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Re: Properties drawer at buffer/file level

From: Martin Edström
Subject: Re: Properties drawer at buffer/file level
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 19:09:50 +0200 (CEST)

The property drawer has to come first for technical reasons. Just try manually 
moving the property drawer beneath the title, then do

M-: (org-entry-get nil "ID")

and what do you get? Nil.


On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 18:02:35 +0200, Sébastien Gendre <seb@k-7.ch> wrote:

> Hello,
> If I set a property with `(org-set-property)' when the point is at the
> top of a buffer, before any heading, I got a property drawer inserted at
> in the first line of the buffer.
> But if I already have buffer settings, like "#+TITLE:", the property
> drawer is put before these settings.
> Is it possible to tell Org-mode to put the buffer properties drawer after
> the buffer settings ?
> More context:
> I try to use Org-roam to take notes about books I read. With this, I got
> 1 file per book, with the title of the book set as buffer setting
> "#+TITLE:".
> But when I add other information (like author, editor, etc)
> into a property drawer of my note, these additional info are inserted
> before the title.
> On a new note, I got this:
>      :ID:       A-unique-ID
>      :Author:   Author Name
>      :Editor:   Editor Name
>      :END:
>      #+Title: Book title
> Instead of this:
>      #+Title: Book title
>      :ID:       A-unique-ID
>      :Author:   Author Name
>      :Editor:   Editor Name
>      :END:
> Which is visually very different from what I got when the property
> drawer is set for a heading. And the actual result feel less intuitive
> than what I got with heading.
> Best regards
> -------
> Gendre Sébastien

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