (cia==null) return "nil";
-            if (cia.Length==0)
-            {
-                Tracing.Trace("{0}: No constructors for that type", 
-                return "nil";
-            }
-            Tracing.Trace("{1}: Found {0} constructors", cia.Length, 
-            var sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-            sb1.Append("(list \"").Append(mt.FullName)
-                .Append("\" 'type (list :constructors (list\n");
-            foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in cia)
-            {
-                sb1.Append(" (list :typemodifiers ")
-                    .Append(NewMethodBaseModifiers(ci))
-                    .Append(" :arguments ")
-                    .Append(NewParamString(ci.GetParameters()))
-                    .Append(")\n");
-            }
-            sb1.Append(")))");
-            return sb1.ToString();
-        }
-        private String PropertyModifiers(PropertyInfo p)
-        {
-            var sb= new System.Text.StringBuilder("(cons 'typemodifiers (list 
-            System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi= null;
-            if (p.GetGetMethod() != null)
-            {
-                mi= p.GetGetMethod();
-                if (p.GetSetMethod() == null)
-                    sb.Append("\"readonly\" ");
-            }
-            else if (p.GetSetMethod() != null) {
-                mi= p.GetSetMethod();
-                sb.Append("\"writeonly\" ");
-            }
-            if (mi != null) {
-                if (mi.IsPublic)
-                    sb.Append("\"public\" ");
-                if (mi.IsPrivate)
-                    sb.Append("\"private\" ");
-                if (mi.IsFamily)
-                    sb.Append("\"protected\" ");
-                if (mi.IsStatic)
-                    sb.Append("\"static\" ");
-            }
-            sb.Append("))");
-            return sb.ToString();
-        }
-        private String[] GetPropertiesInfo()
-        {
-            if (mt==null) return null;
-            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] pi= mt.GetProperties();
-            if (pi==null) return null;
-            if (pi.Length==0) return null;
-            var a= new List<String>();
-            System.Text.StringBuilder sb1;
-            foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi) {
-                sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-                sb1.Append("(list \"").Append(p.Name).Append("\" 'property ");
-                sb1.Append("\"").Append(p.PropertyType.ToString()).Append("\" 
-                sb1.Append(PropertyModifiers(p));
-                sb1.Append(")");
-                a.Add(sb1.ToString());
-            }
-            return a.ToArray();
-        }
-        private String EmitMethodAttrs(MethodInfo m) {
-            System.Text.StringBuilder result= new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-            if (m.IsPublic)
-                result.Append("public ");
-            if (m.IsFamily)
-                result.Append("protected ");
-            if (m.IsPrivate)
-                result.Append("private ");
-            if (m.IsAbstract)
-                result.Append("abstract ");
-            if (m.IsStatic)
-                result.Append("static ");
-            if (m.IsFinal)
-                result.Append("final ");
-            return result.ToString();
-        }
-        public String[] GetMethodsInfo()
-        {
-            System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] mi= mt.GetMethods();
-            System.Array.Sort(mi,new MpfComparer());
-            var a= new List<String>();
-            System.Text.StringBuilder sb1;
-            foreach (MethodInfo m in mi)
-            {
-                sb1= null;
-                if (m.IsPrivate) continue;
-                // special name denotes???? I don't know.
-                if (!m.IsSpecialName)
-                {
-                    // it's a method:
-                    sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(" (list \"");
-                    sb1.Append(m.Name).Append("\" 'method ")
.Append("\"").Append(m.ReturnType.ToString()).Append("\" ")
-                        .Append(ParamString(m.GetParameters(), false))
-                        .Append(MethodBaseModifiers(m))
-                        .Append(")");
-                }
-                if (sb1 != null)
-                    a.Add(sb1.ToString());
-            }
-            return a.ToArray();
-        }
-        private string MethodBaseModifiers(MethodBase mi)
-        {
-            var sb= new System.Text.StringBuilder(" (cons 'typemodifiers (list 
-            if (mi.IsFinal)
-                sb.Append("\"sealed\" ");
-            if (mi.IsPublic)
-                sb.Append("\"public\" ");
-            if (mi.IsPrivate)
-                sb.Append("\"private\" ");
-            if (mi.IsFamily)
-                sb.Append("\"protected\" ");
-            if (mi.IsStatic)
-                sb.Append("\"static\" ");
-            sb.Append("))");
-            return sb.ToString();
-        }
-        private string NewMethodBaseModifiers(MethodBase mi)
-        {
-            var sb= new System.Text.StringBuilder(" (list ");
-            if (mi.IsFinal)
-                sb.Append("\"sealed\" ");
-            if (mi.IsPublic)
-                sb.Append("\"public\" ");
-            if (mi.IsPrivate)
-                sb.Append("\"private\" ");
-            if (mi.IsFamily)
-                sb.Append("\"protected\" ");
-            if (mi.IsStatic)
-                sb.Append("\"static\" ");
-            sb.Append(")");
-            return sb.ToString();
-        }
-        //     private void BuildClassHierarchy(Type t) {
-        //       classHierarchy.Push(t);
-        //       if (t.BaseType != null)
-        //      BuildClassHierarchy(t.BaseType);
-        //     }
-        //     public String GetHierarchyHtml() {
-        //       if (mt == null) return null;
-        //       classHierarchy= new Stack();
-        //       BuildClassHierarchy(mt);
-        //       int c= classHierarchy.Count;
-        //       System.Text.StringBuilder sb= new 
-        //       int i=0;
-        //       while (classHierarchy.Count != 0) {
-        //      sb.Append("<div class='elt'>");
-        //      if (i!=0) sb.Append("+&nbsp;");
-        //      
-        //      i++;
-        //       }
-        //       for (i=0; i < c; i++) sb.Append("</div>");
-        //       return sb.ToString();
-        //     }
-        //     public String[] GetPropertiesHtml() {
-        //       if (mt == null) return null;
-        //       System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] pi= mt.GetProperties();
-        //       System.Array.Sort(pi,new myComparer());  // by name
-        //       ArrayList a= new ArrayList();
-        //       System.Text.StringBuilder sb1;
-        //       foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi) {
-        //      try{
-        //        sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
-        //        sb1.Append("  ").Append(PropAttrsString(p));
-        //        sb1.Append("  ").Append(EmitOneType(p.PropertyType));
-        //        sb1.Append("  <b>").Append(p.Name).Append("</b>");
-        //        AppendParams(sb1,p.GetIndexParameters(), true);
-        //      }
-        //      catch(Exception e){
-        //        a.Add(e.Message);
-        //        continue;
-        //      }
-        //      a.Add(sb1.ToString());
-        //       }
-        //       return (String[]) a.ToArray(typeof(String));
-        //     }
-        private static String FieldAttrsString(FieldInfo f)
-        {
-            var sb= new System.Text.StringBuilder(" (cons 'typemodifiers (list 
-            if (f.IsPublic)
-                sb.Append("\"public\" ");
-            if (f.IsFamily)
-                sb.Append("\"protected\" ");
-            if (f.IsPrivate)
-                sb.Append("\"private\" ");
-            if (f.IsLiteral)
-                sb.Append("\"const\" ");
-            if (f.IsStatic)
-                sb.Append("\"static\" ");
-            sb.Append("))");
-            return sb.ToString();
-        }
-        public String[] GetFieldsInfo()
-        {
-            if (mt == null) return null;
-            System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fi= mt.GetFields();
-            System.Array.Sort(fi,new MpfComparer());  // by name
-            var a= new List<String>();
-            System.Text.StringBuilder sb1;
-            foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
-            {
-                if (!f.IsPrivate)
-                {
-                    try
-                    {
-                        sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder(" (list \"");
-                        sb1.Append(f.Name).Append("\" 'field ")
.Append("\"").Append(f.FieldType.ToString()).Append("\" ")
-                            .Append(FieldAttrsString(f))
-                            .Append(")");
-                    }
-                    catch(Exception e){
-                        a.Add(e.Message);
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    if (sb1 != null)
-                        a.Add(sb1.ToString());
-                }
-            }
-            return a.ToArray();
-        }
-        private System.Type mt;
-    }
-    public class MpfComparer : System.Collections.IComparer
-    {
-        static Type mi= typeof(MethodInfo);
-        static Type pi= typeof(PropertyInfo);
-        static Type fi= typeof(FieldInfo);
-        public int Compare (Object x, Object y)
-        {
-            if (mi.IsInstanceOfType(x)) {
-                MethodInfo i1= (MethodInfo) x;
-                MethodInfo i2= (MethodInfo) y;
-                return i1.Name.CompareTo(i2.Name);
-            }
-            if (pi.IsInstanceOfType(x)) {
-                PropertyInfo i1= (PropertyInfo) x;
-                PropertyInfo i2= (PropertyInfo) y;
-                return i1.Name.CompareTo(i2.Name);
-            }
-            if (fi.IsInstanceOfType(x)) {
-                FieldInfo i1= (FieldInfo) x;
-                FieldInfo i2= (FieldInfo) y;
-                return i1.Name.CompareTo(i2.Name);
-            }
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    internal static class Tracing
-    {
-#if UseCopyData
-        private static  Ionic.CopyData.Transceiver transceiver;
-        private static bool _initialized;
-        [Conditional("CscompTrace")]
-        private static void SetupDebugConsole()
-        {
-#if UseCopyData
-            // use object initializer syntax
-            System.Diagnostics.Process p3 = new System.Diagnostics.Process
-                {
-                    StartInfo =
-                    {
-                        FileName = 
-                        Arguments = "-channel CscompShell",
-                        CreateNoWindow = false,
-                        UseShellExecute = false
-                    }
-                };
-            p3.Start();
-            // wait for the process to start?
-            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(650);
-            transceiver = new Ionic.CopyData.Transceiver();
-            transceiver.Channel = "CscompShell";
-            transceiver.Send("title *CscompShell* Trace Monitor");
-            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(400);
-            transceiver.Send("log Hello from CscompShell");
-            _initialized = true;
-        }
-        [Conditional("CscompTrace")]
-        public static void Trace(string format, params object[] args)
-        {
-#if UseCopyData
-            if (!_initialized)
-            {
-                SetupDebugConsole();
-            }
-            var s2 = String.Format(format, args);
-            transceiver.Send("log " + s2);
-        }
-    }
-    static class AstUtils
-    {
-        internal static string CreateAstSexpression(string filename)
-        {
-            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(filename))
-            {
-                using (var parser = 
-                                                               new 
-                {
-                    parser.Parse();
-                    // RetrieveSpecials() returns an IList<ISpecial>
-                    // parser.Lexer.SpecialTracker.RetrieveSpecials()...
-                    // "specials" == comments, preprocessor directives, etc.
-                    // parser.CompilationUnit retrieves the root node of the 
result AST
-                    return 
-                    // if (parser.Errors.Count > 0)
-                    // {
-                    //     MessageBox.Show(parser.Errors.ErrorOutput, "Parse 
-                    // }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        sealed class Nonce
-        {
-            private readonly static Nonce _instance = new Nonce();
-            public static Nonce Instance  { get { return _instance; } }
-            int value;
-            public int Value
-            {
-                get
-                {
-                    return value++;
-                }
-            }
-            private Nonce()
-            {
-                value = 1;
-            }
-        }
-        class SexpressionGenerator
-        {
-            private int depth = 0;
-            private StringBuilder sb1;
-            static internal StringBuilder 
Generate(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.AbstractNode node)
-            {
-                var sexp = new SexpressionGenerator();
-                return sexp.NodeToStringBuilder(node, null);
-            }
-            private void EmitModifier (AttributedNode anode)
-            {
-                sb1.Append('\n')
-                    .Append(new String(' ', 2*depth + 2))
-                    .Append("(modifier \"");
-                if (anode.Modifier.ToString() != "None")
-                sb1.Append("\") ");
-            }
-            private void EmitParameters(ParametrizedNode pnode)
-            {
-                string indent = new String(' ', 2*depth + 2);
-                sb1.Append('\n')
-                    .Append(indent)
-                    .Append("(params");
-                if (pnode.Parameters == null || pnode.Parameters.Count == 0)
-                {
-                    sb1.Append(" nil)");
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    foreach (var p in pnode.Parameters)
-                    {
-                        sb1.Append('\n')
-                            .Append(indent)
-                            .Append("  (var \"")
-                            .Append(p.ParameterName)
-                            .Append("\" \"")
-                            .Append(p.TypeReference.ToString())
-                            .Append("\" ");
-                        EmitLocation(p.StartLocation, p.EndLocation, false);
-                        EmitId();
-                        sb1.Append(')');
-                    }
-                    sb1.Append(')');
-                }
-            }
-            private void EmitId()
-            {
-                sb1.Append(" (id ")
-                    .Append(Nonce.Instance.Value)
-                    .Append(')');
-            }
-            private void EmitLocation(Location start, Location end)
-            {
-                EmitLocation(start, end, true);
-            }
-            private void EmitLocation(Location start, Location end, bool 
-            {
-                if (indent)
-                    sb1.Append(new String(' ', 2*depth + 2));
-                if (end.Line!=0 || end.Column !=0)
-                {
-                    sb1.Append("(location (")
-                        .Append(start.Line.ToString())
-                        .Append(' ')
-                        .Append(start.Column.ToString())
-                        .Append(") (")
-                        .Append(end.Line.ToString())
-                        .Append(' ')
-                        .Append(end.Column.ToString())
-                        .Append("))");
-                }
-            }
-            private void EmitSet<T>(string label, List<T> list, Action<T> 
-            {
-                var count = list.Count;
-                if (count == 1)
-                {
-                    emitOne(list[0]);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    depth+=2;
-                    sb1.Append('(')
-                        .Append(label)
-                        .Append("set nil\n")
-                        .Append(new String(' ', 2*depth-2))
-                        .Append("(children");
-                    foreach (var item in list)
-                    {
-                        sb1.Append('\n')
-                            .Append(new String(' ', 2*depth));
-                        emitOne(item);
-                        sb1.Append(')');
-                    }
-                    sb1.Append(")");
-                    depth-=2;
-                }
-            }
-            private StringBuilder 
NodeToStringBuilder(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.AbstractNode node)
-            {
-                return NodeToStringBuilder(node, null);
-            }
-            private void EmitImport (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.Using u1)
-            {
-                sb1.Append("(import \"")
-                    .Append(u1.Name)
-                    .Append('"');
-                if (u1.Alias.ToString().Contains("NullTypeReference"))
-                    sb1.Append(" nil");
-                else
-                    sb1.Append(" \'").Append(u1.Alias.ToString()).Append('\'');
-            }
-            private StringBuilder 
NodeToStringBuilder(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.AbstractNode node, string 
-            {
-                BlockStatement body = null;
-                var t = node.GetType();
-                bool empty = false;
-                if (sb1 == null)
-                    sb1 = new StringBuilder();
-                depth++;
-                sb1.Append(new String(' ', 2*depth));
-                if (t == typeof(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.CompilationUnit))
-                {
-                    sb1.Append("'(CompilationUnit");
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var u = node as 
-                    EmitSet("import", u.Usings, EmitImport);
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var a = node as 
-                    var emitOne = new 
-                        {
-                            sb1.Append("(attribute \"")
-                            .Append(a1.Name)
-                            .Append("\" ")
-                            .Append(a.AttributeTarget);
-                            foreach (var pa1 in a1.PositionalArguments)
-                            {
-                                var pa = pa1 as PrimitiveExpression;
-                                if (pa!=null)
-                                {
-                                    sb1.Append(" \"")
-                                        .Append(pa.Value.ToString())
-                                        .Append("\" ");
-                                }
-                            }
-                        });
-                    EmitSet("attribute", a.Attributes, emitOne);
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var ns = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(namespace \"");
-                    sb1.Append(ns.Name)
-                        .Append('\"');
-                    //body = ns.Body;
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var type = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(type \"");
-                    sb1.Append(type.Name)
-                        .Append("\" ");
-                    EmitModifier(type);
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var ctor = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(ctor \"");
-                    sb1.Append(ctor.Name)
-                        .Append("\" ");
-                    EmitModifier(ctor);
-                    EmitParameters(ctor);
-                    body = ctor.Body;
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var m = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(method \"");
-                    sb1.Append(m.Name)
-                        .Append("\" \"")
-                        .Append(m.TypeReference)
-                        .Append("\" ");
-                    EmitModifier(m);
-                    EmitParameters(m);
-                    body = m.Body;
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var lvd = node as 
-                    var count = lvd.Variables.Count;
-                    var emitOne = new Action<VariableDeclaration>((v1) => {
-                            sb1.Append("(var \"")
-                            .Append(v1.Name)
-                            .Append("\" \"")
-                            .Append(lvd.TypeReference.ToString())
-                            .Append("\" ");
-                            //EmitModifier(lvd, sb1, depth);
-                        });
-                    EmitSet("var", lvd.Variables, emitOne);
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var f = node as 
-                    var count =  f.Fields.Count;
-                    var emitOne = new Action<VariableDeclaration>((f1) => {
-                            sb1.Append("(field \"")
-                            .Append(f1.Name)
-                            .Append("\" \"")
-                            .Append(f.TypeReference)
-                            .Append("\" ");
-                            EmitModifier(f);
-                        });
-                    EmitSet("field", f.Fields, emitOne);
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var pd = node as 
-                    var emitPropGetSet = new Action<PropertyGetSetRegion> ((r) 
=> {
-                            depth++;
-                            Type t1 = r.GetType();
-                            String s = (t1 == 
-                            ? "get" : "set";
-                            string indent = new String(' ', 2*depth);
-                            sb1.Append('\n')
-                            .Append(indent)
-                            .Append('(')
-                            .Append(s)
-                            .Append(' ');
-                            if (r.Modifier.ToString() != "None")
-                                EmitModifier(r);
-                            if (!r.IsNull && (r.Block != BlockStatement.Null))
-                            {
-                                if (t1 == 
-                                {
-                                    sb1.Append('\n')
-                                        .Append(indent)
-                                        .Append("  (params (var \"value\" \"")
-                                        .Append(pd.TypeReference)
-                                        .Append("\" ");
-                                    EmitLocation(r.StartLocation, 
r.EndLocation, false);
-                                    EmitId();
-                                    sb1.Append(")) ");
-                                }
-                                sb1.Append('\n');
-                                NodeToStringBuilder(r.Block);
-                                sb1.Append('\n');
-                                EmitLocation(r.Block.StartLocation, 
-                                EmitId();
-                            }
-                            depth--;
-                            sb1.Append(')');
-                        });
-                    sb1.Append("(property \"")
-                        .Append(pd.Name)
-                        .Append("\" \"")
-                        .Append(pd.TypeReference)
-                        .Append("\" ");
-                    EmitModifier(pd);
-                    if (pd.HasGetRegion)
-                        emitPropGetSet(pd.GetRegion);
-                    if (pd.HasSetRegion)
-                        emitPropGetSet(pd.SetRegion);
-                    // xxx
-                    //sb1.Append('\n');
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var tc = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(trycatch\n");
-                    //sb1.Append(tc.StatementBlock.ToString());
-                    NodeToStringBuilder(tc.StatementBlock, "(try");
-                    foreach (var cc1 in tc.CatchClauses)
-                    {
-                        var cc = cc1 as CatchClause;
-                        if (cc!=null)
-                        {
-                            sb1.Append('\n')
-                                .Append(new String(' ', 2*depth + 2))
-                                .Append("(catch (var \"")
-                                .Append(cc.VariableName)
-                                .Append("\" \"")
-                                .Append(cc.TypeReference)
-                                .Append("\" ");
-                            EmitLocation(cc.StartLocation, cc.EndLocation, 
-                            EmitId();
-                            sb1.Append(")\n");
-                            NodeToStringBuilder(cc.StatementBlock, "");
-                            sb1.Append(')');
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (tc.FinallyBlock as BlockStatement != null)
-                    {
-                        sb1.Append('\n');
-                        NodeToStringBuilder(tc.FinallyBlock, "(finally");
-                    }
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    // var bs = node as 
-                    //    children will be emitted below.
-                    //    remove the indent that was added above.
-                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideBlock))
-                        sb1.Append(overrideBlock);
-                    else if (overrideBlock != "")
-                        sb1.Append("(block");
-                    else
-                    {
-                        sb1.Length -= 2*depth+1;
-                        empty = true;
-                    }
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    // then or else
-                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideBlock))
-                        sb1.Append(overrideBlock);
-                    else
-                        sb1.Append("(expression ");
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    sb1.Append("(return ");
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var ifelse = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(if ");
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                    foreach (var s in ifelse.TrueStatement)
-                    {
-                        sb1.Append('\n');
-                        NodeToStringBuilder(s, "(then");
-                    }
-                    if (ifelse.HasElseIfSections)
-                    {
-                        foreach (var s in ifelse.ElseIfSections)
-                        {
-                            sb1.Append('\n');
-                            NodeToStringBuilder(s.EmbeddedStatement, 
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (ifelse.HasElseStatements)
-                    {
-                        foreach (var s in ifelse.FalseStatement)
-                        {
-                            //sb1.Append("++\n");
-                            sb1.Append('\n');
-                            NodeToStringBuilder(s, "(else");
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var stmt = node as 
-                    var expr = stmt.Expression;
-                    sb1.Append("(foreach (var \"")
-                        .Append(stmt.VariableName)
-                        .Append("\" \"")
-                        .Append(stmt.TypeReference.ToString());
-                    sb1.Append("\" ");
-                    // location of the variable initialization
-                    EmitLocation(expr.StartLocation, expr.EndLocation, false);
-                    // xxx
-                    //EmitLocation(stmt.StartLocation, expr.EndLocation, 
-                    EmitId();
-                    sb1.Append(")\n");
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                    NodeToStringBuilder(stmt.EmbeddedStatement);
-                }
-                else if (t == typeof(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.ForStatement))
-                {
-                    var fs = node as ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.ForStatement;
-                    sb1.Append("(for \n");
-                    foreach (var stmt in fs.Initializers)
-                    {
-                        NodeToStringBuilder(stmt);
-                    }
-                    sb1.Append("\n");
-                    NodeToStringBuilder(fs.EmbeddedStatement);
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var ss = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(switch ");
-                    //sb1.Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    //var ts = node as 
-                    sb1.Append("(throw ");
-                }
-                else if (t == 
-                {
-                    var us = node as ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.UsingStatement;
-                    sb1.Append("(using \n");
-                    NodeToStringBuilder(us.ResourceAcquisition);
-                    sb1.Append("\n");
-                    NodeToStringBuilder(us.EmbeddedStatement);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // all others
-                    sb1.Append("(")
-                        .Append(t.ToString())
-                        .Append(" ")
-                        .Append(node.ToString());
-                }
-                if (node.Children != null &&
-                    ((t == typeof(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.BlockStatement)) 
-                     node.Children.Count > 0))
-                {
-                    int count = node.Children.Count;
-                    int n = 0;
-                    if (t != typeof(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.BlockStatement))
-                    {
-                        sb1.Append('\n')
-                            .Append(new String(' ', 2*depth+2))
-                            .Append("(children");
-                        depth++;
-                    }
-                    foreach (var c in node.Children)
-                    {
-                        if (n == 0)
-                            sb1.Append('\n');
-                        NodeToStringBuilder(c as AbstractNode);
-                        n++;
-                        if (n < count)
-                            sb1.Append('\n');
-                    }
-                    if (count == 0)
-                        sb1.Append(' ');
-                    if (t != typeof(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.BlockStatement))
-                    {
-                        sb1.Append(")");
-                        depth--;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (t != typeof(ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.CompilationUnit))
-                {
-                    sb1.Append('\n');
-                    //sb1.Append("--\n"); // debugging only
-                    // some structures have a body - like methods, ctors, etc.
-                    if (body != null)
-                    {
-                        // emit body as well
-                        NodeToStringBuilder(body as AbstractNode);
-                        //sb1.Append("::\n")
-                        sb1.Append('\n');
-                        EmitLocation(node.StartLocation, body.EndLocation);
-                    }
-                    // special case properties, because they are special!
-                    else if (t == 
-                    {
-                        var p = node as 
-                        EmitLocation(node.StartLocation, p.BodyEnd);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        EmitLocation(node.StartLocation, node.EndLocation);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!empty)
-                {
-                    EmitId();
-                    sb1.Append(')');
-                }
-                depth--;
-                return sb1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeGivenVarDecl(' var foo = "this is a 
string"; var fred = new System.Collections.Generic.List<String> { foo, 
foo.Length.ToString() }; var z = fred.Count; var mmm = count + 8; var nnn = 
mmm.ToString() + 
 count','private static int staticField1 = default(int); string 
InstanceMethod1(int index) { return default(string);} ')
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetConstructors("System.String");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetConstructors("System.DateTimeKind");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetMatches("DateT", "System,System.IO");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::QualifyType("System.Collections.Generic.List`1");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeInfo("System.Collections.Generic.List");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeGivenVarDecl('var x = String.Format("{0}", 
928);' )
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeGivenVarDecl('var x = new 
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeGivenVarDecl(' var doo = "Tra la la"; var 
fred = new System.Collections.Generic.List<String>
-  {
-  doo.Length.ToString()
-  };');
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeGivenVarDecl(' var doo = "Tra la la"; var 
fred = new System.Collections.Generic.List<String> { doo.Length.ToString() };', 
$null, $null, 2);
 Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeInfo("System.Xml.XmlReader","System.Xml, 
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeInfo("System.DateTime");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::QualifyType("System.DateTime");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::QualifyType("XmlSerializer");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::QualifyType("System.Xml.XmlReader");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::QualifyType("System.This.Type.Does.Not.Exist");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::LoadOneAssembly("Ionic.Zip.dll");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::LoadOneAssembly("System.Xml");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::QualifyName("System.Xml");
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::ListLoadedAssemblies();
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::ListKnownTypes();
-  unnecessary, because these are all built-in to the DLL
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::Version();
-  [Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::Verbose = $TRUE
diff --git a/CscompUtilities.dll b/CscompUtilities.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index de1a4ba..0000000
Binary files a/CscompUtilities.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll b/ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c52ab5..0000000
Binary files a/ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/aspx-mode.el b/aspx-mode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 984e907..0000000
--- a/aspx-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-;;; aspx-mode.el --- mode for editing ASPX files
-;; Copyright (C) 2010  Dino Chiesa
-;; Author:   Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Created:  May 2010
-;; Version:  0.1
-;; Keywords: C#, languages, extensions, files
-;; URL:      ???
-;; This is an emacs mode for editing single-file ASPX modules,
-;; which can contain HTML, javascript, C# or VB, and
-;; CSS code.
-;; It relies on multi-mode.
-;; (see http://www.loveshack.ukfsn.org/emacs )
-;; It provides context-sensitive fontification and indent in all of the
-;; various chunks o an ASPX file. Browser-side Javascript within script
-;; blocks gets fontified correctly. Server-side script blocks get
-;; fontified properly. CSS gets indented and fontified. And of course
-;; HTML.
-;; It relies on espresso for the javascript mode, css-mode for CSS,
-;; html-mode for HTML, and csharp-mode 0.7.5 or later for the
-;; server-side c# code.
