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[nongnu] elpa/dart-mode 8f972c0 097/192: Add support for finding referen

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/dart-mode 8f972c0 097/192: Add support for finding references
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:01:58 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/dart-mode
commit 8f972c0ebdd036909cfe4504fede01b8f9be4681
Author: Natalie Weizenbaum <nex342@gmail.com>
Commit: Natalie Weizenbaum <nex342@gmail.com>

    Add support for finding references
 CHANGELOG.md |   3 ++
 README.md    |   8 ++++
 dart-mode.el | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 277544e..8691acf 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -6,5 +6,8 @@
 * Added a `dart-goto` command bound to `C-c C-g` which takes the user to the
   definition of the Dart API under the cursor.
+* Added a `dart-find-refs` command bound to `C-c C-f` which shows a list of
+  references to the Dart API under the cursor.
 * `dart-executable-path`'s default value is now set correctly even if the
   executable named `dart` on the user's path is a symlink or a wrapper script.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5c79c34..46f3681 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
   * [Error Checking](#error-checking)
   * [Seeing Information](#seeing-information)
   * [Navigation](#navigation)
+  * [Search](#search)
 ## Installation
@@ -53,3 +54,10 @@ When your cursor is on an identifier, you can press `C-c 
C-g` to go to the exact
 location that identifier was originally defined. This can even take you to the
 Dart SDK's sources, or to packages that your library imports. Be careful when
 you're there, though: any edits may corrupt your package cache!
+### Search
+You can search for all references to the identifier under your cursor by
+pressing `C-c C-f`. This will show you everywhere a method, getter, or setter 
+called; everywhere a class is used as a type, constructed, or has static 
+called on it; everywhere a named argument is passed; and so on.
diff --git a/dart-mode.el b/dart-mode.el
index d6aa345..7fb0a13 100644
--- a/dart-mode.el
+++ b/dart-mode.el
@@ -180,13 +180,17 @@ FIELDS may be either identifiers or (ELISP-IDENTIFIER 
 (defun dart--property-string (text prop value)
-  "Returns a copy of TEXT with PROP set to VALUE."
-  (let ((copy (substring text 0)))
+  "Returns a copy of TEXT with PROP set to VALUE.
+Converts TEXT to a string if it's not already."
+  (let ((copy (substring (format "%s" text) 0)))
     (put-text-property 0 (length copy) prop value copy)
 (defun dart--face-string (text face)
-  "Returns a copy of TEXT with its font face set to FACE."
+  "Returns a copy of TEXT with its font face set to FACE.
+Converts TEXT to a string if it's not already."
   (dart--property-string text 'face face))
 (defmacro dart--fontify-excursion (face &rest body)
@@ -414,6 +418,7 @@ Any stderr is logged using dart-log. Returns nil if the 
exit code is non-0."
   "Keymap used in dart-mode buffers.")
 (define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c ?") 'dart-show-hover)
 (define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-g") 'dart-goto)
+(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-f") 'dart-find-refs)
 ;;; CC indentation support
@@ -734,6 +739,12 @@ server sends a response to a request, it tags the response 
with the ID of the
 request.  We look up the callback for the request in this alist and run it with
 the JSON decoded server response.")
+(defvar dart--analysis-server-subscriptions nil
+  "An alist of event names to lists of callbacks to be called for those events.
+These callbacks take the event object and an opaque subcription
+object which can be passed to `dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe'.")
 (defun dart-info (msg)
   "Logs MSG to the dart log if `dart-debug' is non-nil."
   (when dart-debug (dart-log msg)))
@@ -927,17 +938,48 @@ the callback for that request is given the json decoded 
 (defun dart--analysis-server-handle-msg (msg)
   "Handle the parsed MSG from the analysis server."
-  (-when-let* ((id-assoc (assoc 'id msg))
-               (raw-id (cdr id-assoc))
-               (id (string-to-number raw-id)))
-    (-if-let (resp-closure (assoc id dart--analysis-server-callbacks))
-        (progn
-          (setq dart--analysis-server-callbacks
-                (assq-delete-all id dart--analysis-server-callbacks))
-          (funcall (cdr resp-closure) msg))
-      (-if-let (err (assoc 'error msg))
-          (dart--analysis-server-on-error-callback msg)
-        (dart-info (format "No callback was associated with id %s" raw-id))))))
+  (-if-let* ((raw-id (cdr (assoc 'id msg)))
+             (id (string-to-number raw-id)))
+      ;; This is a response to a request, so we should invoke a callback in
+      ;; dart--analysis-server-callbacks.
+      (-if-let (resp-closure (assoc id dart--analysis-server-callbacks))
+          (progn
+            (setq dart--analysis-server-callbacks
+                  (assq-delete-all id dart--analysis-server-callbacks))
+            (funcall (cdr resp-closure) msg))mode
+        (-if-let (err (assoc 'error msg))
+            (dart--analysis-server-on-error-callback msg)
+          (dart-info (format "No callback was associated with id %s" raw-id))))
