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[nongnu] elpa/apache-mode 51db0a0 03/23: Update list of directives for a

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/apache-mode 51db0a0 03/23: Update list of directives for apache 2.4
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 10:57:33 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/apache-mode
commit 51db0a0774f9697d160d01282790a0d9fcabb605
Author: dmaus <anybody@emacswiki.org>
Commit: Alex Schroeder <alex@gnu.org>

    Update list of directives for apache 2.4
 apache-mode.el | 457 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 335 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apache-mode.el b/apache-mode.el
index a4aaeb5..4579445 100644
--- a/apache-mode.el
+++ b/apache-mode.el
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
 ;; 2005-06-29 Kumar Appaiah <akumar_NOSPAM@ee.iitm.ac.in>
 ;;   use syntax table instead of font-lock-keywords to highlight comments.
+;; 2015-08-23 David Maus <dmaus@ictsoc.de>
+;;   update list of directives for Apache 2.4
 ;;; Code:
@@ -120,10 +123,8 @@
            "^[ \t]*"
            (regexp-opt '
-             "AcceptMutex"
+             "AcceptFilter"
-             "AccessConfig"
@@ -139,97 +140,147 @@
-             "AddModule"
-             "AgentLog"
-             "Allow from"
+             "AllowMethods"
+             "AllowOverrideList"
-             "Anonymous_Authoritative"
-             "AssignUserID"
-             "AuthAuthoritative"
-             "AuthDBAuthoritative"
-             "AuthDBGroupFile"
-             "AuthDBMAuthoritative"
+             "AsyncRequestWorkerFactor"
+             "AuthBasicAuthoritative"
+             "AuthBasicFake"
+             "AuthBasicProvider"
+             "AuthBasicUseDigestAlgorithm"
+             "AuthDBDUserPWQuery"
+             "AuthDBDUserRealmQuery"
-             "AuthDBUserFile"
-             "AuthDigestFile"
-             "AuthDigestGroupFile"
-             "AuthDigestNcCheck"
-             "AuthDigestNonceFormat"
+             "AuthDigestProvider"
+             "AuthFormAuthoritative"
+             "AuthFormBody"
+             "AuthFormDisableNoStore"
+             "AuthFormFakeBasicAuth"
+             "AuthFormLocation"
+             "AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation"
+             "AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation"
+             "AuthFormLogoutLocation"
+             "AuthFormMethod"
+             "AuthFormMimetype"
+             "AuthFormPassword"
+             "AuthFormProvider"
+             "AuthFormSitePassphrase"
+             "AuthFormSize"
+             "AuthFormUsername"
-             "AuthLDAPAuthoritative"
+             "AuthLDAPAuthorizePrefix"
+             "AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative"
+             "AuthLDAPCompareAsUser"
-             "AuthLDAPEnabled"
-             "AuthLDAPFrontPageHack"
+             "AuthLDAPInitialBindAsUser"
+             "AuthLDAPInitialBindPattern"
+             "AuthLDAPMaxSubGroupDepth"
+             "AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute"
+             "AuthLDAPSearchAsUser"
+             "AuthLDAPSubGroupAttribute"
+             "AuthLDAPSubGroupClass"
+             "AuthMerging"
+             "AuthnCacheContext"
+             "AuthnCacheEnable"
+             "AuthnCacheProvideFor"
+             "AuthnCacheSOCache"
+             "AuthnCacheTimeout"
+             "AuthnzFcgiCheckAuthnProvider"
+             "AuthnzFcgiDefineProvider"
-             "BS2000Account"
-             "BindAddress"
+             "AuthzDBDLoginToReferer"
+             "AuthzDBDQuery"
+             "AuthzDBDRedirectQuery"
+             "AuthzDBMType"
+             "AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure"
+             "BalancerGrowth"
+             "BalancerInherit"
+             "BalancerMember"
+             "BalancerPersist"
-             "CGIMapExtension"
+             "BufferedLogs"
+             "BufferSize"
+             "CacheDetailHeader"
-             "CacheExpiryCheck"
