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Re: [ESPResSo-users] Compiling fine but not including desired features

From: Olaf Lenz
Subject: Re: [ESPResSo-users] Compiling fine but not including desired features
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:29:20 +0100


Im not sure whether setting the variable “MYCONFIG“ still works. Simply rename “personal.hpp“ to “myconfig.hpp“ and run “make“ again.
Furthermore, we do not recommend to run “make install“, better use ESPResSo from the compilation dir.


Am 13.12.2014 04:36 schrieb "Damian" <address@hidden>:

Hello guys!


First of it all I wanto ton thank you for your effort in the developing of Espresso.


Well the thing is: I compile the program in a $Builddir:

~/$builddir/$sourcedir/configure --with-mpi --with-tcl --with-tk --with-fftw --with-cuda MYCONFIG=personal.hpp

I paste the “personal.hpp” config file in the $builddir then compile

~/$builddir/make –j 8 all

And install

~/$builddir/sudo make install


And everything is fine, espresso get installed, but when I execute Espresso and then the command “code_info”, the features that I want (lattice boltzmann) is not installed but the basic features.



Please help!




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