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[nongnu] elpa/dart-mode c568118 175/192: Move dart server code to a sepa

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/dart-mode c568118 175/192: Move dart server code to a separate repo
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:02:12 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/dart-mode
commit c5681185359c7db54756d7935de421da8eef37c7
Author: Brady Trainor <mail@bradyt.net>
Commit: Brady Trainor <mail@bradyt.net>

    Move dart server code to a separate repo
 dart-mode.el | 1484 +---------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1478 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dart-mode.el b/dart-mode.el
index ade34ad..4bc33dd 100644
--- a/dart-mode.el
+++ b/dart-mode.el
@@ -1,315 +1,28 @@
 ;;; dart-mode.el --- Major mode for editing Dart files -*- lexical-binding: t; 
-;; Author: Natalie Weizenbaum
-;;      Brady Trainor <mail@bradyt.com>
-;; Maintainer: Brady Trainor <mail@bradyt.com>
+;; Author: Brady Trainor <mail@bradyt.net>
 ;; URL: https://github.com/bradyt/dart-mode
 ;; Version: 1.0.4
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.5") (cl-lib "0.5") (dash "2.10.0") (flycheck 
"0.23") (s "1.10"))
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
 ;; Keywords: languages
-;; Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
-;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; This file contains several functions and variables adapted from the
-;; code in https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el
-;; Definitions adapted from go-mode.el are
-;; gofmt-command gofmt-args gofmt-show-errors gofmt go--apply-rcs-patch
-;; gofmt--kill-error-buffer gofmt--process-errors gofmt-before-save
-;; go--goto-line go--delete-whole-line
-;; go-mode.el uses this license:
-;; Copyright (c) 2014 The go-mode Authors. All rights reserved.
-;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-;; met:
-;;    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-;;    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-;; in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-;; distribution.
-;;    * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
-;; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-;; this software without specific prior written permission.
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Major mode for editing Dart files.
-;; Provides basic syntax highlighting and indentation. Also provides
-;; formatting via the dartfmt and diff executables.
+;; Provides basic syntax highlighting and indentation.
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'compile)
-(require 'dash)
- (require 'flycheck))
-(require 'help-mode)
-(require 'json)
-(require 'rx)
-(require 's)
-(require 'subr-x)
-;;; Utility functions and macros
-(defun dart-beginning-of-statement ()
-  "Moves to the beginning of a Dart statement.
-Unlike `c-beginning-of-statement', this handles maps correctly
-and will move to the top level of a bracketed statement."
-  (while
-      (progn
-        (back-to-indentation)
-        (while (eq (char-after) ?})
-          (forward-char)
-          (forward-sexp -1)
-          (back-to-indentation))
-        (when (not (dart--beginning-of-statement-p)) (forward-line -1)))))
-(defun dart--beginning-of-statement-p ()
-  "Returns whether the point is at the beginning of a statement.
-Statements are assumed to begin on their own lines. This returns
-true for positions before the start of the statement, but on its line."
-  (and
-   (save-excursion
-     (skip-syntax-forward " ")
-     (not (or (bolp) (eq (char-after) ?}))))
-   (save-excursion
-     (skip-syntax-backward " ")
-     (when (bolp)
-       (cl-loop do (forward-char -1)
-             while (looking-at "^ *$"))
-       (skip-syntax-backward " ")
-       (cl-case (char-before)
-         ((?} ?\;) t))))))
-(defun dart--delete-whole-line (&optional arg)
-  "Delete the current line without putting it in the `kill-ring'.
-Derived from function `kill-whole-line'.  ARG is defined as for that
-  (setq arg (or arg 1))
-  (if (and (> arg 0)
-           (eobp)
-           (save-excursion (forward-visible-line 0) (eobp)))
-      (signal 'end-of-buffer nil))
-  (if (and (< arg 0)
-           (bobp)
-           (save-excursion (end-of-visible-line) (bobp)))
-      (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil))
-  (cond ((zerop arg)
-         (delete-region (progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
-                        (progn (end-of-visible-line) (point))))
-        ((< arg 0)
-         (delete-region (progn (end-of-visible-line) (point))
-                        (progn (forward-visible-line (1+ arg))
-                               (unless (bobp)
-                                 (backward-char))
-                               (point))))
-        (t
-         (delete-region (progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
-                        (progn (forward-visible-line arg) (point))))))
-(defconst dart--identifier-re
-  "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*"
-  "A regular expression that matches keywords.")
-(defun dart--forward-identifier ()
-  "Moves the point forward through a Dart identifier."
-  (when (looking-at dart--identifier-re)
-    (goto-char (match-end 0))))
-(defun dart--kill-buffer-and-window (buffer)
-  "Kills BUFFER, and its window if it has one.
-This is different than `kill-buffer' because, if the buffer has a
-window, it respects the `quit-restore' window parameter. See
-`quit-window' for details."
-  (-if-let (window (get-buffer-window buffer))
-      (quit-window t window)
-    (kill-buffer buffer)))
-(defun dart--get (alist &rest keys)
-  "Recursively calls `cdr' and `assoc' on ALIST with KEYS.
-Returns the value rather than the full alist cell."
-  (--reduce-from (cdr (assoc it acc)) alist keys))
-(defmacro dart--json-let (json fields &rest body)
-  "Assigns variables named FIELDS to the corresponding fields in JSON.
-FIELDS may be either identifiers or (ELISP-IDENTIFIER JSON-IDENTIFIER) pairs."
-  (declare (indent 2))
-  (let ((json-value (make-symbol "json")))
-    `(let ((,json-value ,json))
-       (let ,(--map (if (symbolp it)
-                        `(,it (dart--get ,json-value ',it))
-                      (-let [(variable key) it]
-                        `(,variable (dart--get ,json-value ',key))))
-                    fields)
-         ,@body))))
-(defun dart--property-string (text prop value)
-  "Returns a copy of TEXT with PROP set to VALUE.
-Converts TEXT to a string if it's not already."
-  (let ((copy (substring (format "%s" text) 0)))
-    (put-text-property 0 (length copy) prop value copy)
-    copy))
-(defun dart--face-string (text face)
-  "Returns a copy of TEXT with its font face set to FACE.
-Converts TEXT to a string if it's not already."
-  (dart--property-string text 'face face))
-(defmacro dart--fontify-excursion (face &rest body)
-  "Applies FACE to the region moved over by BODY."
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  (-let [start (make-symbol "start")]
-    `(-let [,start (point)]
-       ,@body
-       (put-text-property ,start (point) 'face ,face))))
-(defun dart--flash-highlight (offset length)
-  "Briefly highlights the text defined by OFFSET and LENGTH.
-OFFSET and LENGTH are expected to come from the analysis server,
-rather than Elisp."