-;; Bugs:
-;;  - The fontification sort of turns on and off as you cursor through
-;;    the buffer, making for a somewhat odd user experience.
-;;  - the fontification sometimes doesn't happen within a chunk, til you
-;;    modify the text within the chunk.  There's probably a fix for
-;;    this.
-;; Thu, 13 May 2010  23:44
-;; Licensed according to the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
-;; This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use
-;; the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept the
-;; license, do not use the software.
-;; 1. Definitions
-;; The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative
-;; works," and "distribution" have the same meaning here as under
-;; U.S. copyright law.
-;; A "contribution" is the original software, or any additions or
-;; changes to the software.
-;; A "contributor" is any person that distributes its contribution
-;; under this license.
-;; "Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read
-;; directly on its contribution.
-;; 2. Grant of Rights
-;; (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license,
-;; including the license conditions and limitations in section 3,
-;; each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide,
-;; royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution,
-;; prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute its
-;; contribution or any derivative works that you create.
-;; (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including
-;; the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each
-;; contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-;; license under its licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell,
-;; offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of its
-;; contribution in the software or derivative works of the
-;; contribution in the software.
-;; 3. Conditions and Limitations
-;; (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights
-;; to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.
-;; (B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over
-;; patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent
-;; license from such contributor to the software ends automatically.
-;; (C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must
-;; retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices
-;; that are present in the software.
-;; (D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code
-;; form, you may do so only under this license by including a
-;; complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you
-;; distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code
-;; form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this
-;; license.
-;; (E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using
-;; it. The contributors give no express warranties, guarantees or
-;; conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your
-;; local laws which this license cannot change. To the extent
-;; permitted under your local laws, the contributors exclude the
-;; implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
-;; purpose and non-infringement.
-(require 'multi-mode)
-(require 'csharp-mode)
-(require 'espresso "espresso.el")
-;;(require 'javascript-mode "javascript.el")
-(require 'css-mode)
-(defvar aspx-mode-log-level 0
-  "The current log level for operatopms specific to aspx-mode.
-0 = NONE, 1 = Info, 2 = VERBOSE, 3 = DEBUG, 4 = SHUTUP ALREADY. ")
-(defun aspx-mode-log (level text &rest args)
-  "Log a message at level LEVEL.
-If LEVEL is higher than `aspx-mode-log-level', the message is
-ignored.  Otherwise, it is printed using `message'.
-TEXT is a format control string, and the remaining arguments ARGS
-are the string substitutions (see `format')."
-  (if (<= level aspx-mode-log-level)
-      (let* ((msg (apply 'format text args)))
-        (message "aspx-mode: %s" msg))
-    t))
-(defconst aspx-mode-server-lang-re
-  "\\([Cc]#\\|[Vv][Bb]\\)"
-  "Regex for matching on the ASPX langauge.")
-(defconst aspx-mode-server-script-start-re
-  (concat
-   "<\\(script\\|SCRIPT\\)[ \t\n\r\v\f]+"
-   "\\("
-   "language=[\"']"
-   aspx-mode-server-lang-re
-   "[\"'][ \t\n\r\v\f]+runat=[\"']server[\"']"
-   "\\|"
-   "runat=[\"']server[\"'][ \t\n\r\v\f]+language=[\"']"
-   aspx-mode-server-lang-re
-   "[\"']"
-   "\\)[ \t\n\r\v\f]*>"
-   )
-"Regex for matching the <script> tag that begins a block of
-ASPX server-side code.  It tries to match on <script language='C#' 
-as well as <script runat='server' language='C#' ...>
-" )
-(defconst aspx-mode-page-decl-re
-  (concat
-   "<%@"
-   "[ \t\n\r\v\f]+"
-   "\\(Page\\|Control\\)"
-   "[ \t\n\r\v\f]+"
-   )
-  "Regex for matching the page/control declaration"
-  )
-(defconst aspx-mode-browser-script-start-re
-  (concat
-   "<\\(script\\|SCRIPT\\)[ \t\n\r\v\f]+"
-   "\\("
-   "type=[\"']text/javascript[\"'][ 
-   "\\|"
-   "language=[\"'][Jj]ava[Ss]cript[\"'][ 
-   "\\|"
-   "type=[\"']text/javascript[\"']"
-   "\\|"
-   "language=[\"'][Jj]ava[Ss]cript[\"']"
-   "\\)")
-"Regex for matching the <script> tag that begins a block of
-browser-side javascript code.  It tries to match on
-<script language='javascript' ...>  or
-<script type='text/javascript' ...>  or
-<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript' ...> or
-<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' ...>
-(defconst aspx-mode-css-block-start-re
-  (concat
-   "<\\(style\\|STYLE\\)"
-   "[ \t\n\r\v\f]+"
-   "type=[\"']text/css[\"']"
-   "[ \t\n\r\v\f]*"
-   ">")
-  "Regex to match the beginning of a CSS block."
-  )
-(defvar aspx-mode--last-chunk-result nil
-  "cached result of the last chunk analysis")
-(defvar aspx-mode-update-interval 1
-  "The amount of time in seconds after the last change before trying to
-re-fontify the current block.")
-(defvar aspx-mode-timer nil)
-;; When in multi-mode, I want espresso to indent to the
-;; <script> tag.  Use advice on the espresso indentation
-;; calculation, to make that happen.
-(defadvice espresso--proper-indentation (after
-                                         aspx-mode-advice-1
-                                         compile activate)
-  (if (and (boundp 'multi-mode)
-           multi-mode)
-      (if (eq ad-return-value 0)
-          (setq ad-return-value (+ ad-return-value 4)))))
-;; =======================================================
-;; dinoch - Thu, 13 May 2010  23:38
-;; factored out so that I can attach advice to it.
-;; Did this for multi-mode support in ASPX files.
-;; =======================================================
-(defun css--proper-indentation ()
-  (save-excursion
-    (back-to-indentation)
-    (let ((p (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point)))
-          (end-brace-p (looking-at "}")))
-      (cond
-       ((or (nth 8 p) (looking-at "/[/*]"))
-        (current-indentation))
-       ((save-excursion
-          (and (skip-chars-backward " \t\n:,")
-               (looking-at "[:,]")))
-        (save-excursion
-          (css-re-search-backward "^[ \t]*\\w")
-          (+ (current-indentation) css-indent-level)))
-       ((nth 1 p)
-        (save-excursion
-          (goto-char (nth 1 p))
-          (+ (current-indentation) (if end-brace-p 0 css-indent-level))))
-       (t
-        0)))))
-(defun css-indent-line ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((indent (css--proper-indentation))
-        (offset (- (current-column) (current-indentation))))
-    (indent-line-to indent)
-    (if (> offset 0) (forward-char offset))))
-;; Likewise with css-mode indentation.
-(defadvice css--proper-indentation (after
-                                    aspx-mode-advice-2
-                                    compile activate)
-  (if (and (boundp 'multi-mode)
-           multi-mode)
-      (if (eq ad-return-value 0)
-          (setq ad-return-value (+ ad-return-value 4)))))
-(defun aspx-mode-timer-elapsed ()
-  (aspx-mode-log 2 "timer fired.")
-  ;;(run-hooks 'aspx-mode-timer-elapsed-hook)
-  (aspx-mode-refontify-current-chunk-after-idle))
-(defun aspx-mode-restart-timer ()
-  (if (timerp aspx-mode-timer) (cancel-timer aspx-mode-timer))
-  (setq aspx-mode-timer
-        (run-with-timer aspx-mode-update-interval nil 
-(defun aspx-mode-after-change-fn (begin end length)
-  (aspx-mode-maybe-invalidate-cached-chunk begin end length)
-  (if multi-mode (aspx-mode-restart-timer)))
-(defun aspx-mode-maybe-invalidate-cached-chunk (begin end old-length)
-  (let ((new-length (- end begin))
-        (old-end (+ begin old-length)))
-    ;; Invalidate if the length changed (we need to recalc the chunk limits)
-    ;; or if the change traversed the end of the chunk.
-    (if (and aspx-mode--last-chunk-result
-             (or (/= old-length new-length)
-                 (>= old-end  (nth 2 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result))))
-        (setq aspx-mode--last-chunk-result nil))))
-(defun aspx-mode-refontify-current-chunk-after-idle ()
-  "Fontify the current (cached) chunk.  This fn is called after a timer
-expires, when the buffer has sats idle for 2s.
-  (aspx-mode-log 2 "fontifying (%d %d)"
-           (nth 1 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result)
-           (nth 2 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result))
-  (if aspx-mode--last-chunk-result
-      ;; Remove text props in the chunk, to force a new fontification
-      ;; later.  Do this within a save-buffer-state, because we're not
-      ;; *really* changing the buffer.
-      (c-save-buffer-state  ()
-        (set-text-properties (nth 1 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result)
-                             (nth 2 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result)
-                             nil))))
-(defun aspx-mode-determine-current-chunk (pos)
-  "Determine the type (mode) and limits of the chunk at POS.
-Return (MODE START END), where MODE is one of `csharp-mode',
-`javascript-mode', `html-mode', or `css-mode',
-and START and END are the limits of the chunk.
-Or, maybe return nil if not sure what mode it should be.
-I don't know. The doc is thin and the code is impenetrable.
-This method attempts to cache the calculated result and use it
-intelligently.  For example if the first execution determines
-that the POS is within a C# chunk, the limits of that chunk
-are cached. If a subsequent invocation of this method provides a
-POS that is within those limits, the function can safely return
-the same chunk response, without further scanning.
-This works as long as the buffer hasn't changed - in other words
-it's just cursor navigation.
-  ;; If we're in the right zone, then use the cached value.
-  ;; Don't use the cache if it is HTML mode, because an HTML
-  ;; chunk can contain a javascript chunk, a CSS chunk, a
-  ;; csharp chunk.
-  (if (and aspx-mode--last-chunk-result
-           (> pos (nth 1 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result))
-           (< pos (nth 2 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result))
-           (not (eq 'html-mode (nth 0 aspx-mode--last-chunk-result))))
-      (progn
-        (aspx-mode-log 3 "determine-chunk: pos %d chunk cache %s"
-                       pos
-                       (prin1-to-string aspx-mode--last-chunk-result))
-        aspx-mode--last-chunk-result)
-    (let ((mode 'html-mode)
-          (start-of-block (point-min))
-          (end-of-block (point-max))
-          sp ep
-          new-result)
-      (save-excursion
-        (save-restriction
-          (widen)
-          (goto-char pos)
-          (cond
-           ;; Between <script language='javascript' ..> and </script>?
-           ((save-excursion
-              (and (and (re-search-backward aspx-mode-browser-script-start-re 
nil t)
-                        (setq sp (match-end 0)))
-                   (and (re-search-forward "</\\(script\\|SCRIPT\\)>" nil t)
-                        (setq ep (line-beginning-position)))
-                   (> ep pos)))
-            (setq
-             ;;mode 'javascript-mode
-             mode 'espresso-mode
-             start-of-block sp
-             end-of-block (1- ep) ))
-           ;; Between <style type="text/css"> and </style>?
-           ((save-excursion
-              (and (and (re-search-backward aspx-mode-css-block-start-re nil t)
-                        (setq sp (match-end 0)))
-                   (and (re-search-forward "</\\(style\\|style\\)>" nil t)
-                        (setq ep (line-beginning-position)))
-                   (> ep pos)))
-            (setq mode 'css-mode
-                  start-of-block sp
-                  end-of-block (1- ep) ))
-           ;; Between <script language='??'  runat='server'> and </script>?
-           ((save-excursion
-              (and (and (re-search-backward aspx-mode-server-script-start-re 
nil t)
-                        (setq sp (match-end 0)))
-                   (and (re-search-forward "</\\(script\\|SCRIPT\\)>" nil t)
-                        (setq ep (line-beginning-position)))
-                   (> ep pos)))
-            ;; TODO: support VBNET-mode, too.  Check the language at the
-            ;; start block.
-            (setq mode 'csharp-mode
-                  start-of-block sp
-                  end-of-block (1- ep) ))
-           ;; Between <%@ Page...>  and the first <html>
-           ((save-excursion
-              (and (and (re-search-forward "<\\(html\\|HTML\\)>" nil t)
-                        (setq ep (line-beginning-position)))
-                   (> ep pos)))
-            ;; TODO: support VBNET-mode, too.  Check the specified language at 
-            ;; start block.
-            ;; This works only because csharp-mode has smarts to fontify the
-            ;; @Page directive.
-            (setq mode 'csharp-mode
-                  start-of-block 1
-                  end-of-block (1- ep) ))
-           ;;              ;; Between <html..> and </html>
-           ;;              ((save-excursion
-           ;;                 (and (and (re-search-backward 
"<\\(HTML\\|html\\)>" nil t)
-           ;;                           (setq sp (match-beginning 0)))
-           ;;                      (and (re-search-forward 
"</\\(html\\|HTML\\)>" nil t)
-           ;;                           (setq ep (line-end-position)))
-           ;;                      (> ep pos)))
-           ;;               (setq mode 'html-mode
-           ;;                     start-of-block sp
-           ;;                     end-of-block (1- ep) ))
-           (t
-            nil))))
-      ;; multi-make-list does not actually make a new list.
-      ;; Instead it destructively modifies the existing list.
-      ;; The doc says it wants to avoid producing a cons cell
-      ;; in the post-command-hook.
-      ;; Therefore, to cache the result, we need to actually
-      ;; cons a distinct list.  To check that the new item is
-      ;; distinct, we need to compare each elt in the list.
-      ;; If that's the case, start a timer.
-      (setq new-result (list mode start-of-block end-of-block))
-      (if (or (not (eq (nth 0 new-result) (nth 0 
-              (not (eq (nth 1 new-result) (nth 1 
-              (not (eq (nth 2 new-result) (nth 2 
-          (progn
-            (aspx-mode-log 3 "new chunk, restart timer")
-            (aspx-mode-restart-timer)))
-      (setq aspx-mode--last-chunk-result
-            (multi-make-list mode start-of-block end-of-block))
-      )))
-(defun aspx-mode ()
-  "Mode for editing ASPX files with embedded C# script blocks,
-as well as CSS, Javascript, and HTML.
-  (interactive)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'multi-mode-alist)
-       ;; This is a very odd data structure. It doesn't make sense that
-       ;; it is formatted this way. The documentation is completely
-       ;; unhelpful.
-       '(
-         (csharp-mode      . aspx-mode-determine-current-chunk)
-         (espresso-mode    . nil)  ;; javascript
-         (css-mode         . nil)
-         (html-mode        . nil)
-         ))
-  (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'aspx-mode-after-change-fn nil t)
-  (multi-mode-install-modes))
-(provide 'aspx-mode)
diff --git a/cscomp-base.el b/cscomp-base.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 420ff27..0000000
--- a/cscomp-base.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-;;; cscomp-base.el -- part of cscomp, which provides
-;;;                   Smart code completion for C#
-;; Author:     Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Maintainer: Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Created:    April 2010
-;; Modified:   January 2011
-;; Version:    0.1.9
-;; Keywords:   c# languages oop mode
-;; X-URL:      http://code.google.com/p/csharpmode/
-(defcustom cscomp-log-level 1
-  "The current log level for C# completion operations.
-0 = NONE, 1 = Info, 2 = VERBOSE, 3 = DEBUG. ")
-(defun cscomp-time ()
-  "returns the time of day as a string.  Used in the `cscomp-log' function."
-  (substring (current-time-string) 11 19)) ;24-hr time
-(defun cscomp-log (level text &rest args)
-  "Log a message at level LEVEL.
-If LEVEL is higher than `cscomp-log-level', the message is
-ignored.  Otherwise, it is printed using `message'.
-TEXT is a format control string, and the remaining arguments ARGS
-are the string substitutions (see `format')."
-  (if (<= level cscomp-log-level)
-      (let* ((msg (apply 'format text args)))
-        (message "CSCOMP %s %s" (cscomp-time) msg))))
-(provide 'cscomp-base)
-;; End of cscomp-base.el
diff --git a/csharp-analysis.el b/csharp-analysis.el
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa829f..0000000
--- a/csharp-analysis.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1533 +0,0 @@
-;;; csharp-analysis.el -- C# source code analysis in emacs
-;; Author:     Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Maintainer: Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Created:    January 2011
-;; Modified:   February 2011
-;; Version:    0.2
-;; Keywords:   c# languages oop mode
-;; X-URL:      http://code.google.com/p/csharpmode/
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This module provides sourcecode analysis to support the cscomp
-;; (csharp-completion) module.
-;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; The original csharp-completion package I wrote used the semantic
-;; package from cedet. According to the description of the semantic
-;; package, it is the perfect tool for the job. In practice, semantic is
-;; complex, opaque, and brittle.  In general I find it a bloody
-;; nightmare to use.  The documentation is absent or useless. Examining
-;; the code reveals that it is disordered and haphazard.  In operation,
-;; it treats C# namespaces as classes, and no matter what I tried I
-;; couldn't get it to treat the namespace as an independent kind of
-;; thing. It uses cute names for various features, in lieu of names that
-;; actually convey meaning. There are many other problems. Because of
-;; all that, it took me a great effort to understand enough to make it
-;; somewhat usable for my purpose. But finally, I got there.
-;; But then! I upgraded from emacs v22 to 23.2, and semantic blew up.
-;; Even the wisent file broke. Back to square one. I have asked for
-;; support and assistance multiple times from the author and have never
-;; received a response.
-;; Rather than once again invest time in working with semantic, I've
-;; moved to the Ast magic from SharpDevelop -
-;; ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll.  The documentation for it is no better
-;; than that for Semantic, but... it works as I expect it to.  It is
-;; doscoverable, and it behaves rationally. It is complete.
-;; The .NET Dll is used via the CscompShell, which is a powershell that
-;; loads the CscompUtilities.dll. One of the methods in that DLL returns
-;; an abstract syntax tree, formatted as a lisp s-expression. It
-;; constructs that s-exp using the NRefactory assembly.
-;; The way it works is to save the current buffer to a temporary file,
-;; then run the syntax analysis on that temporary file, before deleting
-;; the temp file.  Then, the code running in powershell loops through all the
-;; source elements in the file, and emits a hierarchically arranged set
-;; of lisp structures representing those elements.  Each element is
-;; known as a "tag", borrowing from the language of the semantic
-;; package.  A tag represents a namespace. the namespace tag has
-;; children, which are "type" tags. Each type tag may have fields
-;; methods and properties as children.  A method has a code block as a
-;; child. And so on.
-;; This module exports functions that do things with that abstract
-;; syntax tree - such as:
-;;   - list all of the namespaces in the current buffer
-;;   - list all of the types in the given namespace
-;;   - list all of the methods/fields/properties for the given type
-;;   - list the in-scope local variables for the current point in the buffer
-;;   - return the parent tag of a given tag
-;; All of this syntax analysis is performed in support of code
-;; completion (intellisense).
-;; When the buffer changes, a flag is set that indicates that the AST is
-;; out of date.  When the buffer stops changing, the analysis is run
-;; again. Each analysis takes a second or so for a 1000-line module.
-(require 'cscomp-base)   ;; cscomp-log
-(require 'csharp-shell)  ;; csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn
-(require 'cl) ;; first, second, dolist, etc
-(defvar csharp-analysis-last-change-time nil
-  "Time of last buffer change.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'csharp-analysis-last-change-time)
-(defvar csharp-analysis-syntax-tree nil
-  "buffer-local result of the most recent syntactic analysis of
-  the current buffer. It is a lisp s-expression. In general, this
-  variable should not be referenced directly. Instead
-  applications should call
-  `csharp-analysis-get-analysis'")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'csharp-analysis-syntax-tree)
-(defvar csharp-analysis-is-running nil
-  "If t, source code analysis is running for the current C# buffer.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'csharp-analysis-is-running)
-(defvar csharp-analysis-no-changes-timeout 0.75
-  "Time to wait after last change before starting syntax analysis. In the
-timer event, if the last change is less that this amount of time ago, then
-analysis is NOT performed. ")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'csharp-analysis-no-changes-timeout)
-(defvar csharp-analysis-timer-interval 2
-  "Interval in seconds for timer events. This is not the interval on
-which analysis gets performed; it's the interval on which we check to
-see if a new analysis is necessary. ")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'csharp-analysis-timer-interval)
-(defvar csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date t
-  "a boolean indicating whether this module thinks the analysis
-  of the sourcecode buffer is out of date. When this is true, and
-  when the results of an analysis is requested via a call to
-  `csharp-analysis-get-analysis', then a new analysis is
-  performed.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date)
-(defvar csharp-analysis-timer nil
-  "a timer object.")
-(defvar csharp-analysis--query-cache nil
-  "an alist. For internal use of the csharp-analysis module only.")
-(defalias 'csharp-analysis-float-time
-  (if (fboundp 'float-time)
-      'float-time
-    (if (featurep 'xemacs)
-        (lambda ()
-          (multiple-value-bind (s0 s1 s2) (values-list (current-time))
-            (+ (* (float (ash 1 16)) s0) (float s1) (* 0.0000001 s2)))))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-after-change-fn (start stop len)
-  "invoked after the buffer changes. This fn simply records the
-time of the last change.
-      (cscomp-log 4 "after-change: recording change time")
-      (setq csharp-analysis-last-change-time (csharp-analysis-float-time)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-after-save-fn ()
-  "a fn that gets invoked after the save of a buffer. If there is a local
-  variable called `csharp-analysis-is-running', then cscomp immediately
-  analyzes the sourcecode in the buffer."
-  (if (local-variable-p 'csharp-analysis-is-running (current-buffer))
-      (progn
-        ;;(setq csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date t)
-        ;;(cscomp-log 3 "after-save: marking out of date")
-        ;;(csharp-analysis-analyze-buffer)
-        )))
-(defun csharp-analysis-can-parse-file (file-name)
-  "return t if the buffer is a C# source file."
-  (unless (stringp file-name)
-    (error "Invalid file-name"))
-  (string-match "\\.cs$" file-name))
-(defun csharp-analysis-timer-event (buffer)
-  "This fn gets called by a timer, on a regular interval.  It
-marks the buffer as out of date, in other words due for
-sourcecode analysis, by setting `csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date'
-if appropriate.
-A buffer is considered to be out of date when more than
-`csharp-analysis-no-changes-timeout' seconds have elapsed since the last
-change, and there have been other changes that have been made
-during that interval.  This is checked by comparing the current
-time to `csharp-analysis-last-change-time', the last change time that is
-recorded in `csharp-analysis-after-change-fn'.
-If the timeout period has not expired since the last change,
-it indicates that the user is actively changing the buffer, eg
-typing, and so there's no sense marking the buffer out of date at
-the moment.
-If the user later requests a sourcecode analysis (abstract syntax
-tree, or AST) for the buffer by implicitly invoking
-`csharp-analysis-get-analysis', if the sourcecode
-analysis has previously been marked out of date, then cscomp
-computes a new analysis.  If it is not marked out of date, then
-cscomp returns the existing analysis.
-When a buffer is initially loaded, the analysis is marked out of
-date, so that it is always calculated upon the first request for
-  (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
-    (with-current-buffer buffer
-      (if (and csharp-analysis-last-change-time
-               (not csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date))
-          (let ((elapsed (- (csharp-analysis-float-time) 
-            (cscomp-log 4 "timer: elapsed since last change: %s"
-                        (prin1-to-string elapsed))
-            ;; see if the buffer has stopped changing
-            (when (> elapsed csharp-analysis-no-changes-timeout)
-              (setq csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date t)))
-        (cscomp-log 4 "timer: no change since previous analysis.")))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-stop-timer ()
-  (when csharp-analysis-timer
-    (cancel-timer csharp-analysis-timer)
-    (setq csharp-analysis-timer nil)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-analysis ()
-  "Returns the s-expression representing the sourcecode analysis of the
-current buffer. If the current sourcecode analysis is out-of-date, then
-the analysis is performed anew, and that new result is returned.  Several
-events can trigger the out-of-date condition: addition of a newline (\n)
-into the buffer; saving the buffer; other things. This module detects
-these events in the appropriate emacs hooks - such as after-save-hook, or
-the after-change-functions - and then sets the
-`csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date' variable to a non-nil value.
-When this function is called and that variable is true, a new analysis is
-performed. This may take some time, as it requires saving the buffer
-contents to a temporary file, analyzing, then removing the file."
-  (if (or csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date
-          (not csharp-analysis-syntax-tree))
-      (csharp-analysis-analyze-buffer)
-    csharp-analysis-syntax-tree))
-(defun csharp-analysis-create-temp-filename (file-name)
-  (unless (stringp file-name)
-    (error "Invalid file-name"))
-  (let* ((prefix "cscomp")
-         (temp-name (concat (file-name-sans-extension file-name)
-                            "_" prefix
-                            "."
-                            (file-name-extension file-name))))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "create-temp-filename: orig=%s temp=%s" file-name temp-name)
-    temp-name))
-(defun csharp-analysis-analyze-buffer ()
-  "Actually do the analysis, by calling out to the AnalyzeSource method
-available within the CscompShell. That method calls out to the NRefactory
-library to perform the source analysis. The result is the lisp
-s-expression that describes the syntax tree of the buffer. "
-  ;; I'm not sure if timers create a multi-thread scenario or not.
-  ;; in case they do, and in case there's an analysis already running,
-  ;; let's just hack it and return the existing value.
-  (if (and csharp-analysis-is-running
-                 csharp-analysis-syntax-tree)
-      (progn
-        (cscomp-log 4 "csharp-analysis-analyze-buffer: analysis is already 
-        ;;;
-        csharp-analysis-syntax-tree)
-    (let
-      ((temp-file-name (csharp-analysis-create-temp-filename 
-       (delete-temp-file (lambda ()
-            (when (file-exists-p temp-file-name)
-              (delete-file temp-file-name)
-              (cscomp-log 3 "deleted temp file %s" temp-file-name)))))
-      ;; handle exceptions that occur during file creation,
-      ;; saving, and analysis, via condition-case
-      (condition-case exc1
-          (progn
-            (setq csharp-analysis-is-running t)
-            ;; obtain mutex?
-            (cscomp-log 1 "re-analyzing... ")
-            (funcall delete-temp-file) ;; just in case it exists now
-            ;; right here - maybe temporarily comment out the current
-            ;; line?  maybe?
-            ;; The problem is that NRefactory *quits* its analysis when
-            ;; it encounters some classes of syntax errors.  which
-            ;; errors?  I don't know. But in the case where a person is
-            ;; asking for completions "right here", sometimes NRefactory
-            ;; chokes on the incomplete line of code, which the user is
-            ;; asking for completions on. As a result it doesn't emit a
-            ;; CompilationUnit that contains any members following that
-            ;; point.  If a variable gets initialized based on a field
-            ;; that lies AFTER the current line in the buffer, then the
-            ;; csharp-completion stuff won't work properly.
-            ;; Just removing, or commenting out, the offending line
-            ;; allows NRefactory to continue its analysis. That might be
-            ;; the right thing to do here.  Have to figure out
-            ;; why/when/how that should be done.
