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[nongnu] elpa/gnuplot c2aedf8 111/184: Add ERT tests to check comment an

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/gnuplot c2aedf8 111/184: Add ERT tests to check comment and string syntax.
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:03:26 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/gnuplot
commit c2aedf8cc5dd1f85e251c2d41b22b04bef051389
Author: joddie <jonxfield@gmail.com>
Commit: joddie <jonxfield@gmail.com>

    Add ERT tests to check comment and string syntax.
    Hopefully, these will prevent any regression when replacing the ad-hoc
    syntax-scanning algorithm with `syntax-propertize` (#19)
 gnuplot-tests.el | 251 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 251 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gnuplot-tests.el b/gnuplot-tests.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c4e9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuplot-tests.el
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+;;; Tests for gnuplot-mode.
+;;; Currently these attempt to cover the correct identification of
+;;; string and comment syntax.
+(require 'gnuplot)
+(require 'ert)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Hide an annoying interactive message during batch testing
+(when (require 'nadvice nil t)
+  (advice-add
+   'message
+   :around
+   (lambda (orig-message format-string &rest args)
+     (unless (string= format-string
+                      "gnuplot-mode %s (gnuplot %s) -- report bugs with %S")
+       (apply orig-message format-string args)))))
+  (defvar gnuplot-string-test-contexts
+    '("%s"
+      "print %s"
+      "print %s, 2+3"
+      "print %s, 'another string'"
+      "print %s, \"another string\""
+      "print 'another string', %s"
+      "\"double-quoted string\" %s"
+      "\"double-quoted string\"%s"
+      "%s \"double-quoted string\""
+      "%s\"double-quoted string\""
+      "'single-quoted string' %s"
+      "%s 'single-quoted string'"
+      "'single-quoted string' %s 'single-quoted string'")))
+(defun gnuplot-test-string-in-context (string context)
+  "Test syntax-propertizing of STRING in CONTEXT in gnuplot-mode.
+STRING contains text representing a Gnuplot string literal.
+CONTEXT is a context is a context to place the literal within,
+represented by a format-string with a single %s placeholder.
+Returns non-nil if STRING is correctly recognised as a single
+string by `scan-sexps'."
+  (pcase-let
+      ((`(,prologue ,epilogue) (split-string context "%s")))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (gnuplot-mode)
+      (let (start end)
+        (save-excursion
+          (insert prologue)
+          (setq start (point))
+          (insert string)
+          (setq end (point))
+          (insert epilogue))
+        (syntax-propertize (point-max))
+        (string= (buffer-substring start (scan-sexps start 1))
+                 string)))))
+(defmacro gnuplot-test-string (name string)
+  "Define an `ert' test to check syntax recognition of STRING in gnuplot-mode.
+The test checks that STRING is correctly recognised as a single
+string-literal in multiple different contexts, as determined by
+  (declare (indent 1))
+  `(ert-deftest ,name ()
+     ,string
+     ,@(cl-loop for context in gnuplot-string-test-contexts
+                collect
+                `(should (gnuplot-test-string-in-context ,string ,context)))))
+;;;; Tests for double-quoted strings
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-string
+  "\"double-quoted string\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-with-single-quotes
+  "\"double-quoted 'with single quotes' embedded\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-with-single-quotes-2
+  "\"'single quotes inside double quotes'\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-escapes
+  "\"double-quoted \\\\ string \\\" with embedded \\\" escapes\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-escapes-2
+  "\"escaped quote before closing quote \\\"\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-escapes-3
+  "\"escaped backslash before closing quote \\\\\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-escapes-4
+  "\"\\\" escaped quote after opening quote\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-escapes-5
+  "\"\\\\ escaped backslash after opening quote\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-escapes-6
+  "\"\\\\\\\" escaped backslashes + escaped quotes (1) \\\\\\\"\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-empty
+  "\"\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-string-containing-escaped-quotes