-  (-let [overlay (make-overlay (+ 1 offset) (+ 1 offset length))]
-    (overlay-put overlay 'face 'highlight)
-    (run-at-time "1 sec" nil (lambda () (delete-overlay overlay)))))
-(defun dart--read-file (filename)
-  "Returns the contents of FILENAME."
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert-file-contents filename)
-    (buffer-string)))
-(defmacro dart--with-temp-file (name-variable &rest body)
-  "Creates a temporary file for the duration of BODY.
-Assigns the filename to NAME-VARIABLE. Doesn't change the current buffer.
-Returns the value of the last form in BODY."
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  `(-let [,name-variable (make-temp-file "dart-mode.")]
-     (unwind-protect
-         (progn ,@body)
-       (delete-file ,name-variable))))
-(defun dart--run-process (executable &rest args)
-  "Runs EXECUTABLE with ARGS synchronously.
-  (dart--with-temp-file stderr-file
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (-let [exit-code
-             (apply #'call-process
-                    executable nil (list t stderr-file) nil args)]
-        (list
-         (buffer-string)
-         (dart--read-file stderr-file)
-         exit-code)))))
-(defun dart--try-process (executable &rest args)
-  "Like `dart--run-process', but only returns stdout.
-Any stderr is logged using dart-log. Returns nil if the exit code is non-0."
-  (-let [result (apply #'dart--run-process executable args)]
-    (unless (string-empty-p (nth 1 result))
-      (dart-log (format "Error running %S:\n%s" (cons executable args) (nth 1 
-    (if (eq (nth 2 result) 0) (nth 0 result))))
-(defvar dart--do-it-again-callback nil
-  "A callback to call when `dart-do-it-again' is invoked.
-Only set in `dart-popup-mode'.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'dart--do-it-again-callback)
-;;; General configuration
-(defcustom dart-sdk-path
-  ;; Use Platform.resolvedExecutable so that this logic works through symlinks
-  ;; and wrapper scripts.
-  (-when-let (dart (or (executable-find "dart")
-                       (let ((flutter (executable-find "flutter")))
-                         (when flutter
-                           (expand-file-name "cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart"
-                                             (file-name-directory flutter))))))
-    (dart--with-temp-file input
-      (with-temp-file input (insert "
-        import 'dart:io';
-        void main() {
-          print(Platform.resolvedExecutable);
-        }
-        "))
-      (-when-let (result (dart--try-process dart input))
-        (file-name-directory
-         (directory-file-name
-          (file-name-directory (string-trim result)))))))
-  "The absolute path to the root of the Dart SDK."
-  :group 'dart-mode
-  :type 'directory
-  :package-version '(dart-mode . "1.0.0"))
-(defun dart-executable-path ()
-  "The absolute path to the 'dart' executable.
-Returns nil if `dart-sdk-path' is nil."
-  (when dart-sdk-path
-    (concat dart-sdk-path
-            (file-name-as-directory "bin")
-            (if (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
-                "dart.exe"
-              "dart"))))
 ;;; Configuration
 (defvar dart-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
   "Keymap used in dart-mode buffers.")
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c ?") 'dart-show-hover)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-g") 'dart-goto)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-f") 'dart-find-refs)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'dart-find-member-decls)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-r") 'dart-find-member-refs)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-t") 'dart-find-top-level-decls)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-o") 'dart-format)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "M-/") 'dart-expand)
-(define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "M-?") 'dart-expand-parameters)
 (define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "<backtab>") 'dart-dedent-simple)
 (define-key dart-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'indent-according-to-mode)
-;;; Indentation support
+;;; Indentation
 (defcustom dart-indent-trigger-commands
   '(indent-for-tab-command yas-expand yas/expand dart-dedent-simple)
@@ -380,7 +93,7 @@ indentation levels from right to left."
-;;; Additional fontification support
+;;; Fontification
 (defvar dart--file-directives
   '("as" "deferred" "export" "hide" "import" "library" "of" "part"
@@ -828,1183 +541,6 @@ strings."
               (put-text-property pt (1+ pt) 'syntax-table (string-to-syntax 
".") nil)))
           (goto-char eos))))))
-(defun dart-fontify-region (beg end)
-  "Use fontify the region between BEG and END as Dart.
-This will overwrite fontification due to strings and comments."
-  (->
-   (-let [font-lock-dont-widen t]
-     (narrow-to-region (- beg 1) end)
-     ;; font-lock-fontify-region apparently isn't inclusive,
-     ;; so we have to move the beginning back one char
-     (font-lock-fontify-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-   save-excursion save-match-data save-restriction))
-(defun dart-limited-forward-sexp (limit &optional arg)
-  "Move forward using `forward-sexp' or to limit,
-whichever comes first."
-  (let (forward-sexp-function)
-    (condition-case err
-        (save-restriction
-          (narrow-to-region (point) limit)
-          (forward-sexp arg))
-      (scan-error
-       (unless (equal (nth 1 err) "Unbalanced parentheses")
-         (signal 'scan-error (cdr err)))
-       (goto-char limit)))))
-(defun dart-highlight-interpolation (limit)
-  "Highlight interpolation (${foo})."
-  (-let [start (point)]
-    (when (re-search-forward "\\(\\${\\)" limit t)
-      (if (elt (parse-partial-sexp start (point)) 3) ; in a string
-          (save-match-data
-            (forward-char -1)
-            (-let [beg (point)]
-              (dart-limited-forward-sexp limit)
-              (dart-fontify-region (+ 1 beg) (point)))
-            ;; Highlight the end of the interpolation.
-            (when (eq (char-before) ?})
-              (put-text-property (- (point) 1) (point) 'face 
-            t)
-        (looking-at "\\<\\>")))))
-;;; Boilerplate font-lock piping
-(defcustom dart-font-lock-extra-types nil
-  "*List of extra types (aside from the type keywords) to recognize in DART 
-Each list item should be a regexp matching a single identifier."
-  :group 'dart-mode
-  :type '(list regexp))
-;;; Dart analysis server
-    (dart--analysis-server
-     (:constructor dart--make-analysis-server))
-  "Struct containing data for an instance of a Dart analysis server.
-The slots are:
-- `process': the process of the running server.
-- `buffer': the buffer where responses from the server are written."
-  process buffer)
-(defgroup dart-mode nil
-  "Major mode for editing Dart code."
-  :group 'languages)
-(defvar dart-debug nil
-  "If non-nil, enables writing debug messages for dart-mode.")
-(defcustom dart-enable-analysis-server nil
-  "If non-nil, enables support for Dart analysis server.
-The Dart analysis server adds support for error checking, code completion,
-navigation, and more."
-  :group 'dart-mode
-  :type 'boolean
-  :package-version '(dart-mode . "0.12"))
-(defvar dart--analysis-server nil
-  "The instance of the Dart analysis server we are communicating with.")