-            ;; write the buffer to the temporary file
-            (write-region nil nil temp-file-name nil 7)
-            (cscomp-log 3 "wrote temp file %s" temp-file-name)
-            (setq csharp-analysis-syntax-tree
-                  (csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn "GetAstForSourceFile" 
-            (funcall delete-temp-file)
-            (setq csharp-analysis-last-change-time nil
-                  csharp-analysis-syntax-tree-out-of-date nil
-                  csharp-analysis-is-running nil
-                  csharp-analysis--query-cache nil) ;; clear cache
-            ;; release mutex?
-            csharp-analysis-syntax-tree)
-        (progn
-          (error "analysis failed.")
-          (funcall delete-temp-file)
-          (setq csharp-analysis-is-running nil)
-          csharp-analysis-syntax-tree)))))
-(define-minor-mode csharp-analysis-mode
-  "A minor mode to do on-the-fly c# source code parsing and analysis.
-When this function is called interactively, it toggles the minor
-With arg, turn csharp-analysis mode on if and only if arg
-is positive.
-When this mode is on, emacs periodically analyzes the current
-buffer and stores a representation of the abstract syntax
-tree (AST) for the C# source code.  This AST is then used to
-facilitate smart code completion, something like emacs'
-autocomplete function, but smarter.  See
-  nil nil nil
-  (cond
-   ;; turn the mode ON.
-   (csharp-analysis-mode
-    (if (not (csharp-analysis-can-parse-file buffer-file-name))
-        (cscomp-log 2 "cscomp cannot check syntax in buffer %s" (buffer-name))
-      (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'csharp-analysis-after-change-fn nil t)
-      (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'csharp-analysis-after-save-fn nil t)
-      (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'csharp-analysis-stop-timer nil t)
-      ;; set a timer to fire on an interval
-      (setq csharp-analysis-timer
-          (run-at-time nil csharp-analysis-timer-interval
-                       'csharp-analysis-timer-event
-                       (current-buffer)))
-      ;; do the first analysis?
-      ;;(csharp-analysis-analyze-buffer)
-      (cscomp-log 1 "csharp-analysis-mode: setting vars for initial 
-      (setq csharp-analysis-is-running nil)))
-   ;; turn the mode OFF.
-   (t
-    (remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'csharp-analysis-after-change-fn t)
-    (remove-hook 'after-save-hook 'csharp-analysis-after-save-fn t)
-    (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'csharp-analysis-stop-timer t)
-    (csharp-analysis-stop-timer)
-    (setq csharp-analysis-is-running nil))))
-;; ==================================================================
-;; ==================================================================
-(defun csharp-analysis-useful-taglist (ast)
-  "returns the useful taglist from an AST.  The first, toplevel
-AST is contains the string 'CompilationUnit as its car.  This fn
-trims that, if it is present, and returns the list of children. If
-it is not present, this fn just returhs the original taglist.
-    (if (and
-         (symbolp (first ast))
-         (string= 'CompilationUnit (symbol-name (first ast))))
-        (progn
-          ;;(message "useful: %s" (prin1-to-string (cdadr ast)))
-          (cdadr ast))
-      ast))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast (ast tag-type)
-  "From the given AST, get toplevel tags of the given TAG-TYPE.
-For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"type\" to get all the toplevel
-using clauses in an AST.  This would work for an AST representing
-a namespace.
-This fn does not consider nested elements.
-    (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast myast \"type\")
-See also:  `csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames-from-ast'.
-  (when (not tag-type) (error "tag-type must be non-nil"))
-  (let ((result (list)))
-    (dolist (entry (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist ast))  ;; loop over the list
-      (if (and
-           (consp entry)
-           (symbolp (first entry))
-           (string= tag-type (csharp-analysis-tag-flavor entry)))
-          (setq result (cons entry result))))
-    (reverse result)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags (tag-type)
-  "Get toplevel tags of the given TAG-TYPE from the AST for the
-current buffer.  For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"using\" to get
-all the toplevel using clauses in an AST.  Does not get nested
-    (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags \"attribute\")
-See also:  `csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames'.
-  (interactive "stag type: ")
-  (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast (csharp-analysis-get-analysis) 
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-(defun csharp-analysis-nested-tags (node &optional include-params)
-  "Get the nested tags (or nodes) for the given NODE (or tag).
-In a namespace node, nested tags would be nodes representing
-types, enumerated in an element called \"children\".  In a type,
-the child nodes are also in a \"children\" node, and represent
-methods, fields, and properties.  In a method, the children are
-the expressions that define the method logic, and are available
-in a node called \"block\".  Within a block, an \"if\" node has
-children in \"then\" and \"else\" clauses.  A \"trycatch\" node
-has children in the \"try\" clause, all \"catch\" clauses, and
-the \"finally\" clause, if any.  And so on.
-This fn is intended to support
-`csharp-analysis-local-variables', which gets a list of local
-variables.  To do that, the fn needs to know the current scope
-  (when (not node) (return nil))
-  (let* ((sname (symbol-name (first node)))
-         (nested-tags
-          (cond
-           ((string= sname "if")
-            (append
-             (assoc 'then node)
-             (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "elseif") ;; 
there may be multiple of these
-             (assoc 'else node)))  ;; the else clause may be nil
-           ((or
-             (string= sname "foreach")
-             (string= sname "for")
-             (string= sname "block")
-             (string= sname "then")
-             (string= sname "else")
-             (string= sname "elseif")
-             (string= sname "finally")
-             (string= sname "catch")
-             (string= sname "try"))
-            (cdr node))  ;; every child except the containing scope
-           ((string= sname "trycatch")
-            (append
-             (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "try")
-             (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "catch")
-             (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "finally")))
-           ((string= sname "property")
-            (append
-             (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "get") ;; may be 
-             (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "set"))) ;; may 
be nil
-           (t
-            (let (c)
-              (setq c (assoc 'block node))
-              (if c (list c)
-                (setq c (assoc 'children node))
-                (if c (cdr c)
-                  nil))))
-           ;;(csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "block")
-           ;;(csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast node "children")
-           )))
-    (if include-params
-        (let ((params (cadr (assoc 'params node))))
-          (if params
-              (setq nested-tags (append (list params) nested-tags)))))
-    nested-tags))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-local-arguments-from-ast (ast)
-  "From the given AST, get all the local arguments that are in scope at
-the position defined by LINE and COL in the buffer described by the AST.
-Within a method, this is the arguments to the method.
-Within a property setter, this is the value argument.
-Otherwise, nil.
-  (let ((method (or
-                 (csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag "method")
-                 (csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag "ctor")
-                 (csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag "set"))))
-    (if method
-         (csharp-analysis-method-params method))
-    ))
-(defun csharp-analysis-local-arguments ()
-  "Gets all the local arguments that are in scope in the
-current position in the buffer.
-This includes arguments passed to the enclosing method, if any.
-The result does not include local variables declared in the current method, or 
-block, or variables declared within any nested
-curly-brace scopes that are active at the current buffer position.
-An example output:
-\((var \"args\" \"System.String[]\" (location (20 29) (20 38))))
-This function prints its result if called interactively. This is for
-diagnostic purposes only.
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((result
-         (csharp-analysis-get-local-arguments-from-ast
-          (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist (csharp-analysis-get-analysis)))))
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-    result))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-local-variables-from-ast (ast line col &optional 
-  "From the given AST, get all the local variables that are in scope at
-the position defined by LINE and COL in the buffer described by the AST.
-If the position is within a method, the result does not include
-method parameters.  The result does include variables defined
-within the scope of the method, as well as within any active
-nested curly-brace scopes.
-If the position is within some other execution scope, such as a
-getter for a property, the result includes variables defined in
-that scope as well as any active nested scopes.
-The list excludes instance variables and method arguments that may
-be available at the given position in the buffer.
-See also: `csharp-analysis-local-arguments'
-  (if (not indent)
-    (setq indent ""))
-  (let ((nodes ast)
-        result)
-    (while nodes
-      (let ((node (car nodes)))
-        (if (and (consp node) (symbolp (car node)))
-            (let ((flavor (symbol-name (car node)))
-                  (tag-name (csharp-analysis-tag-name node))
-                  (location (cdr (assoc 'location node))))
-              (cscomp-log 4 "%sconsidering tag (%s %s ...)"
-                          indent flavor tag-name)
-              (if (and location (csharp-analysis-location-contains-line-col 
location line col))
-                  (progn
-                    (cscomp-log 4 "%sCONTAINING SCOPE" indent)
-                    (setq nodes nil) ;; this will be the last time through the 
-                    (if (or
-                         (string= flavor "foreach")
-                         (string= flavor "for")
-                         (string= flavor "using")
-                         (string= flavor "block")
-                         (string= flavor "then")
-                         (string= flavor "else")
-                         (string= flavor "elseif")
-                         (string= flavor "finally")
-                         (string= flavor "catch")
-                         (string= flavor "try"))
-                        (progn
-                          (cscomp-log 4 "%slooking for vars " indent)
-                          (let ((all-vars
-                                 (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast 
node "var"))
-                                inner-result)
-                            ;; include only those vars within the block that 
precede the current position
-                            (if all-vars
-                                (progn
-                                  (cscomp-log 4 "%slooking at local vars..." 
-                                  (while all-vars
-                                    (let* ((one-var (car all-vars))
-                                           (var-location (cdr (assoc 'location 
-                                           (var-name (cadr one-var)))
-                                      (cscomp-log 4 "%sconsidering var %s ..." 
indent var-name)
-                                      ;; if the var decl precedes the current 
location, OR
-                                      ;; if this is a catch variable, then 
include it in the list.
-                                      (if (or
-                                           (string= flavor "catch")
(csharp-analysis-location-precedes-line-col var-location line col))
-                                          (progn
-                                            (cscomp-log 4 "%syes" indent)
-                                            (setq inner-result (cons one-var 
-                                    (setq all-vars (cdr all-vars)))
-                                  (if inner-result
-                                      (setq result (append result (reverse 
-                              (cscomp-log 4 "%s  no local vars" indent))))
-                      (cscomp-log 4 "%snot a var container" indent))
-                    (let ((children (csharp-analysis-nested-tags node nil)))
-                      (if children
-                          (progn
-                            (cscomp-log 4 "%srecursing..." indent)
-                            (let ((r1 
(csharp-analysis-get-local-variables-from-ast children line col (concat "  " 
-                              (if r1
-                                  (setq result (append result r1)))))
-                        (cscomp-log 4 "%sno children" indent))))
-                (cscomp-log 4 "%snot contained within" indent)
-                ))))
-      (setq nodes (cdr nodes)))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "%sresult '%s'" indent (prin1-to-string result))
-    result))
-(defun csharp-analysis-local-variables ()
-  "Gets all the local variables that are in scope in the
-current position in the buffer.
-This includes variables declared in the current method, or execution
-block, as well as variables declared within any nested
-curly-brace scopes that are active at the current buffer position.
-The list excludes instance variables that may be active at the
-current point in the buffer, as well as parameters for the
-enclosing method, if any.
-An example output:
-\((var \"args\" \"System.String[]\" (location (20 29) (20 38)))
-  (var \"flavor\" \"System.Int32\" (location (20 44) (20 48)))
-  (var \"z\" \"System.Int32\" (location (22 13) (22 22)))
-  (var \"t\" \"var\" (location (52 13) (52 46)))
-  (var \"i\" \"var\" (location (53 31) (53 32))))
-This function prints its result if called interactively. This is for
-diagnostic purposes only.
-  (interactive)
-  (cscomp-log 3 "ENTER local-variables")
-  (let* ((line (line-number-at-pos))
-         (col (current-column))
-         (result
-          (csharp-analysis-get-local-variables-from-ast
-           (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist (csharp-analysis-get-analysis))
-           line col)))
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "local-variables: result %s" (prin1-to-string result))
-    result))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames-from-ast (ast tag-type)
-  "Get names of toplevel tags from the AST, of the given TAG-TYPE.
-For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"using\" to get all the toplevel
-using clauses in an AST.
-Retrieving using clauses would work with an AST representing a
-compilation unit (full buffer) or a namespace.
-    (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames-from-ast myast \"using\")
-See also:  `csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast'.
-  (mapcar
-   'csharp-analysis-tag-name
-   (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast ast tag-type)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames (tag-type)
-  "Get the names of toplevel tags of the given TAG-TYPE, from the ast
-for the current buffer.
-For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"using\" to get all the
-toplevel using clauses in an AST.
-    (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames \"using\")
-See also:  `csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags'.
-  (interactive "stag type: ")
-  (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames-from-ast 
(csharp-analysis-get-analysis) tag-type))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-tags-from-ast (ast tag-type)
-  "Get tags at any level from the given AST, of the given TAG-TYPE.
-For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"type\" to get all the types
-defined in an AST.
-    (csharp-analysis-get-tags-from-ast myast \"type\")
-  (when (not tag-type) (error "tag-type must be non-nil"))
-  (let ((result (list))
-        (working-ast (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist ast)))
-    (dolist (node working-ast)  ;; loop over the list
-      (cond
-       ;; It's possible that not all entries in the list are cons cells.
-       ((consp node)
-        (let ((node-flavor (first node))
-              (node-name (second node))
-              (children (csharp-analysis-nested-tags node t)))
-          ;; (message "maybe: %s  [%s]"
-          ;;          (prin1-to-string node-type)
-          ;;          (prin1-to-string  node-name))
-          (if (string= tag-type node-flavor)
-            (setq result (cons node result)))
-          (if (consp children)
-            ;;(message "recurse")
-            (setq result
-                  (append
-                   (reverse (csharp-analysis-get-tags-from-ast children 
-                   result)))))
-       (t nil)))
-    (reverse result)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-tags (tag-type)
-  "Get tags of the given TAG-TYPE at any level from the ast for the current 
-For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"type\" to get all the types
-defined in a buffer.
-  (csharp-analysis-get-tags \"type\")
-  (interactive "stag type: ")
-  (csharp-analysis-get-tags-from-ast (csharp-analysis-get-analysis) tag-type))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-tagnames-from-ast (ast tag-type)
-  "Get names of tags from the AST, of the given TAG-TYPE.
-For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"type\" to get all the toplevel
-types declared in an AST.
-    (csharp-analysis-get-tagnames-from-ast myast \"type\")
-See also:  `csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames-from-ast'.
-See also:  `csharp-analysis-get-tagnames'.
-  (mapcar
-   'csharp-analysis-tag-name
-   (csharp-analysis-get-tags-from-ast ast tag-type)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-tagnames (tag-type)
-  "Get names of all the tags of the given TAG-TYPE from the ast
-for the current buffer. For example, pass TAG-TYPE of \"type\" to
-get the names of all the types declared in an AST.
-    (csharp-analysis-get-tagnames \"type\")
-You could also use this to get all the using clauses that are
-present in the buffer.
-See also:  `csharp-analysis-get-tags'.
-  (interactive "stag type: ")
-  (csharp-analysis-get-tagnames-from-ast (csharp-analysis-get-analysis) 
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-(defun csharp-analysis--find-parent-id-from-ast (taglist desired-id &optional 
-"Helper fn."
-  (when (not taglist) (return nil))
-  (if (not indent)
-      (setq indent ""))
-  (cscomp-log 2 "%sfind-parent-id: looking for id: %d" indent desired-id)
-  (let ((working-taglist (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist taglist)))
-    ;; loop over the list, looking for a node with the given
-    ;; name, considering only toplevel nodes.
-    (dolist (node working-taglist)
-      (if (consp node)
-          (let ((this-flav (csharp-analysis-tag-flavor node))
-                (this-name (csharp-analysis-tag-name node))
-                (this-id (csharp-analysis-tag-id node)))
-            (cscomp-log 2 "%sfind-parent-id: considering: (%s %s...(id %s))"
-                        indent this-flav (prin1-to-string this-name)
-                        (if (numberp this-id)
-                            (prin1-to-string this-id)
-                          "xx"))
-            (if (numberp this-id)
-                (progn
-                  (if (= this-id desired-id)
-                      (progn
-                        (cscomp-log 2 "%sfind-parent-id: found %s" indent 
(prin1-to-string node))
-                        (return working-taglist)))
-                  (if (> this-id desired-id)
-                      ;; recurse
-                      (let ((children (csharp-analysis-nested-tags node t)))
-                        (when children
-                          (cscomp-log 2 "%sfind-parent-id: recurse" indent)
-                          (let ((r1 (csharp-analysis--find-parent-id-from-ast
-                                     children desired-id
-                                     (concat indent "  "))))
-                            (cond
-                             ((numberp r1)
-                              (return r1))
-                             (r1
-                              (return (csharp-analysis-tag-id 
-(defun csharp-analysis-find-parent-tag-by-id-from-ast (taglist desired-id)
-  "From the list of tags TAGLIST, returns the tag which is the parent
-of the tag with id DESIRED-ID.
-Returns nil if the parent cannot be found.
-A tag represents one node in an abstract syntax table for a C#
-buffer.  For example, a tag representing a using clause might
-look like this:
-  (import \"System\" nil
-      (location (19 1) (19 14)) (id 2))
-A tag representing a type declaration might look like this:
-  (type \"AstRunner\"
-     (modifier \"public\")
-     (children ....)
-     (location (37 5) (93 6)) (id 18))
-  (cscomp-log 3 "find-parent-id: (%d)" desired-id)
-  (if (eq desired-id 0) ;; special-case synthetic ID numbers
-      nil
-    (let* ((cache-key (format "parent-tag-by-id/%d" desired-id))
-           (result (cadr (assoc cache-key csharp-analysis--query-cache))))
-      (if result
-          (progn
-            (cscomp-log 3 "find-parent-id: cache hit, tag %s"
-                        (prin1-to-string result))
-            result)
-        (let ((r1 (csharp-analysis--find-parent-id-from-ast taglist 
-          (cond
-           ((numberp r1)
-            (cscomp-log 2 "find-parent-id: found %d" r1)
-            (let ((r2 (csharp-analysis-find-tag-by-id-from-ast taglist r1)))
-              (cscomp-log 2 "find-parent-id: tag %s" (prin1-to-string r2))
-              ;; insert into cache
-              (setq csharp-analysis--query-cache
-                    (append csharp-analysis--query-cache (list (list cache-key 
-              r2))
-           ((consp r1)
-            (let* ((r2 (csharp-analysis-tag-id r1))
-                   (r3 (csharp-analysis-find-tag-by-id-from-ast taglist r2)))
-              ;; insert into cache
-              (setq csharp-analysis--query-cache
-                    (append csharp-analysis--query-cache (list (list cache-key 
-              r3))
-           (t nil)))))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-find-tag-by-id-from-ast (taglist desired-id)
-  "From the list of tags TAGLIST, returns the tag with id DESIRED-ID.
-A tag represents one node in an abstract syntax table for a C#
-buffer.  For example, a tag representing a using clause might
-look like this:
-  (import \"System\" nil
-      (location (19 1) (19 14)) (id 2))
-A tag representing a type declaration might look like this:
-      (type \"AstRunner\"
-        (modifier \"public\")
-        (children ....)
-        (location (37 5) (93 6)) (id 18))
-  (when (not taglist) (return nil))
-  (let ((working-taglist (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist taglist)))
-    ;; loop over the list, looking for a node with the given
-    ;; name, considering only toplevel nodes.
-    (dolist (node working-taglist)
-      (if (consp node)
-          (let ((this-id (csharp-analysis-tag-id node)))
-            (if (numberp this-id)
-                (progn
-                  (if (= this-id desired-id)
-                      (return node))
-                  (if (> this-id desired-id)
-                      ;; recurse
-                      (let ((children (csharp-analysis-nested-tags node t)))
-                        (when children
-                          (let ((r1 (csharp-analysis-find-tag-by-id-from-ast 
children desired-id)))
-                            (when r1 (return r1)))))))))))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-find-tag-by-id (id)
-  "From the AST for the given buffer, get the tag with the given ID.
-  (interactive "nTag #: ")
-  (message "id: %d" id)
-  (let ((result
-         (csharp-analysis-find-tag-by-id-from-ast 
(csharp-analysis-get-analysis) id)))
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        ;; If called interactively, show the result at
-        ;; the bottom of the screen.
-        (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-    result))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-tag-parent-from-ast (taglist tag)
-  "Returns the parent (container) tag of a given TAG.
-Finds the parent of a tag.
-  (error "not implemented"))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-tag-by-name (taglist name)
-  "From the list of tags TAGLIST, returns the tag with name NAME.
-The search is done breadth-first at the top-level, and then at depth.
-A tag represents one node in an abstract syntax table for a C#
-buffer.  For example, a tag representing a using clause might
-look like this:
-  (import \"System\" nil
-      (location (19 1) (19 14)) (id 2))
-A tag representing a type declaration might look like this:
-      (type \"AstRunner\"
-        (modifier \"public\")
-        (children ....)
-        (location (37 5) (93 6)) (id 18))
-  (when (not name) (error "name must be non-nil"))
-  (let ((working-taglist (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist taglist)))
-    (or
-     ;; loop over the list, looking for a node with the given
-     ;; name, considering only toplevel nodes.
-     (dolist (node working-taglist)
-       (if (and (consp node)
-                (stringp (second node))
-                (string= (second node) name))
-           (return node)))
-     ;; loop over the list again, looking for the named node,
-     ;; considering children nodes.
-     (dolist (node working-taglist)
-       (if (consp node)
-           (let ((children (assoc 'children node))
-                 r1)
-             (when children
-               (setq r1 (csharp-analysis-get-tag-by-name (cdr children) name))
-               (when r1 (return r1)))))))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-tag-by-type-and-name (taglist tag-type tag-name)
-  "From TAGLIST, a list of tags, returns the tag with the given
-A tag represents one node in an abstract syntax table for a C#
-buffer.  For example, a tag representing a using clause might
-look like this:
-  (import \"System\" nil
-      (location (19 1) (19 14)) (id 2))
-A tag representing a type declaration might look like this:
-      (type \"AstRunner\"
-        (modifier \"public\")
-        (children ....)
-        (location (37 5) (93 6)) (id 18))
-  (when (and (not tag-name)
-             (not tag-type))
-    (error "one of tag-name or tag-type must be non-nil"))
-  (let ((working-taglist (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist taglist)))
-    (or
-     ;; loop over the list, looking for a node with the given
-     ;; name and type, considering only toplevel nodes.
-     (dolist (node working-taglist)
-       (if (and (consp node)
-                (symbolp (nth 0 node))
-                (string= tag-type (symbol-name (nth 0 node)))
-                (stringp (nth 1 node))
-                (string= (nth 1 node) name))
-           (return node)))
-     ;; loop over the list again, looking for a matching node,
-     ;; considering children nodes.
-     (dolist (node working-taglist)
-       (if (consp node)
-           (let ((children (assoc 'children node))
-                 r1)
-             (when children
-               (setq r1 (csharp-analysis-get-tag-by-name (cdr children) name))
-               (when r1 (return r1)))))))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-location-contains-line-col (location line col)
-  "returns t if the given LOCATION (which implies a start and an end)
-brackets the given LINE and COL pair.
-  (let* ((start-loc (car location))
-        (end-loc (cadr location))
-        (start-line (car start-loc))
-        (start-col (cadr start-loc))
-        (end-line (car end-loc))
-        (end-col (cadr end-loc)))
-    (or
-     (and
-      (< start-line line)
-      (> end-line line))
-     (and
-      (= start-line line)
-      (<= start-col col))
-     (and
-      (= end-line line)
-      (>= end-col col)))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-location-precedes-line-col (location line col)
-  "returns t if the given LOCATION ends before the given LINE and COL pair."
-  (let* ((end-loc (cadr location))
-         (end-line (car end-loc))
-         (end-col (cadr end-loc)))
-    (or
-      (< end-line line)
-     (and
-      (= end-line line)
-      (<= end-col col)))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag-from-ast (ast desired-tag-type line 
col namescope
-                                                       &optional diag indent)
-  "From the given AST, gets the narrowest enclosing tag of the
-given DESIRED-TAG-TYPE. DESIRED-TAG-TYPE is a string, and can be
-one of type, namespace, method, ctor, foreach, trycatch, etc.
-\"Narrowest\" means, if searching for a DESIRED-TAG-TYPE of 'type, get
-the smallest enclosing type. If the cursor is within a
-nested (inner) class, return the tag for the inner class. If
-there is a foreach inside a foreach, return the inner foreach.
-LINE and COL define the position in the buffer described by AST,
-for which to find the enclosing tag.
-NAMESCOPE is the naming scope for the given AST. This allows this defun to be
-  (if (not diag)
-      (setq diag "get-enclosing-tag"))
-  (if (not indent)
-      (setq indent ""))
-  (if (not ast)
-      (progn
-        (message "%s: nothing to search within" diag)
-        (return nil)))
-  (cscomp-log 2 "%sENTER %s (%s)" indent diag desired-tag-type)
-  (let ((nodes ast)
-        result)
-    ;; Loop over the list, looking for a node with start and end
-    ;; locations that bracket the current location, considering only
-    ;; toplevel nodes.  If found, then check for children.  If there are
-    ;; children, push the name onto the namescope, and recurse.
-    ;; children, recurse. If no children, then add the namescope to the
-    ;; tag and return the tag. If the current toplevel tag does not
-    ;; bracket the current location, the continue looping.
-    (while (and nodes (not result))
-      (let ((node (car nodes)))
-        (if (and (consp node) (symbolp (first node)))
-            (let ((location (cdr (assoc 'location node)))
-                  (flavor (symbol-name (car node)))
-                  (tag-name (csharp-analysis-tag-name node)))
-              (cscomp-log 4 "%sconsidering tag (%s %s ...)"
-                          indent flavor tag-name)
-              (if (and location (csharp-analysis-location-contains-line-col 
location line col))
-                  (progn
-                    (cscomp-log 4 "%sCONTAINING SCOPE..." indent)
-                    (setq nodes nil) ;; terminate outer loop
-                    (let ((children (csharp-analysis-nested-tags node t))
-                          (matched-tag (string= desired-tag-type (symbol-name 
(car node)))))
-                      (setq result
-                            (if children
-                                (let ((ns2 (if (string= namescope "")
-                                               tag-name
-                                             (concat namescope "." tag-name)))
-                                       r1)
-                                  (cscomp-log 4 "%srecursing..." indent)
-                                  (setq r1
-                                         children desired-tag-type line col ns2
-                                         diag
-                                         (concat indent "  ")))
-                                  (or r1
-                                      (and matched-tag
-                                           (append node (list (list 'namescope 
(format "%s" namescope)))))))
-                              ;; no children
-                              (and matched-tag
-                                   (append node (list (list 'namescope (format 
"%s" namescope)))))))))))))
-      (setq nodes (cdr nodes)))
-    result))
-(defun csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag (tag-type &optional diag)
-  "Gets the current tag of the provided TAG-TYPE for the current
-position in the buffer.
