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Recovering playback state of multiple playlists and over multiple sessio

From: Yuchen Pei
Subject: Recovering playback state of multiple playlists and over multiple sessions
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 18:06:58 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.2


I often have several long playlists of spoken words, mostly conference talks and lectures, and I wonder how I can resume where I left from last time. I have them all saved in native playlist files, and load them manually when I start an emacs session.

There are two problems:

1. Say I have two playlists A and B, A is at track 42 at 23:00 and B is at track 73 at 87:32. I just paused track 42 of A and would like to resume track 73 of B. How do I do that? If I navigate to B and press RET (emms-playlist-mode-play-smart) or invoke (emms-playlist-mode-play-current-track), track 73 will start from the beginning, rather than 87:32. If I navigate to B and press P, track 42 of A will resume. I also tried switching to playlist B at the metaplaylist first, but that did not seem to help either.

2. Say I have one playlist A at track 42 at 23:00. How do I save it, close emacs and resume at track 42 at 23:00 next time I open emacs and load the playlist? I tried saving the playlist as a native playlist, but when I load it starts from track 1 again.



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