-(defun dart--analysis-server-snapshot-path ()
-  "The absolute path to the snapshot file that runs the Dart analysis server."
-  (when dart-sdk-path
-    (concat dart-sdk-path
-            (file-name-as-directory "bin")
-            (file-name-as-directory "snapshots")
-            "analysis_server.dart.snapshot")))
-(defvar dart-analysis-roots nil
-  "The list of analysis roots that are known to the analysis server.
-All Dart files underneath the analysis roots are analyzed by the analysis
-(defvar dart--analysis-server-next-id 0
-  "The ID to use for the next request to the Dart analysis server.")
-(defvar dart--analysis-server-callbacks nil
-  "An alist of ID to callback to be called when the analysis server responds.
-Each request to the analysis server has an associated ID.  When the analysis
-server sends a response to a request, it tags the response with the ID of the
-request.  We look up the callback for the request in this alist and run it with
-the JSON decoded server response.")
-(defvar dart--analysis-server-subscriptions nil
-  "An alist of event names to lists of callbacks to be called for those events.
-These callbacks take the event object and an opaque subcription
-object which can be passed to `dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe'.")
-(defun dart-info (msg)
-  "Logs MSG to the dart log if `dart-debug' is non-nil."
-  (when dart-debug (dart-log msg)))
-(defun dart-log (msg)
-  "Logs MSG to the dart log."
-  (let* ((log-buffer (get-buffer-create "*dart-debug*"))
-         (iso-format-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z")
-         (timestamp-and-log-string
-          (format-time-string iso-format-string (current-time))))
-    (with-current-buffer log-buffer
-      (goto-char (point-max))
-      (insert "\n\n\n")
-      (insert (concat timestamp-and-log-string
-                      "\n"
-                      msg))
-      (insert "\n"))))
-(defun dart--normalize-path (path)
-  (if (equal system-type 'windows-nt)
-      (replace-regexp-in-string (rx "/") (rx "\\") path)
-    path))
-(defun dart--start-analysis-server-for-current-buffer ()
-  "Initialize Dart analysis server for current buffer.
-This starts Dart analysis server and adds either the pub root
-directory or the current file directory to the analysis roots."
-  (unless dart--analysis-server (dart-start-analysis-server))
-  ;; TODO(hterkelsen): Add this file to the priority files.
-  (dart-add-analysis-root-for-file)
-  (add-hook 'first-change-hook 'dart-add-analysis-overlay t t)
-  (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'dart-change-analysis-overlay t t)
-  (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'dart-remove-analysis-overlay t t)
-  (when (boundp 'flycheck-checkers)
-    (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'dart-analysis-server)))
-(defun dart-start-analysis-server ()
-  "Start the Dart analysis server.
-Initializes analysis server support for all `dart-mode' buffers."
-  (when dart--analysis-server
-    (-let [process (dart--analysis-server-process dart--analysis-server)]
-      (when (process-live-p process) (kill-process process)))
-    (kill-buffer (dart--analysis-server-buffer dart--analysis-server)))
-  (let* ((process-connection-type nil)
-         (dart-process
-          (start-process "dart-analysis-server"
-                         "*dart-analysis-server*"
-                         (dart-executable-path)
-                         (dart--analysis-server-snapshot-path))))
-    (set-process-query-on-exit-flag dart-process nil)
-    (setq dart--analysis-server
-          (dart--analysis-server-create dart-process)))
-  (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
-    (with-current-buffer buffer
-      (when (eq major-mode 'dart-mode)
-        (dart--start-analysis-server-for-current-buffer)
-        (when (buffer-modified-p buffer) (dart-add-analysis-overlay))))))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-create (process)
-  "Create a Dart analysis server from PROCESS."
-  (-let [instance (dart--make-analysis-server
-                   :process process
-                   :buffer (generate-new-buffer (process-name process)))]
-    (buffer-disable-undo (dart--analysis-server-buffer instance))
-    (set-process-filter
-     process
-     (lambda (_ string)
-       (dart--analysis-server-process-filter instance string)))
-    instance))
-(defun dart-add-analysis-overlay ()
-  "Report to the Dart analysis server that it should overlay this buffer.
-The Dart analysis server allows clients to 'overlay' file contents with
-a client-supplied string.  This is needed because we want Emacs to report
-errors for the current contents of the buffer, not whatever is saved to disk."
-  ;; buffer-file-name can be nil within revert-buffer, but in that case the
-  ;; buffer is just being reverted to its format on disk anyway.
-  (when buffer-file-name
-    (dart--analysis-server-send
-     "analysis.updateContent"
-     `((files
-        . ((,(dart--normalize-path buffer-file-name)
-            . ((type . "add")
-               (content
-                . ,(save-restriction (widen) (buffer-string)))))))))))
-(defun dart-change-analysis-overlay
-    (change-begin change-end change-before-length)
-  "Report to analysis server that it should change the overlay for this buffer.
-The region that changed ranges from CHANGE-BEGIN to CHANGE-END, and the
-length of the text before the change is CHANGE-BEFORE-LENGTH. See also
-  (dart--analysis-server-send
-   "analysis.updateContent"
-   `((files
-      . ((,(dart--normalize-path buffer-file-name)
-          . ((type . "change")
-             (edits
-              . (((offset . ,(- change-begin 1))
-                  (length . ,change-before-length)
-                  (replacement
-                   . ,(buffer-substring change-begin change-end))))))))))))
-(defun dart-remove-analysis-overlay ()
-  "Remove the overlay for the current buffer since it has been saved.
-See also `dart-add-analysis-overlay'."
-  (dart--analysis-server-send
-   "analysis.updateContent"
-   `((files . ((,(dart--normalize-path buffer-file-name) . ((type . 
-(defun dart-add-analysis-root-for-file (&optional file)
-  "Add the given FILE's root to the analysis server's analysis roots.
-A file's root is the pub root if it is in a pub package, or the file's 
-otherwise.  If no FILE is given, then this will default to the variable
-  (let* ((file-to-add (or file buffer-file-name))
-         (pub-root (locate-dominating-file file-to-add "pubspec.yaml"))
-         (current-dir (file-name-directory file-to-add)))
-    (if pub-root
-        (dart-add-to-analysis-roots (directory-file-name (expand-file-name 
-      (dart-add-to-analysis-roots (directory-file-name (expand-file-name 
-(defun dart-add-to-analysis-roots (dir)
-  "Add DIR to the analysis server's analysis roots.
-The analysis roots are directories that contain Dart files. The analysis server
-analyzes all Dart files under the analysis roots and provides information about
-them when requested."
-  (add-to-list 'dart-analysis-roots (dart--normalize-path dir))
-  (dart--send-analysis-roots))
-(defun dart--send-analysis-roots ()
-  "Send the current list of analysis roots to the analysis server."