-             "CacheForceCompletion"
-             "CacheGcClean"
-             "CacheGcDaily"
-             "CacheGcInterval"
-             "CacheGcMemUsage"
-             "CacheGcUnused"
+             "CacheHeader"
+             "CacheIgnoreHeaders"
+             "CacheIgnoreQueryString"
+             "CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers"
+             "CacheKeyBaseURL"
+             "CacheLock"
+             "CacheLockMaxAge"
+             "CacheLockPath"
+             "CacheMinExpire"
+             "CacheQuickHandler"
+             "CacheReadSize"
+             "CacheReadTime"
-             "CacheSize"
-             "CacheTimeMargin"
+             "CacheSocache"
+             "CacheSocacheMaxSize"
+             "CacheSocacheMaxTime"
+             "CacheSocacheMinTime"
+             "CacheSocacheReadSize"
+             "CacheSocacheReadTime"
+             "CacheStaleOnError"
+             "CacheStoreExpired"
+             "CacheStoreNoStore"
+             "CacheStorePrivate"
+             "CGIDScriptTimeout"
+             "CGIMapExtension"
+             "CGIPassAuth"
+             "CheckCaseOnly"
-             "ChildPerUserID"
-             "ClearModuleList"
+             "ChrootDir"
-             "CookieLog"
@@ -237,153 +288,242 @@
+             "DavGenericLockDB"
+             "DBDExptime"
+             "DBDInitSQL"
+             "DBDKeep"
+             "DBDMax"
+             "DBDMin"
+             "DBDParams"
+             "DBDPersist"
+             "DBDPrepareSQL"
+             "DBDriver"
-             "DefaultMode"
+             "DefaultRuntimeDir"
+             "Define"
+             "DeflateInflateLimitRequestBody"
+             "DeflateInflateRatioBurst"
+             "DeflateInflateRatioLimit"
+             "DirectoryCheckHandler"
+             "DirectoryIndexRedirect"
-             "DocTitle"
-             "DocTrailer"
+             "DTracePrivileges"
+             "DumpIOInput"
+             "DumpIOOutput"
+             "Error"
+             "ErrorLogFormat"
+             "ExtendedStatus"
-             "ExtendedStatus"
-             "FancyIndexing"
+             "FallbackResource"
+             "FilterChain"
+             "FilterDeclare"
+             "FilterProtocol"
+             "FilterProvider"
+             "FilterTrace"
+             "GprofDir"
+             "GracefulShutdownTimeout"
-             "HTMLDir"
-             "HTTPLogFile"
-             "HeadPrefix"
-             "HeadSuffix"
-             "HideSys"
-             "HideURL"
-             "HostNameLookups"
+             "HeartbeatAddress"
+             "HeartbeatListen"
+             "HeartbeatMaxServers"
+             "HeartbeatStorage"
+             "HeartbeatStorage"
-             "ISAPIAppendLogToErrors"
-             "ISAPIAppendLogToQuery"
-             "ISAPICacheFile"
-             "ISAPIFakeAsync"
-             "ISAPILogNotSupported"
-             "ISAPIReadAheadBuffer"
+             "IdentityCheckTimeout"
+             "IncludeOptional"
+             "IndexHeadInsert"
+             "IndexIgnoreReset"
+             "IndexStyleSheet"
+             "InputSed"
+             "ISAPIAppendLogToErrors"
+             "ISAPIAppendLogToQuery"
+             "ISAPICacheFile"
+             "ISAPIFakeAsync"
+             "ISAPILogNotSupported"
+             "ISAPIReadAheadBuffer"
+             "KeptBodySize"
+             "LanguagePriority"
+             "LDAPConnectionPoolTTL"
+             "LDAPConnectionTimeout"
+             "LDAPLibraryDebug"
+             "LDAPReferralHopLimit"
+             "LDAPReferrals"
+             "LDAPRetries"
+             "LDAPRetryDelay"
-             "LDAPTrustedCA"
-             "LDAPTrustedCAType"
-             "LanguagePriority"
-             "LastURLs"
+             "LDAPTimeout"
+             "LDAPTrustedClientCert"
+             "LDAPTrustedGlobalCert"
+             "LDAPTrustedMode"
+             "LDAPVerifyServerCert"
-             "LimitRequestFieldsize"
+             "LimitRequestFieldSize"
-             "ListenBacklog"
+             "ListenBackLog"
