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Re: Using Org-mode for literate Emacs configuration with use-package

From: Dilip
Subject: Re: Using Org-mode for literate Emacs configuration with use-package
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:17:02 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)


I also enjoy using literate org config.

I cannot think of a way to split config in org src blocks and evaluate it
Each src block needs to evaluated, although most of the time while
editing itself I do evaluate or =eval-buffer=.

There is one way I can think of, that is to use =noweb= inside one
block. That might add little noise if you do many splits, but it works.
You can do =org-babel-expand-src-block= to get the output.

Or you may just use many use-package src block for that package.

With =:custom= keyword in use-package, you can add some doc for that

  Eg: (use-package org :custom
                       (org-ellipsis ".." "Some doc"))

I'm interested in knowing others opinion, and how they use it.

I use both emacs and nixos config in org-mode.

Other resource that uses a method that lets you use single noweb
reference to tangle all src block name.
Eg: You can use just <<org-conf>> and have any number of src block with
same #+name:org-conf name


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