-  (dart--analysis-server-send
-   "analysis.setAnalysisRoots"
-   `(("included" . ,dart-analysis-roots)
-     ("excluded" . nil))))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-send (method &optional params callback)
-  "Send the METHOD request to the server with optional PARAMS.
-PARAMS should be JSON-encodable.  If you provide a CALLBACK, it will be called
-with the JSON decoded response.  Otherwise, the output will just be checked."
-  (-let [req-without-id (dart--analysis-server-make-request method params)]
-    (dart--analysis-server-enqueue req-without-id callback)))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-make-request (method &optional params)
-  "Construct a request for the analysis server.
-The constructed request will call METHOD with optional PARAMS."
-  `((method . ,method) (params . ,params)))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-on-error-callback (response)
-  "If RESPONSE has an error, report it."
-  (-when-let (resp-err (assoc-default 'error response))
-    (error "Analysis server error: %s" (assoc-default 'message resp-err))))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-enqueue (req-without-id callback)
-  "Send REQ-WITHOUT-ID to the analysis server, call CALLBACK with the result."
-  (setq dart--analysis-server-next-id (1+ dart--analysis-server-next-id))
-  (-let [request
-         (json-encode (cons (cons 'id (format "%s" 
-                            req-without-id))]
-    ;; Enqueue the request so that we can be sure all requests are processed in
-    ;; order.
-    (push (cons dart--analysis-server-next-id
-                (or callback #'dart--analysis-server-on-error-callback))
-          dart--analysis-server-callbacks)
-    (cond
-     ((not dart--analysis-server)
-      (message "Starting Dart analysis server.")
-      (dart-start-analysis-server))
-     ((not (process-live-p (dart--analysis-server-process 
-      (message "Dart analysis server crashed, restarting.")
-      (dart-start-analysis-server)))
-    (dart-info (concat "Sent: " request))
-    (process-send-string (dart--analysis-server-process dart--analysis-server)
-                         (concat request "\n"))))
-(cl-defun dart--analysis-server-process-filter (das string)
-  "Handle the event or method response from the dart analysis server.
-The server DAS has STRING added to the buffer associated with it.
-Method responses are paired according to their pending request and
-the callback for that request is given the json decoded response."
-  (-let [buf (dart--analysis-server-buffer das)]
-    ;; The buffer may have been killed if the server was restarted
-    (unless (buffer-live-p buf)
-      (cl-return-from dart--analysis-server-process-filter))
-    ;; We use a buffer here because emacs might call the filter before the
-    ;; entire line has been written out. In this case we store the
-    ;; unterminated line in a buffer to be read when the rest of the line is
-    ;; output.
-    (with-current-buffer buf
-      (goto-char (point-max))
-      (insert string)
-      (-let [buf-lines (s-lines (buffer-string))]
-        (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
-        (insert (-last-item buf-lines))
-        (-let [messages
-               (--filter (and it (not (string-empty-p it)))
-                         (-butlast buf-lines))]
-          (dolist (message messages)
-            (dart-info (concat "Received: " message))
-            (dart--analysis-server-handle-msg
-             (-let [json-array-type 'list]
-               (json-read-from-string message)))))))))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-handle-msg (msg)
-  "Handle the parsed MSG from the analysis server."
-  (-if-let* ((raw-id (dart--get msg 'id))
-             (id (string-to-number raw-id)))
-      ;; This is a response to a request, so we should invoke a callback in
-      ;; dart--analysis-server-callbacks.
-      (-if-let (resp-closure (dart--get dart--analysis-server-callbacks id))
-          (progn
-            (setq dart--analysis-server-callbacks
-                  (assq-delete-all id dart--analysis-server-callbacks))
-            (funcall resp-closure msg))
-        (-if-let (err (dart--get msg 'error))
-            (dart--analysis-server-on-error-callback msg)
-          (dart-info (format "No callback was associated with id %s" raw-id))))
-    ;; This is a notification, so we should invoke callbacks in
-    ;; dart--analysis-server-subscriptions.
-    (-when-let* ((event (dart--get msg 'event))
-                 (params (dart--get msg 'params))
-                 (callbacks (dart--get dart--analysis-server-subscriptions 
-      (dolist (callback callbacks)
-        (-let [subscription (cons event callback)]
-          (funcall callback params subscription))))))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-subscribe (event callback)
-  "Registers CALLBACK to be called for each EVENT of the given type.
-CALLBACK should take two parameters: the event object and an
-opaque subscription object that can be passed to
-`dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe'. Returns the same opaque
-subscription object."
-  (-if-let (cell (assoc event dart--analysis-server-subscriptions))
-      (nconc cell (list callback))
-    (push (cons event (list callback)) dart--analysis-server-subscriptions))
-  (cons event callback))
-(defun dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe (subscription)
-  "Unregisters the analysis server SUBSCRIPTION.
-SUBSCRIPTION is an opaque object provided by
-  (-let [(event . callback) subscription]
-    (delq callback (assoc event dart--analysis-server-subscriptions))))
-;;;; Flycheck Error Reporting
-(defun dart--flycheck-start (_ callback)
-  "Run the CHECKER and report the errors to the CALLBACK."
-  (dart-info (format "Checking syntax for %s" (current-buffer)))
-  (dart--analysis-server-send
-   "analysis.getErrors"
-   `((file . ,(dart--normalize-path (buffer-file-name))))
-   (-let [buffer (current-buffer)]
-     (lambda (response)
-       (dart--report-errors response buffer callback)))))
-(when (fboundp 'flycheck-define-generic-checker)
- (flycheck-define-generic-checker
-  'dart-analysis-server
-  "Checks Dart source code for errors using Dart analysis server."
-  :start 'dart--flycheck-start
-  :modes '(dart-mode)))
-(defun dart--report-errors (response buffer callback)
-  "Report the errors returned from the analysis server.
-The errors contained in RESPONSE from Dart analysis server run on BUFFER are
-reported to CALLBACK."
-  (dart-info (format "Reporting to flycheck: %s" response))
-  (-let [fly-errors (--map (dart--to-flycheck-err it buffer)
-                           (dart--get response 'result 'errors))]
-    (dart-info (format "Parsed errors: %s" fly-errors))
-    (funcall callback 'finished fly-errors)))
-(defun dart--to-flycheck-err (err buffer)
-  "Create a flycheck error from a dart ERR in BUFFER."
-  (when (fboundp 'flycheck-error-new)
-    (flycheck-error-new
-     :buffer buffer
-     :checker 'dart-analysis-server
-     :filename (dart--get err 'location 'file)
-     :line (dart--get err 'location 'startLine)
-     :column (dart--get err 'location 'startColumn)
-     :message (dart--get err 'message)
-     :level (dart--severity-to-level (dart--get err 'severity)))))
-(defun dart--severity-to-level (severity)
-  "Convert SEVERITY to a flycheck level."
