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IOS-Push Notification

From: Jigar
Subject: IOS-Push Notification
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 13:55:09 +0530


I Hope you are well. I have installed flexisip on centos 7 For push notification. I have checked with Android Device For push notifications it's going well.

Now I have trying push notification for IOS device with following command :

./flexisip_pusher --pntype apple --appid xxxx --pntok xxxxx --apple-push-type Background --debug

But when I fired command at that time I am getting error as below :

2020-10-14 08:22:42:419 flexisip-debug-PNR 0xba1a20 payload is {
                        "aps": {
                                "badge": 0,
                                "content-available": 1,
                                "loc-key": "IM_MSG",
                                "loc-args": ["Pusher"],
                                "call-id": "",
                                "uuid": "",
                                "send-time": "2020-10-14 08:22:42"
                        "from-uri": "sip:toto@sip.linphone.org",
                        "display-name": "Pusher",
                        "pn_ttl": 2592000
2020-10-14 08:22:42:419 flexisip-error-No push notification client available for push notification request : 0xba1a20
Segmentation fault

Can you help me resolve this error.

Let me know if you need more information regarding this.

Thanks & Regard
Jigar Solanki

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