\documentclass[dalek, subject=afteropening, subject=left]{scrlttr2} \begin{document} \begin{letter}{% } \setkomavar{toname}{Dr Who} \setkomavar{toaddress}{The Tardis\\ Gailfrey-on-Sea\\ Galifrey} \setkomavar{subject}{Illegal Parking.} \opening{Dear Doctor Who,} It has come to our notice that your Tardis was illegally parked on the streets of the capital city of Skyro. Accordingly I am instructed to issue with a fine of 10,000 Galactic Credits. If you pay within 7 days there is a discount of 2,000 Galactic credits. Failure to pay may result in your Tardis being towed away and crushed. Also, you will be exterminated! \closing{Regards} \end{letter} \end{document}