-  (cond
-   ((string= severity "INFO") 'info)
-   ((string= severity "WARNING") 'warning)
-   ((string= severity "ERROR") 'error)))
-;;;; Hover
-(defun dart-show-hover (&optional show-in-buffer)
-  "Displays hover information for the current point.
-With a prefix argument, opens a new buffer rather than using the
-  (interactive "P")
-  (-when-let (filename (dart--normalize-path (buffer-file-name)))
-    (let ((show-in-buffer show-in-buffer)
-          (buffer (current-buffer))
-          (pos (point)))
-      (dart--analysis-server-send
-       "analysis.getHover"
-       `(("file" . ,filename) ("offset" . ,pos))
-       (lambda (response)
-         (-when-let (hover (car (dart--get response 'result 'hovers)))
-           (dart--json-let hover
-               (offset
-                length
-                dartdoc
-                (element-description elementDescription)
-                (element-kind elementKind)
-                (is-deprecated isDeprecated)
-                parameter)
-             (setq is-deprecated (not (eq is-deprecated :json-false)))
-             ;; Briefly highlight the region that's being shown.
-             (with-current-buffer buffer
-               (dart--flash-highlight offset length))
-             (with-temp-buffer
-               (when is-deprecated
-                 (insert (dart--face-string "DEPRECATED" 
'font-lock-warning-face) ?\n))
-               (when element-description
-                 (insert (dart--highlight-description element-description)
-                         (dart--face-string (concat " (" element-kind ")") 
-                 (when (or dartdoc parameter) (insert ?\n)))
-               (when parameter
-                 (insert
-                  (dart--highlight-description parameter)
-                  (dart--face-string " (parameter type)" 'italic))
-                 (when dartdoc) (insert ?\n))
-               (when dartdoc
-                 (when (or element-description parameter) (insert ?\n))
-                 (insert (dart--highlight-dartdoc dartdoc (not 
-               (let ((text (buffer-string)))
-                 (if show-in-buffer
-                     (with-current-buffer-window
-                      "*Dart Analysis*" nil nil
-                      (insert text)
-                      (dart-popup-mode)
-                      (setq dart--do-it-again-callback
-                            (lambda ()
-                              (save-excursion
-                                (with-current-buffer buffer
-                                  (goto-char pos)
-                                  (dart-show-hover t))))))
-                   (message "%s" text)))))))))))
-(defconst dart--highlight-keyword-re
-  (regexp-opt
-   '("get" "set" "as" "abstract" "class" "extends" "implements" "enum" 
-     "const" "covariant" "deferred" "factory" "final" "import" "library" "new"
-     "operator" "part" "static" "async" "sync" "var")
-   'words)
-  "A regular expression that matches keywords.")
-(defun dart--highlight-description (description)
-  "Returns a highlighted copy of DESCRIPTION."
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert description)
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (not (eq (point) (point-max)))
-      (cond
-       ;; A keyword.
-       ((looking-at dart--highlight-keyword-re)
-        (dart--fontify-excursion 'font-lock-keyword-face
-          (goto-char (match-end 0))))
-       ;; An identifier could be a function name or a type name.
-       ((looking-at dart--identifier-re)
-        (goto-char (match-end 0))
-        (put-text-property
-         (match-beginning 0) (point) 'face
-         (if (dart--at-end-of-function-name-p) 'font-lock-function-name-face
-           'font-lock-type-face))
-        (cl-case (char-after)
-          ;; Foo.bar()
-          (?.
-           (forward-char)
-           (dart--fontify-excursion 'font-lock-function-name-face
-             (dart--forward-identifier)))
-          ;; Foo bar
-          (?\s
-           (forward-char)
-           (dart--fontify-excursion 'font-lock-variable-name-face
-             (dart--forward-identifier)))))
-       ;; Anything else is punctuation that we ignore.
-       (t (forward-char))))
-    (buffer-string)))
-(defun dart--at-end-of-function-name-p ()
-  "Returns whether the point is at the end of a function name."
-  (cl-case (char-after)
-    (?\( t)
-    (?<
-     (and (looking-at (concat "\\(" dart--identifier-re "\\|[<>]\\)*"))
-          (eq (char-after (match-end 0)) ?\()))))
-(defun dart--highlight-dartdoc (dartdoc truncate)
-  "Returns a higlighted copy of DARTDOC."
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert dartdoc)
-    ;; Cut off long dartdocs so that the full signature is always visible.
-    (when truncate
-      (forward-line 11)
-      (delete-region (- (point) 1) (point-max)))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (re-search-forward "\\[.*?\\]" nil t)
-      (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-                         'face 'font-lock-reference-face))
-    (buffer-string)))
-;;;; Navigation
-(defun dart-goto ()
-  (interactive)
-  (-when-let (filename (dart--normalize-path (buffer-file-name)))
-    (dart--analysis-server-send
-     "analysis.getNavigation"
-     `(("file" . ,filename) ("offset" . ,(point)) ("length" . 0))
-     (lambda (response)
-       (-when-let (result (dart--get response 'result))
-         (dart--json-let result (files targets regions)
-           (-when-let (region (car regions))
-             (let* ((target-index (car (dart--get region 'targets)))
-                    (target (elt targets target-index))
-                    (file-index (dart--get target 'fileIndex))
-                    (offset (dart--get target 'offset))
-                    (length (dart--get target 'length))
-                    (file (elt files file-index)))
-               (find-file file)
-               (goto-char (+ 1 offset))
-               (dart--flash-highlight offset length)))))))))
-;;;; Search
-(defun dart-find-refs (pos &optional include-potential)
-  (interactive "dP")
-  (-when-let (filename (dart--normalize-path (buffer-file-name)))
-    (dart--analysis-server-send
-     "search.findElementReferences"
-     `(("file" . ,filename)
-       ("offset" . ,pos)
-       ("includePotential" . ,(or include-potential json-false)))
-     (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
-           (include-potential include-potential))
-       (lambda (response)
-         (-when-let (result (dart--get response 'result))
-           (let ((name (dart--get result 'element 'name))
-                 (location (dart--get result 'element 'location)))
-             (dart--display-search-results
-              (dart--get result 'id)
-              (lambda () 
-                (setq dart--do-it-again-callback
-                      (lambda ()
-                        (with-current-buffer buffer
-                          (dart-find-refs pos include-potential))))
-                (insert "References to ")
-                (insert-button
-                 name
-                 'action (lambda (_) (dart--goto-location location)))
-                (insert ":\n\n"))))))))))
-(defun dart-find-member-decls (name)
-  "Find member declarations named NAME."
-  (interactive "sMember name: ")
-  (dart--find-by-name
-   "search.findMemberDeclarations" "name" name "Members named "))
-(defun dart-find-member-refs (name)
-  "Find member references named NAME."
