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Re: [O] Other editors supporting Org-Mode

From: Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo
Subject: Re: [O] Other editors supporting Org-Mode
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 14:43:46 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4.50 (gnu/linux)

hymie! writes:
I would suggest, rather than adapting more editors to support Org, creating a stand-alone program that "compiles" and manages Org functions separate from the act of editing them.

Perhaps the easiest thing would be an emacs configuration that makes emacs just an org editor for Word users:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
 (setq-default major-mode 'org-mode)
 (setq initial-major-mode 'org-mode)
 (setq initial-buffer-choice "~/Untitled.org")
 (setq inhibit-startup-message t)
 (setq initial-scratch-message nil)
 (require 'printing)


And many many (define-key org-mode-map ...) to change default keybindings and make, e.g., C-a mark-whole-buffer, C-s save-buffer, C-p pr-txt-buffer, etc. It doesn't matter if the bindings lose their default binding as long as there is a way to activate the action in the menus.

The menus should be rewritten, and "Tools" and anything that can make you lose focus on the current buffer should be removed, "Buffers" should be renamed "Files opened", etc. There should be one whole menu for Org-export to avoid the *Org Export Dispatch* buffer and in general, any "special-mode derived" buffer should be avoided.

The toolbar should have many more org-only buttons that emacs-org users generally activate with keybindings: DEMOTE/PROMOTE, INSERT TIME, INSERT SOURCE BLOCK, etc.

This would be an emacs just to edit org-files (and perhaps also running code with babel). There wouldn't be access to the agenda, without the user freaking out and not knowing how to exit (unless it is always opened on a separate frame I guess). But I think achieving agenda capabilities in another editor would also be very difficult.


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