-The TAG-TYPE can be one of: type, method, namespace, etc.
-  (interactive "stag type: ")
-  (if (not diag)
-      (setq diag "get-enclosing-tag"))
-  (cscomp-log 3 "%s (%s)" diag tag-type)
-  (let* ((line (line-number-at-pos))
-         (col (current-column))
-         (cache-key (format "enclosing-tag/%s-%d-%d" tag-type line col))
-         (result (cadr (assoc cache-key csharp-analysis--query-cache))))
-    (if result
-        (cscomp-log 3 "%s cache hit" diag)
-      (let ((nodes (csharp-analysis-useful-taglist 
-        (setq result
-              (csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag-from-ast nodes tag-type line 
col "" diag))
-        ;; insert into the cache
-        (setq csharp-analysis--query-cache
-              (append csharp-analysis--query-cache (list (list cache-key 
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (progn
-      ;; If called interactively, show the result at
-      ;; the bottom of the screen.
-      (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result))
-      (if result
-          (message "result: %s (%s)"
-                   (csharp-analysis-tag-name result)
-                   (csharp-analysis-tag-flavor result)))))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "%s: %s" diag (prin1-to-string result))
-    result))
-(defun csharp-analysis-instance-variables ()
-  "Return the list of instance variables (fields or properties)
-that are in scope.
-The return value is a list of nodes from the abstract syntax
-tree, with any hierarchy flattened. The list looks like:
-  ((field \"_index\" \"System.Int32\" (modifier private) (location (14 9) (14 
28)) (id 5))
-   (field \"_Value\" \"System.Int32\" (modifier private) (location (78 9) (78 
28)) (id 47))
-   (property \"Verbose\" \"System.Boolean\" (modifier public) (get) (set) 
(location (9 9) (12 10)) (id 4))
-   (property \"Value\" \"System.Int32\" (modifier public) (get ...) (set ...) 
(location (79 9) (92 10)) (id 57))
-   (property \"Seven\" \"System.Int32\" (modifier public) (get) (set (modifier 
private)) (location (94 9) (98 10)) (id 58)))
-see also:  `csharp-analysis-local-variables'
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((class (csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag 'type))
-         (children (cdr (assoc 'children class)))
-         (all-vars
-          (append
-           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast children "field")
-           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags-from-ast children "property"))))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "instance-variables: found instance vars: '%s'" all-vars)
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (message "result: %s"
-                   (mapcar
-                    '(lambda (item) (list (car item) (cadr item) (caddr item)))
-                    all-vars)))
-    all-vars))
-(defun csharp-analysis-instance-members ()
-  "Return the list of instance members in scope, in a C# module.
-Members include constructors, properties, fields, and methods.
-The return value is a list of AST nodes.  It looks like:
-\( (ctor \"falafel\" (modifier \"public\") (params nil)
-        (block (location (7 27) (7 29)))
-        (location (7 16) (7 29)) (id 18))
-  (property \"Verbose\" \"System.Boolean\" (modifier public) (location (8 9) 
(8 28)) (id 29))
-  (field \"_index\" \"System.Int32\" (modifier \"private\") (location (13 9) 
(13 28)) (id 32))
-  (method \"Method1\" \"System.Void\" (modifier \"public\") (params (var 
\"args\" \"System.String[]\"))
-          (block ... (location (16 9) (44 10)))
-          (location (15 9) (44 10))
-          (id 51)))
-  (csharp-analysis-class-members))
-;; ;;
-;; ;; Examples
-;; ;;
-;; (message "toplevel usings: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames "using")))
-;; ;; expect nil
-;; (message "toplevel types: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames "type")))
-;; (message "all usings: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tagnames-from-ast ralph "using")))
-;; (message "namespaces: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames "namespace")))
-;; (message "namespaces: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags "namespace")))
-;; (message "one namespace: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tag "namespace" 
-;; (message "types (all): %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tags "type")))
-;; (message "names of types (all): %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tagnames "type")))
-;; ;; expected: nil
-;; ;; there is no type element at the top level
-;; (message "one type: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tag "type" "AstSexpression")))
-;; (message "named type: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tag-by-name (cscomp-get-tags "type") "AstRunner")))
-;; (message "named type: %s"
-;;           (prin1-to-string
-;;            (cscomp-get-tag-by-name ralph "AstRunner")))
-;; (message "named field: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tag-by-name (cscomp-get-tags "field") "depth")))
-;; (message "methods: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames
-;;            (first
-;;             (cscomp-get-tags
-;;              (first
-;;               (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags "namespace"))
-;;              "type"))
-;;            "method" )))
-;; (message "fields: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tagnames
-;;            (first                           ;; use the first type defined 
in the file
-;;             (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags            ;; get all types
-;;              (first
-;;               (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags "namespace"))
-;;              "type"))
-;;            "field" )))
-;; (message "my type: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tag-from-ast
-;;            (first (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags "namespace"))
-;;            "type" "AstRunner")))
-;; (message "one method: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tag-from-ast
-;;            (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags "namespace")
-;;           "method" "Run")))
-;; (message "one field: %s"
-;;          (prin1-to-string
-;;           (cscomp-get-tag
-;;            (cscomp-get-tags
-;;             (first                           ;; use the first type defined 
in the file
-;;              (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags            ;; get all types
-;;               (first
-;;                (csharp-analysis-get-toplevel-tags "namespace"))
-;;               "type"))
-;;             "field" )
-;;            "field" "depth")))
-;; (dolist (entry ralph)  ;; loop over the list
-;;   (cond
-;;    ((consp entry)
-;;     (case (first entry)   ;; get the car of the entry
-;;       (allocate (plot-allocation (second entry)))
-;;       (free (plot-free (second entry)))))
-;;    (t
-;;     (message "entry: %s" entry))))
-(defun csharp-analysis-tag-name (tag)
-  "get the name from the given TAG. The result is a string, the name
-of the method, class, property, field, or whatever."
-  (when (not tag) (error "no tag available."))
-  (when (not (consp tag)) (error "csharp-analysis-tag-name: the tag provided 
is not valid."))
-  (if (stringp (nth 1 tag))
-      (nth 1 tag)
-    "--"))
-(defun csharp-analysis-tag-flavor (tag)
-  "get the flavor of the given TAG. The result is a string like
-ctor, method, property, field, namespace, and so on."
-  (when (not tag) (error "no tag available."))
-  (when (not (consp tag)) (error "csharp-analysis-tag-flavor: the tag provided 
is not valid."))
-  (symbol-name (nth 0 tag)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-tag-type (tag)
-  "get the type of the given TAG.  The result is a string like
-System.Int32, bool, and so on."
-  (and (stringp (nth 2 tag))
-       (nth 2 tag)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-tag-modifiers (tag)
-  "get the modifier clause attached to the given TAG, if any.  The
-result is a string like \"public static\" or \"private\".  The result
-is nil if there is no modifier.
-  (nth 1 (assoc 'modifier tag)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-tag-location (tag)
-  "get the location clause attached to the given TAG, if any.  The
-result is a list like \(location (START-LINE . START-COL) (END-LINE . 
-The result is nil if there is no modifier.
-  (assoc 'location tag))
-(defun csharp-analysis-tag-id (tag)
-  "get the id attached to the given TAG, if any.  The
-result is an integer, or nil.
-  (nth 1 (assoc 'id tag)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-method-params (tag)
-  "get the parameters attached to the given TAG, if any.  The tag
-must be a method to get a meaningful result.  The result is a
-list describing the parameters for the method, with each entry a
-list of (NAME TYPE).  The result is nil if there are no parameters, or
-if the tag is not a method.
-  (cdr (assoc 'params tag)))
-(defun csharp-analysis-current-class ()
-  "Gets the tag for the class containing point.
-  (csharp-analysis-get-enclosing-tag 'type "current-class"))
-(defun csharp-analysis-class-members (tag)
-  "Gets the members of the class described by the TAG.
-If TAG is nil, then this function gets the narrowest type
-containing point, and gets all the members of that.
-  (if (null tag) (setq tag (csharp-analysis-current-class)))
-  (if (string= (csharp-analysis-tag-flavor tag) "type")
-      (cdr (assoc 'children tag))
-    nil))
-(provide 'csharp-analysis)
-;;; end of csharp-analysis.el
diff --git a/csharp-completion.el b/csharp-completion.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 464758c..0000000
--- a/csharp-completion.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2902 +0,0 @@
-;;; csharp-completion.el -- Smart code completion for C#
-;; Author:     Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Maintainer: Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Created:    April 2010
-;; Modified:   January 2011
-;; Version:    0.2
-;; Keywords:   c# languages oop mode
-;; X-URL:      http://code.google.com/p/csharpmode/
-;;; Commentary:
-;;    Purpose
-;;    This is a package that performs code-completion or "intellisense"
-;;    for C# within emacs buffers.  It works on GNU Emacs running on
-;;    Windows and relies on Windows PowerShell in order to work.
-;;    Out of Scope
-;;    This module does not do font-lock, indenting, compiling, flymake,
-;;    or imenu.  These C# things are provided by csharp-mode.el , which
-;;    is a pre-requisite for this module.
-;;    This module also does not do type-ahead completion, debugging,
-;;    profiling, or management of C# project files.  Those are not
-;;    available anywhere, as far as I know.
-;;    Packaging:
-;;    csharp-completion is delivered as a set of files:
-;;        CscompUtilities.dll - a .NET assembly that performs work in
-;;          support of code completion. For example it can enumerate the
-;;          set of types in a namespace imported by a using
-;;          statement. It can also perform type inference of var types,
-;;          aiding in completion for such types. Return values are
-;;          delivered in the form of lisp s-expressions. The DLL is
-;;          implemented in C#, and is provided with this source code,
-;;          licensed under the same terms.
-;;        cscomp-base.el - base function, provides cscomp-log function,
-;;          which is used by all other elisp modules in this
-;;          package. cscomp-log is useful primarily for diagnostic
-;;          purposes.
-;;        csharp-shell.el - runs the Powershell that loads
-;;          CscompUtilities.dll and manages input to and output from the
-;;          shell.
-;;        csharp-analysis.el - provides code analysis functions, for
-;;          example the ability to enumerate all the methods in the type
-;;          being defined in the current buffer; or to enumerate all the
-;;          local variables that are in scope at a given point in a
-;;          source code file.
-;;        csharp-completion.el - this module, which provides executive
-;;          management of the code-completion function.  It provides the
-;;          two main elisp defuns that perform code completion, as well
-;;          as supporting functions for doing things like parsing the
-;;          local code fragment in the buffer to determine what is being
-;;          requested, popping up menus containing the list of completions,
-;;          and so on.
-;;    External Dependencies
-;;    ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll -
-;;    a .NET assembly that provides sourcecode-analysis capabilities,
-;;    shipped as part of SharpDevelop.  This DLL is used by
-;;    CsCompUtilities.dll to do syntax analysis.
-;;    Windows XP, Vista, or 7
-;;    PowerShell 2.0 - this is included in Windows 7, free download
-;;        for prior versions of Windows.
-;;    GNU Emacs v23.2 or later
-;;    cc-mode 5.31.? or later - included in Emacs 23.2
-;;    (optionally)  yasnippet, for snippet insertion.  If emacs has
-;;    yasnippet loaded, then this completion module will insert
-;;    a snippet (template) when the user selects a Method from the
-;;    completion list menu.  The method snippet will have all the
-;;    method parameters as placeholders; the developer then types over
-;;    those placeholders to supply the actual method parameters.
-;;    If yasnippet is not loaded, then the completion is just
-;;    the method name, and the developer has to fill in the
-;;    param-list himself. I highly recommend ya-snippet.
-;;    Set up
-;;    To set up csharp-completion:
-;;    1. put all the elisp files into a directory, and put that
-;;       directory on your load path.
-;;    2. put this in your .emacs:
-;;       (eval-after-load "csharp-completion"
-;;        '(progn
-;;           (setq cscomp-assembly-search-paths
-;;             (list "c:\\.net3.5ra"    ;; <<- locations of reference 
-;;                   "c:\\.net3.0ra"    ;; <<-
-;;                     ...              ;; <<- other assembly directories you 
-;;                   "c:\\.net2.0"      ;; <<- location of .NET Framework 
-;;                   "c:\\.net3.5"      ;; <<- ditto
-;;           ))))
-;;       The `cscomp-assembly-search-paths' should hold a list of
-;;       directories to search for assemblies that get referenced via using
-;;       clauses in the modules you edit.  This will try default to
-;;       something reasonable, including the "typical" .NET 2.0 and 3.5
-;;       directories, as well as the default locations for reference
-;;       assemblies.  If you have non-default locations for these things,
-;;       you should set them here. Also, if you have other libraries (for
-;;       example, the WCF Rest Starter kit, or the Windows Automation
-;;       assemblies) that you reference within your code, you can include
-;;       the appropriate directory in this list.
-;;    3. put this into your csharp-mode-hook:
-;;         ;; C# code completion
-;;         (require 'csharp-completion)
-;;         (csharp-analysis-mode 1)
-;;         (local-set-key "\M-\\"   'cscomp-complete-at-point)
-;;         (local-set-key "\M-\."   'cscomp-complete-at-point-menu)
-;;    Usage
-;;    To use code completion, open a buffer on a C# source file.  Place
-;;    the cursor after a partially-completed statement, and invoke
-;;    `cscomp-complete-at-point'. (Normally you would bind that fn to a
-;;    particular keystroke, like M-. or M-\.) Uppn invoking that fn,
-;;    this module will insert the first completion that matches. If
-;;    multiple completions are possible, calling the completion function
-;;    again (or pressing the bound key again) will cycle through the
-;;    possibilities, similar to the way dabbrev-mode works.
-;;    You can alternatively call `cscomp-complete-at-point-menu', to get
-;;    a popup menu of the completion choices.
-;;    How it Works
-;;    There are 2 complementary sources of information used to generate the
-;;    completion options: introspection into compiled .NET class libraries
-;;    (like the base class library), and source code analysis of the
-;;    currently-being-edited buffer.  Both sources are facilitated by an
-;;    inferior powershell shell running within emacs.  The csharp-completion
-;;    module will start a powershell if it is not already running, then load
-;;    into that powershell instance a custom library called CscompUtilities.
-;;    (The powershell instance with the custom library loaded into it, is
-;;    referred to as the CscompShell within this module.)
-;;    An example: if you ask for completions on the fragment "System.D",
-;;    this elisp module will then call into the CscompUtilities library,
-;;    by sending a command-line to the CscompShell that invokes a static
-;;    method on the library, to ask the library for possible completions
-;;    on the fragment.  The library builds a list of all available types
-;;    from the set of referenced assemblies.  It then searches the list
-;;    of types to find all possible completions for the given fragment,
-;;    and prints the search result, as a string formatted as a lisp
-;;    s-expression, on its output.  This elisp module then gathers the
-;;    s-expression and evals it, resulting in a structure containing
-;;    completion options for the given fragment.
-;;    In this example, starting from "System.D", the list of options
-;;    returned will include the namespace System.Diagnostics as well as
-;;    the type System.DateTime; this module will offer those and the
-;;    other options as possible completions.
-;;    The latter source of information - source code analysis of the
-;;    currently-being-edited buffer - is generated via the NRefactory
-;;    library, which ships as part of the open-source SharpDevelop tool.
-;;    In the typical case, this module uses both of those sources of
-;;    information, together, to generate suggestions for completions.
-;;    To illustrate how, consider another example: suppose your code has
-;;    a local variable of type System.Xml.XmlDocument, named doc.
-;;    Suppose the user asks for completion on the fragment "doc.L",
-;;    implying that the user wants to reference a property, method or
-;;    field on the doc variable, that begins with the letter L.  The
-;;    module uses the source code analysis to identify the name and type
-;;    of the local variable.  It then sends a "GetTypeInfo" command to
-;;    the CscompShell, passing System.Xml.XmlDocument. The CscompShell
-;;    returns a lisp s-expression enumerating the fields, methods and
-;;    properties for that type.  This module then filters the
-;;    s-expression for members that begin with L, and this filtered list
-;;    is then used to populate the completion list, which is either
-;;    displayed in a popup menu, or used to cycle the completion
-;;    possibilities. The list includes LastChild, LoadXml, the four
-;;    Load() overloads and LocalName.
-;;    Here's a summary of the situations in which this module can offer
-;;    completions:
-;;    a. names of local variables, instance variables, and method arguments.
-;;         int lengthOfList;
-;;         void Method1(String lengthyArgumentName)
-;;         {
-;;            leng?
-;;         }
-;;    b. Methods, fields and properties (m/f/p) on a local variable
-;;       with known type, on method arguments of known type, or on
-;;       instance variables of known type:
-;;         String x = "this is a string";
-;;         x.?
-;;    c. M/f/p on local variables with var type:
-;;         var x = "this is a string";
-;;         x.?
-;;    d. M/f/p on local variable declarations with dependencies on var types:
-;;         var s = "This is a string";
-;;         var length = s.Length;
-;;         var radix = length.?
-;;    e. M/f/p on local variables that are initialized
-;;       from instance methods and variables.
-;;         void method1()
-;;         {
-;;             var length = this.InstanceMethod();
-;;             length.?
-;;         }
-;;    f. M/f/p on generic types:
-;;         var x = new List<String>();
-;;         x.?
-;;    g. constructor completion, provide template when completing
-;;         var x = new System.String(?
-;;    h. constructor completion as above, with unqualified type.
-;;       This mode does a search in the namespaces from using clauses.
-;;         var x = new TimeSpan(?
-;;    i. finding types and namespaces:
-;;         var x = new TimeS?
-;;    j. complete static methods on known types,
-;;       whether fully qualified or unqualified.
-;;         String.Jo?
-;;    k. present template fpr static methods on known types,
-;;       whether fully qualified or unqualified.
-;;         String.Join(?
-;;    l. Immediate values.
-;;         7.C?
-;;    m. other compound Expressions:
-;;         Path.GetRandomFileName().Normalize().?
-;; things that need to be tested or fixed:
-;;      return new XmlS?
-;;      The module does not do completion on anonymous (var) types in
-;;      for loops.
-;;      detection of presence of ya-snippet.el - how to correctly and
-;;      dynamically check if ya-snippet is available, and load it if
-;;      necessary?
-;; Known bugs/problems :
-;; TODO :
-;;    make an installer.
-;; Please send any comments, bugs, enhancements, or suggestions or
-;; requests for upgrades to Dino Chiesa (dpchiesa@hotmail.com)
-(require 'cscomp-base)   ;; cscomp-log, etc.  basic stuff.
-(require 'csharp-shell)  ;; for CscompShell, which does code introspection
-(require 'csharp-analysis)  ;; for csharp-analysis-* fns
-(defvar cscomp-current-p1 nil
-  "The first part (before any dot) of the current completion.
-This is used to determine if re-using previous results is ok.
-See also `cscomp-current-list'. ")
-(defvar cscomp-current-p2 nil
-  "The second part (after any dot) of the current completion.
-This is used to determine if re-using previous results is ok.
-See also `cscomp-current-list'. ")
-(defvar cscomp-current-flavor nil
-  "The second part (after any dot) of the current completion.
-This is used to determine if re-using previous results is ok.
-See also `cscomp-current-list'. ")
-(defvar cscomp-current-list nil
-  "The list of all the completions for the current request. Each
-element of the list is either a string, or a list, in which the car
-is the possible completion, and the cadr is an additional
-information about this completion.")
-(defvar cscomp-current-list-index nil
-  "An index to an element in cscomp-current-list. This is used to
-cycle the list.")
-(defvar cscomp-current-fragment nil
-  "The current fragment we're trying to complete. This is used to
-  trim the thing that gets inserted.")
-(defvar cscomp-current-beginning (make-marker)
-  "The beginning of the region where the last completion was inserted.")
-(defvar cscomp-current-end (make-marker)
-  "The end of the region where the last completion was inserted.")
-(defvar cscomp-typeinfo-cache nil)
-(defcustom cscomp-typeinfo-cache-size 150
-  "The max size of completion buffer cache, in entries."
-  :group 'cscomp
-  :type 'integer)
-(defcustom cscomp-assembly-search-paths nil
-  "a list of strings, each one a directory in which to search for assemblies."
-  :group 'cscomp
-  :type 'list)
-(defconst cscomp--new-regexp
-  "^\\([ \t\n\r\f\v]*new[ \t\n\r\f\v]+\\)\\(.+\\)$")
-(defun cscomp-referenced-assemblies ()
-  "Return the list of .NET namespaces, each encoded as a string,
-referenced in the current buffer via using statements. The result
-is something like this:
- (\"System\"  \"System.Collections\"  \"System.Collections.Generic\"  
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((result
-         (csharp-analysis-get-tagnames "import")))
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-    result))
-(defun cscomp--capitalize (word)
-  "Capitalize WORD in place, and return it."
-  (let ((first-char (aref word 0))
-        result)
-    (if (> first-char 96)
-        (format "%c%s" (- first-char 32) (substring word 1))
-      word)))
-(defun cscomp--find-matching-tags (name-fragment nodeset &optional local)
-  "Return the list of tags from a given set, that
-match NAME-FRAGMENT.  This is used by `cscomp-matching-local-vars',
-`cscomp-matching-instance-vars', and
-  (let ((var-label (if local "(Variable) " "(Field/Prop) " ))
-        result)
-    (if nodeset
-        (progn
-          (while nodeset
-            (let ((tag (car nodeset)))
-              (if tag
-                  (let
-                      ((member-name  (csharp-analysis-tag-name tag))
-                       (member-type  (csharp-analysis-tag-type tag))
-                       (member-flavor (csharp-analysis-tag-flavor tag)))
-              (if (eq 0 (string-match name-fragment member-name))
-                  (let ((descrip
-                         (cond
-                          ((string= member-flavor "var")
-                           (concat var-label member-type))
-                          ((or (string= member-flavor "property")
-                               (string= member-flavor "field"))
-                           (concat "(" (cscomp--capitalize member-flavor) ") " 
-                          ((string= member-flavor "method")
-                           (let* ((arglist (csharp-analysis-method-params tag))
-                                  (modifiers (csharp-analysis-tag-modifiers 
-                                  (arg-descrip
-                                   (if (> (length arglist) 0)
-                                       (concat "("
-                                               (mapconcat
-                                                '(lambda (x) (concat (caddr x)
-                                                                     " "
-                                                                     (cadr x)))
-                                                arglist  ", ")
-                                               ")")
-                                     "()")))
-                             (concat "(Method) "
-                                     " " modifiers
-                                     " " arg-descrip
-                                     "  returns "
-                                     member-type)))
-                          (t ""))))
-                    (cscomp-log 2 "tags: found %s (%s)"
-                                member-name member-type)
-                    (setq result (cons (list member-name descrip) result)))))))
-            (setq nodeset (cdr nodeset)))
-          (cscomp-sort-completion-list result))
-      nil)))
-(defun cscomp-matching-instance-vars (name-fragment)
-  "Return the list of instance variables in scope, that
-match NAME-FRAGMENT.  See also, `cscomp-matching-local-vars'.
-  (interactive "sName fragment: ")
-  (let ((result
-         (cscomp--find-matching-tags name-fragment 
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-    result))
-(defun cscomp-matching-instance-members (name-fragment)
-  "Return the list of instance memebrs in scope in a C# module, that
-See also, `cscomp-matching-local-vars',
-  (interactive "sName fragment: ")
-  (let ((result
-         (cscomp--find-matching-tags name-fragment 
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-    result))
-(defun cscomp-matching-local-vars (name-fragment)
-  "Find the local variables currently in scope that match the given
-For the purposes of this fn, the set of \"local variables\"
-includes any parameters for the method, ctor, or setter block.
-See also, `cscomp-matching-instance-members',
-  (interactive "sName fragment: ")
-  (let* ((all-vars
-          (append (csharp-analysis-local-variables) ;; maybe nil
-                  (csharp-analysis-local-arguments))) ;; maybe nil
-         (result
-          (cscomp--find-matching-tags name-fragment all-vars t)))
-    (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-        (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-    result))
-(defun cscomp-type-exists (typename)
-  "Determines if the type named by TYPENAME is known by the
-CscompShell.  You can provide a short type name, or a
-fully-qualified name.  The CscompShell must have previously
-loaded the containing assembly, for it to be known.  See
-  (interactive "sType name: ")
-  (csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn "QualifyType" typename))
-(defun cscomp-produce-csharp-arglist-block-from-tag (arglist)
-  "Produces an argument list block, suitable for framing within
-parens in a method declaration, from ARGLIST, a list of local
-arguments obtained from
-When the format of ARGLIST is like this:
-  ((var \"x\" \"System.Int32\" (location (16 29) (16 33)) (id 6))
-   (var \"enabled\" \"System.Boolean\" (location (16 36) (16 41)) (id 7)))
-The return value is like this:
-    int count, string melvin
-When the arglist is empty, the return value is a string of zero length.
-  (let ((fragment ""))
-    (while arglist
-      (let* ((x (car arglist))
-             (var-name (cadr x))
-             (var-type (caddr x)))
-        (setq fragment (concat fragment var-type " " var-name)
-              arglist (cdr arglist))
-        (if arglist
-            (setq fragment (concat fragment ", ")))))
-    fragment))
-(defun cscomp-produce-instance-member-code-fragment (member-list)
-"Generate a fragment of C# source code that can be compiled to
-produce IL, which can then be inspected to determine the type of
-the var for which the user is asking completion.
-This fn generates dummy code that includes placeholders for all
-instance members, method arguments, and local variables. The
-generated code is then compiled, so that Cscomp can inspect the
-resulting IL to determine the type of a local var on which the
-user is asking for completion.
-Cscomp uses the compiler to determine the type of the var. It
-dynamically generates and compiles a class with the same variable
-declaration as the code being edited.
-The initialization of the var may depend on instance members.  If
-so, the compiled class must provide instance members of the
-correct type to satisfy those dependencies.  This function
-generates C# code to provide those instance members.
-For input that looks like this:
-  ((var \"staticField1\" \"System.Int32\"
-     (modifier \"private static\")
-     (location (14 9) (14 20)) (id 17))
-   (method \"InstanceMethod1\" \"System.String\"
-     (modifier \"public\")
-     (params
-       (var \"x\" \"System.Int32\" (location (16 29) (16 33)) (id 6))
-       (var \"enabled\" \"System.Boolean\" (location (16 36) (16 41)) (id 7)))
-     (block ...)
-     (location (16 9) (18 10)) (id 9))
-    ...
-   )
-The output will look like this:
-    class foo {
-      private static int staticField1 = default(int);
-      string InstanceMethod1(...) { return default(string); }
-      ...
-    }
-Any void methods will not be emitted because they cannot affect the
-types of local variables declared in methods.
-  (let ((synthetic-code ""))
-    (while member-list
-      (let* ((x (car member-list))
-             (member-name   (csharp-analysis-tag-name x))
-             (member-flavor (csharp-analysis-tag-flavor x))
-             (member-type   (csharp-analysis-tag-type x))
-             (member-modifiers (csharp-analysis-tag-modifiers x))
-             one-frag )
-        (setq one-frag
-              (cond
-               ((or
-                (string= member-type "void") ;; the member is a void type
-                (string= member-type "System.Void"))
-                "")                          ;; emit nothing, don't need it.