+    ;; This is a notification, so we should invoke callbacks in
+    ;; dart--analysis-server-subscriptions.
+    (-when-let* ((event (cdr (assoc 'event msg)))
+                 (params (cdr (assoc 'params msg)))
+                 (callbacks (cdr (assoc event 
+      (dolist (callback callbacks)
+        (let ((subscription (cons event callback)))
+          (apply callback params subscription nil))))))
+(defun dart--analysis-server-subscribe (event callback)
+  "Registers CALLBACK to be called for each EVENT of the given type.
+CALLBACK should take two parameters: the event object and an
+opaque subscription object that can be passed to
+`dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe'. Returns the same opaque
+subscription object."
+  (-if-let (cell (assoc event dart--analysis-server-subscriptions))
+      (nconc cell (list callback))
+    (push (cons event (list callback)) dart--analysis-server-subscriptions))
+  (cons event callback))
+(defun dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe (subscription)
+  "Unregisters the analysis server SUBSCRIPTION.
+SUBSCRIPTION is an opaque object provided by
+  (let ((event (car subscription))
+        (callback (cdr subscription)))
+    (delq callback (assoc event dart--analysis-server-subscriptions))))
 ;;;; Flycheck Error Reporting
@@ -1155,6 +1197,86 @@ minibuffer."
                (goto-char (+ 1 offset))
                (dart--flash-highlight offset length)))))))))
+;;;; Search
+(defun dart-find-refs (pos &optional include-potential)
+  (interactive "dP")
+  (-when-let (filename (buffer-file-name))
+    (dart--analysis-server-send
+     "search.findElementReferences"
+     `(("file" . ,filename)
+       ("offset" . ,pos)
+       ("includePotential" . ,(or include-potential json-false)))
+     (lambda (response)
+       (-when-let (result (cdr (assoc 'result response)))
+         (lexical-let* (buffer
+                        (search-id (cdr (assoc 'id result))))
+           (with-current-buffer-window
+            "*Dart Search*" nil nil
+            (setq buffer (current-buffer))
+            (lexical-let* ((element (cdr (assoc 'element result)))
+                           (name (cdr (assoc 'name element)))
+                           (location (cdr (assoc 'location element))))
+              (insert "References to ")
+              (insert-button
+               name
+               'action (lambda (_) (dart--goto-location location)))
+              (insert ":\n\n"))
+            (dart--analysis-server-subscribe
+             "search.results"
+             (lambda (event subscription)
+               (with-current-buffer buffer
+                 (dart--json-let event (id results (is-last isLast))
+                   (when (equal id search-id)
+                     (when (eq is-last t)
+                       (dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe subscription))
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (goto-char (point-max))
+                       (loop
+                        for result across results
+                        do (lexical-let* ((location (cdr (assoc 'location 
+                                          (path (cdr (assoc 'path result))))
+                             (let ((start (point))
+                                   (buffer-read-only nil))
+                               (dart--fontify-excursion '(compilation-info 
+                                 (when (cl-some
+                                        (lambda (element)
+                                          (equal (cdr (assoc 'kind element)) 
+                                        path)
+                                   (insert "new "))
+                                 (insert
+                                  (loop for element across path
+                                        unless (member (cdr (assoc 'kind 
+                                                       '("COMPILATION_UNIT" 
+                                        unless (string-empty-p (cdr (assoc 
'name element)))
+                                        collect (cdr (assoc 'name element)) 
into names
+                                        finally return (mapconcat 'identity 
(reverse names) ".")))
+                                 (make-text-button
+                                  start (point)
+                                  'action (lambda (_) (dart--goto-location 
+                               (let ((file (cdr (assoc 'file location)))
+                                     (line (cdr (assoc 'startLine location)))
+                                     (column (cdr (assoc 'startColumn 
+                                 (insert " " file ":"
+                                         (dart--face-string line 
'compilation-line-number) ":"
+                                         (dart--face-string column 
'compilation-column-number) ?\n))))))))))))
+               (select-window (get-buffer-window buffer))
+               (forward-line 2)))))))
+(defun dart--goto-location (location)
+  "Sends the user to the analysis server LOCATION."
+  (dart--json-let location (file offset length)
+    (find-file file)
+    (goto-char (+ 1 offset))
+    (dart--flash-highlight offset length)))
 ;;; Formatting
 (defcustom dartfmt-command "dartfmt"

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