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Re: Pending contents in org documents (Re: Asynchronous blocks for every

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: Pending contents in org documents (Re: Asynchronous blocks for everything (was Re: ...))
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 09:49:19 +0000

Bruno Barbier <brubar.cs@gmail.com> writes:

> I've pushed the update to my public branch.


I am attaching some minor edits I'd like to propose on top of your
latest branch.

Also, some more questions.

> ;;        (setq my-rlock
> ;;              (org-pending (cons (point) (mark))
> ;;                           (lambda (outcome)
> ;;                             (pcase outcome
> ;;                               (`(:success ,result) (goto-char END) (insert 
> result))
> ;;                               (`(:failure ,err) (message "Failed: %s" 
> err))))))

1. It is more natural in Elisp to pass regions as two parameters: BEG
   and END, not a cons cell.

2. Note that (point) may be _after_ (mark).  AFAIU, you code assumes
   that point is always before the mark.  You may want to address this.

3. ON-OUTCOME is optional. What happens if none is provided?

4. In the `org-pending' docstring you say "ON-OUTCOME is non-nil, call
   it with the reglock and the outcome", but the example shows a lambda
   accepting a single argument. Something is off. I'm afraid that this
   example will not work if copy-pasted.

> ;;        (org-pending-send-update my-rlock  (list :progress "Not ready 
> yet."))
> ;;        (org-pending-send-update my-rlock  (list :progress "Coming soon."))

Should the progress message always be a string?

> ;;        (org-pending-send-update my-rlock (list :success 1))

What will org-pending do with :success 1? Will it replace region with
"1" or will it do something else?

> ;;        (org-pending-send-update my-rlock (list :failure "Some error!"))

I am slightly confused by this calling convention. Why not simply

(org-pending-send-update my-rlock :failure "Some error!")

> ;;    (setf (org-pending-reglock-insert-details-function my-reglock)
> ;;          (lambda (rl _start _end)
> ;;            (insert (format "%s" (org-pending-reglock-property rl 
> :my-prop)))))

Are there any standard properties? It would be nice to list them in a
table as well.

Also, you can show an example of _setting_ :my-prop property.

> ;; If the user kills a buffer, or, kills Emacs, some locks may have to
> ;; be killed too.  The library will ask the user to confirm if an
> ;; operation requires to kill some locks.  See the field
> ;; `before-kill-function' of REGLOCK object, if you need to do
> ;; something before a lock is really killed.  For example, if you like
> ;; to kill a MY-BUFFER before MY-LOCK is killed, you can do:
> ;;
> ;;    (setf (org-pending-reglock-before-kill-function my-reglock)
> ;;          (lambda (_rl) (kill-buffer my-buffer)))

It would be nice to have an example that will also send a signal to
process, as it is probably the most commonly used way to utilize

>From `org-pending' docstring:

> If ON-OUTCOME returns
> a region (a pair (start position . end position)), use it to report the
> success/failure using visual hints on that region.  If ON-OUTCOME
> returns nothing, don't display outcome marks.

What if ON-OUTCOME returns something that is not a cons cell and not nil?