-               ;; if it turns out I was wrong, and the fn is necessary,
-               ;; we can just emit an empty fn.
-               ((string= member-flavor "method") ;; it's a method
-                (concat member-modifiers " " member-type " "
-                        member-name "(" 
-                                         (csharp-analysis-method-params x))
-                        ") {"
-                        (if member-type
-                            (concat
-                             " return default("
-                             member-type
-                             ");")
-                          "")
-                        "} "))
-               ((or
-                (string= member-flavor "field") ;; it's an instance field
-                (string= member-flavor "property")) ;; it's an instance 
-                (concat
-                 member-modifiers " " member-type " "
-                 member-name " = default(" member-type "); "))
-               (t
-                "")))
-        (setq synthetic-code (concat synthetic-code one-frag)))
-      (setq member-list (cdr member-list)))
-    synthetic-code))
-(defun cscomp-consolidate-whitespace (s)
-  "Collapse consecutive whitespace characters in the given string S
-to a single space.
-  ;; trim leading spaces
-  (if (string-match "^\\([ \t\n\r\f\v]+\\)" s)
-      (setq s (substring s (match-end 1))))
-  ;; collapse multiple whitespace into one
-  (while (string-match "\\([ \t\n\r\f\v]\\{2,\\}\\)" s)
-    (setq s
-          (concat
-           (substring s 0 (match-beginning 1))
-           " "
-           (substring s (match-end 1)))))
-  s)
-(defun cscomp-escape-single-quotes (s)
-  "Escape single-quotes in the given string S.  This is for use within
-  (let ((start-pos 0))
-    (while (string-match "\\([^']*\\)'\\(.*\\)" s start-pos)
-      (setq s (concat
-               (substring s 0 start-pos)
-               (substring s start-pos (match-end 1))
-               "''"
-               (substring s (+ 1 (match-end 1))))
-            start-pos (+ 2 (match-end 1)))))
-  s)
-(defun cscomp--infer-type-given-decl (var-declaration
-                                       var-index
-                                       classname
-                                       arglist
-                                       instance-members)
-  "Determines the type of the var declared in the given declaration.
-VAR-DECLARATION is the C# code that declares all the local vars up to
-and including the local var of interest.
-VAR-INDEX is the zero-based index of the local arg in that list,
-that is of interest.  The initialization of that local var may
-depend on the prior local vars, which is why we need the entire
-var declaration list.
-CLASSNAME is the name of the class in which the local vars
-appear. This is used in the generated (synthetic) code, in case
-there is a reference to a class-static member.
-ARGLIST is a string with the arglist for the method that contains the
-local variable in question.  This will satisfy dependencies on
-local arguments in the initializer for the var, if any.
-INSTANCE-MEMBERS is a C# code fragment defining instance members for the
-synthetic class.  This will satisfy dependencies on instance members in
-the initializer for the var, if any.
-  (let ((pathlist
-         (mapconcat 'identity cscomp-assembly-search-paths ",")))
-    (csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn "SetAssemblySearchPaths" pathlist))
-  (let* ((massaged-decl
-          (cscomp-escape-single-quotes
-           (cscomp-consolidate-whitespace var-declaration)))
-         (namespaces (mapconcat 'identity (cscomp-referenced-assemblies) ","))
-         (command-string
-          (concat "[Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeGivenVarDecl('"
-                  massaged-decl
-                  "','"
-                  namespaces
-                  "','" ;; for now, no additional assembly references
-                  "',"
-                  (number-to-string var-index)
-                  ",'"
-                  classname
-                  "','"
-                  arglist
-                  "','"
-                  (cscomp-consolidate-whitespace instance-members)
-                  "')" )))
-    (csharp-shell-do-shell-fn command-string)))
-(defun cscomp-get-completions-for-namespace (ns)
-  "Gets a list of known completions (types and child namespaces)
-for the given namespace. You must have loaded an assembly containing
-types from the namespace, into the shell, for it to be known.
-See `cscomp-load-one-assembly'."
-  (interactive "sNamespace: ")
-  (csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn "GetCompletionsForNamespace" ns))
-(defun cscomp-qualify-type-name (type-name)
-  "returns fully-qualified type name for a given short TYPE-NAME.
-Return value is a string, or nil if the type-name is unknown.
-Example:  (cscomp-qualify-type-name \"XmlAttribute\")
-returns   \"System.Xml.XmlAttribute\"
-  (let ((result (cscomp-qualify-name type-name)))
-    (cond
-     ((string= (nth 0 result) "type")
-      (nth 1 result))
-     (t
-      nil))))
-(defun cscomp-qualify-name (name)
-  "determines if the thing is a type, namespace, or ...?
-Result is
-    (list \"type\"  name)
-      or
-    (list \"namespace\"  name)
-      or
-    (list \"unknown\"  name)
-  (interactive "sname to qualify: ")
-  (csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn "QualifyName" name))
-(defun cscomp-get-all-known-matches (fragment)
-  "returns a list of all possible matches on a given partial name.
-The return value is like this:
-   ((\"type\"  \"fullNameOfType\")
-    (\"namespace\"  \"FullNameOfNamespace\")
-    (\"method\"  \"NameOfMethod\")
-    (\"variable\"    \"woof\" \"(local) System.Int32\"))
-  (interactive "sfragment to match on: ")
-  (let* ((fixup-varlist
-          (lambda (item)
-            (list "variable" (car item) (cadr item))))
-         (fixup-instancelist
-          (lambda (item)
-            (list "instance" (car item) (cadr item))))
-         (instance-vars (mapcar fixup-instancelist
-                                (cscomp-matching-instance-vars fragment)))
-         (locals (mapcar fixup-varlist
-                         (cscomp-matching-local-vars fragment)))
-         (namespaces (mapconcat 'identity (cscomp-referenced-assemblies) ","))
-         (matches (csharp-shell-do-shell-fn
-                   (concat "[Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetMatches('"
-                           fragment
-                           "','"
-                           namespaces
-                           "')"))))
-    (append instance-vars locals matches)))
-(defun cscomp-load-one-assembly (lib)
-  "Loads a assembly into the csharp-shell, which then allows
-Cscomp to do completion (etc) on the types in that library. The
-assembly should be a namespace of an assy that is in the GAC, or
-the full path of the assembly file (usually a DLL).
-  (interactive "sLibrary: ")
-  (csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn "LoadOneAssembly" lib))
-(defun cscomp-load-imported-namespaces ()
-  "Loads assemblies for the imported namespaces into the CscompShell."
-  (mapcar 'cscomp-load-one-assembly
-          (cscomp-referenced-assemblies)))
-(defun cscomp-get-qualified-name (name)
-  "Guess the fully qualified name of the class NAME, using the
-list of referenced assemblies. It returns a string if the fqn
-was found, or null otherwise."
-  (interactive "sType name: ")
-  (cscomp-log 2 "get-qualified-name (%s)" name)
-  (let ((result (cscomp-type-exists name)))
-    (if result result
-      ;; else
-      (let ((usinglist (cscomp-referenced-assemblies))
-            fullname namespace )
-        ;; usinglist is like this:
-        ;; ("System"  "System.Collections"  "System.Collections.Generic" ...)
-        (setq result nil)
-        (while usinglist
-          (setq namespace (car usinglist))
-          (cscomp-load-one-assembly namespace)
-          (setq fullname (concat namespace "." name))
-          (cscomp-log 2 "checking this type: '%s'" fullname)
-          (if (cscomp-type-exists fullname)
-              (setq result fullname
-                    usinglist nil)  ;; end the loop
-            (setq usinglist (cdr usinglist)))))
-        (cscomp-log 2 "get-qualified-name (%s): '%s'" name result)
-        result)))
-(defun cscomp-reset-typeinfo-cache ()
-  "Clears all entries in the type information cache."
-  (interactive)
-  (setq cscomp-typeinfo-cache nil))
-(defun cscomp-add-to-typeinfo-cache (name typeinfo)
-  (let (new-entry new-list)
-    (if (nth cscomp-typeinfo-cache-size cscomp-typeinfo-cache)
-        (progn
-          (setq new-entry (list name typeinfo))
-          (setq new-list (list new-entry nil))
-          (setcdr new-list (cdr cscomp-typeinfo-cache))
-          (setq cscomp-typeinfo-cache new-list)
-          (cscomp-log 1 "typeinfo cache is full"))
-      ;;else
-      ;; nconc?
-      (setq cscomp-typeinfo-cache
-            (append
-             cscomp-typeinfo-cache
-             (list (list name typeinfo)))))))
-(defun cscomp--get-typeinfo-from-cache (name usinglist)
-  "Gets type information for the type with NAME, from the cache."
-  (if (string= name "var")
-      nil ;; unknown
-    (let ((temp (nth 0 cscomp-typeinfo-cache))
-          (index -1)
-          (found nil))
-      (while (and temp (not found))
-        (incf index)
-        (cscomp-log 4 "looking at cache item %d" index)
-        (setq temp (nth index cscomp-typeinfo-cache))
-        (if (string= (car temp) name)
-            (setq found t)))
-      (if found
-          (progn
-            (cscomp-log 3 "-get-typeinfo-from-cache: HIT name(%s) r(%s)"
-                        name (prin1-to-string (nth 1 temp)))
-            (nth 1 temp))
-        (cscomp-log 3 "-get-typeinfo-from-cache: MISS name(%s)" name)
-        nil))))
-(defun cscomp-get-typeinfo (name)
-  "Return the class info list for the class NAME. This function first
-checks to see if the class info is cached. If so, it returns the
-cached class info. Otherwise, it creates the type info list. Each
-element of the list returned by this function is itself a list whose
-car is a possible completion and whose cdr gives additional
-informations on the completion - the property type, or the param
-list and return type for a method, etc."
-  (interactive "sTypename: ")
-  (if (string= name "var")
-      (progn
-        (cscomp-log 2 "ENTER get-typeinfo name(%s)...result:nil" name)
-        nil) ;; unknown
-    (cscomp-log 2 "ENTER get-typeinfo name(%s)...trying cache..." name)
-    (let* ((usinglist (cscomp-referenced-assemblies))
-           (type-info (cscomp--get-typeinfo-from-cache name usinglist))
-           (ulist  (mapconcat 'identity usinglist ", "))
-           namespace
-           qualified-type )
-      ;; load all the assemblies mentioned in the using clauses
-      (while usinglist
-        (setq namespace (car usinglist))
-        (cscomp-load-one-assembly namespace)
-        (setq usinglist (cdr usinglist)))
-      (if (null type-info)
-          (progn
-            (setq qualified-type
-                  (csharp-shell-exec-and-eval-result
-                   (concat
-                    "[Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::QualifyType('"
-                    ;;(cscomp-escape-string-for-powershell name)
-                    ;; dont need to escape if using single quotes
-                    name
-                    "','"
-                    ulist
-                    "')")))
-            (cscomp-log 2 "get-typeinfo...(%s)..." (prin1-to-string 
-            (if qualified-type
-                (setq type-info
-                      (csharp-shell-exec-and-eval-result
-                       (concat "[Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::GetTypeInfo('"
-                               (car qualified-type) ; type name
-                               "', '"
-                               (cadr qualified-type) ; assembly name
-                               "')" ))))
-            (if type-info
-                (cscomp-add-to-typeinfo-cache name type-info))))
-      type-info)))
-(defun cscomp-get-type-ctors (type-name)
-  "Retrieve constructors from CscompShell for the type named by TYPE-NAME.
-  (interactive "sType name: ")
-  (csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn "GetConstructors" type-name))
-(defun cscomp-split-by-dots (s)
-  "When the string contains a dot, this fn returns a 2-element
-list (TOKEN1 TOKEN2).  TOKEN1 is the substring of s that precedes
-the last dot.  TOKEN2 is the substring that follows the last dot.
-When the string does not contain a dot, this fn returns a
-2-element list in which the first element is nil and the 2nd
-element is the entire string.
-  (cscomp-log 2 "split-by-dots: s[%s]" s)
-  (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)\\.\\(.*\\)" s)
-      (let ((result (list (match-string 1 s) (match-string 2 s))))
-        (cscomp-log 2 "split-by-dots: %s" (prin1-to-string result))
-        result)
-    (list nil s))) ;; it's a single atom
-(defun cscomp-parse-csharp-expression-before-point ()
-  "Parses the text at point, and returns the results.
- Side effect: sets markers to the beginning
- (cscomp-current-beginning) and end (cscomp-current-end)
- of the parsed expression.
-The return value is a list (POSN (TOKEN1 TOKEN2)) , where POSN is
-the position in the buffer of the beginning of TOKEN1 and TOKEN1
-and TOKEN2 are the two tokens surrounding the prior dot.
-Some examples.
-Suppose System.Diagnostics.D is the text that appears prior to
-point. This function would return the list
-    (888 (\"System.Diagnostics\" \"D\"))
-...if 888 was the position of the beginning of the word System.
-Suppose new System.DateTime the text that appears prior to
-point. This function would return the list
-    (721 (nil \"new System.DateTime\"))
-...if 721 is the position of the beginning of the word \"new\".
-It's just an exercise in syntactically-aware string parsing.  It
-uses some cc-mode magic to do some of that.
-If the text preceding point doesn't look like two tokens, this fn
-returns nil, and does not set the markers.
-  (interactive)
-  (cscomp-log 2 "parse-csharp-expression-before-point: point(%d)" (point))
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((opoint (point))
-          (cycle-count 0)
-          (dot-count 0)
-          (regex "[-\\+\\*\\/%,;|( {})=\\.]")
-          snip done m1
-          (paren-depth 0)
-          result)
-      ;; Repeatedly step backward, over whitespace and c# source tokens.
-      ;; The regex above defines what we skip back TO.  The first cycle
-      ;; through, we skip back to any of the set of
-      ;; syntactically-relevant symbols including + - * / % , ; | ( ) {
-      ;; } = or dot (.).  If the first step backwards finds a dot, we change 
-      ;; regex to find anything in that list EXCEPT the dot.
-      ;; Stepping backwards twice gives us a pair of tokens, which we can then
-      ;; use to perform completion on .
-      (while (not done)
-        (skip-chars-backward "\t ")
-        (cond
-         ((and (eq cycle-count 0) ;; first time through
-               (eq (char-before) 40)) ;; 40 = open paren - means we want fn 
-          (backward-char))             ;; backup
-         ((eq (char-before) 34) ;; 34 = doublequote
-          (backward-char 1)     ;; move back into the quoted string
-          (let ((limits (c-literal-limits)))
-            (if (consp limits)
-                (c-safe (goto-char (car limits)))))) ;; goto beginning of 
literal string
-         ;;          ((eq (char-before) 41)       ;; 41 = close paren - means 
we want fn completion
-         ;;           (incf paren-depth)
-         ;;           (backward-char))
-         ;;
-         ;;          ((and
-         ;;            (eq (char-before) 40)      ;; 40 = open paren
-         ;;            (> paren-depth 0))         ;; we have a pending close 
paren (moving backwards)
-         ;;           (decf paren-depth)
-         ;;           ;;(funcall skip-back))
-         ;;           (backward-char))
-         ;;          ((or
-         ;;            (eq (char-before) 32)       ;; space
-         ;;            (eq (char-before) ?\t))     ;; tab
-         ;;          (funcall skip-back))
-         ((re-search-backward regex nil t)
-          (cond
-           ((eq (char-after) 41) ;; 41 = close paren - means we want fn 
-            (incf paren-depth)
-            t)
-           ((and
-             (eq (char-after) 40) ;; 40 = open paren
-             (> paren-depth 0)) ;; we have a pending close paren (moving 
-            (decf paren-depth)
-            ;;(funcall skip-back))
-            t)
-           ((or
-             (eq (char-after) 32)   ;; space
-             (eq (char-after) ?\t)) ;; tab
-            (if (not m1) (setq m1 (point)))
-            t)                      ;; do nothing else
-           ;; The char after is a dot.  Ergo, change the regex.
-           ;; The next step back will not stop on dot.
-           ((eq (char-after) ?.)
-            (setq m1 (point))
-            (setq regex "[-\\+\\*\\/%,;|( {})=]"))
-           (t
-            (setq done t))))
-         (t
-          (backward-char)))
-        (incf cycle-count)) ;; count of steps backward
-      ;; set markers, before consolidating whitespace
-      (let ((beg (1+ (or m1 (point)))))
-        (cscomp-log 2 "parse-csharp-expression-before-point: reset begin,end 
to (%d,%d)"
-                    beg opoint)
-        ;; beginning: right after the dot (if there is one)
-        (set-marker cscomp-current-beginning beg)
-        (set-marker cscomp-current-end opoint ))
-      (setq snip
-            (cscomp-consolidate-whitespace
-             (buffer-substring-no-properties (1+ (point)) opoint)))
-      (cscomp-log 2 "parse-csharp-expression-before-point: B snip(%s)" snip)
-      (setq result (list (1+ (point))
-                         (if (eq 0 (string-match "new " snip))
-                             (list nil snip)
-                         (cscomp-split-by-dots snip))))
-      (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-          ;; If called interactively, show the result at
-          ;; the bottom of the screen.
-          (message "result: %s" (prin1-to-string result)))
-      result)))
-(defun cscomp--random-symbol-name ()
-  (random t)
-  (loop
-   for i below 10
-   collect (+ (if (= (random 2) 0) 65 97) (random 26)) into auth
-   finally return (concat auth)))
-(defun cscomp-last-char-in-string (s)
-  (let ((ix (length s)))
-    (elt s (- ix 1))))
-(defun cscomp--infer-type-of-symbol (symbol initializers args)
-  "A helper fn. This infers the type of a given SYMBOL, assuming
-the provided variable initializers (INITIALIZERS) and method
-arguments (ARGS) that may be used to initialize the named symbol.
-The return value is a list (VAR-TYPE VAR-POSN) , where VAR-TYPE
-is a string, a typename, and VAR-POSN is a list of (START FINISH)
-that describes where in the buffer the variable was declared.  In
-the case of contrived variables, which are used to infer the type
-of arbitrary expressions, the VAR-POSN is not valid.
-  (let* ((result nil)
-        (decl-count 0)
-        (brace-count 0)
-        (prior-var-decls "")
-        (containing-type (csharp-analysis-current-class)))
-    ;; look at local args first
-    (loop
-     for x in args do
-     (if (not result)
-         (progn
-           (cscomp-log 3 "infer-type-of-symbol: looking at arg (%s)"
-                       (prin1-to-string x))
-           (let ((var-name (cadr x)))
-             ;; If this arg decl is the same name as the one
-             ;; we want, things are simple. We know the type.
-             (if (string= var-name symbol)
-                 (let
-                     ((var-type (caddr x))
-                      (var-posn          ;; pair: start and end of var decl
-                       (mapcar 'cscomp-pos-at-line-col
-                               (cdr (csharp-analysis-tag-location x)))))
-                   (cscomp-log 3 "infer-type-of-symbol: found arg %s (%s)"
-                               symbol var-type)
-                   (setq result (list var-type var-posn))))))))
-    ;; now look at local variables
-    (while (and initializers (not result))
-      (let* ((x (car initializers))
-             (var-name (cadr x))
-             (var-id   (csharp-analysis-tag-id x))
-             (var-type (caddr x))
-             (var-posn          ;; pair: start and end of var decl
-              (mapcar 'cscomp-pos-at-line-col
-                      (cdr (csharp-analysis-tag-location x)))))
-        (cscomp-log 3 "infer-type-of-symbol: looking at var (%s)"
-                    (prin1-to-string x))
-        ;; If this var decl is the same name as the one
-        ;; we want.
-        (if (string= var-name symbol)
-            (progn
-              ;; Handle var types - need to determine the actual type.
-              ;;
-              ;; To do that, compile the var declaration, then inspect the IL
-              ;; to determine the var types.
-              ;;
-              ;; This engine will determine the var type, in some portion of
-              ;; the cases.
-              ;;
-              ;; It will handle:
-              ;;
-              ;;  - simple var declarations that have no dependencies on other 
-              ;;  - cascaded var decls that depend on other local vars.
-              ;;  - var whose initializaiton depends on a method argument
-              ;;  - var whose initialization depends on an instance var
-              ;;  - var decls in foreach loops
-              ;;  - var decls in using blocks
-              ;;
-              ;; if the type of the variable is "var"
-              (if (string= var-type "var")
-                  (progn
-                    (let* ((member-list (csharp-analysis-class-members 
-                           (name-of-containing-type  (cadr containing-type))
-                           (parent-tag
-                            (csharp-analysis-find-parent-tag-by-id-from-ast 
(list containing-type) var-id))
-                           (parent-flavor (and parent-tag 
(csharp-analysis-tag-flavor parent-tag)))
-                           (var-init   (assoc 'initialvalue x))
-                           (this-decl
-                            (cond
-                             ((string= parent-flavor "foreach")
-                                (concat
-                                 "foreach (var "
-                                 var-name
-                                 " in "
-                                 (buffer-substring-no-properties (elt var-posn 
0) (elt var-posn 1))
-                                 ") {}"))  ;; handle foreach
-                             (var-init ;; for contrived variables
-                                (concat
-                                 "var " var-name " = " (cadr var-init) ";"))
-                              (t
-                               (cscomp-log 3 "not a foreach loop.")
-                               (let ((frag
-                                      (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                                       (elt var-posn 0) (elt var-posn 1))))
-                                 (if (not (string-match ";[ \t]*$" frag))
-                                     (progn
-                                       (message "appending semi to frag: %s" 
-                                       (concat frag ";"))
-                                   (progn
-                                       (message "var decl (no semi needed): 
%s" frag)
-                                       frag))))))
-                           inferred-type)
-                      ;; append close-braces for any open for or foreach loops
-                      (while (> brace-count 0)
-                        (setq brace-count (- brace-count 1)
-                              this-decl (concat this-decl "}")))
-                      ;; Infer the type. This generates C# code, compiles it,
-                      ;; and then inspects the IL to determine the type.
-                      (setq inferred-type
-                            (cscomp--infer-type-given-decl
-                             (concat prior-var-decls " " this-decl)
-                             decl-count
-                             name-of-containing-type
-                             (cscomp-produce-csharp-arglist-block-from-tag 
-                             (cscomp-produce-instance-member-code-fragment 
-                      (if (and inferred-type (string= (car inferred-type) 
-                          (setq var-type (cadr inferred-type))
-                        (message "%s" (prin1-to-string inferred-type))
-                        ))))
-              (cscomp-log 2 "infer-type-of-symbol: result %s.GetType() = (%s)"
-                          symbol var-type)
-              (setq result (list var-type var-posn)))
-          ;; else (it's not the variable we want)
-          ;; Remember it. It may be necessary to initialize our var of 
-          (let ((this-var-decl
-                 (buffer-substring-no-properties (elt var-posn 0) (elt 
var-posn 1)))
-                emitted)
-            (if (string= var-type "var")
-                (let* ((containing-type (csharp-analysis-current-class))
-                       (parent-tag
-                        (csharp-analysis-find-parent-tag-by-id-from-ast
-                         (list containing-type)
-                         var-id))
-                       (parent-flavor (and parent-tag 
(csharp-analysis-tag-flavor parent-tag))))
-                  (if (string= parent-flavor "foreach")
-                      ;; its a var in a foreach
-                      (setq brace-count (1+ brace-count)
-                            emitted t
-                            prior-var-decls (concat prior-var-decls
-                                                    " foreach (var "
-                                                    var-name
-                                                    " in "
-                                                    this-var-decl
-                                                    ") {\n")))))
-            (if (not emitted)
-                ;; include this decl in the set of prior decls
-                (progn
-                  (setq prior-var-decls (concat prior-var-decls " " 
-                        decl-count (1+ decl-count))
-                  ;; add a semicolon if necessary. This happens in
-                  ;; case of a using clause, for example.
-                  (if (/= (cscomp-last-char-in-string this-var-decl) 59)
-                      (setq prior-var-decls (concat prior-var-decls ";")))
-                  )))))
-      (setq initializers (cdr initializers)))
-    result))
-(defun cscomp-infer-type-of-expression (expr)
-  "Use the sourcecode analysis results to infer the type of the
-given expression, EXPR, which must be a string. Returns a
-typename, or nil if unknown.
-To infer the type, this fn generates C# source code that includes
-the expression in question, compiles that code, and inspects the
-IL to determine the type of the expression.
-The return value is the ???
-See also `cscomp-qualify-local-var'.
-  ;; To generate compilable code, we need to include all relevant
-  ;; variables and arguments, that the expression in question may depend
-  ;; upon. So, iterate through arguments and local variables, inject all
-  ;; of them into a compilable source fragment, then pass that fragment
-  ;; off to the CscompUtilities assembly to compile it and inspect the
-  ;; result.
-  ;;
-  (cscomp-log 3 "ENTER infer-type-of-expr: (%s)" (or expr "--"))
-  (let* ((contrived-name (cscomp--random-symbol-name))
-         (contrived-var
-          (list 'var contrived-name "var"
-                (list 'initialvalue expr) ;; the infererence logic will use 
-                '(location (1 1) (1 2))   ;; dummy
-                '(id 0)))
-         (initializers
-          (append (csharp-analysis-local-variables) (list contrived-var)))
-        (args (csharp-analysis-local-arguments)))
-    (cscomp--infer-type-of-symbol contrived-name initializers args)))
-(defun cscomp-qualify-local-var (symbol)
-  "Use the sourcecode analysis results to classify the
-SYMBOL as a local variable.
-If the symbol is a local variable, this fn returns a list, 1st
-elt is the variable type, and the second elt is a vector,
-containing the position of its definition.
-If the symbol is not recognized as a local variable, this fn
-returns nil.
-See also `cscomp-qualify-instance-var'.
-  (cscomp-log 3 "ENTER qualify-local-var: (%s)" (or symbol "--"))
-  (if (or
-       (null symbol)
-       (eq 0 (string-match cscomp--new-regexp symbol)))
-      (progn
-        (cscomp-log 3 "EXIT qualify-local-var: (%s)" (or symbol "--"))
-        nil)
-  (let ((locals (csharp-analysis-local-variables))
-        (args (csharp-analysis-local-arguments)))
-    (cscomp--infer-type-of-symbol symbol locals args))))
-(defun cscomp-pos-at-line-col (position)
-  "Return the char position at the given line/column POSITION,
-which is of the form (LINE . COLUMN).
-  (let ((line (nth 0 position))
-        (column (nth 1 position)))
-    (save-excursion
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (forward-line (- line 1))
-      (+ (point) (- column 1)))))
-(defun cscomp-qualify-instance-var (symbol)
-  "Use the csharp source analysis results to classify the
-name as an instance variable. Returns a list, 1st elt is the
-variable type, and the second elt is a vector, containing
-the position of its definition.
-See also `cscomp-qualify-local-var'.