-             "LockFile"
+             "LogIOTrackTTFB"
-             "MCacheMaxObjectCount"
-             "MCacheMaxObjectSize"
-             "MCacheMaxStreamingBuffer"
-             "MCacheMinObjectSize"
-             "MCacheRemovalAlgorithm"
-             "MCacheSize"
-             "MMapFile"
-             "MaxClients"
+             "LogMessage"
+             "LuaAuthzProvider"
+             "LuaCodeCache"
+             "LuaHookAccessChecker"
+             "LuaHookAuthChecker"
+             "LuaHookCheckUserID"
+             "LuaHookFixups"
+             "LuaHookInsertFilter"
+             "LuaHookLog"
+             "LuaHookMapToStorage"
+             "LuaHookTranslateName"
+             "LuaHookTypeChecker"
+             "LuaInherit"
+             "LuaInputFilter"
+             "LuaMapHandler"
+             "LuaOutputFilter"
+             "LuaPackageCPath"
+             "LuaPackagePath"
+             "LuaQuickHandler"
+             "LuaRoot"
+             "LuaScope"
+             "MaxConnectionsPerChild"
-             "MaxRequestsPerChild"
-             "MaxRequestsPerThread"
+             "MaxRangeOverlaps"
+             "MaxRangeReversals"
+             "MaxRanges"
+             "MaxRequestWorkers"
-             "MaxThreadsPerChild"
+             "MergeTrailers"
+             "MMapFile"
+             "ModemStandard"
-             "NWSSLTrustedCerts"
-             "NWSSLUpgradeable"
+             "Mutex"
-             "NoCache"
-             "NumServers"
+             "NWSSLTrustedCerts"
+             "NWSSLUpgradeable"
+             "OutputSed"
-             "Port"
-             "PrivateDir"
+             "PrivilegesMode"
+             "Protocol"
+             "ProxyAddHeaders"
+             "ProxyExpressDBMFile"
+             "ProxyExpressDBMType"
+             "ProxyExpressEnable"
+             "ProxyFtpDirCharset"
+             "ProxyFtpEscapeWildcards"
+             "ProxyFtpListOnWildcard"
+             "ProxyHTMLBufSize"
+             "ProxyHTMLCharsetOut"
+             "ProxyHTMLDocType"
+             "ProxyHTMLEnable"
+             "ProxyHTMLEvents"
+             "ProxyHTMLExtended"
+             "ProxyHTMLFixups"
+             "ProxyHTMLInterp"
+             "ProxyHTMLLinks"
+             "ProxyHTMLMeta"
+             "ProxyHTMLStripComments"
+             "ProxyHTMLURLMap"
+             "ProxyPassInherit"
+             "ProxyPassInterpolateEnv"
+             "ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain"
+             "ProxyPassReverseCookiePath"
+             "ProxySCGIInternalRedirect"
+             "ProxySCGISendfile"
+             "ProxySet"
+             "ProxySourceAddress"
+             "ProxyStatus"
-             "RLimitCPU"
-             "RLimitMEM"
-             "RLimitNPROC"
+             "ReceiveBufferSize"
-             "RefererIgnore"
-             "RefererLog"
+             "ReflectorHeader"
+             "RemoteIPHeader"
+             "RemoteIPInternalProxy"
+             "RemoteIPInternalProxyList"
+             "RemoteIPProxiesHeader"
+             "RemoteIPTrustedProxy"
+             "RemoteIPTrustedProxyList"
@@ -392,105 +532,178 @@
+             "RequestReadTimeout"
-             "ResourceConfig"
-             "RewriteLock"
-             "RewriteLog"
-             "RewriteLogLevel"
+             "RLimitCPU"
+             "RLimitMEM"
+             "RLimitNPROC"
+             "Satisfy"
+             "ScoreBoardFile"
+             "Script"
+             "ScriptAlias"
+             "ScriptAliasMatch"
+             "ScriptInterpreterSource"
+             "ScriptLog"
+             "ScriptLogBuffer"
+             "ScriptLogLength"
+             "ScriptSock"
+             "SecureListen"
+             "SeeRequestTail"
+             "SendBufferSize"
+             "ServerAdmin"
+             "ServerAlias"
+             "ServerLimit"
+             "ServerName"
+             "ServerPath"
+             "ServerRoot"
+             "ServerSignature"
+             "ServerTokens"
+             "Session"
+             "SessionCookieName"
+             "SessionCookieName2"