diff --git a/lisp/org-pending.el b/lisp/org-pending.el
index 2530a95b3..973b5e17b 100644
--- a/lisp/org-pending.el
+++ b/lisp/org-pending.el
@@ -26,11 +26,18 @@ ;;; Commentary:
 ;;;; Overview
-;; This library contains an API to lock a region while it is "being
+;; This library provides an API to lock a region while it is "being
 ;; updated"; the content of the region is "pending" and cannot be
 ;; modified.  It will be updated, later, when the new content is
 ;; available.
+;; While region is "pending", the library will mark it for the user,
+;; displaying the current update progress.
+;; The update may yield success or failure.  On success, the region
+;; content will be updated, and the update summary will be indicated.
+;; On failure, the error log will be displayed.
 ;; Locking regions is useful when the update is computed
 ;; asynchronously and/or depends on external events.
@@ -38,7 +45,7 @@ ;;;; Overview
 ;;;; How to use locks in your library
-;; To lock a region, you need to do something like this:
+;; To lock a region, you need to:
 ;;    1. Call the function `org-pending' with the region to lock; use
 ;;       the ON-OUTCOME argument to tell Emacs how to update the
@@ -47,18 +54,19 @@ ;;;; How to use locks in your library
 ;;    2. Start "something" that computes the new content.  That
 ;;       "something" may be a thread, a timer, a notification, a
-;;       process, etc.  That "something" must eventually send a
-;;       :success or :failure message (using
-;;       `org-pending-send-update'): Emacs will update the pending
-;;       region (using your ON-OUTCOME) and unlock it; at this point
-;;       the lock is "dead" (see `org-pending-reglock-live-p').
+;;       process, etc.  That "something" might optionally report
+;;       :progress, and must eventually send a :success or :failure
+;;       message (using `org-pending-send-update'): org-pending will
+;;       update the pending region (using your ON-OUTCOME) and unlock
+;;       it; at this point the lock is "dead" (see
+;;       `org-pending-reglock-live-p').
 ;; A lock is "live" (blocking its region) from when it's created until
-;; it receives its outcome (success or failure).  Once the lock
+;; it receives its outcome (:success or :failure).  Once the lock
 ;; receives its outcome, it's dead.
 ;; You may read the current status using `org-pending-reglock-status'.
-;; The status is automatically updated when you send updates using
+;; The status is updated when you send updates using
 ;; `org-pending-send-update'.
 ;; | Status    | Type     | Region   | Live ? | Possible updates              
| Outcome available | Outcome marks                  |
@@ -99,23 +107,23 @@ ;;;; Interface provided to the Emacs user
 ;; and/or overlays.  It diplays and updates the status while the
 ;; region is locked: the initial status is :scheduled, then, when
 ;; receiving progress it becomes :pending (with progress information
-;; if any).  Emacs allows to diplay a description of the lock in a new
-;; buffer, like, for example, `describe-package'.  From that
+;; if any).  org-pending allows to diplay a description of the lock in
+;; a new buffer, like, for example, `describe-package'.  From that
 ;; description buffer, the user may request to cancel that lock; see
 ;; the field `user-cancel-function' of the REGLOCK object if you need
-;; to customize what to do on cancel.  By default, Emacs will just
-;; send the update (list :failure 'org-pending-user-cancel) so that
-;; the region is unlocked.
+;; to customize what to do on cancel.  By default, org-pending will
+;; just send the update (list :failure 'org-pending-user-cancel) so
+;; that the region is unlocked.
-;; When receiving the outcome (success or failure), after unlocking
+;; When receiving the outcome (:success or :failure), after unlocking
 ;; the region, the library may leave information about the outcome
 ;; (using text properties/overlays); it will leave an outcome mark
 ;; only if the ON-OUTCOME function returns the outcome region (see
-;; `org-pending`). If that outcome information is (still) displayed,
+;; `org-pending').  If that outcome information is (still) displayed,
 ;; Emacs allows to display a description of that lock.  From that
 ;; description, the user may decide to "forget" that lock; "forgetting
-;; the lock" removes the outcome visual marks, and, it allows Emacs to
-;; discard any information related to this lock.
+;; the lock" removes the outcome visual marks, and, it allows
+;; org-pending to discard any information related to this lock.
 ;; Note that the visual marks of an outcome are silently removed if
 ;; the library needs to (like when creating a new lock, or when
@@ -172,7 +180,7 @@ ;;;; Content of this file
 ;; and block the user.  The section "Dev & debug" contains tools that
 ;; are useful only for development and debugging.
-;; This file does *NOT* depend on Org.
+;; This file does *NOT* depend on Org mode.
 ;;; Code:
Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>

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