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Re: figures not exported properly by ox-latex

From: mahmood sheikh
Subject: Re: figures not exported properly by ox-latex
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 11:59:56 +0300

this is an example of what i mean:
#+begin_src org
  #+name: fig-switching-circuit-kmap-1
  #+caption: karnaugh table of \(p\)
    \karnaughmap[function=, defaultmap=8, omitzeros=false, omitidx, variables=xyz]{01101001}
i vaguely recall org mode automatically turning captioned tikzpicture's into figures by wrapping them in a figure environment. currently, this is what i get when i export to latex:
#+begin_src latex
    \karnaughmap[function=, defaultmap=8, omitzeros=false, omitidx, variables=xyz]{01101001}
    \caption{\label{fig-switching-circuit-kmap-1}karnaugh table of \(p\)}
a tikzpicture environment doesnt expect a \caption and therefore this gives an error. to avoid this the environment has to be wrapped manually by the user by a \begin{figure} environment, but i think this may be redundant because anything that takes a #+caption is expected to be a figure.
also, ox-html doesnt handle those anymore, it used to handle #+caption: and insert it into the generated html output, it simply ignores that now. example:
#+begin_src org
  #+name: fig-switching-circuit-1
  #+caption: implementation of \(p\)
ox-html generates the following html:
#+begin_src html
  <img src="" /><br />
its not a different problem, its basically that after the new overhaul figures are being handled differently than i recall, but i cant say for sure. although the report above about the exported circuit.svg img does make sense even if it wasnt handled the way i'd expect before the overhaul.

On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 11:47 AM Karthik Chikmagalur <karthikchikmagalur@gmail.com> wrote:
> it might've been fixed for figures as its been a while, but shouldnt
> latex environments with #+caption: and #+name: above them be exported
> as figures? because currently the user has to write \begin{figure} and
> \end{figure} explicitly which would work

This is not the case.  The LaTeX output I posted in my previous response
was the exported output from your example Org source.  I did not add the
\begin{figure} and \end{figure} tags manually.


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