I see. But, I assume that you meant…
8. Observe that the line still goes to "session1"
I usually launch another emacs for “session2”.
There’s probably a way to do this manually,
but, I take your point. However, if you are a
non-user, then why do you care?
Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics,
Vice President, Wisconsin Chapter of the American Statistical Association
Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus
Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net>
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 1:28 PM
To: Sparapani, Rodney <rsparapa@mcw.edu>
Cc: Jack Kamm <jackkamm@gmail.com>, ESS-core@r-project.org <ESS-core@r-project.org>, Liu Hui <liuhui1610@gmail.com>, emacs-orgmode@gnu.org <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: [FR] Add buffer-local setting to request specific ESS process/session name (was: [PATCH] Set Python shell in Org edit buffer)
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"Sparapani, Rodney" <rsparapa@mcw.edu> writes:
> Hi Ihor:
> Do you have a patch? I’m not an org-mode user so I can’t test this myself.
> Thanks
Well. I am not exactly ESS user, so I wanted to get a general feedback
first before trying anything blindly.
I think I can demonstrate the problem we are facing without forcing you
to use Org mode though:
1. create and open test.R file containing
x = "foo"
2. M-: (setq-local ess-gen-proc-buffer-name-function (lambda (_) "session1"))
3. M-x ess-eval-line
4. Observe "session1" R comint buffer displayed
5. create and open test2.R file containing
y = "bar"
6. M-: (setq-local ess-gen-proc-buffer-name-function (lambda (_) "session2"))
7. M-x ess-eval-line
8. Observe that the line still goes to "session2"
As a non-user, I am not sure if the above is a bug or just some kind of
missing feature. However, for comparison, python.el allows setting
`python-shell-buffer-name' and doing steps similar to the above will
yield two independent python shells to interact with.
Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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