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[nongnu] elpa/gnuplot 7cb3975 047/184: Cleaned up the tokenizer and got

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/gnuplot 7cb3975 047/184: Cleaned up the tokenizer and got rid of gnuplot-token-at-point.
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:03:12 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/gnuplot
commit 7cb39756ea5dc88448d00f3cd4ef159b2ad56b32
Author: Jonathan Oddie <j.j.oddie@gmail.com>
Commit: Jonathan Oddie <j.j.oddie@gmail.com>

    Cleaned up the tokenizer and got rid of gnuplot-token-at-point.
    The tokenizer now returns a list of tokens w/o a separate
    `end-of-tokens' marker, so we can just check for (null? tokens) to see
    if we've reached the end of the portion of the line being matched.
    The matching machine now returns `nil' for failure, and a one-element
    list of the list of remaining tokens for success (so '(nil) means that
    it succeeded in matching the whole list of tokens). Fixed the
    automated tests to work with this new return convention.
 gnuplot-context.el      | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 gnuplot-test-context.el |  20 +++----
 2 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gnuplot-context.el b/gnuplot-context.el
index e145042..9e5a5e8 100644
--- a/gnuplot-context.el
+++ b/gnuplot-context.el
@@ -177,9 +177,6 @@
 ;; Bugs, TODOs, etc.
 ;; =======================
-;; The tokenizer should stop before or at point, instead of going to the
-;; end of the line.
 ;; In ElDoc mode, we parse the whole line every time the user stops
 ;; typing. This is wasteful; should cache things in text properties
 ;; instead.
@@ -227,10 +224,7 @@ These have to be compiled from the Gnuplot source tree 
   start            ; Buffer start position
   end      ; Buffer end position
   id       ; Text
-  type)            ; name, number, string, operator, end-of-input
-(defvar gnuplot-token-at-point nil
-  "Gnuplot token at point, set by `gnuplot-tokenize'.")
+  type)            ; name, number, string, operator, end-of-command
 (defvar gnuplot-operator-regexp
@@ -256,68 +250,60 @@ These have to be compiled from the Gnuplot source tree 
 (defun gnuplot-tokenize (&optional completing-p)
-  "Tokenize the Gnuplot command at point. Returns a list of `gnuplot-token' 
-  (let ((p (point)))
+  "Tokenize the Gnuplot command at point. Returns a list of `gnuplot-token' 
+If COMPLETING-P is non-nil, omits the token at point if it is a
+name; otherwise continues tokenizing up to the token at point. FIXME"
+  (let ((tokens '())
+       (stop-point (min (point)
+                        (gnuplot-point-at-end-of-command))))
-      (let ((tokens '())
-           (parse-limit (gnuplot-point-at-end-of-command)))
-       (setq gnuplot-token-at-point nil)
-       (while (progn
-                (skip-syntax-forward "-")
-                (while (looking-at "\\\\\n")
-                  (forward-line)
-                  (skip-syntax-forward "-"))
-                (< (point) parse-limit))
-         (if (looking-at "#")
-             (goto-char parse-limit)
-           (let* ((from (point))
-                  (token
-                   (cond 
-                    ((gnuplot-tokenize-by-regexps
-                      ("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*" name)
-                      (gnuplot-operator-regexp operator)))
-                    ((looking-at "['\"]")
-                     (let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp))
-                            (from (point))
-                            (to (or (cdr bounds)
-                                    parse-limit)))
-                       (goto-char to)
-                       (make-gnuplot-token
-                        :id (buffer-substring-no-properties from to)
-                        :type 'string
-                        :start from :end to)))
-                    (t (error
-                        "gnuplot-tokenize: bad token beginning %s"
-                        (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) 
-             (if (and (not gnuplot-token-at-point)
-                      (eq (gnuplot-token-type token) 'name)
-                      (<= p (gnuplot-token-end token)))
-                 (setq gnuplot-token-at-point token))
-             (push token tokens))))
-       (let ((end-of-input
-              (make-gnuplot-token :type 'end-of-input
-                                  :start parse-limit
-                                  :end parse-limit)))
-         (when (not gnuplot-token-at-point)
-           (setq gnuplot-token-at-point
-                 (if completing-p
-                     end-of-input
-                   (car tokens))))
-         (nreverse (cons end-of-input tokens)))))))
-(defun gnuplot-end-of-tokens-p (tokens)
-  (or (not tokens)
-      (equal (gnuplot-token-type (car tokens)) 'end-of-input)))
+      (while
+         ;; Skip whitespace and continuation lines
+         (progn
+           (skip-syntax-forward "-" stop-point)
+           (while (looking-at "\\\\\n")
+             (forward-line)
+             (skip-syntax-forward "-" stop-point))
+           ;; Don't tokenize anything starting after point
+           (and (not (looking-at "#"))
+                (< (point) stop-point)))
+       (let* ((from (point))
+              (token
+               (cond  
+                ((gnuplot-tokenize-by-regexps
+                  ("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*" name)
+                  (gnuplot-operator-regexp operator)))
+                ((looking-at "['\"]")
+                 (let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp))
+                        (to (or (cdr bounds) stop-point)))
+                   (goto-char to)
+                   (make-gnuplot-token
+                    :id (buffer-substring-no-properties from to)
+                    :type 'string
+                    :start from :end to)))