-  (if (or
-       (null symbol)
-       (eq 0 (string-match cscomp--new-regexp symbol)))
-      nil
-  (let ((ivars (csharp-analysis-instance-variables))
-        (result nil))
-    (while (and ivars (not result))
-      (let* ((x (car ivars))
-             (var-name (cadr x))
-             (var-type (caddr x))
-             (var-posn          ;; pair: start and end of var decl
-              (mapcar 'cscomp-pos-at-line-col
-                      (cdr (csharp-analysis-tag-location x)))))
-        (if (string= var-name symbol)
-            (progn
-              (cscomp-log 2 "qualify-instance-var: found %s (%s)"
-                       symbol var-type)
-            (setq result (list var-type var-posn))))
-      (setq ivars (cdr ivars))))
-    result)))
-(defun cscomp-completion-list-for-ns (nsinfo)
-  "Build a completion list from the NSINFO list, as returned by the
-Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities.GetCompletionsForNamespace function.
-If the incoming NSINFO list looks like this:
-  (\"System.Collections.Generic\"
-     (types (\"ArraySortHelper`1\"
-             \"ArraySortHelper`2\"
-             \"ByteEqualityComparer\"
-             \"Comparer`1\"
-             \"Dictionary`2\"
-             \"EqualityComparer`1\"))
-     (namespaces (\"Something1\"
-             \"Something2`2\")))
-Then the return value is like this:
-  (\"ArraySortHelper<T1,T2> | (type)\"
-   \"ArraySortHelper<T1> | (type)\"
-   \"ByteEqualityComparer | (type)\"
-   \"Comparer<T1> | (type)\"
-   \"Dictionary<T1,T2> | (type)\"
-   \"EqualityComparer<T1> | (type)\"
-   \"Something1 | (namespace)\"
-   \"Something2`2 | (namespace)\")
-It's just a transformation from one data format to another.
-  (let* ((typelist (cadr (cadr nsinfo)))
-         (nslist
-          (mapcar '(lambda (item) (concat item " | (namespace)") )
-                  (cadr (caddr nsinfo)))))
-    (cscomp-fix-generic-method-strings typelist)
-    (setq typelist (mapcar '(lambda (item) (concat item " | (type)") )
-                           typelist))
-    ;;(reverse (sort (append typelist nslist) 'string-lessp))
-    (sort (append typelist nslist) 'string-lessp)
-  ))
-(defun string-replace-char (s c1 c2)
-  "Replace all occurrences of char C1 in string with char C2.
-Return the modified string."
-  (let ((string-len  (length s))
-        (ix 0))
-    (while (< ix string-len)
-      (if (eq (aref s ix) c1)
-          (aset s ix c2))
-      (incf ix)))
-  s)
-(defun cscomp-fix-one-generic-method-string (descrip)
-  "Reformat the generic type string like System.Action`1
-into a C#-friendly System.Action<T1> . Returns the reformatted
-string.  Returns nil if reformat was unnecessary.
-  (cond
-   ;; input:  System.Converter`2[T,TOutput]
-   ;; output: System.Converter<T,TOutput>
-   ((string-match "^\\(.+\\)`[1-9]\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]$" descrip)
-    (concat
-     (match-string 1 descrip)
-     "<"
-     (match-string 2 descrip)
-     ">"))
-   ;; input:  System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2
-   ;; output: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<T1,T2>
-   ((string-match "^\\(.+\\)`\\([1-9]\\)\\(.*\\)$" descrip)
-    (let ((z (string-to-number (match-string 2 descrip)))
-          (new-name (concat (match-string 1 descrip) "<"))
-          (i 0))
-      (while (< i z)
-        (setq i (1+ i)
-              new-name (concat new-name (format "T%d" i)))
-        (if (< i z)
-            (setq new-name (concat new-name ","))))
-      (setq new-name (concat new-name ">" (match-string 3 descrip)))))
-   ;; anything else
-   (t nil)))
-(defun cscomp-fix-generic-method-strings (clist)
-  "Fixup a list of strings, that may have generic method types
-in them, to have C#-friendly formats.  This fn does the modifications
-in place. The return value is the original list, with the internal values
-  (let ((count  (list-length clist))
-        (n 0)
-        new-name
-        cur-elt)
-    (while (< n count)
-      (setq cur-elt (nth n clist))
-      (if (setq new-name (cscomp-fix-one-generic-method-string cur-elt))
-          (setf (nth n clist) new-name))
-      ;; the following will affect the string in the list
-      (string-replace-char cur-elt ?+ ?.)
-      (incf n)))
-  clist)
-(defun cscomp-fix-generics-in-descrip-line (descrip-line)
-  "Fixup a string, a description of a method or property, to
-have C#-friendly generic types.
-Eg, convert  (Method) public (System.Converter`2[T,TOutput] converter) returns 
-to  (Method) public (System.Converter<T,TOutput> converter) returns 
-  (let ((tokens (split-string descrip-line "[ \t]" t)))
-    (cscomp-fix-generic-method-strings tokens)
-    (mapconcat 'identity tokens " ")))
-(defun cscomp-completion-list-for-type (typeinfo)
-  "Build a completion list from the TYPEINFO list, as returned by the
-Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities.GetTypeinfo function in the CscompShell. The list
-is used when performing completions on an instance of a given type.
-For input that looks like this:
-  (\"System.IO.DriveInfo\" 'type
-   ((\"Name\"               'property \"System.String\" (typemodifiers 
\"readonly\" \"public\"))
-    (\"AvailableFreeSpace\" 'property \"System.Int64\"  (typemodifiers 
\"readonly\" \"public\"))
-    (\"TotalFreeSpace\"     'property \"System.Int64\"  (typemodifiers 
\"readonly\" \"public\"))
-    (\"VolumeLabel\"        'property \"System.String\" (typemodifiers 
-   ((\"Equals\" method \"System.Boolean\" (\"System.Object obj\") 
(typemodifiers \"public\"))
-    (\"GetDrives\" method \"System.IO.DriveInfo[]\" nil (typemodifiers 
\"public\" \"static\"))
-    (\"ToString\" method \"System.String\" nil (typemodifiers \"public\"))))
-The output looks like this:
-  ((\"ToString\"           \"(Method) public () returns System.String\")
-   (\"GetDrives\"          \"(Method) public static () returns 
-   (\"Equals\"             \"(Method) public (System.Object obj)  returns 
-   (\"VolumeLabel\"        \"(Property) public System.String\")
-   (\"TotalFreeSpace\"     \"(Property) readonly public System.Int64\")
-   (\"AvailableFreeSpace\" \"(Property) readonly public System.Int64\")
-   (\"Name\"               \"(Property) readonly public System.String\"))
-  (let (result
-        (tname   (car typeinfo))
-        (props   (caddr typeinfo))
-        (methods (cadddr typeinfo))
-        (fields  (caddr (cddr typeinfo)))
-        modifiers)
-    (cscomp-log 3 "completion-list-for-type: typename(%s)" tname)
-    (while props
-      (let ((one-prop (car props) ) )
-        (setq modifiers
-              (mapconcat 'identity (cdr (nth 3 one-prop)) " "))
-        (setq result
-              (append (list
-                       (list
-                        (car one-prop)   ;; the name of the property
-                        ;; additional information about the property
-                        (concat "(Property) "
-                                modifiers  ;; modifiers on this prop
-                                " "
-                                (nth 2 one-prop)  ;; type of the prop
-                                )))
-                      result)))
-      (setq props (cdr props)))
-    (while methods
-      (let ((one-method (car methods)) params)
-        (setq modifiers
-              (mapconcat 'identity (cdr (nth 4 one-method)) " "))
-        (setq params
-              (if (nth 3 one-method)
-                  (concat "("
-                          (mapconcat 'identity (nth 3 one-method)  ", ")
-                          ")")
-                ;; else
-                "()" ))
-        (setq result
-              (append (list
-                       (list
-                        (car one-method)   ;; the name of the method
-                        ;; additional information about the method (in a 
-                        (concat "(Method) "
-                                modifiers           ;; modifiers on this prop
-                                "  "
-                                params
-                                "  returns "
-                                (nth 2 one-method)  ;; return type of the 
-                                )
-                        ))
-                      result)))
-      (setq methods (cdr methods)))
-    (while fields
-      (let ((one-field (car fields)))
-        (setq modifiers
-              (mapconcat 'identity (cdr (nth 3 one-field)) " "))
-        (setq result
-              (append (list
-                       (list
-                        (car one-field)   ;; the name of the field
-                        ;; additional information about the field (in a string)
-                        (concat "(Field) "
-                                modifiers           ;; modifiers on this prop
-                                "  "
-                                (nth 2 one-field)  ;; type of the field
-                                )
-                        ))
-                      result)))
-      (setq fields (cdr fields)))
-    (cscomp-log 2 "completion-list-for-type: result: "
-              (prin1-to-string result))
-    ;;(print result (get-buffer "*Messages*"))
-    result))
-(defun cscomp-completion-list-for-ctors (ctor-info)
-  "Build a completion list from the CTOR-INFO list, as returned by the
-Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities.GetConstructors function in the CscompShell. The list
-is used when performing completions on a constructor for a given type.
-The input looks like:
-  (\"System.String\" 'type
-               (:constructors
-                ((:typemodifiers (\"public\")
-                  :arguments ((\"value\" 'variable
-                          (:type \"System.Char*\"))))
-                 (:typemodifiers (\"public\")
-                  :arguments ((\"value\" 'variable
-                                     (:type \"System.Char*\"))
-                   (\"startIndex\" 'variable
-                               (:type \"System.Int32\"))
-                   (\"length\" 'variable
-                           (:type \"System.Int32\"))))
-The output is a completion list, which is a list of (NAME DESCRIP) pairs.
-The DESCRIP of each pair should have the arguments for each constructor.
-That list is later transformed into a structure that is suitable
-for use in a popup menu.
-  (let (result
-        (tname (car ctor-info))
-        (ctors (cadr (caddr ctor-info))))
-    (cscomp-log 2 "completion-list-for-ctors: typename(%s)" tname)
-    (while ctors
-      (let* ((one-ctor (car ctors))
-             (modifiers (mapconcat 'identity  (nth 1 one-ctor) " "))
-             (params
-              (if (nth 3 one-ctor)
-                  (concat "("
-                          (mapconcat
-                           '(lambda (x)
-                              (concat
-                               (cadr (caddr x))
-                               " "
-                               (car x)))
-                           (nth 3 one-ctor)  ", ")
-                          ")")
-                ;; else
-                "()" )))
-        (setq result
-              (append (list
-                       (list tname  ;; name of the ctor
-                             ;; description for this ctor
-                             (concat "(Constructor) "
-                                     modifiers  ;; modifiers on this prop
-                                     " "
-                                     params
-                                     )))
-                      result)))
-      (setq ctors (cdr ctors)))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "completion-list-for-ctors: result: "
-                (prin1-to-string result))
-    result))
-;; (defun cscomp-popup-xemacs-completion-menu (completion-list)
-;;   (let* ((items
-;;        (sort
-;;         ;; Change each item in the completion list from the form
-;;         ;;   return-value method-name(args)
-;;         ;; to the form
-;;         ;;   method-name(args) : return-value
-;;         (mapcar
-;;          (lambda (completion)
-;;            (let ((completion-short (nth 0 completion))
-;;                  (completion-long (nth 1 completion)))
-;;              (if completion-long
-;;                  (let ((chop-pos (string-match " " completion-long)))
-;;                    (concat
-;;                     (substring completion-long (1+ chop-pos)
-;;                                (length completion-long))
-;;                     " : "
-;;                     (substring completion-long 0 chop-pos)))
-;;                completion-short)))
-;;          completion-list)
-;;         'string<))
-;;       (menu
-;;        (cons
-;;         "Completions"
-;;         (mapcar
-;;          (lambda (item)
-;;            (vector item (list 'cscomp-insert-completion item)))
-;;          items))))
-;;     (popup-menu-and-execute-in-window menu (selected-window))))
-(defun cscomp-sort-completion-list (lst)
-  (if (consp (car lst))
-      (sort lst
-            '(lambda (e1 e2)
-               (string< (car e1) (car e2))))
-    (sort lst
-          '(lambda (e1 e2)
-             (string< e1 e2)))))
-(defun cscomp-find-all-ns-completions (fragment lst &optional exact-match )
-  "Find all completions for FRAGMENT in LST.  If EXACT-MATCH is true,
-then...?  LST is a simple list of strings, as obtained from
-  (let ((result nil))
-    (while lst
-      (let ((candidate (car lst)))
-        (if (or (and exact-match (string= fragment candidate))
-                (and (not exact-match) (equal 0 (string-match (concat "^" 
fragment) candidate))))
-            (progn
-              (message "  HIT")
-              (setq result (append (list candidate) result)))))
-      (setq lst (cdr lst)))
-    (setq cscomp-current-fragment fragment)
-    ;; sort, and then transform into a list of (NAME DESCRIP) pairs:
-    (mapcar
-     '(lambda (item)
-        (if (string-match "^\\([^|]+\\) +| +\\(.+\\)$" item)
-            (list (match-string 1 item)
-                  (match-string 2 item))
-          item))
-     (cscomp-sort-completion-list result))))
-(defun cscomp-find-all-type-completions (fragment lst static &optional 
-  "Find all completions in LST for FRAGMENT.  In practice,
-FRAGMENT is a string containing the characters following the last
-dot.  Eg, if the user typed System.IO.Dir, then FRAGMENT would be
-LST is a list obtained from `cscomp-completion-list-for-type'.
-If STATIC is non-nil, then match only non-static props/fields/methods.
-Otherwise, match only static fields/props/methods.
-If EXACT-MATCH is true, then only the completions that match the
-FRAGMENT exactly are returned.  Normally, EXACT-MATCH is not
-true, and in thi case, the completions that start with the
-FRAGMENT are returned.
-The result is...a simple list of strings.
-;; For illustration, the LST for DriveInfo looks like this:
-;; (
-;;  ("Name" "(Property) readonly public System.String")
-;;  ("DriveType" "(Property) readonly public System.IO.DriveType")
-;;  ("DriveFormat" "(Property) readonly public System.String")
-;;  ("IsReady" "(Property) readonly public System.Boolean")
-;;  ("AvailableFreeSpace" "(Property) readonly public System.Int64")
-;;  ("TotalFreeSpace" "(Property) readonly public System.Int64")
-;;  ("TotalSize" "(Property) readonly public System.Int64")
-;;  ("RootDirectory" "(Property) readonly public System.IO.DirectoryInfo")
-;;  ("VolumeLabel" "(Property) public System.String")
-;;  ("Equals" "(Method) public  (System.Object)  returns System.Boolean")
-;;  ("GetDrives" "(Method) public static  ()  returns System.IO.DriveInfo[]")
-;;  ("GetHashCode" "(Method) public  ()  returns System.Int32")
-;;  ("GetType" "(Method) public  ()  returns System.Type")
-;;  ("ToString" "(Method) public  ()  returns System.String")
-;;  )
-  (let ((result nil))
-    (while lst
-      (let* ((candidate (car lst))
-             (member-name (car candidate))
-             (descrip (cadr candidate))
-             (is-static (string-match " static " descrip))
-             (is-match  (and
-                         (if static is-static (not is-static))
-                         (if exact-match
-                             (string= fragment member-name)
-                           (equal 0 (string-match fragment member-name))))))
-        (cscomp-log 4 "find-all-type-completions, looking at %s %s"
-                  (prin1-to-string candidate)
-                  (if is-match "MATCH" ""))
-      (if is-match
-            (setq result (append (list candidate) result))))
-      (setq lst (cdr lst)))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "find-all-type-completions, result: %s"
-                (prin1-to-string result))
-      ;;(print result (get-buffer "*Messages*"))
-    (setq cscomp-current-fragment fragment)
-    (cscomp-sort-completion-list result)))
-(defvar cscomp-primitive-types
-  (list
-   '("string" "System.String")
-   '("byte"   "System.Byte")
-   '("sbyte"  "System.SByte")
-   '("char"   "System.Char")
-   '("double" "System.Double")
-   '("float"  "System.Float")
-   '("bool"   "System.Boolean")
-   '("int"    "System.Int32")
-   '("long"   "System.Int64")
-   '("short"  "System.Int16")
-   '("uint"    "System.UInt32")
-   '("ulong"   "System.UInt64")
-   '("ushort"  "System.UInt16")
-   )
-  "a list that maps primitive C# types to their unboxed types.")
-(defun cscomp-map-primitive-type (type)
-  "Maps the primitive type \"short name\" to the expanded name of
-the type, and returns that expanded name. For example, \"bool\"
-maps to \"System.Boolean\" .
-If type is not a primitive type, the result is nil.
-  (if (member type (mapcar 'car cscomp-primitive-types))
-      (let ((result nil)
-            (lst cscomp-primitive-types)
-            item )
-        (while lst
-          (setq item (car lst))
-          (if (string= type (car item))
-              (and
-               (setq result (cadr item))
-               (setq lst nil))
-            ;;else
-            (setq lst (cdr lst))))
-        result )
-    ;;else
-    nil ))
-(defun cscomp-find-completion-for-split (split beginning-of-token1 &optional 
-"Find the possible completions for a given string, which has
-been previously parsed. This is where the main work of the module
-is performed.
-SPLIT is a list of (TOKEN1 TOKEN2), as returned from
-If the user has typed something followed by a dot, optionally
-followed by an fragment after the dot, and then asked for
-completions via `cscomp-complete-at-point-menu' or
-`cscomp-complete-at-point', then this function gets invoked, with
-TOKEN1 containing what precedes the dot, and TOKEN2 containing
-what follows the dot. For example, TOKEN1 may be a C# namespace,
-a class name, a variable name (local variable or a method or
-property or field name on the current class), or explicitly,
-\"this\" .  TOKEN2 may be the empty string, or a fragment of a
-name, corresponding to a method property or field belonging to
-the thing represented by the first token.  The goal is to find a
-completion for the second token, given the context of the first
-The return value is a list. For example, if the user types the
-name of an int variable, then a dot, then asks for completions,
-the return value is:
-  ((\"CompareTo\" \"(Method) sealed public  (System.Int32 value)  returns 
-   (\"CompareTo\" \"(Method) sealed public  (System.Object value)  returns 
-   (\"Equals\" \"(Method) sealed public  (System.Int32 obj)  returns 
-   (\"Equals\" \"(Method) public  (System.Object obj)  returns 
-   (\"GetHashCode\" \"(Method) public  ()  returns System.Int32\")
-   (\"GetType\" \"(Method) public  ()  returns System.Type\")
-   (\"GetTypeCode\" \"(Method) sealed public  ()  returns System.TypeCode\")
-   (\"ToString\" \"(Method) sealed public  (System.String format, 
System.IFormatProvider provider)  returns System.String\")
-   (\"ToString\" \"(Method) sealed public  (System.IFormatProvider provider)  
returns System.String\")
-   (\"ToString\" \"(Method) public  ()  returns System.String\")
-   (\"ToString\" \"(Method) public  (System.String format)  returns 
-Another Example: if the user types System.Diag and asks for completions,
-then SPLIT will be (\"System\" \"Diag\") and the returned completion
-list will contain \"Diagnostics\".
-If the user has simply typed a string, and asked for completions,
-then TOKEN1 will be nil and TOKEN2 will contain the string.
-This fn then finds possible completions for that single string.
-  (cscomp-log 2 "find-completion-for-split: A: '%s' '%s'"
-            (car split) (cadr split))
-  ;; In most cases, p1 is what precedes the final dot, p2 is what
-  ;; follows.  When there is no dot, p1 is nil.  when this is an
-  ;; invocation of a constructor, even if the typename contains a dot,
-  ;; then p1 is nil and p2 contains "new ZZZ" where ZZZ is the typename,
-  ;; with any qualifying namespace.
-  ;;
-  ;;
-  ;; Possibilities:
-  ;;
-  ;; 1. p1 is a namespace like System.Xml  p2 is empty, or a fragment, like 
-  ;;    In this case we need to find types or child namespaces in the given
-  ;;    namespace that match the given fragment.
-  ;;
-  ;; 2. p1 is "this" and p2 is a fragment of a name of a class 
-  ;;    In this case, complete on the members of the enclosing class.
-  ;;
-  ;; 3. p1 is the name of a local variable, and p2 is empty or a fragment.
-  ;;    In this case, complete with a field, prop, or method on that variable.
-  ;;    Must know or learn the type of the variable in that case.
-  ;;
-  ;; 4. p1 is nil, and p2 is the partial name of a local variable.
-  ;;    In this case, complete with the name of a local field, prop, or method
-  ;;    that matches.
-  ;;
-  ;; 5. p1 is nil, and p2 is "new ZZZ", where ZZZ is the partial name of a 
-  ;;    In this case, complete with the name of a type or namespace
-  ;;    that matches the ZZZ portion of p2.
-  ;;
-  ;; 6. p1 is the name of a type, like System.Console, and p2 is something.
-  ;;    In this case, complete with static field, prop, and methods on
-  ;;    that type.
-  ;;
-  ;; 7. p1 is the name of a primitive type, like byte or int.
-  ;;    In this case, replace it with the expanded type, and complete as
-  ;;    in case 5.
-  ;;
-  ;; 8. others?
-  ;;
-  ;; =============================================
-  ;;
-  ;; There are two sources for completion possibilities.  For known types,
-  ;; the possibilities come from introspection, done through the CscompShell.
-  ;; So, for System.Xml.XmlDocument, we send a message to the shell and get 
-  ;; all the known fields/props/methods of that .NET type. For System.Xml.X, we
-  ;; send a message to the CscompShell and get back a list of types and 
-  ;; that match.
-  ;;
-  ;; For unknown types - currently the only "unknown" qualifier is "this." -
-  ;; use the source code analysis results to find fields/props/methods.
-  ;;
-  (let* ((p1 (car split))  ;; part 1 - usually what precedes the dot
-         (p2 (cadr split)) ;; part 2 - what comes after the dot (if anything)
-         (is-primitive    (cscomp-map-primitive-type p1))
-         (is-local-var    (and (not is-primitive) (cscomp-qualify-local-var 
-         (is-instance-var (and (not is-primitive)
-                               (not is-local-var)
-                               (cscomp-qualify-instance-var p1)))
-         (is-func         (string-match "($" p2))  ;; p2 ends in open-paren
-         (is-ctor         (and                     ;; constructor of bare type?
-                            (null p1)
-                            (eq 0 (string-match cscomp--new-regexp p2))))
-         cflavor p1-type is-static r)
-    ;; figure out what we're completing on.
-    (cond
-     (is-ctor
-      (cscomp-log 3 "find-completion-for-split: is-ctor")
-      ;; user may be asking for completions on:
-      ;;    - a namespace name
-      ;;    - a type name within a namespace
-      ;;    - a constructor.  This is sort of like a type name except,
-      ;;      the p2 token ends in an open-paren.
-      (setq cflavor (if is-func "ctors" "namespace")
-            p2 (substring p2 (match-beginning 2)) ;; trim the "new"
-            split (cscomp-split-by-dots p2)
-            p1 (car split)
-            p2 (cadr split)))
-     (is-primitive
-      ;; A method/prop/field on a byte, int, char, etc.
-      (cscomp-log 3 "find-completion-for-split: is-primitive")
-      (setq cflavor "type"
-            p1-type is-primitive
-            is-static t)) ;; get static methods/props/fields on System.Byte, 
-     (is-local-var
-      ;; looking for a completion (method, property, or field) on a local 
-      (cscomp-log 3 "find-completion-for-split: is-local-var %s" 
(prin1-to-string is-local-var))
-      (setq cflavor "type"
-            p1-type (or (cscomp-map-primitive-type (car is-local-var))
-                        (car is-local-var))))
-     (is-instance-var
-      ;; it's an instance variable.
-      (cscomp-log 3 "find-completion-for-split: is-instance-var")
-      (setq cflavor "type"
-            p1-type (or (cscomp-map-primitive-type (car is-instance-var))
-                        (car is-instance-var))))
-     ((string= "this" p1)
-      ;; complete on instance field/prop/method
-      (setq cflavor "this"))
-     ;;; this can never happen.
-     ;;;
-     ;; ((and (null p1) ;; no prefix.
-     ;;       is-func) ;; open paren is the last char, eg  "new TimeSpan(?"
-     ;;  (setq r (cscomp-qualify-name (substring p2 0 -1)))
-     ;;  (cond ((listp r)
-     ;;         (if (string= (car r) "type")
-     ;;             (setq cflavor "namespace" ;; TODO: verify correctness
-     ;;                   p1-type (and
-     ;;                            (string-match "^\\(.+\\)\\..+$" (cadr r))
-     ;;                            (match-string 1 (cadr r)))
-     ;;                   p1 p1-type)
-     ;;           (setq cflavor "local")))
-     ;;        (t
-     ;;         (setq cflavor "local"))))
-     ((null p1) ;; no prefix
-      (cond
-       (is-func
-        (error "not sure what to do here."))
-       (t
-        (setq cflavor (if (or (not p2) (string= p2 ""))
-                          "nothing" ;; nothing to do
-                        "mixed")))))
-     (t
-      (setq r (cscomp-qualify-name p1))
-      (cond
-       ((listp r)
-        (progn
-          (setq cflavor (car r))
-          (if (string= cflavor "unknown")
-              ;; assume p1 is an expression.  Try to infer the type.
-              (let ((inferred-type-info
-                     (cscomp-infer-type-of-expression p1)))
-                (if inferred-type-info
-                    (setq p1-type
-                          (or (cscomp-map-primitive-type (car 
-                              (car inferred-type-info))
-                          cflavor "type")))
-            ;; name qualification was successful
-            (setq p1-type p1
-                  is-static t)))) ;; if it's a type, we want static f/m/p only
-       (t
-        (error "qualify-name returns invalid results.")))))
-    (cscomp-log 2 "find-completion-for-split: B: p1(%s,%s) p2(%s) flav(%s)"
-              p1 (if p1 p1-type "--")  (prin1-to-string p2) cflavor)
-    (if (and reuse-results
-             cscomp-current-list
-             (and cscomp-current-flavor (string= cflavor 
-             (and cscomp-current-p1 (string= p1 cscomp-current-p1))
-             (and cscomp-current-p2 (cheeso-string-starts-with p2 
-        (progn
-          (setq cscomp-current-p2 p2)
-          (cscomp-log 2 "find-completion-for-split: re-using previous result 
(%s %s)"
-                      p1 p2)
-          cscomp-current-list)
-      (progn
-        ;; store these for future use
-        (setq cscomp-current-p1 p1
-              cscomp-current-p2 p2
-              cscomp-current-flavor cflavor)
-        ;; now collect completion options depending on the "flavor" of
-        ;; completion request:
-        ;;
-        ;; type - completing on m/f/p for a type, possibly with a fragment.
-        ;;   p1 holds the typename from the buffer, could be partially
-        ;;   qualified, in other words it might include a namespace.
-        ;;   p1-type holds the fully qualified type name. p2 holds the
-        ;;   fragment that will be completed.
