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Re: [ft-devel] libsvgtiny (Re: [ft] Three GSoC projects for FreeType)

From: suzuki toshiya
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] libsvgtiny (Re: [ft] Three GSoC projects for FreeType)
Date: Wed, 8 May 2019 12:12:50 +0000

Dear Sylvain,

As far as I can remember, libsvgtiny was not discussed in the thread for
SVG-OT support. I didn't know the exist of libsvgtiny, I must thank you
for giving the information.

But I want to know, you're already familiar with libsvgtiny and you suggest
as the libsvgtiny is the best library to use for SVG-OT support in FreeType?
Or, you don't think so (or you're unsure) but just giving the information
to FreeType developers?

If some netsurf users want to have SVG-OT support, it might be considerable
option, but I'm questionable whether libsvgtiny could be a generic solution.

I assume you're familiar with libsvgtiny and its usage in/out of netsurf,
if it's my misunderstanding, please ignore.


address@hidden wrote:
> Hi,
> Kind of neither and both.
> 1 - I know of a small svg lib based on cairo, which is used by the netsurf
>     browser.
> 2 - in the context of enabling freetype to support svg font rendering, I was
>     wondering if this lib was considered? I don't know "how much" it is 
> required
>     to add to this svg renderer to make it render a font svg.

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