+                (t (error
+                    "gnuplot-tokenize: bad token beginning %s"
+                    (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) stop-point))))))
+         (push token tokens))))
+    ;; If we are looking for completions, AND if the last token
+    ;; read is a name, AND if point is within the bounds of the
+    ;; last token, then discard it. The matching function
+    ;; generates a list of all possible tokens that could appear
+    ;; in that position for completion.
+    (if (and completing-p
+            tokens
+            (eq (gnuplot-token-type (car tokens)) 'name)
+            (<= (point) (gnuplot-token-end (car tokens))))
+       (pop tokens))
+    (nreverse tokens)))
@@ -1763,22 +1749,18 @@ there."
       (flet ((advance
-             (when (eq (pop tokens) gnuplot-token-at-point)
-               (gnuplot-scan-stack stack tokens)))
+             (if (and (null (pop tokens)) (not completing-p))
+                 (gnuplot-scan-stack stack tokens)))
             (fail () (setq fail t)))
        ;; Main loop
        (while t
          (let* ((inst (aref instructions pc))
                 (opcode (car inst))
                 (token (car tokens))
-                (end-of-tokens
-                 (or (gnuplot-end-of-tokens-p tokens)
-                     (and completing-p
-                          (eq token gnuplot-token-at-point)))))
-           (gnuplot-trace "%s\t%s\t%s\n" pc inst (gnuplot-token-id token))
+                (end-of-tokens (null tokens)))
+           (gnuplot-trace "%s\t%s\t%s\n" pc inst (and token (gnuplot-token-id 
            (case opcode
              ;; (literal LITERAL NO-COMPLETE)
@@ -1848,7 +1830,7 @@ there."
                 (pop stack))
               (if (not stack)
                   ;; Successful match
-                  (throw 'return tokens)
+                  (throw 'return (list tokens))
                 ;; Otherwise, return to caller
                 (let* ((r (pop stack))
                        (r-pc (cadr r)))
@@ -1915,10 +1897,8 @@ there."
              ;; (check-progress): make sure not stuck in an infinite loop
               (let ((prev-progress (cdr (assoc pc progress))))
-                (if (eq prev-progress tokens)
-                    (progn
-                      ;; (pop backtrack)
-                      (fail)) 
+                (if (and prev-progress (eq prev-progress tokens))
+                    (fail)
                   (push (cons pc tokens) progress))))
@@ -1936,7 +1916,7 @@ there."
                (gnuplot-debug (gnuplot-dump-backtrack backtrack))
                ;; If we got as far as token-at-point before failing,
                ;; scan the stack for eldoc and info strings
-               (when end-of-tokens
+               (when (and end-of-tokens (not completing-p))
                  (gnuplot-scan-stack stack tokens))
@@ -2011,11 +1991,12 @@ there."
         (mapconcat 'gnuplot-token-id tokens " "))))
-;;;; Interface to the matching machine
+;;; Interface to the matching machine
 (defun gnuplot-parse-at-point (completing-p)
   (let ((tokens (gnuplot-tokenize completing-p)))
     (gnuplot-match-pattern gnuplot-compiled-grammar tokens completing-p)))
+;; Completions
 (defun gnuplot-completions ()
   (gnuplot-parse-at-point t)
@@ -2023,9 +2004,10 @@ there."
 (defun gnuplot-completion-at-point ()
   "Return completions of keyword preceding point."
   (let* ((end (point))
-        (beg (max
-              (save-excursion (skip-syntax-backward "w_") (point))
-              (gnuplot-point-at-beginning-of-command)))
+        (beg
+         (save-excursion
+           (skip-syntax-backward "w_" (gnuplot-point-at-beginning-of-command))
+           (point)))
         (word nil)
         (completions (gnuplot-completions)))
     (unless (= beg end)
@@ -2037,6 +2019,7 @@ there."
       (message "No gnuplot keywords complete '%s'" word)
+;; Eldoc help
 (defun gnuplot-eldoc-function ()
   "Return the ElDoc string for the Gnuplot construction at point."
   (gnuplot-parse-at-point nil)  
diff --git a/gnuplot-test-context.el b/gnuplot-test-context.el
index a0be756..ba7a165 100644
--- a/gnuplot-test-context.el
+++ b/gnuplot-test-context.el
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
        (gnuplot-token-id token))
-       (end-of-input 'end-of-input)
+       (end-of-command 'end-of-command)
        (intern (gnuplot-token-id token)))))
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
                     (gnuplot-match-string ,string rule)))
                `(should (equal
-                          (gnuplot-match-string ,string rule))
-                         (append ,rest '(end-of-input)))))))
+                          (car (gnuplot-match-string ,string rule)))
+                         ,rest)))))
@@ -390,12 +390,11 @@
          (when (> (length tokens) 1)
            (let ((result
-                  (gnuplot-simplify-tokens
-                   (gnuplot-match-pattern
-                    gnuplot-compiled-grammar
-                    tokens nil))))
+                  (gnuplot-match-pattern
+                   gnuplot-compiled-grammar
+                   tokens nil)))
              (incf gnuplot-test-count)
-             (if (eq (car result) 'end-of-input)
+             (if (equal result '(nil))
                  (incf gnuplot-test-success-count)
                (let ((cmd
@@ -405,9 +404,10 @@
                      (get-buffer-create gnuplot-test-result-buffer)
                     (format "FAILED at %s:%s\n\t%s\n" fname ln cmd))
-                   (when result
+                   (when (not (null result))
-                      (format "\tUNMATCHED TOKENS were: %s\n" result)))))))))
+                      (format "\tUNMATCHED TOKENS were: %s\n"
+                              (gnuplot-simplify-tokens (car result)))))))))))
        (gnuplot-beginning-of-defun -1)))))
 (add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist

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