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Re: [fluid-dev] Building fluid synth on MACOS

From: Conrad Berhörster
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Building fluid synth on MACOS
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 16:39:29 +0200

> Am 04.05.2024 um 22:56 schrieb Brad Howes via fluid-dev 
> <fluid-dev@nongnu.org>:
>> On 4 May 2024, at 16:47, Conrad Berhörster <cb@toncat.de> wrote:
>> [ 95%] Linking CXX shared library libfluidsynth.dylib
>> ld: warning: ignoring file 
>> '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/glib/2.80.0_2/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib': found 
>> architecture 'arm64', required architecture 'x86_64'
>> ld: warning: ignoring file 
>> '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/libsndfile/1.2.2/lib/libsndfile.1.0.37.dylib': found 
>> architecture 'arm64', required architecture ‘x86_64’
>> ...
>> is this an issue of my homebrew installation?
> Maybe. You clearly have an ARM install of glib but your build seems to need 
> an Intel install for some reason. You need to find out why. What platform are 
> you compiling on? What did CMake tell you it found for GLib2 when you ran 
> “make -Denable-framework=off ..”? Here’s what it told me:
> cmake -Denable-framework=off ..
> -- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
> -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
> ...
> -- Found GLib2: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/glib/2.80.0_2/lib/libglib-2.0.dylib 
> (found suitable version "2.80.0", minimum required is "2.6.5")
> During compilation in a clean “build” directory, I get several warnings, but 
> the “Linking CXX shared library libfluidsynth.dylib” completes without error.
> It is possible you are using a compile chain that is actually generating 
> Intel binary. I would check to make sure CMake is seeing the right compiler. 
> Also, note that brew comes in two versions which are incompatible, one for 
> ARM and one for Intel. You can install both on your system if you want, and 
> the Intel executables will be run in Apple’s emulator which is quite fast and 
> perhaps even usable for audio processing.

yes, the reason for is is my homebrew installation which is only for ARM 
AFAIK it is tricky to have 2 different installations of homebrew. 

Before i try to solve this, there are 2 other solutions in my mind. 
1) i can try to build the required libs in a different path and redirect the 
necessary path to that folders. 
2) it can be helpful also for other developers to use the git submodule 
mechanism to download and compile it in a local  folder. 

What is your opinion? 

regards c~b 

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