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[elpa] externals/taxy 7f08dde 1/3: Tidy: Remove taxy-org-ql-view.el

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/taxy 7f08dde 1/3: Tidy: Remove taxy-org-ql-view.el
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 23:57:18 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/taxy
commit 7f08ddeb885188ba74ad3339325b1876ed0c3d3a
Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Commit: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>

    Tidy: Remove taxy-org-ql-view.el
    Moved to the org-ql.git repo to comply with ELPA's expectations.
 examples/taxy-org-ql-view.el | 266 -------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 266 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/taxy-org-ql-view.el b/examples/taxy-org-ql-view.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8f751..0000000
--- a/examples/taxy-org-ql-view.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-;;; taxy-org-ql-view.el ---                          -*- lexical-binding: t; 
-;; Copyright (C) 2021  Adam Porter
-;; Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
-;; Keywords:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-;;;; Requirements
-(require 'map)
-(require 'seq)
-(require 'org-ql-view)
-(require 'taxy)
-(require 'taxy-magit-section)
-;;;; Structs
-(cl-defstruct (taxy-org-ql-view-section
-               (:include taxy-magit-section
-                         (format-fn #'org-ql-view--format-element)
-                         (indent 2)
-                         (make #'make-taxy-org-ql-view-section))))
-;;;; Macros
-;;;; Defining taxy keys with macro
-(defvar taxy-org-ql-view-keys nil)
-(defmacro taxy-org-ql-view-define-key (name args &rest body)
-  "Define a `taxy-org-ql-view' key function by NAME having BODY taking ARGS.
-Within BODY, `element' is bound to the `org-element' element
-being tested.
-Defines a function named `taxy-org-ql--predicate-NAME', and adds
-an entry to `taxy-org-ql-view-keys' mapping NAME to the new
-function symbol."
-  (declare (indent defun)
-          (debug (&define symbolp listp &rest def-form)))
-  (let* ((fn-symbol (intern (format "taxy-org-ql--predicate-%s" name)))
-        (fn `(lambda (element ,@args)
-               ,@body)))
-    `(progn
-       (fset ',fn-symbol ,fn)
-       (setf (map-elt taxy-org-ql-view-keys ',name) ',fn-symbol))))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key heading (&rest strings)
-  "Return STRINGS that ELEMENT's heading matches."
-  (when-let ((matches (cl-loop with heading = (org-element-property :raw-value 
-                              for string in strings
-                              when (string-match (regexp-quote string) heading)
-                              collect string)))
-    (format "Heading: %s" (string-join matches ", "))))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key todo (&optional keyword)
-  "Return the to-do keyword for ELEMENT.
-If KEYWORD, return whether it matches that."
-  (when-let ((element-keyword (org-element-property :todo-keyword element)))
-    (cl-flet ((format-keyword
-              (keyword) (format "To-do: %s" keyword)))
-      (pcase keyword
-       ('nil (format-keyword element-keyword))
-       (_ (pcase element-keyword
-            ((pred (equal keyword))
-             (format-keyword element-keyword))))))))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key tags (&rest tags)
-  "Return the tags for ELEMENT.
-If TAGS, return whether it matches them."
-  (cl-flet ((tags-at
-            (pos) (apply #'append (delq 'org-ql-nil (org-ql--tags-at pos)))))
-    (org-with-point-at (org-element-property :org-hd-marker element)
-      (pcase tags
-       ('nil (tags-at (point)))
-       (_ (when-let (common-tags (seq-intersection tags (tags-at (point))
-                                                   #'cl-equalp))
-            (format "Tags: %s" (string-join common-tags ", "))))))))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key priority (&optional priority)
-  "Return ELEMENT's priority as a string.
-If PRIORITY, return it if it matches ELEMENT's priority."
-  (when-let ((priority-number (org-element-property :priority element)))
-    (cl-flet ((format-priority
-              (num) (format "Priority: %s" num)))
-      ;; FIXME: Priority numbers may be wildly larger, right?
-      (pcase priority
-       ('nil (format-priority (char-to-string priority-number)))
-       (_ (pcase (char-to-string priority-number)
-            ((and (pred (equal priority)) string)
-             (format-priority string))))))))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key planning-month ()
-  "Return ELEMENT's planning-date month, or nil.
-Returns in format \"%Y-%m (%B)\"."
-  (when-let ((planning-element (or (org-element-property :deadline element)
-                                  (org-element-property :scheduled element)
-                                  (org-element-property :closed element))))
-    (ts-format "Planning: %Y-%m (%B)" (ts-parse-org-element 
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key planning-year ()
-  "Return ELEMENT's planning-date year, or nil.
-Returns in format \"%Y\"."
-  (when-let ((planning-element (or (org-element-property :deadline element)
-                                  (org-element-property :scheduled element)
-                                  (org-element-property :closed element))))
-    (ts-format "Planning: %Y" (ts-parse-org-element planning-element))))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key planning-date ()
-  "Return ELEMENT's planning date, or nil.
-Returns in format \"%Y-%m-%d\"."
-  (when-let ((planning-element (or (org-element-property :deadline element)
-                                  (org-element-property :scheduled element)