-  (interactive "sMember name: ")
-  (dart--find-by-name
-   "search.findMemberReferences" "name" name "References to "))
-(defun dart-find-top-level-decls (name)
-  "Find top-level declarations named NAME."
-  (interactive "sDeclaration name: ")
-  (dart--find-by-name
-   "search.findTopLevelDeclarations" "pattern" name "Declarations matching "))
-(defun dart--find-by-name (method argument name header)
-  "A helper function for running an analysis server search for NAME.
-Calls the given analysis server METHOD passing NAME to the given
-ARGUMENT. Displays a header beginning with HEADER in the results."
-  (dart--analysis-server-send
-   method
-   (list (cons argument name))
-   (lambda (response)
-     (-when-let (id (dart--get response 'result 'id))
-       (dart--display-search-results
-        id
-        (lambda ()
-          (setq dart--do-it-again-callback
-                (lambda ()
-                  (dart--find-by-name method argument name header)))
-          (insert header name ":\n\n")))))))
-(defun dart--display-search-results (search-id callback)
-  "Displays search results with the given SEARCH-ID.
-CALLBACK is called with no arguments in the search result buffer
-to add a header and otherwise prepare it for displaying results."
-  (let (buffer
-        beginning-of-results
-        (total-results 0))
-    (with-current-buffer-window
-     "*Dart Search*" nil nil
-     (dart-popup-mode)
-     (setq buffer (current-buffer))
-     (funcall callback)
-     (setq beginning-of-results (point))
-     (dart--analysis-server-subscribe
-      "search.results"
-      (lambda (event subscription)
-        (with-current-buffer buffer
-          (dart--json-let event (id results (is-last isLast))
-            (when (equal id search-id)
-              (-let [buffer-read-only nil]
-                (save-excursion
-                  (goto-char (point-max))
-                  (dolist (result results)
-                    (let ((location (dart--get result 'location))
-                          (path (dart--get result 'path))
-                          (start (point)))
-                      (dart--fontify-excursion '(compilation-info underline)
-                        (when (cl-some
-                               (lambda (element)
-                                 (equal (dart--get element 'kind) 
-                               path)
-                          (insert "new "))
-                        (insert
-                         (->> path
-                              (--remove (member (dart--get it 'kind)
-                                                '("COMPILATION_UNIT" "FILE" 
-                              (--map (dart--get it 'name))
-                              (-remove 'string-empty-p)
-                              nreverse
-                              (s-join ".")))
-                        (make-text-button
-                         start (point)
-                         'action (lambda (_) (dart--goto-location location))))
-                      (dart--json-let location (file (line startLine) (column 
-                        (insert " " file ":"
-                                (dart--face-string line 
'compilation-line-number) ":"
-                                (dart--face-string column 
'compilation-column-number) ?\n)))))
-                (setq total-results (+ total-results (length results)))
-                (when (eq is-last t)
-                  (dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe subscription)
-                  (save-excursion
-                    (goto-char (point-max))
-                    (insert "\nFound " (dart--face-string total-results 'bold) 
" results."))))))))))
-    (select-window (get-buffer-window buffer))
-    (goto-char beginning-of-results)))
-(defun dart--goto-location (location)
-  "Sends the user to the analysis server LOCATION."
-  (dart--json-let location (file offset length)
-    (find-file file)
-    (goto-char (+ 1 offset))
-    (dart--flash-highlight offset length)))
-;;;; Auto-complete
-(defcustom dart-expand-fallback (key-binding (kbd "M-/"))
-  "The fallback command to use for `dart-expand'.
-This is used when the analysis server isn't available. It
-defaults to the command globally bound to M-/."
-  :group 'dart-mode
-  :type 'function
-  :package-version '(dart-mode . "1.0.0"))
-(defvar dart--last-expand-results nil
-  "The results of the last call to `dart-expand'.")
-(defvar dart--last-expand-beginning nil
-  "The marker for the beginning of the text inserted by the last call to 
-(defvar dart--last-expand-end nil
-  "The marker for the end of the text inserted by the last call to 
-(defvar dart--last-expand-index nil
-  "The index into `dart--last-expand-results' for the last call to 
-(defvar dart--last-expand-parameters-index nil
-  "The index into for the last parameter suggestion from 
-This is an index into the paramaterNames and parameterTypes list
-in the suggestion identified by `dart--last-expand-index', and
-into `dart--last-expand-parameters-ranges'.")
-(defvar dart--last-expand-parameters-ranges nil
-  "The list of parameter ranges for the last call to `dart-expand-parameters'.
-This is a list of pairs of markers. Each pair identifies the
-beginning and end of a parameter in the parameter list generated
-by `dart-expand-parameters'`.
-Note that the end markers are placed one character after the
-actual ending of the parameter. This ensures that if the marker
-stayas in place when the parameter is overwritten.")
-(defvar dart--last-expand-subscription nil
-  "The last analysis server subscription from a call to `dart-expand'.")
-(cl-defun dart-expand ()
-  "Expand previous word using Dart's autocompletion."
-  (interactive "*")
-  (unless dart-enable-analysis-server
-    (call-interactively dart-expand-fallback t)
-    (cl-return-from dart-expand))
-  (when (and (memq last-command '(dart-expand dart-expand-parameters))
-             dart--last-expand-results)
-    (cl-incf dart--last-expand-index)
-    (when (>= dart--last-expand-index (length dart--last-expand-results))
-      (setq dart--last-expand-index 0))
-    (dart--use-expand-suggestion
-     dart--last-expand-beginning
-     dart--last-expand-end
-     (elt dart--last-expand-results dart--last-expand-index))
-    (cl-return-from dart-expand))
-  (when dart--last-expand-subscription
-    (dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe dart--last-expand-subscription))
-  (setq dart--last-expand-results nil)
-  (setq dart--last-expand-beginning nil)
-  (setq dart--last-expand-end nil)
-  (setq dart--last-expand-index nil)
-  (setq dart--last-expand-subscription nil)
-  (-when-let (filename (dart--normalize-path (buffer-file-name)))
-    (dart--analysis-server-send
-     "completion.getSuggestions"
-     `(("file" . ,filename)
-       ("offset" . ,(- (point) 1)))
-     (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
-           (first t))
-       (lambda (response)
-         (-when-let (completion-id (dart--get response 'result 'id))
-           (dart--analysis-server-subscribe
-            "completion.results"
-            (setq dart--last-expand-subscription
-                  (lambda (event subscription)
-                    (dart--json-let event
-                        (id results
-                            (offset replacementOffset)
-                            (length replacementLength)
-                            (is-last isLast))
-                      (when is-last (dart--analysis-server-unsubscribe 
-                      (when (equal id completion-id)
-                        (with-current-buffer buffer
-                          (dart--handle-completion-event results offset length 
-                        (setq first nil))))))))))))
-(defun dart--handle-completion-event (results offset length first)
-  "Handles a completion results event.
