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Re: nested blocks in org

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: nested blocks in org
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 12:03:28 +0000

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> mahmood sheikh <mahmod.m2015@gmail.com> writes:
>> with the given minimal example:
>> ```
>> #+begin_parent
>> #+begin_child
>> #+end_child
>> #+end_parent
>> ```
>> the code
>> ```lisp
>> (org-block-map (lambda () (message "elem: %s" (org-element-at-point))))
>> ```
>> goes through only the parent element and doesnt run the lambda on the
>> child block
>> the docstring of org-block-map says it iterates through src blocks but
>> it also goes through special blocks, albeit not nested ones, i
>> might've confused it for org-element-map as im not sure about the
>> later functions behavior.
> This is a bug in `org-block-map'.

Fixed, on main.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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