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[fluid-dev] About linked sample in the SoundFont2.04 specs

From: Ox Zaief
Subject: [fluid-dev] About linked sample in the SoundFont2.04 specs
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 00:53:56 +0900


I’m working on developing some SoundFont related applications and have some 
questions about linked sample.

In the section 7.10,  the SoundFont 2.04 specs say:
“ Both samples should be played entirely syncrhonously, with their pitch 
controlled by the right sample’s generators. All non-pitch generators should 
apply as normal; in particular the panning of the individual samples to left 
and right should be accomplished via the pan generator. “

What happens if there is an instrument with two zone, one zone containing a 
left sample and pitch generators, the other zone containing right sample? 
Do they ignore the pitch generators? 
What about pitch modulators?

The specs also say:
"The linked sample type is not currently fully defined in the SoundFont 2 
specification, but will ultimately support a circularly linked list of samples 
using wSampleLink. “

Does this mean that a pair link is supported, but a link containing more than 
two samples is not supported?


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