-If FIRST is non-nil, this is the first completion event for this completion."
-  ;; Get rid of any suggestions that don't match existing characters. The
-  ;; analysis server provides extra suggestions to support search-as-you-type,
-  ;; but we don't do that.
-  (when (> length 0)
-    (-let [text (buffer-substring (+ offset 1) (+ offset length 1))]
-      (setq results
-            (--remove (string-prefix-p text (dart--get it 'completion) t)
-                      results))))
-  (when (> (length results) 0)
-    ;; Fill the first result so the first call does something. Just save later
-    ;; results for future calls.
-    (when first
-      (setq dart--last-expand-index 0)
-      (setq dart--last-expand-beginning (copy-marker (+ offset 1)))
-      (dart--use-expand-suggestion (+ offset 1) (+ offset length 1) (car 
-    (setq first nil)
-    (setq dart--last-expand-results results)))
-(defun dart--use-expand-suggestion (beginning end suggestion)
-  "Inserts SUGGESTION between BEGINNING and END."
-  (dart--json-let suggestion
-      (completion element
-       (selection-offset selectionOffset)
-       (is-deprecated isDeprecated)
-       (doc-summary docSummary))
-    (goto-char beginning)
-    (delete-region beginning end)
-    (save-excursion
-      (insert completion)
-      (setq dart--last-expand-end (point-marker)))
-    (forward-char selection-offset)
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (when (eq is-deprecated t)
-        (insert (dart--face-string "DEPRECATED" 'font-lock-warning-face) ?\n))
-      (insert (dart--highlight-description (dart--description-of-element 
-      (when doc-summary
-        (insert ?\n ?\n (dart--highlight-dartdoc doc-summary nil)))
-      (message "%s" (buffer-string)))))
-(defun dart--description-of-element (element)
-  "Returns a textual description of an analysis server ELEMENT."
-  (dart--json-let element
-      (kind name parameters
-       (return-type returnType)
-       (type-parameters typeParameters))
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (if (equal kind "CONSTRUCTOR")
-          (progn
-            (insert "new " return-type)
-            (unless (string-empty-p name)
-              (insert "." name))
-            (insert parameters)
-            (insert " → " return-type))
-        (cl-case kind
-          ("GETTER" (insert "get "))
-          ("SETTER" (insert "set ")))
-        (insert name)
-        (when type-parameters (insert type-parameters))
-        (when parameters (insert parameters))
-        (when return-type (insert " → " return-type)))
-      (buffer-string))))
-(cl-defun dart-expand-parameters ()
-  "Adds parameters to the currently-selected `dart-expand' completion.
-This will select the first parameter, if one exists."
-  (interactive "*")
-  (cond
-   ((and (eq last-command 'dart-expand)
-         dart--last-expand-results)
-    ;; If this is called directly after `dart-expand', create the parameter 
-    ;; and highlight the first entry.
-    (setq dart--last-expand-parameters-index 0)    
-    (dart--json-let (elt dart--last-expand-results dart--last-expand-index)
-        ((parameter-names parameterNames)
-         (argument-string defaultArgumentListString)
-         (argument-ranges defaultArgumentListTextRanges))
-      (unless parameter-names (cl-return-from dart-expand-parameters))
-      (unless argument-string
-        (insert ?\()
-        (save-excursion
-          (insert ?\))
-          (setq dart--last-expand-end (point-marker)))
-        (cl-return-from dart-expand-parameters))
-      (save-excursion
-        (insert ?\( argument-string ?\))
-        (setq dart--last-expand-end (point-marker)))
-      (setq dart--last-expand-parameters-ranges
-            (cl-loop for i below (length argument-ranges) by 2
-                  collect (let* ((beginning (+ (point) 1 (elt argument-ranges 
-                                 (end (+ beginning (elt argument-ranges (+ i 
1)) 1)))
-                            (list (copy-marker beginning) (copy-marker end)))))
-      (dart--expand-select-parameter)))
-   ((and (< dart--last-expand-beginning (point) dart--last-expand-end)
-         dart--last-expand-parameters-index)
-    ;; If this is called when the point is within the text generated by the
-    ;; last `dart-expand-parameters' call, move to the next parameter in the
-    ;; list.
-    (cl-incf dart--last-expand-parameters-index)
-    (when (>= dart--last-expand-parameters-index (length 
-      (setq dart--last-expand-parameters-index 0))
-    (dart--expand-select-parameter))))
-(defun dart--expand-select-parameter ()
-  "Selects the parameter indicated by expansion variables."
-  (-let [(beginning end) (elt dart--last-expand-parameters-ranges
-                              dart--last-expand-parameters-index)]
-    (dart--delsel-range beginning (- end 1)))
-  (dart--json-let (elt dart--last-expand-results dart--last-expand-index)
-      ((parameter-names parameterNames)
-       (parameter-types parameterTypes))        
-    (message "%s" (dart--highlight-description 
-                   (concat (elt parameter-types 
dart--last-expand-parameters-index) " "
-                           (elt parameter-names 
-(defun dart--delsel-range (beginning end)
-  "Highlights the range between BEGINNING and END and enables 
`delete-selection-mode' temporarily."
-  (setq transient-mark-mode nil)
-  (goto-char beginning)
-  (push-mark nil t)
-  (goto-char end)
-  ;; Run this in a timer because `activate-mark' doesn't seem to work
-  ;; directly, and because we don't want to disable `delete-selection-mode'
-  ;; when `post-command-hook' is invoked after the calling command finishes.
-  (run-at-time
-   "0 sec" nil
-   (lambda ()
-     (activate-mark)
-     ;; Overwrite the current selection, but don't globally enable
-     ;; delete-selection-mode.
-     (unless delete-selection-mode
-       (delete-selection-mode 1)
-       (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'dart--disable-delsel t t)))))
-(defun dart--disable-delsel ()
-  "Disables `delete-selection-mode' and deactivates the mark.
-Also removes this function from `post-command-hook'."
-  (deactivate-mark)
-  (delete-selection-mode 0)
-  (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'dart--disable-delsel t))
-;;; Popup Mode
-(define-derived-mode dart-popup-mode fundamental-mode "DartPopup"
-  "Major mode for popups."
-  :mode 'dart-popup
-  (use-local-map dart-popup-mode-map))
-(put 'dart-popup-mode 'mode-class 'special)
-(defvar dart-popup-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
-  "Keymap used in Dart popup buffers.")
-(set-keymap-parent dart-popup-mode-map help-mode-map)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "g") 'dart-do-it-again)
-;; Unbind help-specific keys.