-                                  (org-element-property :closed element))))
-    (ts-format "Planning: %Y-%m-%d" (ts-parse-org-element planning-element))))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key planning ()
-  "Return \"Planned\" if ELEMENT has a planning date."
-  (when (or (org-element-property :deadline element)
-           (org-element-property :scheduled element)
-           (org-element-property :closed element))
-    "Planned"))
-(taxy-org-ql-view-define-key deadline (&rest args)
-  "Return whether ELEMENT has a deadline according to ARGS."
-  (when-let ((deadline-element (org-element-property :deadline element)))
-    (pcase args
-      (`(,(or 'nil 't)) "Deadlined")
-      (_ (let ((element-ts (ts-parse-org-element deadline-element)))
-          (pcase args
-            ((and `(:past)
-                  (guard (ts> (ts-now) element-ts)))
-             "Overdue")
-            ((and `(:today)
-                  (guard (equal (ts-day (ts-now)) (ts-day element-ts))))
-             "Due today")
-            ((and `(:future)
-                  (guard (ts< (ts-now) element-ts)))
-             ;; FIXME: Not necessarily soon.
-             "Due soon")
-            ((and `(:before ,target-date)
-                  (guard (ts< element-ts (ts-parse target-date))))
-             (concat "Due before: " target-date))
-            ((and `(:after ,target-date)
-                  (guard (ts> element-ts (ts-parse target-date))))
-             (concat "Due after: " target-date))
-            ((and `(:on ,target-date)
-                  (guard (let ((now (ts-now)))
-                           (and (equal (ts-doy element-ts)
-                                       (ts-doy now))
-                                (equal (ts-year element-ts)
-                                       (ts-year now))))))
-             (concat "Due on: " target-date))
-            ((and `(:from ,target-ts)
-                  (guard (ts<= (ts-parse target-ts) element-ts)))
-             (concat "Due from: " target-ts))
-            ((and `(:to ,target-ts)
-                  (guard (ts>= (ts-parse target-ts) element-ts)))
-             (concat "Due to: " target-ts))
-            ((and `(:from ,from-ts :to ,to-ts)
-                  (guard (and (ts<= (ts-parse from-ts) element-ts)
-                              (ts>= (ts-parse to-ts) element-ts))))
-             (format "Due from: %s to %s" from-ts to-ts))))))))
-(defun taxy-org-ql-view-take-fn (keys)
-  "Return a `taxy' \"take\" function for KEYS.
-Each of KEYS should be a function alias defined in
-`taxy-org-ql-view-keys', or a list of such KEY-FNS (recursively,
-ad infinitum, approximately)."
-  (let ((macrolets (cl-loop for (name . fn) in taxy-org-ql-view-keys
-                           collect `(,name ',fn))))
-    (cl-labels ((expand-form
-                ;; Is using (cadr (macroexpand-all ...)) really better than 
-                (form) (cadr
-                        (macroexpand-all
-                         `(cl-symbol-macrolet (,@macrolets)
-                            ,form))))
-               (quote-fn
-                (fn) (pcase fn
-                       ((pred symbolp) fn)
-                       (`(,(and (pred symbolp) fn)
-                          . ,(and args (guard (cl-typecase (car args)
-                                                ((or keyword (and atom (not 
-                                                 t)))))
-                        ;; Key with args: replace with a lambda that
-                        ;; calls that key's function with given args.
-                        `(lambda (element)
-                           (,(expand-form fn) element ,@args)))
-                       ((pred listp) (cons 'list (mapcar #'quote-fn fn))))))
-      (setf keys (mapcar #'quote-fn keys))
-      (expand-form
-       `(lambda (item taxy)
-         (taxy-take-keyed (list ,@keys) item taxy))))))
-(defun taxy-org-ql-view-make-taxy (name keys)
-  "Return a dynamic `taxy-org-ql-view-section' taxy named NAME having KEYS.
-KEYS is passed to `taxy-org-ql-view-take-fn', which see."
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (make-taxy-org-ql-view-section
-   :name name
-   :take (taxy-org-ql-view-take-fn keys)))
-;;;; Variables
-;;;; Customization
-;;;; Commands
-;;;; Functions
-(cl-defun taxy-org-ql-search
-    (buffers-or-files query &key taxy-keys sort)
-  "Show Org QL QUERY on BUFFERS-OR-FILES with `taxy-org-ql-view'."
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  (let* ((title (format "Query:%S  In:%S" query buffers-or-files))
-        (taxy (taxy-org-ql-view-make-taxy title
-                taxy-keys))
-        (items (org-ql-select buffers-or-files query
-                 :action 'element-with-markers
-                 :sort sort))
-        (buffer-name (format "*Taxy Org QL View: %s*" title)))
-    (when (get-buffer buffer-name)
-      ;; Reusing an existing magit-section buffer seems to cause a lot
-      ;; of GC, so just kill it if it already exists.
-      (kill-buffer buffer-name))
-    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
-      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-       (erase-buffer)
-       (delete-all-overlays)
-       (magit-section-mode)
-       (use-local-map (make-composed-keymap (list magit-section-mode-map 
-       (taxy-magit-section-insert
-        (thread-last taxy
-          (taxy-fill items)
-          (taxy-mapc* (lambda (taxy)
-                        (setf (taxy-taxys taxy)
-                              (cl-sort (taxy-taxys taxy) #'string<
-                                       :key #'taxy-name)))))
-        :items 'last))
-      (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)))))
-;;;; Footer
-(provide 'taxy-org-ql-view)
-;;; taxy-org-ql-view.el ends here

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