-        ;;
-        ;; namespace - completing on a namespace.  The result can be a child
-        ;;   namespace or a type within a namespace.  When this is the case,
-        ;;   p1 holds the qualifying namespace if any, and p2 holds the type
-        ;;   or ns name fragment to complete on.
-        ;;
-        ;; ctors - completing on type constructors.  p1 holds any qualifying
-        ;;   ns, and p2 holds the typename (or ctor name, which is the same
-        ;;   thing).
-        ;;
-        ;; this - completing on a m/f/p of the local instance
-        ;;
-        ;; local - completing on a m/f/p of local variables or method args
-        ;;
-        ;; Reset the completion list - the thing that is used
-        ;; when the "no menu" version of complete-at-pont is used.
-        (setq cscomp-current-list nil)
-        (cscomp-log 2 "find-completion-for-split, flav(%s)" cflavor)
-        (cond
-         ((string= cflavor "type")
-          (let* ((type-info (cscomp-get-typeinfo p1-type))
-                 (full-list (cscomp-completion-list-for-type type-info)))
-            (cond
-             (is-func ;; it's a specific function on a type. Get the list of 
-              (setq cscomp-current-list
-                    (cscomp-find-all-type-completions (substring p2 0 -1) 
full-list is-static))
-              (cscomp-log 3 "find-completion-for-split: [%s]"
-                          (prin1-to-string cscomp-current-list)))
-             (t ;; could be anything: method, prop, field. Build the list.
-              (setq cscomp-current-list
-                    (cscomp-find-all-type-completions p2 full-list is-static))
-              (cscomp-log 3 "find-completion-for-split: [%s]"
-                          (prin1-to-string cscomp-current-list))))))
-         ((string= cflavor "namespace")
-          (cscomp-log 2 "find-completion-for-split is-func(%s) bot(%d)"
-                      is-func beginning-of-token1)
-          ;;(if is-ctor
-              ;; provide type names, or child namespaces
-              (let ((namespaces-to-scan
-                     (if (null p1)
-                         ;; search for completions in any of the implicit
-                         ;; namespaces: any imported via using clauses, plus
-                         ;; the ambient namespace.
-                         ;;
-                         ;; TODO: add types and child ns for the ambient
-                         ;; namespace.
-                         (cscomp-referenced-assemblies)
-                       ;; else, search only in the explicitly
-                       ;; provided ns.
-                       (list p1))))
-                (loop
-                 for x in namespaces-to-scan do
-                 (progn
-                   (cscomp-load-one-assembly x)
-                   (let* ((nsinfo
-                           (cscomp-get-completions-for-namespace x))
-                          (full-list
-                           (cscomp-completion-list-for-ns nsinfo)))
-                     (setq cscomp-current-list
-                           (append cscomp-current-list
-                                   (cscomp-find-all-ns-completions p2 
-                (cscomp-log 3 "ctors: [%s]"
-                            (prin1-to-string cscomp-current-list)))
-              ;;(error "find-completion-for-split: bad state"))
-            )
-         ((string= cflavor "ctors")
-          (let* ((short-name (substring p2 0 -1))
-                 (type-name (if (stringp p1)
-                                (concat p1 "." short-name)
-                              (cscomp-qualify-type-name short-name)))
-                 (ctor-info (cscomp-get-type-ctors type-name))
-                 (full-list (cscomp-completion-list-for-ctors ctor-info)))
-            ;; present all constructors
-            (setq cscomp-current-list full-list)))
-         ;; (cond
-         ;;  (is-func ;; it's a function on a type - see if a constructor
-         ;;   (cond
-         ;;    ((save-excursion
-         ;;       (goto-char beginning-of-token1)
-         ;;       (re-search-backward "\\<new[ \t\n\f\v]+" nil t))
-         ;;     ;; it's a constructor
-         ;;     (let* ((type-name (concat p1 "." (substring p2 0 -1)))
-         ;;            (ctor-info (cscomp-get-type-ctors type-name))
-         ;;            (full-list (cscomp-completion-list-for-ctors 
-         ;;
-         ;;       ;; present all constructors
-         ;;       (setq cscomp-current-list full-list)))
-         ;;
-         ;;    (t
-         ;;     ;; not a constructor.  Must be some other function.
-         ;;     (error "completion on static functions is not (yet?) 
-         ;;
-         ;;  (t
-         ;; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
-         ((string= cflavor "local")
-          (let ((instance-vars (cscomp-matching-instance-vars p2))
-                (locals (cscomp-matching-local-vars p2)))
-            (setq cscomp-current-list
-                  (nconc instance-vars locals))))
-         ((string= cflavor "this")
-          (setq cscomp-current-list
-                (cscomp-matching-instance-members p2)))
-         ((string= cflavor "mixed")
-          (setq r (cscomp-get-all-known-matches p2))
-          (if (listp r)
-              (setq cscomp-current-list
-                    (mapcar '(lambda (listitem)
-                               (list
-                                ;; the thing to return when this menu item is 
-                                (cond
-                                 ((string= "type" (car listitem))
-                                  (if (and p1 (string-match (concat "^" p1)
-                                                            (cadr listitem)))
-                                      (cadr listitem)
-                                    (string-match (concat "\\.\\(" p2 ".*\\)") 
(cadr listitem))
-                                    (match-string 1 (cadr listitem))))
-                                 (t
-                                  ;;(string-match (concat "\\.\\(" p2 ".*\\)") 
(cadr listitem))
-                                  (string-match (concat "^\\(" p2 ".*\\)") 
(cadr listitem))
-                                  (match-string 1 (cadr listitem))))
-                                ;; the description that will be visible in the 
-                                ;; for this menu item.
-                                (if (eq (length listitem) 3)
-                                    (nth 2 listitem)
-                                  (concat (cadr listitem) " | (" (car 
listitem) ")"))))
-                            r))
-            (error "Cannot complete.")))
-         ((string= cflavor "nothing")
-          (message "Nothing to complete."))
-         (t
-          (cscomp-log 1 "find-completion-for-split, unknown flavor (%s)"
-                      cflavor)
-          (error "Cannot complete.")))))))
-;; (defun cscomp-string-starts-with (s arg)
-;;   "returns t if string S starts with ARG. Else nil."
-;;   (eq 0 (string-match arg s)))
-(defun cscomp-yasnippet-for-arglist (method-name arglist)
-  "Produce a snippet that's usable with ya-snippet, for the method
-selected from the completion popup menu. The arguments are strings:
-METHOD-NAME is the name of the method, and ARGLIST is a description
-of the argument list for the selected method.
-The return value is a list, which, if selected from the menu, will be
-eval'd. The first element in the list is the literal, yas/expand-snippet,
-and subsequent elements in the return value list are simply arguments
-to that function.
-  (let ((template "(") (str-ix 1) (arg-ix 1)
-        (next-char (char-after))
-        need-delete)
-    ;; Build the template for yasnippet. Each replaceable
-    ;; param is identified with ${N:foo} where N is 1,2,3...
-    ;; and foo is the placeholder shown in the buffer, which
-    ;; is then "typed over" by the user.
-    ;;
-    ;; In this case, the placeholder contains the type and the
-    ;; name of the argument, from the reflection results.
-    ;;
-    (while (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\) \\([^,)]+\\)\\([,)]\\)"
-                         arglist str-ix)
-      (setq template (concat template "${"
-                             (number-to-string arg-ix)
-                             ":"
-                             ;; type of the arg
-                             (substring arglist
-                                        (match-beginning 1)
-                                        (match-end 1))
-                             " "
-                             ;; name of the arg
-                             (substring arglist
-                                        (match-beginning 2)
-                                        (match-end 2))
-                             "}"
-                             ;; the following comma or closing paren
-                             (if (string= (substring arglist
-                                        (match-beginning 3)
-                                        (match-end 3))
-                                          ")")
-                                 ;; If a close-paren is in the buffer,
-                                 ;; cscomp will delete it, before inserting
-                                 ;; the snippet.
-                                 (progn
-                                   ;; to delete the existing close paren
-                                   (setq need-delete (eq next-char 41))
-                                   ")")
-                               ", "))
-            str-ix (match-end 0)
-            arg-ix (1+ arg-ix)))
-    (if (eq (length template) 1)
-        (setq template "()"))
-    ;; Upon selection of this item from the menu, emacs will
-    ;; call yas/expand-snippet. If necessary, emacs will
-    ;; delete a char just before doing so.
-    (if need-delete
-        (list 'progn
-          (list 'delete-char '1)
-          (list 'yas/expand-snippet '(point) '(point)
-                (concat method-name template)))
-      (list 'yas/expand-snippet '(point) '(point)
-            (concat method-name template)))))
-(defun cscomp-get-menu-item-for-clist-item (clist-item)
-  "Produce a menu item for the item on the completion list.
-The incoming CLIST-ITEM is one item from the completion list; it
-is either a (NAME DESCRIP) pair, or a simple NAME.
-The return value is a menu item - a thing suitable for use within
-a popup menu.  It is a 2-member cons cell, the first member is a
-string to be displayed, the second is the value returned when
-that menu item is selected.
-This value is returned to logic in
-`cscomp-popup-completion-menu', and can be anything.  That
-fn follows a convention that if the return value is a string, the
-string is inserted. If the return value is a list, as with
-ya-snippet, the list is eval'd and the result is inserted.
-This fn simply transforms the simple (NAME DESCRIP) pair into
-something suitable for use within a menu.
-  (if (consp clist-item)
-      (let ((mpfv-name (car clist-item)) ;; name of method, prop, field, 
-            (descrip (cscomp-fix-generics-in-descrip-line (cadr clist-item))))
-        (cond
-         ((string-match "(\\(Method\\|Constructor\\))[^(]+\\(([^)]*)\\)" 
-          ;; It's a method or constructor. The value returned when this
-          ;; menu item is selected is a cons cell that will be eval'd.
-          ;; The cons is a call to yas/expand-snippet that will insert a
-          ;; template for the (possibly empty) arglist of the selected
-          ;; method or constructor.
-          (let ((arglist (substring descrip
-                                    (match-beginning 2)
-                                    (match-end 2)))
-                ;; for ctor, insert the short name.
-                (name-to-insert (if (string= (substring descrip
-                                                        (match-beginning 1)
-                                                        (match-end 1))
-                                             "Constructor")
-                                    (if (string-match ".+\\." mpfv-name)
-                                        (substring mpfv-name
-                                                        (match-end 0))
-                                      mpfv-name)
-                                  mpfv-name)))
-            (cons (concat mpfv-name " | " descrip)
-                  (if (fboundp 'yas/expand-snippet)
-                      (cscomp-yasnippet-for-arglist name-to-insert arglist)
-                    (concat name-to-insert arglist)))))
-         (t
-          ;; The completion is not a method - just
-          ;; insert the name of the field/prop as a string.
-          (cons (concat mpfv-name " | " descrip)
-                mpfv-name))))
-    (cons clist-item clist-item)))
-(defun cscomp-popup-completion-menu (title)
-  "Popup a completion menu for the object at point.  The popup
-menu displays all of the possible completions for the object it
-was invoked on.
-TITLE is the title presented.  The contents of the menu are provided
-in `cscomp-current-list' .
-  ;; cscomp-current-list holds the completion list.
-  ;;
-  ;; For a type, the clist gets methods, properties and fields.
-  ;; Each element in the list is a list, (NAME DESCRIP), where NAME
-  ;; is the name of the method/prop/field, and DESCRIP is a string
-  ;; description.
-  ;;
-  ;; For a namespace, the clist is a list of strings, names
-  ;; of types or child namespaces. (I think this is still true)
-  ;;
-  ;; In each case we want to sort the list alphabetically.
-  ;;
-  (let* ((menu-map (cons "ignored"
-                         (mapcar 'cscomp-get-menu-item-for-clist-item
-                                 cscomp-current-list)))
-         (menu-result (cscomp--popup-menu
-                       (list (or title "Completions...") menu-map))))
-    (cscomp-log 1 "menu-result: %s" (prin1-to-string menu-result))
-    ;; now, handle the selection
-    (cond
-     ((consp menu-result)
-      (delete-region cscomp-current-beginning cscomp-current-end)
-      (eval menu-result) ;; maybe a snippet expansion
-      "")
-     ((numberp menu-result) (number-to-string menu-result))
-     ((null menu-result) "")
-     (t menu-result)))) ;; a simple string
-;; To do thie yasnippet thing for methods/params:
-;; (defun dox ()
-;;   "expand a template"
-;;   (interactive)
-;;   (let ((template
-;;    "this is ${1:index} the expanded template ${2:foo}"
-;;    ))
-;;   (yas/expand-snippet (point) (point) template)))
-(defun cscomp-selected-frame ()
-  (if (fboundp 'window-edges)
-      (selected-frame)
-    (selected-window)))
-(defun cscomp-current-row ()
-  "Return current row number in current frame."
-  (if (fboundp 'window-edges)
-      (+ (car (cdr (window-edges))) (count-lines (window-start) (point)))
-    (count-lines (window-start) (point))))
-(defun cscomp-get-point-pixel-pos ()
-  "Return point position in pixels: (x, y)."
-  (let ((mouse-pos  (mouse-position))
-        (pixel-pos  nil)
-        (ret        nil))
-    (if (car (cdr mouse-pos))
-        (progn
-          ;; set mouse position
-          (set-mouse-position (cscomp-selected-frame) (current-column) 
-          ;; inquire mouse position
-          (setq pixel-pos (mouse-pixel-position))
-          ;; restore mouse position
-          (set-mouse-position (car mouse-pos) (car (cdr mouse-pos)) (cdr (cdr 
-          (setq ret (list (+ (cadr pixel-pos) 40) (cdr (cdr pixel-pos)))))
-      (progn
-        (setq ret '(0 0))))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "mouse pos is %s" ret)
-    ret))
-(defun cscomp-posn-at-point-as-event (&optional position window dx dy)
-  "Return pixel position of top left corner of glyph at POSITION,
-relative to top left corner of WINDOW, as a mouse-1 click
-event (identical to the event that would be triggered by clicking
-mouse button 1 at the top left corner of the glyph).
-POSITION and WINDOW default to the position of point in the
-selected window.
-DX and DY specify optional offsets from the top left of the glyph."
-  (unless window (setq window (selected-window)))
-  (unless position (setq position (window-point window)))
-  (unless dx (setq dx 0))
-  (unless dy (setq dy 0))
-  (let* ((pos (posn-at-point position window))
-         (x-y (posn-x-y pos))
-         (edges (window-inside-pixel-edges window))
-         (win-x-y (window-pixel-edges window)))
-    ;; adjust for window edges
-    (setcar (nthcdr 2 pos)
-            (cons (+ (car x-y) (car  edges) (- (car win-x-y))  dx)
-                  (+ (cdr x-y) (cadr edges) (- (cadr win-x-y)) dy)))
-    (list 'mouse-1 pos)))
-(defun cscomp--popup-menu (menu-data)
-  "Pop up the completion menu at point, using the data MENU-DATA.
-MENU-DATA is a list of error and warning messages returned by
-  (if (featurep 'xemacs)
-      (let* ((pos          (cscomp-get-point-pixel-pos))
-             (x-pos        (nth 0 pos))
-             (y-pos        (nth 1 pos))
-             (event-props  '(button 1 x 1 y 1)))
-        (setq event-props (plist-put event-props 'x x-pos))
-        (setq event-props (plist-put event-props 'y y-pos))
-        (popup-menu (cscomp-make-xemacs-menu menu-data)
-                    (make-event 'button-press event-props)))
-    (x-popup-menu (if (eval-when-compile (fboundp 'posn-at-point))
-                      (cscomp-posn-at-point-as-event nil nil 42 20)
-                    (list (cscomp-get-point-pixel-pos) (selected-window)))
-                   menu-data)))
-(defun cscomp-cycle-candidates ()
-  "Replace the previous completion by the next one in
-`cscomp-current-list'. Uses `cscomp-current-list-index'
-to track the position in the list, and markers `cscomp-current-end'
-and `cscomp-current-beginning' to track the position in the
-The elements in `cscomp-current-list' can be either lists, or
-atoms. In the case of completing on a namespace (eg, start with System.Co),
-the completion list will contain strings. (CodeDom, Console,Collections...).
-If completing on a type or instance, the list elems are 2-element lists -
-the car is the thing to insert, and the cadr is a description of the thing.
-is it a property, method, field?  what is the return type?   if a method,
-then what arguments does it require?  The cadr is used only in the menu,
-not in the inserted text.
-On the first entry in this function, the markers record the beginning and
-end of the fragment being completed. (eg, Co if completing on System.Co).
-On exit, the markers record the beginning and end of what has been inserted.
-On subsequent entry, it retains those values. On all entries, this fn
-deletes the text between the markers, before inserting the completion.
-  (let (elem)
-    (incf cscomp-current-list-index)
-    (cscomp-log 3 "list index: %d" cscomp-current-list-index)
-    (if (>= cscomp-current-list-index (length cscomp-current-list))
-        (setq cscomp-current-list-index 0)) ;; rollover
-    (setq elem (nth cscomp-current-list-index cscomp-current-list))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "complete-cycle-candidates: looking at %s" (prin1-to-string 
-    (cond
-     ((listp elem)
-      (let ((thing-to-insert (car elem)))
-        (if thing-to-insert
-            (progn
-              (delete-region cscomp-current-beginning cscomp-current-end)
-              (insert thing-to-insert)
-              (set-marker cscomp-current-end
-                          (+ (marker-position
-                              cscomp-current-beginning) (length 
-              ;; display the description of the completioni n the minibuffer
-              (message "cscomp: %s" (cadr elem)))
-        (cscomp-log 1 "No completion at this point! (cycle)"))))
-     ;; elem is an atom
-     (t
-      (let ((thing-to-insert elem))
-        (delete-region cscomp-current-beginning cscomp-current-end)
-        (insert thing-to-insert)
-        (set-marker cscomp-current-end
-                    (+ (marker-position cscomp-current-beginning) (length 
thing-to-insert) ))
-        ;; display the description of the completioni n the minibuffer
-        (message "cscomp: %s" elem))))))
-(defun cscomp-complete-at-point ()
-  "Completes at point.  Performs completion on field, prop or
-method names if the thing being completed is a type or instance,
-or on namespace members - child namespaces or types - if the
-thing being completed is a namespace.
-This function is interactive.
-Invoking this fn multiple times in succession cycles through the
-On first entry, it finds the completion, by calling out to the
-CscompShell by calling `cscomp-find-completion-for-split'.
-It then caches the resulting list of completion options into
-On subsequent entry, it uses the cached results. After inserting a
-completion, this function displays the signature of a method completion
-in the minibuffer.
-This fn starts the Cscompshell if necessary. Hence, you may
-experience a slight delay when using this command for the first
-time in a session or when completing a field or method of an
-object that has many methods and fields.
-See `cscomp-complete-at-point-menu' for an alternative to this command
-that lets you select the desired completion from a popup menu.
-  (interactive)
-;; This command uses the Cscompshell to run Csharp code that in turn uses
-;; .NET reflection to determine the methods, properties, and fields
-;; defined by the type of the object at point.
-  (if (and
-       cscomp-current-list
-       (eq last-command this-command)
-       (markerp cscomp-current-beginning)
-       (markerp cscomp-current-end)
-       (marker-position cscomp-current-beginning)
-       (marker-position cscomp-current-end)
-       (>= (point) (marker-position cscomp-current-beginning))
-       (eq (point) (marker-position cscomp-current-end)))
-      ;; we've got a completion list.  cycle through the items.
-      (cscomp-cycle-candidates)
-    ;; no completion list available. get one.
-    (progn
-      (let* ((parse-result (cscomp-parse-csharp-expression-before-point))
-             (split (and parse-result (cadr parse-result))))
-        (if (not (null split))
-            (progn
-              (cscomp-find-completion-for-split split (car parse-result))
-              (setq cscomp-current-list-index -1)
-              (cscomp-cycle-candidates)))))))
-(defun cscomp-complete-at-point-menu ()
-  "Pops up a menu with a list of completions for point.  When completing
-on a type or instance, the menu items are the field, property and method
-names; when completing on a namespace, the menu items are child namespaces
-or types.
-When the user makes a selection from the menu, the selected item
-is inserted at point. In the case of a method with parameters,
-and when yasnippet.el is available (see
-http://code.google.com/p/yasnippet/), the inserted thing is a
-parameterized snippet, a template that can then be filled in by
-the user.  If yasnippet is not available, then the user's menu
-choice is just inserted into the buffer as static text.
-See `cscomp-complete-at-point' for an alternative to this function that
-lets you cycle through the potential completions at point, with each
-completion appearing in the buffer in turn.
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((parse-result (cscomp-parse-csharp-expression-before-point))
-         (split (and parse-result (cadr parse-result))))
-    (if (not (null split))
-        (progn
-          (cscomp-find-completion-for-split split (car parse-result))
-          (if cscomp-current-list
-              (let* ((title (if (car split)
-                                (concat (car split) "."
-                                        (cadr split) "...")
-                              (concat (cadr split) "...")))
-                     (selection (cscomp-popup-completion-menu title)))
-                (if (and selection
-                         (not (string= selection "")))
-                    (progn
-                      (delete-region cscomp-current-beginning 
-                      (insert selection)
-                      )))
-            (message "No completion at this point.")))
-      (message "No completion at this point."))))
-;; ========================================================================
-;; integration with Matsuyama's auto-complete.el
-(defun cscomp-completions-at-point ()
-  "Generates completions of field, prop or method names if the
-thing being completed is a type or instance, or on namespace
-members - child namespaces or types - if the thing being
-completed is a namespace.
-The result is a list of strings.
-This fn is used by Matsuyama's auto-complete.el, when using
-csharp-completion as a source.
-See also `cscomp-complete-at-point-menu' and `cscomp-complete-at-point'
-for interactive functions that do, just about the same thing.
-  (progn
-    (let* ((parse-result (cscomp-parse-csharp-expression-before-point))
-           (split (and parse-result (cadr parse-result))))
-      (if (not (null split))
-          (progn
-            (cscomp-find-completion-for-split split (car parse-result) t)
-            (mapcar
-             ;; I thought I needed a separate lambda when the p1
-             ;; was non-nil, but maybe that is not the case.
-             (if cscomp-current-p1
-                 '(lambda (item)
-                    ;;(cscomp-log 3 "considering item: %s" item)
-                    (let ((result
-                           (car item)
-                           ;;(concat cscomp-current-p1 "." (car item))
-                           ))
-                      ;;(cscomp-log 3 "result: %s" result)
-                      result))
-               '(lambda (item)
-                  ;;(cscomp-log 3 "considering item: %s" item)
-                  (car item)))
-             cscomp-current-list))
-        nil))))
-;; (eval-after-load "auto-complete"
-;;   '(progn
-;;      (if (fboundp 'ac-candidates-1)
-;;          (progn
-;;            ;; In lieu of using the ac-define-source macro,
-;;            ;; define the function and the var separately.
-;;            (defvar ac-source-csharp
-;;              '((init . (setq cscomp-current-list nil))
-;;                (candidates . cscomp-completions-at-point)
-;;                (cache)))
-;;            (defun ac-complete-csharp ()
-;;              (interactive)
-;;              (auto-complete '(ac-source-csharp)))))))
-;; In lieu of using the ac-define-source macro,
-;; define the function and the var separately.
-(defvar ac-source-csharp
-  '((init . (setq cscomp-current-list nil))
-    (candidates . cscomp-completions-at-point)
-    (cache)))
-(defun ac-complete-csharp ()
-  "performs auto-completion using the source `ac-source-csharp'."
-  (interactive)
-  (auto-complete '(ac-source-csharp)))
-(provide 'csharp-completion)
-;;; end of csharp-completion.el
diff --git a/csharp-shell.el b/csharp-shell.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4afbb..0000000
--- a/csharp-shell.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-;;; csharp-shell.el --- run PowerShell to assist with c# completion.
-;; Author     : Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Created    : 10 Apr 2008
-;; Modified   : February 2011
-;; Version    : 0.2
-;; Keywords   : powershell C# shell
-;; Last-saved : <2011-March-01 12:56:20>
-;; X-URL      : ??
-;;; Commentary:
-;;   This is code that provides an emacs shell that supports C#
-;;   code-completion.  It depends on Powershell.el, which depends on
-;;   shell.el.  This module is part of cscomp, a C# completion package.
-;;   csharp-shell.el is responsible for starting a PowerShell shell, and
-;;   loading a utility assembly, also part of CsComp, into it.  The
-;;   running shell can be used as a regular, interactive powershell
-;;   shell, but its primary purpose is to connect elisp to the .NET
-;;   assembly that performs reflection.
-;;   When the user requests completion on a variable (etc), logic within
-;;   csharp-completion.el sends a command to the CscompShell, and gets the
-;;   response, in the form of a lisp s-expression.  The logic in
-;;   csharp-completion.el then evals that sexp, and does something
-;;   intelligent with the result.
-;;   The two main public interfaces for this module are:
-;;    `csharp-shell-exec-and-eval-result'
-;;    `csharp-shell-exec-and-maybe-eval-result'
-;;   Some History:
-;;   idea of CSDE, the C# Development Environment, was initially
-;;   conceived by Matt Bruce in 2001 (or so), and ported from JDE, the
-;;   Java Development Environment.
-;;   But the ambitious vision of CSDE was never completed. The latest
-;;   version is aparently still available on sourceforge, but it was
-;;   never updated or maintained.  <URL:http://www.sourceforge.com/>.
-;;   Rather than start with "everything", I thought I'd start by
-;;   producing a module that did one thing well: code completion.  This
-;;   is something like what is known as Intellisense in Microsoft's
-;;   Visual Studio.
-;;   To do this, I didn't keep any of the old CSDE code. I kept only the
-;;   idea of code completion, as well as the idea of using an external
-;;   shell to aid in dynamic type and symbol resolution.  This is all
-;;   new code.
-;;   ------------
-;;   Please send any comments, bugs, or upgrade requests to
-;;   Dino Chiesa (dpchiesa@hotmail.com)
-(require 'cscomp-base)
-(require 'powershell)
-(defcustom csharp-shell-location-of-util-dll  nil
-  "Folder name that contains the Cscomp DLL for C# Completion.
-Set this to nil, to load the DLL named CscompUtilities.dll from
-the same directory where csharp-shell.el is located.
-Otherwise, set it to a fully-qualified path of a directory that contains
-the file cscompUtilities.dll.  It should use fwd-slashes and should include
-the trailing slash.  For example,
-      \"c:/users/fred/elisp/cscomp/\"
-  :group 'cscomp
-  :type 'string)
-(defcustom csharp-shell-startup-timeout 20
-  "*Length of time the CSharpShell waits for the shell process to startup.
-Increase the value of this variable if you get Lisp errors
-on Shell startup."
-  :group 'cscomp
-  :type 'integer)
-(defcustom csharp-shell-exec-timeout 5
-  "*Length of time in seconds to wait for the CscompShell to respond to 
-before giving up and signaling an error.  This isn't the total timeout; it's
-the time to wait between chunks of response. "
-  :group 'cscomp
-  :type 'integer)
-(defcustom csharp-shell-buffer-name "*CscompShell*"
-  "Name of the Powershell buffer for C# completion support."
