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Re: [ANN] tchanges.el: Collaborate with word processor (docx) users usin

From: James Thomas
Subject: Re: [ANN] tchanges.el: Collaborate with word processor (docx) users using 'track changes'
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 05:26:40 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Ihor Radchenko wrote:

> James Thomas writes:
>>> What about comments? Are they stored into Org mode file or separately?
>> They're loaded on import and view/edit/add-able before re-exporting. A
>> 'Save WIP' feature for writing to disk until then is on the TODO list.
> Are the comments also using Org markup? Or is it something more ad-hoc?

The comments are separately stored in bookmark.el bookmarks. I'd briefly
considered also using a fake backend like "@@comment:the annotation
text@@" inline for it specifically for org, but preferred the former due
to the easier sorting/browsing etc.; and I also didn't want to maintain
the state in two places. But if you have better ideas, please tell me.

(If you're talking about markup within the comment text, that's
obviously orthogonal to this)

I'd put up an updated the demo animation with this, if you want to see.


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