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "RET") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "l") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "r") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "<XF86Back>") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "<XF86Forward>") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "<mouse-2>") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-b") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") nil)
-(define-key dart-popup-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-f") nil)
-(defun dart-do-it-again ()
-  "Re-runs the logic that generated the current buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (when dart--do-it-again-callback
-    (funcall dart--do-it-again-callback)))
-;;; Formatting
-(defcustom dart-formatter-command-override nil
-  "The command for running the Dart formatter.
-Don't read this variable; call `dart-formatter-command' instead."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'dart-mode
-  :package-version '(dart-mode . "1.0.0"))
-(defcustom dart-formatter-line-length 80
-  "The line length to use when running the Dart formatter."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'dart-mode
-  :package-version '(dart-mode . "1.0.0"))
-(defcustom dart-format-on-save nil
-  "Whether to run the Dart formatter before saving."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'dart-mode
-  :package-version '(dart-mode . "1.0.0"))
-(defcustom dart-formatter-show-errors 'buffer
-  "Where to display Dart formatter error output.
-It can either be displayed in its own buffer, in the echo area, or not at all.
-Please note that Emacs outputs to the echo area when writing
-files and will overwrite the formatter's echo output if used from
-inside a `before-save-hook'."
-  :type '(choice
-          (const :tag "Own buffer" buffer)
-          (const :tag "Echo area" echo)
-          (const :tag "None" nil))
-  :group 'dart-mode)
-(defun dart-formatter-command ()
-  "The command for running the Dart formatter.
-This can be customized by setting `dart-formatter-command-override'."
-  (or dart-formatter-command-override
-      (when dart-sdk-path
-        (concat dart-sdk-path
-                (file-name-as-directory "bin")
-                "dartfmt"))))
-(defvar dart--formatter-compilation-regexp
-  '("^line \\([0-9]+\\), column \\([0-9]+\\) of \\([^ \n]+\\):" 3 1 2)
-  "Regular expresion to match errors in the formatter's output.
-See `compilation-error-regexp-alist' for help on their format.")
-(add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
-             (cons 'dart-formatter dart--formatter-compilation-regexp))
-(add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist 'dart-formatter)
-(cl-defun dart-format ()
-  "Format the current buffer using the Dart formatter.
-By default, this uses the formatter in `dart-sdk-path'. However,
-this can be overridden by customizing
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((file (make-temp-file "format" nil ".dart"))
-         (patch-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Dart formatter patch*"))
-         (error-buffer (when dart-formatter-show-errors
-                         (get-buffer-create "*Dart formatter errors*")))
-         (coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
-         (coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
-         (args `("--line-length" ,(number-to-string dart-formatter-line-length)
-                 "--overwrite" ,file)))
-    (unwind-protect
-        (save-restriction
-          (widen)
-          (when error-buffer
-            (with-current-buffer error-buffer
-              (setq buffer-read-only nil)
-              (erase-buffer)))
-          (write-region nil nil file nil 'no-message)
-          (dart-info (format "%s %s" (dart-formatter-command) args))
-          (unless (zerop (apply #'call-process (dart-formatter-command) nil 
error-buffer nil args))
-            (message "Formatting failed")
-            (when error-buffer
-              (dart--formatter-show-errors error-buffer file 
-            (cl-return-from dart-format))
-          ;; Apply the format as a diff so that only portions of the buffer 
-          ;; actually change are marked as modified.
-          (if (zerop (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
-                                          "diff" nil patch-buffer nil "--rcs" 
"-" file))
-              (message "Buffer is already formatted")
-            (dart--apply-rcs-patch patch-buffer)
-            (message "Formatted buffer"))
-          (when error-buffer (dart--kill-buffer-and-window error-buffer)))
-      (kill-buffer patch-buffer)
-      (delete-file file))))
-(defun dart--apply-rcs-patch (patch-buffer)
-  "Apply an RCS diff from PATCH-BUFFER to the current buffer."
-  (let ((target-buffer (current-buffer))
-        ;; The relative offset between line numbers in the buffer and in patch.
-        ;;
-        ;; Line numbers in the patch are based on the source file, so we have 
-        ;; keep an offset when making changes to the buffer.
-        ;;
-        ;; Appending lines decrements the offset (possibly making it negative),
-        ;; deleting lines increments it. This order simplifies the forward-line
-        ;; invocations.
-        (line-offset 0))
-    (save-excursion
-      (with-current-buffer patch-buffer
-        (goto-char (point-min))
-        (while (not (eobp))
-          (unless (looking-at "^\\([ad]\\)\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)")
-            (error "Invalid RCS patch or internal error in 
-          (forward-line)
-          (let ((action (match-string 1))
-                (from (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
-                (len  (string-to-number (match-string 3))))
-            (cond
-             ((equal action "a")
-              (-let [start (point)]
-                (forward-line len)
-                (-let [text (buffer-substring start (point))]
-                  (with-current-buffer target-buffer
-                    (cl-decf line-offset len)
-                    (goto-char (point-min))
-                    (forward-line (- from len line-offset))
-                    (insert text)))))
-             ((equal action "d")
-              (with-current-buffer target-buffer
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (forward-line (- from line-offset 1))
-                (cl-incf line-offset len)
-                (dart--delete-whole-line len)))
-             (t
-              (error "Invalid RCS patch or internal error in 
-(defun dart--formatter-show-errors (error-buffer temp-file real-file)
-  "Display formatter errors in `error-buffer'.
-This replaces references to TEMP-FILE with REAL-FILE."
-  (with-current-buffer error-buffer
-    (-let [echo (eq dart-formatter-show-errors 'echo)]
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (-let [regexp (concat "\\(" (regexp-quote temp-file) "\\):")]
-        (while (search-forward-regexp regexp nil t)
-          (replace-match (file-name-nondirectory real-file) t t nil 1)))
-      (if echo
-          (progn
-            (message "%s" (buffer-string))
-            (dart--kill-buffer-and-window error-buffer))
-        (compilation-mode)
-        (temp-buffer-window-show error-buffer)
-        (select-window (get-buffer-window error-buffer))))))
 ;;; Initialization
@@ -2031,15 +567,7 @@ Key bindings:
   (setq-local indent-line-function 'dart-indent-line-function)
   (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
   (setq tab-width 2)
-  (setq-local syntax-propertize-function 'dart-syntax-propertize-function)
-  (when dart-enable-analysis-server
-    (if (null dart-sdk-path)
-        (dart-log
-         "Cannot find `dart' executable or Dart analysis server snapshot.")
-      (dart--start-analysis-server-for-current-buffer)))
-  (add-hook (make-local-variable 'before-save-hook)
-            (lambda () (when dart-format-on-save (dart-format)))))
+  (setq-local syntax-propertize-function 'dart-syntax-propertize-function))
 (provide 'dart-mode)

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