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Re: [epsilon-devel] Questions

From: amz3
Subject: Re: [epsilon-devel] Questions
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 06:51:28 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.5

Sorry in advance for this long mail, but I think it very crucial to have a clear overview of what epsilon is and in particular epsilon0.

You pretty much nail down epsilon1 in the tutorial (http://ageinghacker.net/blog/posts/17/#Top) and it's good. But as much as it's important to document epsilon1, it's important to also document epsilon0 with plain english. From the discussion we had, I think you really want to go forward implementing new personalities on top of epsilon1 (or is it something else?), it is normal and it is the way forward, but other peoples, just like me, will want to understand how epsilon is made, why it works, how it works... and not only through code.

Sorry, again, I just would like to prevent any mis-interpretation of my attitude and stress the fact that I'm not patronizing you or something, I'm only documenting my work on epsilon (and asking for some help) trying to be useful and if you don't feel like answering or find something not interesting/useful/whatever just say so. Thanks :-)

Sadly, I'm pretty much new to language creation and not very literate in Lisp/Scheme/Guile so I may mis-use some terms. E.g. I know what is a lisp/scheme macro, but I can't write one myself.

Questions and requests are at the end.

On 2013-12-30 02:56, Luca Saiu wrote:
On 2013-12-29 at 23:02, address@hidden wrote:

Where buffer:make is defined in
the final implementation of epsilon?

The real definition of buffer:make is in C; it could be an assembly
wrapper instead, but however still out of epsilon0.  This is what a
primitive is: just like a procedure, but implemented out of epsilon at a
lower level.

So, if I understand correctly primitives are the primary forms? functions? operations? datums? provided by epsilon0 (language) upon which epsilon1 is built.

As of current bzr repository revision 239, epislon bootstraped from Guile (http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/revision/239), they are defined in four places:

- runtime/c-primitives.c
- bootstrap/scheme/epsilon0-in-scheme.scm
- bootstrap/scheme/unexec.e
- bootstrap/scheme/core.e

Primitives written in C are the following (http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/runtime/c-primitives.c#L415):

- whatever:zero
- whatever:eq?
- buffer:make
- buffer:make-uninitialized
- buffer:destroy
- buffer:get
- buffer:set!
- buffer:initialize!
- buffer:length

- fixnum:1-
- fixnum:1+
- fixnum:<
- fixnum:<=
- fixnum:negate
- fixnum:+
- fixnum:-
- fixnum:*
- fixnum:/
- fixnum:%
- fixnum:bitwise-not
- fixnum:bitwise-and
- fixnum:bitwise-or
- fixnum:bitwise-xor
- fixnum:left-shift
- fixnum:right-shift

- gc:disable!
- gc:reenable!

- whatever:atom?
- whatever:buffer?
- whatever:thread
- whatever:duplicate
- whatever:swap
- whatever:make-zero
- whatever:marshal-to-open-file
- whatever:unmarshal-from-open-file

- io:standard-input
- io:standard-output
- io:standard-error
- io:open-file
- io:close-file
- io:eof?
- io:read-character
- io:write-character
- io:read-32-bit-big-endian
- io:write-32-bit-big-endian
- io:read-sexpression
- io:write-value

- primitive:get-index
- primitive:call-in-c

- debug:dump
- debug:fail

- state:update-globals-and-procedures!

- e0:eval-in-c

Primitives written in Guile in epsilon0-in-scheme.scm are the following (http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/bootstrap/scheme/epsilon0-in-scheme.scm):

- e0:value
- e0:the-empty-list
- e0:unspecified
- e0:if-in
- e0:if-in_
- e0:bundle
- e0:let
- e0:primitive
- e0:call
- e0:call-indirect
- e0:join

Things that I think are primitives in unexec.e (http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/bootstrap/scheme/unexec.e):

- unexec:exec

Some primitives seem to be defined only in core.e which I think is epsilon in epsilon itself (http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/bootstrap/scheme/core.e#L33):

- e0:fork
- e0:fork*
- future:fork-procedure
- future:asynchronously-call-closure

Other e0:* procedures/macros that I found:

- e0:call-indirect
- e0:call0

This is more than what I *found by parsing* the thesis (http://ageinghacker.net/blog/posts/17/#My-PhD-thesis):

Chapter 2: The core language of epsilon0 > Section 2.2: Syntax

- let
- call
- primitive
- if
- fork
- join
- bundle

Chapter 3: Reflection and self-modification > Section 3.2: Global definitions

- state:global-set!
- state:global-get
- state:global-names

- state:procedure-set!
- state:procedure-names
- state:procedure-get-formals
- state:procedure-get-body

Chapter 3: Reflection and self-modification > Section 3.3: unexec

- unexec

Request: Can you add, strike with a comment things that are not primitives and comment if you find it important (maybe it's documented I did not pay attention yet). Can you mark anything not essential, I mean not part of epsilon0, as such.


0) Do you agree to call epsilon a language (creation?) framework?
I) Why some of the above primitives are not discussed in the thesis?
II) In the thesis, you say that compilation works like unexec, can you expand a bit?
III) It seems to me, that all the above should start with e0:, isn't it?
IV) When an epsilon program is unexec, it's sealed somehow, it is described in the thesis, what is required to be able run it (except the code required to unmarshal the dump)? V) As of yet, epsilon0 is written in Guile and Guile extensions written in C. It's possible in theory to provide a epsilon0.so against which bindings of some languages can be created and upon which new languages can be created, is it correct? VI) Does the following diagram describe correctly the current state of epsilon:

       [guile] [pritimives-c]
            \     /
    [epsilon0 in epsilon][**]

[**] this part is unexec when (load "bootstrap.scm") is called from guile+whatever prompt.

After that when one use (load "quick-start.scm") from guile+whatever prompt, the diagram of the executing epsilon is:

[guile parser] [**]
           \    /

Thanks in advance,

All links of this mail in no specific order:

- http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/revision/239
- http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/runtime/c-primitives.c#L415 - http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/bootstrap/scheme/epsilon0-in-scheme.scm - http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/bootstrap/scheme/unexec.e
- http://ageinghacker.net/blog/posts/17/#My-PhD-thesis
- http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/epsilon/trunk/annotate/head:/bootstrap/scheme/core.e#L33

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