-  :group 'cscomp
-  :type 'string
-  )
-(defconst csharp-shell-prompt-string "CscompShell % "
-  "The prompt string used for csharp-shell.  It is also used as a regex, so 
this string must contain no regex-sensitive sequences. Best to just leave it 
-(defun csharp-shell-exec-and-maybe-eval-result (expr &optional eval-return)
-  "Sends EXPR to the CscompShell.  EXPR could theoretically be
-any valid Powershell command, but this fn is invoked from
-csharp-completion, the EXPR is a call to static function in the
-CscompUtilities.dll assembly.
-If the shell is not already running, this function starts
-it. Collects the text output from the shell.  If the optional
-argument EVAL-RETURN is non-nil, this function returns the result
-of evaluating the output as a Lisp expression. Otherwise, the
-return value is the collected text.
-  (let ((proc
-         (or (get-buffer-process csharp-shell-buffer-name)
-             (let (proc2)
-               (csharp-shell--internal)
-               (setq proc2 (get-buffer-process csharp-shell-buffer-name))
-               proc2))))
-    (if proc
-        (let (reply tmp)
-          (with-current-buffer csharp-shell-buffer-name
-            (cscomp-log 3 "csharp-shell-exec: Sending: %s" expr)
-            (setq reply
-                  (powershell-invoke-command-silently proc expr 
-          (cond ((null reply)
-                 (with-current-buffer csharp-shell-buffer-name
-                   (cscomp-log 3 "csharp-shell-exec: Sending newline" expr)
-                   (setq reply
-                         (powershell-invoke-command-silently proc "\n" 
-          (cond
-           ((string-match "// Error:" reply)
-            (progn
-              (cscomp-log 0
-                          "csharp-shell-exec: CscompShell command error.\n  
Expression: %s\n  Error: %s"
-                          expr reply)
-              (error "CscompShell eval error. See messages buffer for 
-          (if eval-return
-              (if (and reply (not (string= reply "")))
-                  (progn
-                    (cscomp-log 3 "csharp-shell-exec: evaluating reply: '%s'" 
-                    (setq tmp (read reply)) ;; get one s-exp
-                    (if (not (eq tmp "CscompShell")) ;; means no response at 
-                        (progn
-                          (setq tmp (eval tmp))
-                          (cscomp-log 3 "csharp-shell-exec: eval result(%s)" 
(prin1-to-string tmp)) ;; can be nil
-                          tmp)
-                      nil))
-                ;; else
-                (progn
-                  (cscomp-log 1 "csharp-shell-exec: result is empty. Will not 
-                  nil))
-            ;; else (no eval)
-            (progn
-              (cscomp-log 1 "csharp-shell-exec: no eval, reply: '%s'" reply)
-              reply))))))
-(defun csharp-shell-exec-and-eval-result (psh-statement)
-  "Convenience function for evaluating Powershell statements
-that return Lisp expressions as output. This function
-invokes `csharp-shell-exec-and-maybe-eval-result' with the
-evaluate-return option set to t.
-  (csharp-shell-exec-and-maybe-eval-result psh-statement t))
-;; ;; dinoch - Thu, 20 May 2010  14:59
-;; ;;
-;; ;; TODO: now I cannot remember why this is here. Do I need to explicitly
-;; ;; override the shell function?  Must check this.
-;; (defun shell (&optional buffer)
-;;   "Run an inferior shell, with I/O through BUFFER (which defaults to 
-;; Interactively, a prefix arg means to prompt for BUFFER.
-;; If BUFFER exists but shell process is not running, make new shell.
-;; If BUFFER exists and shell process is running, just switch to BUFFER.
-;; Program used comes from variable `explicit-shell-file-name',
-;;  or (if that is nil) from the ESHELL environment variable,
-;;  or (if that is nil) from `shell-file-name'.
-;; If a file `~/.emacs_SHELLNAME' exists, or `~/.emacs.d/init_SHELLNAME.sh',
-;; it is given as initial input (but this may be lost, due to a timing
-;; error, if the shell discards input when it starts up).
-;; The buffer is put in Shell mode, giving commands for sending input
-;; and controlling the subjobs of the shell.  See `shell-mode'.
-;; See also the variable `shell-prompt-pattern'.
-;; To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
-;; in the input and output to the shell, use 
-;; before \\[shell].  You can also specify this with 
-;; in the shell buffer, after you start the shell.
-;; The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
-;; `default-process-coding-system'.
-;; The shell file name (sans directories) is used to make a symbol name
-;; such as `explicit-csh-args'.  If that symbol is a variable,
-;; its value is used as a list of arguments when invoking the shell.
-;; Otherwise, one argument `-i' is passed to the shell.
-;; \(Type \\[describe-mode] in the shell buffer for a list of commands.)"
-;;   (interactive
-;;    (list
-;;     (and current-prefix-arg
-;;          (read-buffer "Shell buffer: "
-;;                       (generate-new-buffer-name "*shell*")))))
-;;   (setq buffer (get-buffer-create (or buffer "*shell*")))
-;;   ;; Pop to buffer, so that the buffer's window will be correctly set
-;;   ;; when we call comint (so that comint sets the COLUMNS env var properly).
-;;   (pop-to-buffer buffer)
-;;   (unless (comint-check-proc buffer)
-;;     (let* ((prog (or explicit-shell-file-name
-;;                      (getenv "ESHELL") shell-file-name))
-;;            (name (file-name-nondirectory prog))
-;;            (startfile (concat "~/.emacs_" name))
-;;            (xargs-name (intern-soft (concat "explicit-" name "-args"))))
-;;       (unless (file-exists-p startfile)
-;;         (setq startfile (concat "~/.emacs.d/init_" name ".sh")))
-;;       (apply 'make-comint-in-buffer "shell" buffer prog
-;;              (if (file-exists-p startfile) startfile)
-;;              (if (and xargs-name (boundp xargs-name))
-;;                  (symbol-value xargs-name)
-;;                '("-i")))
-;;       (shell-mode)))
-;;   buffer)
-(defun csharp-shell--start ()
-  "Run a special instance of PowerShell in support of C# Completion, by 
invoking the `powershell' function.  The buffer containing the shell is named 
-  (let* ((cscompshell-buffer (powershell
-                              csharp-shell-buffer-name
-                              csharp-shell-prompt-string))
-         (proc (get-buffer-process cscompshell-buffer))
-         (dll-location (concat
-                        (or
-                         csharp-shell-location-of-util-dll
-                         "idontknow/" )
-                        "CscompUtilities.dll" ))
-         result
-         version)
-    ;; xxxx
-    (cond
-     (proc
-      (progn
-        ;; Don't need to call save-excursion here, because
-        ;; powershell has already called pop-to-buffer .
-        ;; The CscompShell is the current buffer, and all
-        ;; the buffer-local variables are available.
-        ;; load the CscompUtilities DLL .
-        (cscomp-log 2 "CscompShell: the powershell process is running...")
-        (setq result
-              (powershell-invoke-command-silently
-               proc
-               (concat "[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom('" dll-location 
-               6.5))
-        (cscomp-log 2 "CscompShell: load dll result: %s" result)
-        (if (string-match "^Exception .*: \"\\(.+\\)\"" result)
-            (let ((message (substring result (match-beginning 1) (match-end 
-              (error (concat "error: " message))))
-        ;; get the version number
-        (setq version
-              (powershell-invoke-command-silently
-               proc
-               "[Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::Version()"
-               2.9))
-        (cscomp-log 2 "CscompShell: util dll version: %s" version)
-        (if version
-            (setq version (substring version 1 -1)))
-        ;; If the user exits, we won't ask whether he wants to kill the 
-        (set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
-        ;;(comint-simple-send proc "prompt\n") ;; shouldn't need this
-        ;; Send an initial carriage-return.  The effect is to make the
-        ;; prompt appear. I don't know why this is necessary here.
-        ;; It's called in the powershell function, but somehow it has
-        ;; no effect, when powershell is invoked from csharp-shell, so I
-        ;; also call it here.
-        (comint-send-input)
-        (accept-process-output proc)
-        ;; Remove the window for the shell.
-        ;; shell.el automatically pops to the shell buffer, but we
-        ;; don't want that in this case.  For Cscomp, the shell runs unseen,
-        ;; in the background. User can pop to it, if he likes.
-        (delete-window)))
-     (t
-      (cscomp-log 2 "CscompShell: load dll result: %s" result)
-      )
-     )
-    ;; return the version of the CscompUtilities.dll
-    version))
-(defun csharp-shell--internal (&optional display-buffer)
-  (if (not (comint-check-proc csharp-shell-buffer-name))
-      (let (version)
-        (cscomp-log 0 "Starting CscompShell...")
-        (setq version (csharp-shell--start))
-        (cscomp-log 0 "CscompShell v%s is now running..." version))
-    (when display-buffer
-      (cscomp-log 0 "CscompShell is already running."))))
-(defun csharp-shell ()
-  "Starts CsharpShell, which is an instance of Powershell that loads
-a custom assembly dedicated to supporting C# code completion in emacs.
-  (interactive)
-  (csharp-shell--internal nil)
-  )
-(defun csharp-shell-do-shell-fn (command-string)
-    "sends a string to *CscompShell*, and returns the eval'd
-result. This fn is mostly a thin wrapper around
-`csharp-shell-exec-and-eval-result' that is used for tracing
-    (let ((result (csharp-shell-exec-and-eval-result
-                 (concat command-string "\n"))))
-    (cscomp-log 3 "exec-and-eval (%s) result(%s)"
-                command-string (prin1-to-string  result))
-    ;;(if (and result (listp result)) result nil)
-    result
-    ))
-(defun csharp-shell-escape-string-for-powershell (arg)
-  "Powershell uses the backquote for an escape char.  This fn
-escapes the backquote for a string that will eventually be sent
-to powershell (CscompShell).
-I think this is only necessary when the arg is submitted to
-powershell within double-quotes. If the arg is within single
-quotes, backquotes do not need to be escaped.
-I'm not really sure why I wouldn't just use single quotes in
-all cases, to avoid this entirely.
-  (let ((matcho (string-match "\\(.+\\)`\\(.+\\)" arg)))
-    (if matcho
-        (concat
-         (substring arg (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
-         "``"
-         (substring arg (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
-      arg)))
-(defun csharp-shell-invoke-shell-fn (fn arg)
-  "invokes a 1-arg CscompShell function, returns the result."
-  ;; need to use single-quotes here around the arg, because in
-  ;; some cases the arg can have double-quotes in it.
-  (let* ((escaped-arg (csharp-shell-escape-string-for-powershell arg)))
-    (csharp-shell-do-shell-fn (concat "[Ionic.Cscomp.Utilities]::" fn "(\'" 
escaped-arg "\')"))))
-;; Set the default DLL location at load time,
-;; if appropriate.
- csharp-shell-location-of-util-dll
- (setq csharp-shell-location-of-util-dll
-       (file-name-directory load-file-name)))
-(provide 'csharp-shell)
-;; End of csharp-shell.el
diff --git a/tfs.el b/tfs.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0dd16..0000000
--- a/tfs.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-;;; tfs.el --- MS Team Foundation Server commands for Emacs.
-;; Author     : Dino Chiesa <dpchiesa@hotmail.com>
-;; Version    : 0.2.6
-;; X-URL      : 
-;; Last saved : <2011-May-03 10:49:03>
-;; Copyright 2009-2010 Dino Chiesa
-;; Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
-;; This license governs use of the accompanying software, the tfs.el
-;; library ("the software"). If you use the software, you accept this
-;; license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the software.
-;; 1. Definitions
-;; The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and
-;; "distribution" have the same meaning here as under U.S. copyright
-;; law.
-;; A "contribution" is the original software, or any additions or
-;; changes to the software.
-;; A "contributor" is any person that distributes its contribution under
-;; this license.
-;; "Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read
-;; directly on its contribution.
-;; 2. Grant of Rights
-;; (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including
-;; the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor
-;; grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license
-;; to reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative works of its
-;; contribution, and distribute its contribution or any derivative works
-;; that you create.
-;; (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the
-;; license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor
-;; grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license under its
-;; licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale,
-;; import, and/or otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software
-;; or derivative works of the contribution in the software.
-;; 3. Conditions and Limitations
-;; (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to
-;; use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.
-;; (B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents
-;; that you claim are infringed by the software, your patent license
-;; from such contributor to the software ends automatically.
-;; (C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain
-;; all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are
-;; present in the software.
-;; (D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code
-;; form, you may do so only under this license by including a complete
-;; copy of this license with your distribution. If you distribute any
-;; portion of the software in compiled or object code form, you may only
-;; do so under a license that complies with this license.
-;; (E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using
-;; it. The contributors give no express warranties, guarantees or
-;; conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local
-;; laws which this license cannot change. To the extent permitted under
-;; your local laws, the contributors exclude the implied warranties of
-;; merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and
-;; non-infringement.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Basic steps to setup:
-;;   1. Place `tfs.el' in your `load-path'.
-;;   2. In your .emacs file:
-;;        (require 'tfs)
-;;        (setq tfs/tf-exe  "c:\\vs2008\\common7\\ide\\tf.exe")
-;;        (setq tfs/login "/login:domain\\userid,password")
-;;              -or-
-;;        (setq tfs/login (getenv "TFSLOGIN"))
-;;   3. also in your .emacs file:
-;;        set local or global key bindings for tfs commands.  like so:
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvo" 'tfs/checkout)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvi" 'tfs/checkin)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvp" 'tfs/properties)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvr" 'tfs/rename)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvg" 'tfs/get)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvh" 'tfs/history)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvu" 'tfs/undo)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvd" 'tfs/diff)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xv-" 'tfs/delete)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xv+" 'tfs/add)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvs" 'tfs/status)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xva" 'tfs/annotate)
-;;        (global-set-key  "\C-xvw" 'tfs/workitem)
-(defvar tfs/tf-exe  "c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 
-  "location of the tf.exe command.  Defaults to \"c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft 
Visual Studio 9.0\\common7\\ide\\tf.exe\"")
-(defvar tfs/tfpt-exe  "c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 
2008 Power Tools\\TFPT.exe"
-  "location of the tfpt.exe command.  Defaults to \"c:\\Program 
Files\\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2008 Power Tools\\TFPT.exe\"")
-(defvar tfs/login "/login:domain\\user,password"
-  "/login option for all TFS activity.")
-(defvar tfs/buffer-name "*TFS Messages*"
-  "name of buffer for TFS Messages")
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/checkout
-;; performs a TFS checkout on the file being visited by the current buffer.
-(defun tfs/checkout ()
-  "Performs a tf checkout (edit) on the file being visited by the current 
buffer.  Checkout happens only if the file is non-writable now. In other words 
checkout will fail if the local file is currently writable."
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (if (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name))
-          (let* ((exitcode nil)
-                 (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
-                 (command (list tfs/tf-exe "checkout" shortname)))
-            (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "checkout " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-            (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                                  (car command)
-                                  nil
-                                  tfs/buffer-name
-                                  nil
-                                  (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-            (if (equal exitcode 0)
-                (let ((is-flymake-enabled
-                       (and (fboundp 'flymake-mode)
-                            flymake-mode)))
-                  ;; disable
-                  (if is-flymake-enabled
-                      (flymake-mode-off))
-                ;; get the checked-out version - read from the disk file
-                (revert-buffer t t)
-                  (if is-flymake-enabled
-                      (flymake-mode-on)))
-              (error "Checkout of %s was unsuccessful (%S)" buffer-file-name 
-    (error "tfs/checkout: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/checkin
-;; performs a TFS checkin on the file being visited by the current buffer.
-(defun tfs/checkin ()
-  "perform a tf checkin on the file being visited by the current buffer.  
Checkin happens only if the file is writable now.  This function allows you to 
specify a checkin comment.  It checks in only the current file being visited - 
pending changes for any other files will not be checked in."
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (if (file-writable-p buffer-file-name)
-          (let* ((exitcode nil)
-                 (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
-                 (comment (read-string (format "Comment for %s: " shortname) 
nil nil nil))
-                 (command (list tfs/tf-exe "checkin" (format "/comment:%s" 
-                                buffer-file-name)))
-            (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "checkin " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-            (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                                  (car command)
-                                  nil
-                                  tfs/buffer-name
-                                  nil
-                                  (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-            (if (equal exitcode 0)
-                ;; revert to the (now) readonly version
-                (revert-buffer t t)
-              (error "Checkin of %s was unsuccessful (%S)" buffer-file-name 
-        (error "Cannot checkin %s : the file is not writable" 
-    (error "tfs/checkin: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/rename
-;; performs a TFS rename on the file being visited by the current buffer.
-(defun tfs/rename ()
-  "perform a tf rename on the file being visited by the current buffer.  If 
successful, it also renames the buffer to the new name.
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (let* (
-             (exitcode nil)
-             (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
-             (newname (read-string (format "New name for %s: " shortname) nil 
nil nil))
-             (command (list tfs/tf-exe "rename" shortname newname)))
-        (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "rename " shortname " " newname 
": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-        (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                              (car command)
-                              nil
-                              tfs/buffer-name
-                              nil
-                              (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-        (if (equal exitcode 0)
-            (set-visited-file-name newname)
-          (error "Rename of %s was unsuccessful (%S)" buffer-file-name 
-    (error "tfs/rename: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/add
-;; performs a TFS add on a file
-(defun tfs/add ()
-  "perform a tf add on the file being visited by the current buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (let* ((shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
-             (command (list tfs/tf-exe "add" shortname))
-             (exitcode nil))
-        (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "add " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-        (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                              (car command)
-                              nil
-                              tfs/buffer-name
-                              nil
-                              (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-        (if (equal exitcode 0)
-            ;; TODO: make this conditional on a verbose setting
-            ;; After using this package for a while, the Add is sort of
-            ;; opaque. Hard to know when it's done.  It's nice to get
-            ;; a confirmation message. The warm and fuzzy factor.
-            (message (format "Successful add of %s" buffer-file-name))
-          (error "Add of %s was unsuccessful (%S)" buffer-file-name exitcode)))
-    (error "tfs/add: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/delete
-;; performs a TFS delete on a file.
-(defun tfs/delete ()
-  "perform a tf delete on the file being visited by the current buffer. Kills 
the buffer if the delete is successful."
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (let ((command)
-            (exitcode nil)
-            (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
-        (if (y-or-n-p (concat "Really delete " shortname  "? "))
-            (progn
-              (setq command (list tfs/tf-exe
-                                   "delete"
-                                   shortname))
-              (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "delete " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-              (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                                    (car command)
-                                    nil
-                                    tfs/buffer-name
-                                    nil
-                                  (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-              (if (equal exitcode 0)
-                  (kill-buffer)
-                (error "Delete of %s was unsuccessful (%S)" buffer-file-name 
-    (error "tfs/delete: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/get
-;; performs a TFS get: retrieve a readonly copy of the specified file.
-(defun tfs/get ()
-  "perform a tf get on the specified file. Happens only when the file is not 
writable. "
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (let ((command (list tfs/tf-exe "get" buffer-file-name))
-            (exitcode nil)
-            (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
-        (if (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name))
-            (progn
-              ;;(tfs/prep-message-buffer)
-              (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "get " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-              (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                                    (car command)
-                                    nil
-                                    tfs/buffer-name
-                                    nil
-                                    (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-              (if (equal exitcode 0)
-                  ;; get the latest version
-                  (revert-buffer t t)
-                (error "Get of %s was unsuccessful (%S)" buffer-file-name 
-          (error "Will not get %s : the file is writable." shortname)))
-    (error "tfs/get: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/undo
-;; performs a TFS undo: discards pending changes for the specified file. 
Happens only when writable.
-(defun tfs/undo ()
-  "perform a tf undo on the specified file. Happens only when the file is 
writable. Confirms before discarding edits."
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (let ((command (list tfs/tf-exe "undo" buffer-file-name))
-            (exitcode nil)
-            (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
-        (if (file-writable-p buffer-file-name)
-            (if (y-or-n-p (concat "Discard current changes for " shortname  "? 
-                (progn
-                  (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "undo " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-                  (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                                        (car command)
-                                        nil
-                                        tfs/buffer-name
-                                        nil
-                                        (append (cdr command) (list 
-                  (if (equal exitcode 0)
-                      ;; get the checked-out (reverted) version
-                      (revert-buffer t t)
-                    (error "undo on %s was unsuccessful (%S)"
-                           buffer-file-name exitcode))))
-          (error "cannot undo %s : the file is not writable" shortname)))
-    (error "tfs/undo: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/history
-;; performs a TFS history: retrieve and display the TFS history of specified 
-(defun tfs/history ()
-  "perform a tf history on the specified file."
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (let* ((command (list tfs/tf-exe "history" "/format:detailed"
-                            buffer-file-name))
-             (exitcode nil)
-             (history-bufname (concat "*TFS-history* " buffer-file-name))
-             (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
-             (buffer (get-buffer-create history-bufname)))
-        (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer))
-        (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "history " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-        (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                              (car command)
-                              nil
-                              history-bufname
-                              nil
-                                  (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-        (if (equal exitcode 0)
-            (display-buffer history-bufname t)
-          (error "tf history of %s was unsuccessful (%S)" shortname exitcode)))
-    (error "tfs/history: No file")))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/properties
-;; gets information on the file being visited by the current buffer.
-;; displays that information in a new temp buffer.
-(defun tfs/properties ()
-  "Performs a tf properties: gets TFS properties of the current file. "
-  (interactive)
-  (tfs/action "properties" nil))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/action
-;; gets information on the file being visited by the current buffer.
-;; diff, properties, etc
-;; displays that information in a new temp buffer.
-(defun tfs/action (verb retcode)
-  "Performs a tf \"action\": gets a tf query for the current file. "
-  (interactive)
-  (if buffer-file-name
-      (let* ((command (list tfs/tf-exe verb buffer-file-name))
-             (exitcode nil)
-             (info-bufname (concat "*TFS-" verb "* " buffer-file-name))
-             (buffer (get-buffer-create info-bufname))
-             (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
-        (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer))
-        (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat verb  shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-        (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                              (car command)
-                              nil
-                              info-bufname
-                              nil
-                              (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-        (if (or (equal exitcode 0) (not (numberp retcode)) (equal exitcode 
-            (display-buffer info-bufname t)
-          (error (concat "Get TFS " verb " for %s was unsuccessful (%S)")
-                 buffer-file-name exitcode)))
-    (error "tfs/%s: No file" verb)))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/annotate
-(defun tfs/annotate ()
-  "Gets line-by-line annotation for the file being visited by the current 
buffer. Displays that information in the annotation viewer. This requires the 
TFPT.exe tool.  See 'tfs/tfpt-exe'."
-  (interactive)
-  (if (file-exists-p tfs/tfpt-exe)
-      (if buffer-file-name
-          (let* ((exitcode nil)
-                 (shortname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
-                 (command (list tfs/tfpt-exe "annotate" "/noprompt"
-                                shortname))
-                 (annotation-bufname (concat "*TFS annotation* " shortname))
-                 (buffer (get-buffer-create annotation-bufname)))
-            (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer))
-            (message "computing...")
-            ;;(message (apply 'concat command))
-            (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "annotate " shortname ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-            (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                                  (car command)
-                                  nil
-                                  annotation-bufname
-                                  nil
-                                  (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-            (if (equal exitcode 0)
-                (progn
-                  (display-buffer annotation-bufname t)
-                  (beginning-of-buffer-other-window 0))
-              (error "Get TFS properties for %s was unsuccessful (%S)"
-                     buffer-file-name exitcode)))
-        (error "tfs/annotate: No file"))
-    (error "%s does not exist. (have you set tfs/tfpt-exe?)"  tfs/tfpt-exe)))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/thinginfo
-(defun tfs/thinginfo (exe thing)
-  "Gets info on a workitem or changeset. This requires the TFPT.exe tool.  See 
-  (if (file-exists-p exe)
-          (let* ((exitcode nil)
-                 (guess (thing-at-point 'word))
-                 (item-number (read-string (concat thing ": ")  guess nil nil))
-                 (command (list exe thing item-number))
-                 (bufname (concat "*TFS " thing "* " item-number))
-                 (buffer (get-buffer-create bufname)))
-            (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer))
-            ;;(message (apply 'concat command))
-            (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat thing " " item-number ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-            (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                                  (car command)
-                                  nil
-                                  bufname
-                                  nil
-                                  (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-            (if (equal exitcode 0)
-                (progn
-                  (display-buffer bufname t)
-                  (beginning-of-buffer-other-window 0))
-              (error (concat "Get TFS " thing "%s was unsuccessful (%S)"
-                             item-number exitcode))))
-    (error "%s does not exist. (have you set tfs/tfpt-exe or tfs/tf-exe?)"  
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/workitem
-(defun tfs/workitem ()
-  "Gets info on a workitem. This requires the TFPT.exe tool.  See 
-  (interactive)
-  (tfs/thinginfo  tfs/tfpt-exe "workitem"))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/changeset
-(defun tfs/changeset ()
-  "Gets info on a changeset. This requires the TFPT.exe tool.  See 
-  (interactive)
-  (tfs/thinginfo tfs/tf-exe "changeset"))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/diff
-;; diff on the file being visited by the current buffer.
-(defun tfs/diff()
-  "Performs a tf diff on the current file. "
-  (interactive)
-  (tfs/action "diff" 100))
-;; -------------------------------------------------------
-;; tfs/status
-;; tf status.
-(defun tfs/status ()
-  "Performs a tf status. Displays the result in a buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((command (list tfs/tf-exe "status"))
-         (exitcode nil)
-         (status-bufname  "*TFS-status*")
-         (buffer (get-buffer-create status-bufname)))
-    (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer))
-    (tfs/append-to-message-buffer (concat "status" ": "
-                                                  (prin1-to-string command) 
-    (setq exitcode (apply 'call-process
-                          (car command)
-                          nil
-                          status-bufname
-                          nil
-                                  (append (cdr command) (list tfs/login))))
-    (if (equal exitcode 0)
-        (display-buffer status-bufname t)
-      (error "Get TFS status was unsuccessful (%S)" exitcode))))
-(defun tfs/prep-message-buffer ()
-  "scrolls the TFS Messages buffer to the end. Intended to be used by the 
tfs.el module internally, before appending content to the messages buffer."
-  (let ((buf (current-buffer))
-        (tfsbuffer (get-buffer-create tfs/buffer-name)))
-    (set-buffer tfsbuffer)
-    (goto-char (point-max))
-    (set-buffer buf)))
-(defun tfs/append-to-message-buffer (text)
-  "Append text to the TFS Messages buffer.  Intended for internal use only."
-  (let ((buf (current-buffer))
-        (tfsbuffer (get-buffer-create tfs/buffer-name)))
-    (set-buffer tfsbuffer)
-    (goto-char (point-max))
-    (insert text)
-    (set-buffer buf)))
-(provide 'tfs)

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