+             "SessionCookieRemove"
+             "SessionCryptoCipher"
+             "SessionCryptoDriver"
+             "SessionCryptoPassphrase"
+             "SessionCryptoPassphraseFile"
+             "SessionDBDCookieName"
+             "SessionDBDCookieName2"
+             "SessionDBDCookieRemove"
+             "SessionDBDDeleteLabel"
+             "SessionDBDInsertLabel"
+             "SessionDBDPerUser"
+             "SessionDBDSelectLabel"
+             "SessionDBDUpdateLabel"
+             "SessionEnv"
+             "SessionExclude"
+             "SessionHeader"
+             "SessionInclude"
+             "SessionMaxAge"
+             "SetEnv"
+             "SetEnvIf"
+             "SetEnvIfExpr"
+             "SetEnvIfNoCase"
+             "SetHandler"
+             "SetInputFilter"
+             "SetOutputFilter"
+             "SSIETag"
+             "SSILastModified"
+             "SSILegacyExprParser"
+             "SSLCADNRequestFile"
+             "SSLCADNRequestPath"
+             "SSLCARevocationCheck"
+             "SSLCompression"
+             "SSLCryptoDevice"
-             "SSLMutex"
+             "SSLFIPS"
+             "SSLHonorCipherOrder"
+             "SSLInsecureRenegotiation"
+             "SSLOCSPDefaultResponder"
+             "SSLOCSPEnable"
+             "SSLOCSPOverrideResponder"
+             "SSLOCSPResponderTimeout"
+             "SSLOCSPResponseMaxAge"
+             "SSLOCSPResponseTimeSkew"
+             "SSLOCSPUseRequestNonce"
+             "SSLOpenSSLConfCmd"
+             "SSLProxyCARevocationCheck"
+             "SSLProxyCheckPeerCN"
+             "SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire"
+             "SSLProxyCheckPeerName"
+             "SSLProxyMachineCertificateChainFile"
+             "SSLRenegBufferSize"
+             "SSLSessionTicketKeyFile"
+             "SSLSessionTickets"
+             "SSLSRPUnknownUserSeed"
+             "SSLSRPVerifierFile"
+             "SSLStaplingCache"
+             "SSLStaplingErrorCacheTimeout"
+             "SSLStaplingFakeTryLater"
+             "SSLStaplingForceURL"
+             "SSLStaplingResponderTimeout"
+             "SSLStaplingResponseMaxAge"
+             "SSLStaplingResponseTimeSkew"
+             "SSLStaplingReturnResponderErrors"
+             "SSLStaplingStandardCacheTimeout"
+             "SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck"
+             "SSLUserName"
+             "SSLUseStapling"
-             "Satisfy"
-             "ScoreBoardFile"
-             "Script"
-             "ScriptAlias"
-             "ScriptAliasMatch"
-             "ScriptInterpreterSource"
-             "ScriptLog"
-             "ScriptLogBuffer"
-             "ScriptLogLength"
-             "ScriptSock"
-             "SecureListen"
-             "SendBufferSize"
-             "ServerAdmin"
-             "ServerAlias"
-             "ServerLimit"
-             "ServerName"
-             "ServerPath"
-             "ServerRoot"
-             "ServerSignature"
-             "ServerTokens"
-             "ServerType"
-             "SetEnv"
-             "SetEnvIf"
-             "SetEnvIfNoCase"
-             "SetHandler"
-             "SetInputFilter"
-             "SetOutputFilter"
+             "Substitute"
+             "SubstituteMaxLineLength"
+             "Suexec"
-             "ThreadStackSize"
+             "ThreadStackSize"
-             "TopSites"
-             "TopURLs"
+             "TraceEnable"
+             "UnDefine"
+             "UndefMacro"
+             "Use"
+             "UseCanonicalPhysicalPort"
+             "VHostCGIMode"
+             "VHostCGIPrivs"
+             "VHostGroup"
+             "VHostPrivs"
+             "VHostSecure"
+             "VHostUser"
-             "Win32DisableAcceptEx"
+             "WatchdogInterval"
-             "deny"
-             "order"
-             "require"
+             "xml2EncAlias"
+             "xml2EncDefault"
+             "xml2StartParse"
           1 'font-lock-keyword-face)

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