+  "\"\\\"\\\"\"")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-newline-terminated-double-quoted-string
+  "\"newline-terminated
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-double-quoted-with-embedded-newlines
+  "\"string \\
+ with embedded \\
+  ;; with newlines
+  "\"newline-terminated string \\
+ with newlines
+;;;; Tests for single-quoted strings
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-strings
+  "'single-quoted string'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-empty
+  "''")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-with-double-quotes
+  "'a single-quoted string \"containing a double-quoted string\"'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-quotes
+  "'embedded '' quote '' characters'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-quotes-2
+  "'embedded '' quote '' characters'''")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-quotes-3
+  "' '''")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-backslashes
+  "'embedded \\ backslashes \\'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-backslashes-2
+  "'multiple \\ embedded \\\\ backslashes \\\\\\'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-trailing-backslash
+  "'trailing backslash\\'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-newline-terminated
+  "'newline terminated\n")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-newline-terminated-quotes
+  "'embedded '' escapes \\ ending at newline ''\n")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-embedded-newlines
+  "'string \\\n with embedded \\\nnewlines'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-embedded-newlines-backslashes
+  "'string \\\\\n with \\\\\\\n multiple \\\\\\\\\n backslashes'")
+(gnuplot-test-string gnuplot-single-quoted-newline-terminated-embedded-newline
+  "'newline-terminated string \\\n with newlines\n")
+;;;; Comment syntax
+  (defvar gnuplot-comment-test-contexts
+    '("%s"
+      "\n%s"
+      "\n\n%s\n\n"
+      "print 'single-quoted string' %s"
+      "print \"double-quoted string\" %s"
+      "print 'single-quoted string # with hash mark' %s"
+      "print \"double-quoted string # with hash mark\" %s"
+      "plot sin(x), cos(x) %s"
+      "plot sin(x)
+plot cos(x)"
+      "# one-line comment
+      "# multi-line \\
+    "List of contexts in which to test syntax recognition of comments."))
+(defun gnuplot-test-comment-in-context (comment context)
+  "Non-nil if COMMENT is correctly recognised within CONTEXT in gnuplot-mode."
+  (pcase-let
+      ((`(,prologue ,epilogue) (split-string context "%s")))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (gnuplot-mode)
+      (let (start end)
+        (save-excursion
+          (insert prologue)
+          (setq start (point))
+          (insert comment)
+          (setq end (point))
+          (insert epilogue))
+        (syntax-propertize (point-max))
+        (goto-char (1+ start))
+        (cl-flet ((in-comment-p (position)
+                    (nth 4 (syntax-ppss position))))
+          (and
+           (not (in-comment-p start))
+           (cl-loop for position from (1+ start) upto end
+                    always (in-comment-p position))
+           (or (= end (point-max))
+               (not (in-comment-p (1+ end))))))))))
+(defmacro gnuplot-test-comment (name comment)
+  "Define an `ert' test to check syntax recognition of COMMENT in gnuplot-mode.
+The test checks that STRING is correctly recognised as a single
+string-literal in multiple different contexts, as determined by
+  (declare (indent 1))
+  `(ert-deftest ,name ()
+     ,comment
+     ,@(cl-loop for context in gnuplot-comment-test-contexts
+                collect
+                `(should (gnuplot-test-comment-in-context ,comment 
+(gnuplot-test-comment gnuplot-comment-simple
+  "# a simple one-line comment")
+(gnuplot-test-comment gnuplot-comment-multiline
+  "# a comment\
+continued \
+over multiple lines")
+(gnuplot-test-comment gnuplot-comment-with-hashes
+  "# a comment # with more # hash # characters #")
+(gnuplot-test-comment gnuplot-comment-multiline-with-hashes
+  "# a comment \
+# continued # over \
+mutliple # lines #")
+(gnuplot-test-comment gnuplot-comment-with-single-quotes
+  "# a comment 'containing a single-quoted string'")
+(gnuplot-test-comment gnuplot-comment-with-single-quotes
+  "# a comment \"containing a double-quoted string\"")
+(gnuplot-test-comment gnuplot-comment-multiline-with-quotes
+  "# a continued \
+'comment' \
+\"containing strings\"")

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