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Re: multipage html output

From: Orm Finnendahl
Subject: Re: multipage html output
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 20:58:06 +0200


 again thanks for checking.

Am Montag, den 12. August 2024 um 17:10:25 Uhr (+0000) schrieb Ihor Radchenko:
> :multipage-split-function should be added to the :translate-alist I
> think.  It should be documented what :multipage-split-function is
> supposed to do in the docstring of `org-export-define-backend'.
> I do not feel like :multipage-split-function is supposed to be export
> _option_. It is more internal. That's why :translate-alist, where the
> internals like templates and transcoders lie.

That's how I had it before, but I reasoned it is not a transcoding
function either, so I was unsure. Anyway I reversed it.

> > (defun org-export-transcode-org-page (org-page _ info)
> > ...
>     > (let* ((body-only (org-element-property :body-only org-page))
>     >        (info (cl-list* ;; add :tl-headline and :tl-headline-number to 
> info
>     >               :tl-headline headline
>     >               :tl-headline-number
>     >               (alist-get
>     >                headline
>     >                (plist-get info :headline-numbering))
>     >               info))
> May you please explain what is the purpose of constructing custom INFO
> plist, what all these parameters do, and why you re-do the export again
> in the transcoder discarding the CONTENTS argument provided?

The redo of the transcoding was a leftover from debugging an earlier
stage. Removed now.

:tl-headline and :tl-headline-numbering are needed for constructing
the side toc and the footnote section on each page. They are needed in
org-html-multipage-toc, called by org-html-multipage-template and in
org-html-footnote-section called from
org-html-multipage-inner-template. At that stage there is no
information about the page, the templates are on. Let me know if you
have a better idea how to provide/access that information, I found a
temporary addition to info the most natural way. As it will be needed
by any multipage backend which wants to determine the footnotes for a
page, I think there should be a generic solution in ox.el.

As :tl-headline-numbering can be determined from the tl-headline
within org-html-multipage-toc, I can get rid of that if you
prefer. Let me know how to proceed.

> > (defun org-export-transcode-org-data (data body info)
> >   "Transcode DATA with BODY.  Return transcoded string.
> > DATA is the top `org-data' node of the parse-tree.  INFO is the
> > communication channel plist."
> >   (if (plist-get info :multipage)
> >       ;;; for multipage output the `org-data' node contains `org-page'
> >       ;;; pseudo elements as contents, so we call `org-export-data' on
> >       ;;; each of them and return the collected results.
> >       (mapcar (lambda (org-page)
> >                 (org-export-data org-page info))
> >               (org-element-contents data))
> This is not a transcoder's job to export its contents.
> Please move special handling of org-page AST nodes to `org-export-data'.



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