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Possible bug getting bounds of URL at point?

From: Karl Fogel
Subject: Possible bug getting bounds of URL at point?
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 15:10:35 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

In Org Mode buffers, `bounds-of-thing-at-point-provider-alist' names a Org-Mode-specific URL provider:

 ((url . org--bounds-of-link-at-point))

That handler is defined in org.el:

 (defun org--bounds-of-link-at-point ()
   "`bounds-of-thing-at-point' provider function."
   (let ((context (org-element-context)))
     (when (eq (org-element-type context) 'link)
       (cons (org-element-begin context)
             (org-element-end context)))))

(This is in the tree as of today, commit f2141541b45.)

I think this is causing URL boundaries to be calculated incorrectly.


Assume we have this line in an Org Mode buffer (note there are three trailing spaces after the final "m" -- hopefully the MTAs and MUAs will leave those spaces there):

https://example.com Let's say the initial "h" is at position 22205, the position right after the final "m" is 22224, and the final position on the line (after the three spaces) is 22227.

With point anywhere inside the URL, if I run (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'url), I currently get this result:

 (22205 . 22227)

But I expected this result instead:

 (22205 . 22224)

Is (22205 . 22227) correct, and I'm just misunderstanding how URL boundaries are supposed to work in Org Mode?

I haven't yet debugged into `org-element-end' (nor into `org-element-property', which is what `org-element-end' wraps). First I want to check that my expectations are correct.

Is there a bug here?

Best regards,

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