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Re: [O] Create a longtable in LaTeX from orgtbl

From: Tak Kunihiro
Subject: Re: [O] Create a longtable in LaTeX from orgtbl
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 15:25:40 +0900 (JST)


Thank you for responses in regard to making a longtable using a radio
table.  I found a way and want to let you know.

    % BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL tbl:greate-results
    % END RECEIVE ORGTBL tbl:greate-results
    #+ORGTBL: SEND tbl:greate-results orgtbl-to-latex-long :no-escape t
    |       date | session | remarks |
    | 2014-10-11 | s141011 | foo     |

(defun orgtbl-to-latex-long (table params)
  "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to long TABLE in LaTeX."
  (let* ((alignment (mapconcat (lambda (x) (if x "r" "l"))
                               org-table-last-alignment ""))
         (params-common (list
                         :lstart "      " :lend " \\\\" :sep " & "
                         :efmt "%s\\,(%s)" :hline "      \\hline"))
         (params0 (list
                   :tstart (concat "    \\begin{longtable}{ " alignment " }\n"
                                   "      \\caption{" (orgtbl-util-last-latex 
"caption") "}\\\\ % 1ST HEADER")
                   :tend (concat  "      \\endfirsthead\n"
                                  "      \\caption{Continued}\\\\ % 2ND 
         (params2 (list
                   :tstart (concat "      \\endhead\n"
                                   "      % ----------------")
                   :tend (concat  "      % ----------------\n"
                                  "      \\label{" (orgtbl-util-last-latex 
"label") "}\n"
                                  "    \\end{longtable}")))
         (table-head (list (car table))) ; store 1st row
         (table-body (cdr table))
         head0 head1 body

    ;; look for hline as head-body separator
    (when (memq 'hline table-body)
      (setq *table-head-rtn* (reverse table-head)) ; to use `push' instead of 
      (while (not (eq 'hline (car table-body))) ; check for 2nd+ row
        (push (car table-body) *table-head-rtn*)
        (pop table-body))
      (push 'hline *table-head-rtn*)
      (pop table-body)
      (setq table-head (reverse *table-head-rtn*)))

    ;; create text
    (setq head0 (orgtbl-to-generic table-head (org-combine-plists params-common 
params0 params)))
    (setq head1 (orgtbl-to-generic table-head (org-combine-plists params-common 
    (setq body  (orgtbl-to-generic table-body (org-combine-plists params-common 
params2 params)))
    (concat head0 "\n" head1 "\n" body)))

(defun orgtbl-util-last-latex (command)
  "Go backward until `begin{longtable}' or beginning of current
buffer and obtain first content in curly bracket of COMMAND."
    (let* ((end (point))
           (start (or (search-backward "begin{longtable}" nil t) (point-min)))
           (string-to-search (buffer-substring start end)))
      (string-match (concat "\\" command "{\\([^}]*\\)}") string-to-search)
      (match-string 1 string-to-search))))

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