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Using Org-mode for literate Emacs configuration with use-package

From: Sébastien Gendre
Subject: Using Org-mode for literate Emacs configuration with use-package
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2024 21:39:52 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.1; emacs 29.4


I am using Org-mode and the elisp function `(org-babel-load-file)` to
write my Emacs configuration into an Org-mode document. It's very
useful to document my configuration and I can quickly do exports to HTML
or PDF when a friend want to know more about my configuration.

But, I have a problem.

Sometimes, I need to split a package configuration into multiple
sections of my Org-mode document. For example Org-mode, because I set a
lot of settings. By spiting my config, I can correctly document each
option and organize it in a more comprehensible way.

But with the elisp function `(use-package)`, I need to join each package
configuration into the call of `(use-package)` function. Which prevent
me from splitting my config into Org-mode sections.

I was thinking of writing Org-mode source block with different parts of
my `(use-package)` call, so I can distribute it into different section of my
Org-mode document. But in this case, I can no-longer evaluate my
`(use-package)` call directly from my Org-mode document.

Do you have any suggestion ? How do you manage this problem ?

Best regards

Gendre Sébastien

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